It is just about 11 P.M. and I just got home. I have been out all day; since about 10:45. Today was my friends birthday and we went out for lunch. Of course, we ate too much. After we ate we went and road around in part of the old cemetery. I wanted to get some pictures of some of the monuments and statuary. Some the markers are true works of art. I didn't take many and it is now too late to upload any of them.
There was one section just for soldiers. The some of the stones were so old and you couldn't read the inscriptions. Some were of WW Two. Many stones just had "Soldier" inscribed on them, possibly from the Civil War. I guess they were the unknown fallen solders from both sides. But it is sad that they didn't have names on the stones and no one to remember them.
We went back to Debbie's house and rolled quarters, nickles and dimes. She has saved her change for many years for a vacation. We rolled about $500. 00 worth of change. She had about $2o.00 dollars worth of money stolen from her car. Anyway she will have some spending money for her trip to Roam where she is headed in October. A vacation of a lifetime.
After we rolled coins we went to play Bingo at St.Ben's. Debbie won some money and I did, too. Not much, but I came out about $10.00 ahead. The big pot was $1000.00. I don't go in expecting to win, but as an entertainment. It is amazing how much some people do lose and leave in a unhappy state.
So, that was my day. I had two good meals, entertainment and was away from the phone all day 'though I think a certain niece tried to call me.
Tomorrow I hope to get a couple photos up of the statuary. It may not appeal to many, but I thought it was pretty.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Not much...but something

This is of part of my back yard in the spring time. The garden had just been planted. Now It needs to be cleaned out. You can see the pear tree next to the storage building...and the tall grass next door.
I slept last night without the interruptions of gremlins, aliens or blue boys from planet HPD. Today I got away from the house and away from the phone. If the phone didn't work I would miss it, but for now I wouldn't mind if it didn't ring for a few days.
My eye drop medication was straightened out and I picked it up this morning. I still didn't go to Wal-Mart, but that's OK. I will on Monday. Right now all the checks are out and the stores are full.
I drove down by the river and watched the Ohio flow for a bit. It is peaceful and no one to bother me. I wanted to get a picture of a tugboat coming down the river, but all that were out on the waters were speed boats. Any other time there would be plenty of tugboats pulling coal down to all parts south. I think people will need that coal this winter.
I got to have my supper last night without the phone ringing or someone showing up unannounced. I caught myself speed eating...I guess an unconscious gulping of food-meals, while I could. I slowed myself down, trying to enjoy my meal for a change. Today I ate at Shonny's and enjoyed the lunch at leisure. No one can find me at Shonny's...hehe.
There isn't much to post. There isn't much on TV so I guess I will read my book
Friday, August 28, 2009
High Drama
Sleep evades me. I didn't sleep Wed. night and I sure didn't sleep last night. I read until after midnight then took a Melatonin tablet, turned off the lights and went to bed. Melatonin is a natural sleep enhancer that is available over the counter and does not have side effects. I went to sleep and was in deep slumber land when I heard pounding on my front door. My house was lit up like a Christmas Tree. I was sure that aliens had come to suck me up into their space ship. I got up and looked out the window and saw two squad cars parked in the middle of the street and search lights on my house. I thought my house was on fire or there was a drug raid going on or some dire deed afoot. I hurried to toss on some cloths and turn on the lights and answer the door. The police were still pounding on the door. So I get the chain off, unlocked the door and unlocked the storm door. Four cops, three on the porch and one in the a car. They scared the poop out of me at 3 A. M. in the morning. They said a neighbor had called in and told them they hadn't seen me all week and they were checking on me. At 3 A. M. in the morning.
I had been in and out of the house most of the week and out in the garden. It nice that they were just doing their job, but couldn't they have come a bit earlier? Man! Needless to say I was not able to go to back to sleep so I stayed up and read. At 8 A. M. I crawled back into bed and just nicely got to sleep and the telephone rang and jolted me out of out of my reverie. So I ran to the phone in a mental fog to answer the infernal ding-a-ling thing and they had hung up..try again. I went back to bed and had just drifted off and the phone rang again. This time it was my eye Dr. telling me that there was a mix-up on my eye the pharmacy. I gave up, stayed up and finished my book which was a very good book: No Country for Old Men.
I didn't go to Wal-Mart or go pick up my eye drops or anything else. I am too tired to drive and that is a danger to myself and others. Therefore, I stayed home.
I am cooking another sweet potato in the steamer. It is suppertime and I hope I get to eat it in peace. High drama doesn't appeal to me at all.
If anyone was paying attention to the news they will have noticed that Congress is trying to pass a new law where the government can take over cybernet and private Internet in an "emergency situation" This would be control of communications. They tried to do this last spring and it died before it could be passed. Now they have changed the wording and are trying it again. They also want to abort talk shows and take over the PBC programming as well. Yes, it is true. I saw it on one of the crawlies that runs across the bottom of the TV screen. Be afraid for your constitutional right for free speech.
Whirlpool announced today that they are moving guessed it...Mexico . They will shed over 1000 employees here locally. That will have a pretty bad ripple effect in our local economy.
This they will do even though they were given all kinds of tax breaks and perks to keep them here. Bad, bad, bad.
I am going to eat my supper and hope for the best. MAYBE I CAN SLEEP TONIGHT!!!
I had been in and out of the house most of the week and out in the garden. It nice that they were just doing their job, but couldn't they have come a bit earlier? Man! Needless to say I was not able to go to back to sleep so I stayed up and read. At 8 A. M. I crawled back into bed and just nicely got to sleep and the telephone rang and jolted me out of out of my reverie. So I ran to the phone in a mental fog to answer the infernal ding-a-ling thing and they had hung up..try again. I went back to bed and had just drifted off and the phone rang again. This time it was my eye Dr. telling me that there was a mix-up on my eye the pharmacy. I gave up, stayed up and finished my book which was a very good book: No Country for Old Men.
I didn't go to Wal-Mart or go pick up my eye drops or anything else. I am too tired to drive and that is a danger to myself and others. Therefore, I stayed home.
I am cooking another sweet potato in the steamer. It is suppertime and I hope I get to eat it in peace. High drama doesn't appeal to me at all.
If anyone was paying attention to the news they will have noticed that Congress is trying to pass a new law where the government can take over cybernet and private Internet in an "emergency situation" This would be control of communications. They tried to do this last spring and it died before it could be passed. Now they have changed the wording and are trying it again. They also want to abort talk shows and take over the PBC programming as well. Yes, it is true. I saw it on one of the crawlies that runs across the bottom of the TV screen. Be afraid for your constitutional right for free speech.
Whirlpool announced today that they are moving guessed it...Mexico . They will shed over 1000 employees here locally. That will have a pretty bad ripple effect in our local economy.
This they will do even though they were given all kinds of tax breaks and perks to keep them here. Bad, bad, bad.
I am going to eat my supper and hope for the best. MAYBE I CAN SLEEP TONIGHT!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Nap time

I didn't get everything done today that I had planned on doing. I got most of what I wanted to do accomplished. The one thing that I didn't get done is to go to Wal-Mart. I guess tomorrow I will go again. It was so hot that my cloths were saturated and clinging. I did go to the library and to Lowe's and got that done. I also dropped of some odds 'n ends at the Salvation Army. There was a long line up at the back door...I guess waiting to go in for lunch. I forgot to go back to the drug store for my eye drops, but I can do that tomorrow, too.
I didn't sleep well last night and was awake well before dawn. Finally I just got up around 7 A.M. and did some odd jobs around the house. That is why I had to take a little nap around 3:30 P.M.
Last eve. as I was looking out the kitchen window, there was that Woodchuck munching away in the tall grass next door. A happy, fat critter was he. Why shouldn't he be? He has a garden, tall grass next door and a trash pile to hide in. He has already done damage under and about my storage shed. I will try putting moth balls down his tunnel and see if his sniffer rebels and he might move elsewhere.
Another aspect of unkempt property is the big mosquitoes that thrive there. They feast with a vengeance, especially in the early eve. hrs. or when the sun goes behind a cloud...hate um.
This has been an non-eventual day...I lead a dull life and am happy to do so. I should sleep good tonight....LOL.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Does Turmeric work or is it all "mind over matter?" Maybe both. My blood pressure was running a bit to high and pulse too slow, even with medication and a new addition to it. Well, it is slightly high in the morning, but was climbing even higher in the day time. So I started taking the Turmeric again, as stated. I put in my milk, in my coffee and on regular food. When I got up the B/P was a little high and the pulse too slow, but by afternoon it was 112/69 and pulse of 69. That is good and that is where I want it. Will it stay that way? Time will tell and I will keep tabs on it.
I picked off what green beans were left in the garden after someones harvest and got about two cups of beans. Half of the beans are in the steamer right now and I smell them cooking along with some sausage, a very small potato and a carrot. The steamer gets out most of the fat from the sausage and that is good. No one needs all that cholesterol, but I like all the stuff that isn't good for me.
While in the garden I salvaged what tomatoes I could. There may be enough, maybe a quart, to put into the freezer with a few leftover to eat. Every little bit counts in this economy.
I think that I will get some rotisserie chicken from Wal- mart to put into the freezer. They are already cooked and not much more expensive than a regular uncooked chicken. It keeps from heating up the kitchen, the preparation and cleaning up.
The local news paper called this morning and wanted to do a short follow-up story about the chickens-I once had. The chickens are long gone, thanks to the elitist, backward thinking City of Henderson. He can write about it if he wants too. He asked me how much I was out and I told him about $500 to $600 dollars which is true and that doesn't count time, labor and aggravation from the city. He knew that other people in town were raising chickens, as did I, but you can not name names.
I watched Glenn Beck today as I do most days and fell asleep as I do most days, but I got the gist of the message. It makes you wonder what America will be like in ten years.
Here is a short video to help you keep cool in these last days of summer. No, they are not mine; they are public downloads.
I picked off what green beans were left in the garden after someones harvest and got about two cups of beans. Half of the beans are in the steamer right now and I smell them cooking along with some sausage, a very small potato and a carrot. The steamer gets out most of the fat from the sausage and that is good. No one needs all that cholesterol, but I like all the stuff that isn't good for me.
While in the garden I salvaged what tomatoes I could. There may be enough, maybe a quart, to put into the freezer with a few leftover to eat. Every little bit counts in this economy.
I think that I will get some rotisserie chicken from Wal- mart to put into the freezer. They are already cooked and not much more expensive than a regular uncooked chicken. It keeps from heating up the kitchen, the preparation and cleaning up.
The local news paper called this morning and wanted to do a short follow-up story about the chickens-I once had. The chickens are long gone, thanks to the elitist, backward thinking City of Henderson. He can write about it if he wants too. He asked me how much I was out and I told him about $500 to $600 dollars which is true and that doesn't count time, labor and aggravation from the city. He knew that other people in town were raising chickens, as did I, but you can not name names.
I watched Glenn Beck today as I do most days and fell asleep as I do most days, but I got the gist of the message. It makes you wonder what America will be like in ten years.
Here is a short video to help you keep cool in these last days of summer. No, they are not mine; they are public downloads.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tumeric is a spice from the far east and in China. It is supposed to help elevate the following ailments and symptoms that plague us all at one time or another. It is used for:
Bacterial infections
Bloody urine
Chest pain
Intestinal gas
Irritable bowel
Liver disorders
Local pain inflammation
Menstrual problems
Parasite infestations
Rheumatoid arthritis
Sharp intestinal pains
Viral infection
Six or seven months ago Tumeric was the latest fad; all the rage for those that try and use natural herb and spice remedies. Naturally, I went out and bought some, too. Now I am trying it because of my blood pressure and pulse not behaving. I have been putting it in my coffee in the morning and sprinkling on other foods, as well. As I have just re-started using it, I don't know what the results will be, but this morning my B/P was down 10 pts. It was 135/54. Now if I can just get my pulse up out of my socks. I will continue using Tumeric and see what happens and post it if it helps.
My Internet modem went out again and I called At&t again. The tech. replaced the modem with a larger modem that is meant for businesses. It works. Next week I will be hooked up to broadband and maybe I won't have theses problems anymore.
The woodchuck evaded the trap by digging a hole right next to it. Smart "chuck, but I'm gonna get him yet. I didn't work in the garden today, but I noticed that what tomatoes I have on the vine have developed that black rot and are falling off the vine. Bad.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Fall Cleanup
I have been out in the garden pulling up some of the dying/dead plants such as lettuce and other greens. There are late radishes in the garden which I have discovered can be boiled, fried or steamed. Cooking the radishes even for just short time(a couple minutes) takes the bite out of them and you have a crunchy addition to your meal. Don't cook the woody ones though. I dug into the sweet potatoes and pulled out a big yellow potato. I will cook it in the pressure cooker tonight. I picked off the beans that were left, thinking I will get them before someone else does. Chuck has been keeping an eagle eye on the sweet potatoes, too. I will try to dig some up before they are gone, too. My arm gives me fits so I don't know how much digging I will get done. I also cut back the Spinach and Swiss Chard, hoping for a new growth spurt. The garden is dry, but rain is coming in a few the weather man says. I would like to sow some turnips in the area that I am clearing out.
I have a new guest in my yard. It is another woodchuck. It has probably been living in the open trash pile next to my fence, and drawn by that nice, green garden on this side. There is now a trap waiting for it. I guess that I will have to call the codes dept. to get that J@#$@#S to clean up the mess. I am tired of asking. That house and the occupants have been a thorn in my yard and fence for years.
My Internet connection fades in and out so I will stop here.
I have a new guest in my yard. It is another woodchuck. It has probably been living in the open trash pile next to my fence, and drawn by that nice, green garden on this side. There is now a trap waiting for it. I guess that I will have to call the codes dept. to get that J@#$@#S to clean up the mess. I am tired of asking. That house and the occupants have been a thorn in my yard and fence for years.
My Internet connection fades in and out so I will stop here.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I have spent the day(not all of it) reading a paperback about a young ascetic's journey through life, seeking Nirvana. The book was written in 1927, way before the advent of hippies, LSD, communes or "enlightened ones" seeking truth. At first I thought it would be pretty boring, but then I couldn't put it down, even though it was written in a slightly stilted style. I got to thinking, aren't we all seeking truth and enlightenment-Nirvana? Maybe that is part of the move for independence from the government-back to the earth mode, we find ourselves in. We don't trust the government and we are disenchanted with the society and the norms of our present culture. I don't think many of us would cast off our clothing and divest all our property and material things, but we all know that "less is more." We are all seekers and most of us don't really know what we are looking for. I think many that are involved in the present day drug scene are carry overs from the hippie generation and the new crop of seekers of enchantment and release from pain, responsibilities and reality. After all, life isn't always pleasant, love and roses or Woodstock. BTW, the name of the book is SIDDHARTHA by Hermann Hess. The copy I have was printed in 1972 and the author had passed away in1962. I had to borrow the paperback and the book may be out of print. Ask around or check the library, if at all interested.
There are those that say that religion is the opium of the masses. Obama said that we "cling to our guns and religion." Now he is courting the various religious groups, sects and established Churches in order to proselytize his new deity, The House of Spendaholics. His church has no foundation and is built on sand. He needs to do a little seeking and discernment. He should become a seeker.
There is nothing wrong with organized religion other than it is organized and doesn't really go much further than being an obligatory, kind of group thing. I am just not into organized religion anymore. I know what is right and wrong, good or bad and how to follow the Ten Commandments. I am not aways wise, sometimes slovenly, lazy occasionally out spoken. That's life and then some. I am who I am and the government, society or religion can do little to change me at this late date. But Oh, to be enlightened. Sigh
There are those that say that religion is the opium of the masses. Obama said that we "cling to our guns and religion." Now he is courting the various religious groups, sects and established Churches in order to proselytize his new deity, The House of Spendaholics. His church has no foundation and is built on sand. He needs to do a little seeking and discernment. He should become a seeker.
There is nothing wrong with organized religion other than it is organized and doesn't really go much further than being an obligatory, kind of group thing. I am just not into organized religion anymore. I know what is right and wrong, good or bad and how to follow the Ten Commandments. I am not aways wise, sometimes slovenly, lazy occasionally out spoken. That's life and then some. I am who I am and the government, society or religion can do little to change me at this late date. But Oh, to be enlightened. Sigh
Friday, August 21, 2009
Life in the Pretty Lane
The grass has been mowed and the yard trimed; it looks good. I wish my neighbors would take a hint and get theirs done, too. But then what can you expect here in the "inner city." This used to be a very fine neighborhood, but all the oder folks have passed away or got of this area.
I tried to get my old mower started, but all I did was aggrivate my arm. I wish I could get rid of all those pins in my elbow.
The price of gas jumped almost 30 cents overnight, but as I read stocks and bonds yesterday, the price of oil was holding steady. What ever happened to anti-monopoly laws? Every brand goes up at the same time and right before a holiday. Where is the government oversight? I believe the high price of energy is in great part responsible for the recession/depression. If all your income is going into the gas tank how can people spend their money on any thing else?
This has been another pretty day even though it was hot; it wasn't humid. Saturday is supposed to be nice, also.
I will be changing over to Insight Communications sometime in early September. I have had less than stellar service with AT&T. The Internet fades in and out far too often. It is time for a change.
I have some more zucchini and squash to take care of. Also, have some okra. The thing about okra is that you can pick it every day and still not keep up with it. I do like it 'though, breaded and deep fried. I have about shot my wad on information other than the mundane daily odds and ends. I suppose I could "borrow" a few raving rants from other blog sites...nahh.
I tried to get my old mower started, but all I did was aggrivate my arm. I wish I could get rid of all those pins in my elbow.
The price of gas jumped almost 30 cents overnight, but as I read stocks and bonds yesterday, the price of oil was holding steady. What ever happened to anti-monopoly laws? Every brand goes up at the same time and right before a holiday. Where is the government oversight? I believe the high price of energy is in great part responsible for the recession/depression. If all your income is going into the gas tank how can people spend their money on any thing else?
This has been another pretty day even though it was hot; it wasn't humid. Saturday is supposed to be nice, also.
I will be changing over to Insight Communications sometime in early September. I have had less than stellar service with AT&T. The Internet fades in and out far too often. It is time for a change.
I have some more zucchini and squash to take care of. Also, have some okra. The thing about okra is that you can pick it every day and still not keep up with it. I do like it 'though, breaded and deep fried. I have about shot my wad on information other than the mundane daily odds and ends. I suppose I could "borrow" a few raving rants from other blog sites...nahh.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Far from the phone

I went out shopping just to get out of the house and away from the phone. If someone really needs to contact me they can leave a message or send out the National Guard. I stayed out as long as I could, but when I got back and opened the front door...the phone was ringing. I didn't answer it as I had bags in my hand and also needed to go the little girls room.
I didn't really buy a lot and I have to go back to Lowe's and exchange a chimney extension. I got the wrong size. While I was there I picked up the insulation strips and sealing foam that I was going to get next week. It is sad in a sense to see such a big store with only a few customers and the sales people falling all over themselves trying to help you out and make a sale. I guess that is good for me and good for the store.
I brought in a bunch of canned goods that I had left in the van. I need to store them away. I still have a few more cans to bring in. I have to use my "rolly cart" to bring the canned good in as my right arm wants to lift, but can't quiet handle the heavy stuff. That $10.00 wheeled cart was worth every bit of the ten bucks I paid for it.
Tomorrow I hope to start to clean out the garden a bit and toss some of the dying plants on the compost heap. I hope to pick off most of the little cherry tomatoes and pull the plants. There is an abundance of the cherry tomatoes, but only a few tomato plants. If I had planted the garden I would have had 10 to 15 tomato plants for canning and freezing. Live and learn. No sense in getting hyper over a garden, is there.
It is cooler today and cooler at night now. I looked at the tree next door and that tree's leaves are turning. I guess my tree will be next to turn. I planted that tree in the front yard when it was just about five feet high or so and about as big around as my thumb. You should see it now. When I first bought this house there was a really big Maple tree almost against the house. Part of it went over in a storm, landed on the fuse box next door and started a small fire. Needless to say, I had that tree removed.
After I got home from my trip out I fell asleep on the couch again. I think my slow pulse makes me sleepy. Snore, snore, yawn, yawn. Maybe if I get myself more active I can rev up my engine. Varoomm!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A slow day
Well, I was tired from my little road trip of yesterday so I slept late and that felt good. I didn't really do much today, either.
I did go out to pick of pears from the pear tree, but Chuck and Judy had picked it bare. A bare pear tree. They knew I wanted to take pears to the nursing home, but there are none to take. They must have pulled all the onions, too. They didn't leave any for my own personal use.There will be no shared garden next year. I only got what they didn't like. Well, at least I got some carrots.
I cooked pork chops, carrots, some okra and little potatoes from my potato bucket. The potatoes from the bucket were small and few, but they were pretty good. I don't think it is the best way to raise potatoes, but it was an interesting experiment.
I continue to stock up. Today I found canned sausages. There weren't very many cans on the shelf and some were dented, so I only bought two cans. Tomorrow I may go to the Dollar Store and look around, maybe visit the Salvation Army and the Good Will Store and look for some books to read or some bargains to add to my stock.
We got a short shower today and we needed it. Whereas a couple weeks ago we were nearly swimming in heavy rains, now we are into the August heat-drought and the ground is hard and dry. I still think we will have a long, hard winter.
There isn't much to post about so I will get some more stuff out of the van.
I did go out to pick of pears from the pear tree, but Chuck and Judy had picked it bare. A bare pear tree. They knew I wanted to take pears to the nursing home, but there are none to take. They must have pulled all the onions, too. They didn't leave any for my own personal use.There will be no shared garden next year. I only got what they didn't like. Well, at least I got some carrots.
I cooked pork chops, carrots, some okra and little potatoes from my potato bucket. The potatoes from the bucket were small and few, but they were pretty good. I don't think it is the best way to raise potatoes, but it was an interesting experiment.
I continue to stock up. Today I found canned sausages. There weren't very many cans on the shelf and some were dented, so I only bought two cans. Tomorrow I may go to the Dollar Store and look around, maybe visit the Salvation Army and the Good Will Store and look for some books to read or some bargains to add to my stock.
We got a short shower today and we needed it. Whereas a couple weeks ago we were nearly swimming in heavy rains, now we are into the August heat-drought and the ground is hard and dry. I still think we will have a long, hard winter.
There isn't much to post about so I will get some more stuff out of the van.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A friend and I went to the Abby and did some shopping in their gift store. Debbie bought a lot of items; I just bought a few. I don't know how much she spent, but the back of my van was full and she had to roll her goodies out on a cart. I will buy more items later. I find The Abby Gift Store just a bit too rich for my Social Security. We buy inexpensive items, wrap them and give them to the residents at the nursing home from where I retired. The Sisters also give them presents at Christmas, but it always utilitarian. That is good 'though because they can always use new cloths or sweaters. We get fun stuff, things for their rooms and yummies.
I started doing this almost 30 years ago when I heard that a resident had been "disowned" by her children. That wasn't really the case. While finding some items for that person I found a picture and the reason they never came to visit her. It was a picture of two adult caskets and two
small caskets. Her family had been killed in a head on collision on their ways up from the south to visit her. That is the true story and I have been leaving little gifts on the bed of the residents on "my floor" at Christmas ever since.
When Debbie came to work at The Little Sisters she picked up it and it has become a little tradition to do the deed. For years we have also giving them a little Christmas Party on the floor, also. Debbie is the major cook/party girl. I do the deviled eggs, the home made wine and cheeses. We did a late party after Christmas and after I messed up my arm. Basically, I was there and watched. I hope I do a better job this year.
We usually start shopping for bargains early and try to get things wrapped and ready. This past year the Sisters helped out a great deal and the residents had a blast.The Sisters give a separate party for the residents as well, and really spoil the old folks. It is a home that gets a 100% rating every year.
Anyway, that is what got me out and about today and it is a good drive. I guess we blew the carbon out of the van. The van is now five years old and only has 33.000 miles on it. That means I haven't done much driving in the past few months. The van and I are gonna rust out together.
I got away from the phone, too. There were messages ,but I didn't call back because we got back late and I was tired, hot and sticky. It was a beautiful day as long as you could stay in A/C and drink tall, coo drinks. And that was my day.
I started doing this almost 30 years ago when I heard that a resident had been "disowned" by her children. That wasn't really the case. While finding some items for that person I found a picture and the reason they never came to visit her. It was a picture of two adult caskets and two
small caskets. Her family had been killed in a head on collision on their ways up from the south to visit her. That is the true story and I have been leaving little gifts on the bed of the residents on "my floor" at Christmas ever since.
When Debbie came to work at The Little Sisters she picked up it and it has become a little tradition to do the deed. For years we have also giving them a little Christmas Party on the floor, also. Debbie is the major cook/party girl. I do the deviled eggs, the home made wine and cheeses. We did a late party after Christmas and after I messed up my arm. Basically, I was there and watched. I hope I do a better job this year.
We usually start shopping for bargains early and try to get things wrapped and ready. This past year the Sisters helped out a great deal and the residents had a blast.The Sisters give a separate party for the residents as well, and really spoil the old folks. It is a home that gets a 100% rating every year.
Anyway, that is what got me out and about today and it is a good drive. I guess we blew the carbon out of the van. The van is now five years old and only has 33.000 miles on it. That means I haven't done much driving in the past few months. The van and I are gonna rust out together.
I got away from the phone, too. There were messages ,but I didn't call back because we got back late and I was tired, hot and sticky. It was a beautiful day as long as you could stay in A/C and drink tall, coo drinks. And that was my day.
Monday, August 17, 2009
OK, maybe I won't change my phone number, but I sure feel like it. I have a FIH...that is induced headache. Am I the family psychiatrist? No, but if I charged by the hour for all the time and stress I get put through I'd be rich. Time on the phone by the hour...yes, by the hour, is time lost. I think I will add to my answering machine, "Don't call me, I'll call you." Maybe. Good thing no one has my cell number!
I didn't have enough tomatoes for canning and the work that it entails. I skinned what I had and froze about two quarts and ate some in a salad.
I stayed home in out of the heat and almost finished watching a video...and then it was the phone ringing. I missed the end of the movie. Tonight I will absolutely not pick up the phone. I would like to have some peace and quite.
I may go to St. Minerads tomorrow and buy some items from their gift shop. I once had cheese from the Trappist Monastery and it was the very best cheese I ever ate. Since then, they got rid of their more cheese from there. My mother used to make very good cottage cheese. The cottage cheese you buy is all right, but does not compare.
For some reason I can not sleep on an empty or even slightly empty stomach. I have to get up out of bed and find something to calm the tummy growlers. They say if you want to lose weight you should never eat before going to bed. After I feed the stomach gremlins I can go to sleep and not worry about the weight. Besides, winter is waiting in the wings and I may need the calories for hibernation time.
I am looking forward to September and hopefully cooler weather. The garden is dying back and I noticed a few brown leaves here and there. I guess the leaves will soon turn. I have seen them in the mountains of Penn. already turned by late Aug. August is fading fast and in just a couple weeks it will be gone.
I really don't have much to add because the phone has been constantly ringing and I can't get anything done, go anywhere or even go to the bathroom. Now I know how my mother used to feel when we were kids and always yelling "Maw, Maw!"
Chuck just came over from across the street where he is putting in a deck. He dug up some of the biggest, fattest carrots I have ever seen. They were planted late, but grew like mad. I haven't ever seen carrots like these in any store. BIG!
I didn't have enough tomatoes for canning and the work that it entails. I skinned what I had and froze about two quarts and ate some in a salad.
I stayed home in out of the heat and almost finished watching a video...and then it was the phone ringing. I missed the end of the movie. Tonight I will absolutely not pick up the phone. I would like to have some peace and quite.
I may go to St. Minerads tomorrow and buy some items from their gift shop. I once had cheese from the Trappist Monastery and it was the very best cheese I ever ate. Since then, they got rid of their more cheese from there. My mother used to make very good cottage cheese. The cottage cheese you buy is all right, but does not compare.
For some reason I can not sleep on an empty or even slightly empty stomach. I have to get up out of bed and find something to calm the tummy growlers. They say if you want to lose weight you should never eat before going to bed. After I feed the stomach gremlins I can go to sleep and not worry about the weight. Besides, winter is waiting in the wings and I may need the calories for hibernation time.
I am looking forward to September and hopefully cooler weather. The garden is dying back and I noticed a few brown leaves here and there. I guess the leaves will soon turn. I have seen them in the mountains of Penn. already turned by late Aug. August is fading fast and in just a couple weeks it will be gone.
I really don't have much to add because the phone has been constantly ringing and I can't get anything done, go anywhere or even go to the bathroom. Now I know how my mother used to feel when we were kids and always yelling "Maw, Maw!"
Chuck just came over from across the street where he is putting in a deck. He dug up some of the biggest, fattest carrots I have ever seen. They were planted late, but grew like mad. I haven't ever seen carrots like these in any store. BIG!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Old and Slow
I have an older computer system that I keep on hand for "back up." It is old and slow, but does work. As I pay most of my bills on line I do keep it just in case something might happen to this little lap top and have it off line for a time. I wouldn't be able to post much, but I would be able to meet my obligations. Also, I can use it for word processing and just general documents and recipes. My "friend" Judy wanted/asked me to sell her the monitor as hers is fried. Actually, I think she was expecting me to just outright give it to her. When I told her that the computer system wouldn't work very well without the thinks she got downright peeved. She makes $400. 00 bucks a week. I don't. She fritters her money away. She could probably go out and buy a monitor, but I think she thought she would get mine for free or nearly free. Not gonna happen.
I decided this would be a lazy day and I would just stay in. Besides, I have my nose deeply buried in a good book that I can't put down. I may even finish it tonight.
My niece Pat is doing very well after her surgery and she got to go home already. I spoke to her on the phone and she sounds worn out and tired, but doing OK. Beverly is not chasing Stu around with a crutch, as I alluded to, but likely she may feel like giving him a "whack" on occasion.
My other niece, Cindy, is trying to learn how to be a "prepper." The trick of being a "prepper" is don't eat everything you buy. But hey, life is a learning experience, isn't it. I sometimes do the same thing, but not too often. You have to give into your cravings once in a while. For me, it is Little Debbie Cakes; I do love 'em and I was surprised that my wt. wasn't any higher(high enough) when I went to the Dr. I have been trying to curb my lust for junk food/cakes and eat more boiled eggs, protein, oatmeal and green stuff. 20 lbs off would make me happy. My pulse was up a little this morning, btw.
Well, tomorrow being Sunday, I will not post. Maybe I will actually do something of consequence. like get up? LOl's
I decided this would be a lazy day and I would just stay in. Besides, I have my nose deeply buried in a good book that I can't put down. I may even finish it tonight.
My niece Pat is doing very well after her surgery and she got to go home already. I spoke to her on the phone and she sounds worn out and tired, but doing OK. Beverly is not chasing Stu around with a crutch, as I alluded to, but likely she may feel like giving him a "whack" on occasion.
My other niece, Cindy, is trying to learn how to be a "prepper." The trick of being a "prepper" is don't eat everything you buy. But hey, life is a learning experience, isn't it. I sometimes do the same thing, but not too often. You have to give into your cravings once in a while. For me, it is Little Debbie Cakes; I do love 'em and I was surprised that my wt. wasn't any higher(high enough) when I went to the Dr. I have been trying to curb my lust for junk food/cakes and eat more boiled eggs, protein, oatmeal and green stuff. 20 lbs off would make me happy. My pulse was up a little this morning, btw.
Well, tomorrow being Sunday, I will not post. Maybe I will actually do something of consequence. like get up? LOl's
Friday, August 14, 2009
Pulse 51
Yeah, that's right, my pulse is low and has been running low. I suppose that is why I get so sleepy and tired and don't get much done. The Dr. has taken me off that one B/P pill and I am to take my B/P every day and report back to him next week. Some Doctors prefer that their patients have low/slow heart rates, but I want to get up&at'em. I want some of that giddy-up-go stuff that I had ...oh, 40 years ago.
I went and got my milk and eggs at the regular grocery store and I looked at the Cornish Hens there in price comparing. I paid $2.49 at Save A Lot and at the reg grocery store they are $3.39 each. So, I saved nearly $1.00 apiece the other day. I will get some more next Save A Lot.
The man from the gas company came and changed out the gas meter and re-lite the pilot lights on the hot water tank and furnace. I asked him to just shut off the valve that feeds gas to the kitchen stove for now. I don't use that stove all that often and I can't can/preserve the way I would like to. I will just use the electric stove and the kitchen will be slightly cooler without four pilot lights burning. If it gets cold this winter I will have them turned back on just in case the power goes down.
Yesterday was a gorgeous day with low humidity. Today was hot and humid. The gas man had sweat dripping off his nose. I'll bet he was looking froward to the end of the day.
I think next week I will make my run to Lowe's and get some weather stripping and stuff. I think I can tack that up around the doors OK and if I can't, maybe I can use my electric staple gun. I hope next week will be slightly cooler and my giddy-up-go makes a comes back from where ever it roamed off to. All I do is yawn. I hope D.A. is over her cold soon and my sister Beverly is able to chase Stu around the house on her crutch...if she can't chase him, maybe she can give him a whack...LOL!
I went and got my milk and eggs at the regular grocery store and I looked at the Cornish Hens there in price comparing. I paid $2.49 at Save A Lot and at the reg grocery store they are $3.39 each. So, I saved nearly $1.00 apiece the other day. I will get some more next Save A Lot.
The man from the gas company came and changed out the gas meter and re-lite the pilot lights on the hot water tank and furnace. I asked him to just shut off the valve that feeds gas to the kitchen stove for now. I don't use that stove all that often and I can't can/preserve the way I would like to. I will just use the electric stove and the kitchen will be slightly cooler without four pilot lights burning. If it gets cold this winter I will have them turned back on just in case the power goes down.
Yesterday was a gorgeous day with low humidity. Today was hot and humid. The gas man had sweat dripping off his nose. I'll bet he was looking froward to the end of the day.
I think next week I will make my run to Lowe's and get some weather stripping and stuff. I think I can tack that up around the doors OK and if I can't, maybe I can use my electric staple gun. I hope next week will be slightly cooler and my giddy-up-go makes a comes back from where ever it roamed off to. All I do is yawn. I hope D.A. is over her cold soon and my sister Beverly is able to chase Stu around the house on her crutch...if she can't chase him, maybe she can give him a whack...LOL!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
'round town
Well, I have been around and about town doing some necessary odd errands and trip to the Dr., then to the library. Now I am sleepy.
Patsy had her surgery this morning and her husband Kevin says they think they "got it all." I hope so since kidney problems and a few other genetic boo boos seem to run in the family. The Dr. had me go to the lab and test me, too. I was already there, so it wasn't really much extra time. While we were talking I told him Obama wants him to give me (everyone) "end of life counseling." He dipped his head and just snickered. He told me that when he first started practising he paid $15.00 a year for his Mal Practice insurance and is now paying $13,000 per year. Most Dr.s around this area are not happy with the way the government gets in your/their faces.
I had intended to stop at the grocery store for milk, eggs and bread, but just came on home. I have everything under the sun stocked up except those 3 items. I guess I can hold out for a couple of days.
I am making this a short post because I am sleepy...besides I got a new book. I hope I can keep my eyes open to start it tonight.
Patsy had her surgery this morning and her husband Kevin says they think they "got it all." I hope so since kidney problems and a few other genetic boo boos seem to run in the family. The Dr. had me go to the lab and test me, too. I was already there, so it wasn't really much extra time. While we were talking I told him Obama wants him to give me (everyone) "end of life counseling." He dipped his head and just snickered. He told me that when he first started practising he paid $15.00 a year for his Mal Practice insurance and is now paying $13,000 per year. Most Dr.s around this area are not happy with the way the government gets in your/their faces.
I had intended to stop at the grocery store for milk, eggs and bread, but just came on home. I have everything under the sun stocked up except those 3 items. I guess I can hold out for a couple of days.
I am making this a short post because I am sleepy...besides I got a new book. I hope I can keep my eyes open to start it tonight.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
DoDo,big bird
You can tell school is back in session; it is hard to get on the internet as every kid in the country has a school provided computer. I did laugh when they announced on the news last night that FaceBook, Twitter, and MySpace were locked out. Good.
I thought at my age I had seen 'most everything, but maybe not. There were four old woman sitting in a corner. They had brought in big 1 qt. insulated mugs. They got their reg. drinks and drank them, went back for refills and filled their mugs, then went back to refill their reg. drinks and get caps for them. They ate their meals and before they left they bought carry outs. One individual was as big as a bus and had no neck. Just a straight line from chin to chest. Obese is a nice word for walking heart attack.
I bought four Cornish Hens and put them in the freezer. They are about the right size for a single person, yet you can get a couple meals out of them. I have to go out again tomorrow, so I will look for some more meat to put into the freezer when I come back from my appointment.
Gas is slightly lower than it was a few days ago. It was $2.54-57 and now it is back down to $2.49. It won't last long because they will jack it back up for labor day. I am tired of the constant manipulation by the big oil companies, Wall Street and a miserable government body of thieves and idiotic DoDos. A DoDo is a big bird with a very small brain. I don't know where Obama fits into the wall art, unless we can call him "King DoDo.
Tomorrow is trash day so I will close off my ramblings and got take the garbage out. To bad we can do the same with the politicians. Sweep um up, bag um up and let the "sanitary engineers" pick um up. Then they can lie and cheat and babble nonsense all the way to the recycling center. LOL's all the way. Yes!!!
I thought at my age I had seen 'most everything, but maybe not. There were four old woman sitting in a corner. They had brought in big 1 qt. insulated mugs. They got their reg. drinks and drank them, went back for refills and filled their mugs, then went back to refill their reg. drinks and get caps for them. They ate their meals and before they left they bought carry outs. One individual was as big as a bus and had no neck. Just a straight line from chin to chest. Obese is a nice word for walking heart attack.
I bought four Cornish Hens and put them in the freezer. They are about the right size for a single person, yet you can get a couple meals out of them. I have to go out again tomorrow, so I will look for some more meat to put into the freezer when I come back from my appointment.
Gas is slightly lower than it was a few days ago. It was $2.54-57 and now it is back down to $2.49. It won't last long because they will jack it back up for labor day. I am tired of the constant manipulation by the big oil companies, Wall Street and a miserable government body of thieves and idiotic DoDos. A DoDo is a big bird with a very small brain. I don't know where Obama fits into the wall art, unless we can call him "King DoDo.
Tomorrow is trash day so I will close off my ramblings and got take the garbage out. To bad we can do the same with the politicians. Sweep um up, bag um up and let the "sanitary engineers" pick um up. Then they can lie and cheat and babble nonsense all the way to the recycling center. LOL's all the way. Yes!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sticky stuff and floors
I didn't get much work done today, but I got about three or four qts. of the peaches in the freezer. I have some pears on the kitchen table to do and maybe enough tomatoes for three qts. The pears and peaches will taste good as the summer and fall winds down and the grind of winter woes becomes more apparent. I do wish I had more tomatoes. I got these before Chuck spied them. LOL's. I got two cabbages out of over 30, but that is OK. What I am really looking foreword to is the sweet potatoes ,which I love. I don't really know how to preserve them other than just putting them in storage. I know how to eat'um, though!
Debbie and I, minus her kidney, went down to her(their family owned)farm and dropped off some Ridex for the renter. She has done remarkably well after her surgery and I hope my niece Patsy does as well. Patsy has her surgery on Thursday, the day after her birthday.
I made a mess of the kitchen when I made/processed the peaches. Now I am trying to undo the chaos I created. My kitchen is not an ideal working kitchen. Not enough counter space or storage cabinets and it becomes hotter than hades even with the A/C running full tilt.
As I have indicated, I have just about finished stocking up on canned goods for winter. Now I guess it is time to think about meats. I have considered getting a half beef for the freezer, but my freezer is about full. I have two small freezers and of course, the freezer in the top of the refrigerator. They are for the most part, crammed full. Just about time to quit unless I spy a good meat sale. I think the Mormons are smart and have the right idea; it is part of their culture and religion to be prepared for whatever may be.
I guess tomorrow I will continue to "clean up" for the next mess I am bound to make. I got all the pots, pans and utensils done and ready go for the tomatoes and pears. I think tomorrow will be a good day to go get a hair cut, too. That is about for this day.
Debbie and I, minus her kidney, went down to her(their family owned)farm and dropped off some Ridex for the renter. She has done remarkably well after her surgery and I hope my niece Patsy does as well. Patsy has her surgery on Thursday, the day after her birthday.
I made a mess of the kitchen when I made/processed the peaches. Now I am trying to undo the chaos I created. My kitchen is not an ideal working kitchen. Not enough counter space or storage cabinets and it becomes hotter than hades even with the A/C running full tilt.
As I have indicated, I have just about finished stocking up on canned goods for winter. Now I guess it is time to think about meats. I have considered getting a half beef for the freezer, but my freezer is about full. I have two small freezers and of course, the freezer in the top of the refrigerator. They are for the most part, crammed full. Just about time to quit unless I spy a good meat sale. I think the Mormons are smart and have the right idea; it is part of their culture and religion to be prepared for whatever may be.
I guess tomorrow I will continue to "clean up" for the next mess I am bound to make. I got all the pots, pans and utensils done and ready go for the tomatoes and pears. I think tomorrow will be a good day to go get a hair cut, too. That is about for this day.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I hope I don't write in too much in a paranoid vein. I try not to be too political; sometimes I fail. Renting is not my natural inclination, but sometimes I get flustered. I hope I don't come off as a know-it-all-jackass 'though I may have that tendency. The one thing that I dislike for sure is...vulgarity. I hate the four letter words that so many use so casually. I do admit to slipping out with s***t on rare occasion, if something untoward and surprising occurs. Thus, I try to keep my postings reasonably short; sometimes I get into the moment. Yet. I try.
I got perturbed when I saw that the nice peaches were on top of the box and bruised and battered peaches were underneath the good ones. Sneaky and not totally honest. I had to get rid of a lot of the bruising and even a few rotten spots before I could continue with my task. It didn't help the appearance of the peaches, but at least they are flavorful and done for the freezer.
Watching Glenn Beck this afternoon was like a prelude of what's to come. He says "I hope no one does anything stupid." Say it, someone will think it, and it will happen, then there will be internal strife...blood on the Flag. Be careful what you allude to, Glenn, because some idiot will take it as a condoned action point and apply action.
I am a "sort a prepper." I prep for hard times, bad weather and the unexpected-such as a debilitating injury. My stocking up got me through the ice storms and winter after I fractured my elbow in various places. I know, I have said this before, but time is flying and summer is sailing right down the mighty Ohio. Oh, it is hot now, Grasshopper; the heat and humidity will fry and wilt you now, but later your teeth will be chattering away like that pesky squirrel that gets into my garden.
There are some bloggers about that spend hours and hours on the Internet doing "research" and postings. That is just fine, but if they have wives, children, spouses or extended families, isn't that taking a lot of quality time from them? Being informed and prepped is commendable, but what is all for if those you care about are alienated? Do you think prepping should be "all out" or a reasonable insanity?" You know the meaning of paranoia? "Heightened awareness." LOL
I got perturbed when I saw that the nice peaches were on top of the box and bruised and battered peaches were underneath the good ones. Sneaky and not totally honest. I had to get rid of a lot of the bruising and even a few rotten spots before I could continue with my task. It didn't help the appearance of the peaches, but at least they are flavorful and done for the freezer.
Watching Glenn Beck this afternoon was like a prelude of what's to come. He says "I hope no one does anything stupid." Say it, someone will think it, and it will happen, then there will be internal strife...blood on the Flag. Be careful what you allude to, Glenn, because some idiot will take it as a condoned action point and apply action.
I am a "sort a prepper." I prep for hard times, bad weather and the unexpected-such as a debilitating injury. My stocking up got me through the ice storms and winter after I fractured my elbow in various places. I know, I have said this before, but time is flying and summer is sailing right down the mighty Ohio. Oh, it is hot now, Grasshopper; the heat and humidity will fry and wilt you now, but later your teeth will be chattering away like that pesky squirrel that gets into my garden.
There are some bloggers about that spend hours and hours on the Internet doing "research" and postings. That is just fine, but if they have wives, children, spouses or extended families, isn't that taking a lot of quality time from them? Being informed and prepped is commendable, but what is all for if those you care about are alienated? Do you think prepping should be "all out" or a reasonable insanity?" You know the meaning of paranoia? "Heightened awareness." LOL
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I didn't get much done today because I was semi-sick with nausea and my head and neck felt it was being squeezed like a melon. I thought it was my blood pressure, but I finally figured it out-my body doesn't like the pain pill Percocet/Endocet. This particular pain pill is for discomfort of the elbow/arm. Since I thought I would be overusing my "poo liddle aum" I took a half tablet. Not good. The person I was going with changed her mind and wanted to go to other places instead, which we did. As the day progressed I was feeling yuckier and yuckier and she was well aware of my dilemma, but she had to stop for a coke, chase an old lady who cut her off, give her the finger, blow the horn at drivers who were going to slow and generally be obnoxious behind the wheel. Never again will I ride with that woman..
I did not get my tomatoes. I did get some really good peaches at the local farmer's market. I got them for the freezer, but I had to eat at least one. They melt in your mouth, they are so good. The pears are about ready to pick, too. But darn it, I have no tomatoes.
My sickness has about worn off, but I still feel the effects of the medicine. I am just sooo delicate...LOL! I guess I will take a Darvocet next time I need something.
Obama is busy putting his foot in his mouth as are his little minions. The real Obama is oozing forth and into the bloodstream of America. I know you have heard of septicemia..well, now be aware of a new disease called Septi-Obam-ous, a virulent arcade of pustules that causes Peon'-u, you little peon'. Really bad stuff to be exposed to and hard to eradicate once infected. I don't think there is a vaccine available for it yet. When it is finally developed and becomes available to the unwashed, starving Ameri-cuses, it will surely have a wide range of side effects. Hmmm?Remember, you heard it here first. LOL'S
Tomorrow, being Sunday and I don't post on Sunday, will become Peach Day. END
P.S. If I see Sept-Obam-ous show up in other blogs I will know that other people are actually reading this post, other than my poor, brave very few followers...sigh.
I did not get my tomatoes. I did get some really good peaches at the local farmer's market. I got them for the freezer, but I had to eat at least one. They melt in your mouth, they are so good. The pears are about ready to pick, too. But darn it, I have no tomatoes.
My sickness has about worn off, but I still feel the effects of the medicine. I am just sooo delicate...LOL! I guess I will take a Darvocet next time I need something.
Obama is busy putting his foot in his mouth as are his little minions. The real Obama is oozing forth and into the bloodstream of America. I know you have heard of septicemia..well, now be aware of a new disease called Septi-Obam-ous, a virulent arcade of pustules that causes Peon'-u, you little peon'. Really bad stuff to be exposed to and hard to eradicate once infected. I don't think there is a vaccine available for it yet. When it is finally developed and becomes available to the unwashed, starving Ameri-cuses, it will surely have a wide range of side effects. Hmmm?Remember, you heard it here first. LOL'S
Tomorrow, being Sunday and I don't post on Sunday, will become Peach Day. END
P.S. If I see Sept-Obam-ous show up in other blogs I will know that other people are actually reading this post, other than my poor, brave very few followers...sigh.
Friday, August 7, 2009
A day off
I took the day off from posting because of a faulty power pack that is attached to my modem. It was made in China, of course. I originally thought the modem was bad, but the guy from AT&T found the problem right away and as you can see, it is now fixed.
Most items that I might get at Wal-Mart are made in China and do not last long. I bought a carton of florescent light bulbs from Lowe's and half of them were defective-made in China. It is illegal to manufacture florescent lights in Ky. We don't want to pollute our blue grass. We would rather pollute China. Thus inferior products that are no longer inexpensive products. I bought an electric fry pan from Wal-Mart and the non-stick coating inside was bubbled-defective. Wal-Mart wouldn't take it back...said I had to contact the company who said they didn't have any in stock and call back in six that time they hope you forget and I did.
I had my fence line cleaned out today. The weeds and trash trees grow on the other side of the fence, but block my alley and grow over the roof top as well. I go through this every year and have to spend my money to get rid of someone else's little forest of over growth and weeds. I wouldn't spend the money except that the city meter reader needs to get through the alleyway. The guy that owns that house never took care of his yard or house and never will.
My niece Patsy just got out of the hospital. She had been given too much steroid for poison ivy and became like a blimp overnight. Normally she is very thin and wiry. In the process of her health care they discovered that she has a tumor on her adrenal gland which sits on top of the kidney. I suppose that it was a blessing in away that they had found the tumor by accident. This is the same hospital that sent my sister home in a taxi cab and told her it was all in her head and that there was nothing wrong with her. Two hours later she was dead. The same hospital where my nephew bled to death from a ruptured aorta. He was just 20 yrs. old. Bad hospital, very bad.
I plan on going to the Amish farms tomorrow to get tomatoes. My tomatoes didn't produce enough for canning this year. We will see. Sometimes the best laid know.
Most items that I might get at Wal-Mart are made in China and do not last long. I bought a carton of florescent light bulbs from Lowe's and half of them were defective-made in China. It is illegal to manufacture florescent lights in Ky. We don't want to pollute our blue grass. We would rather pollute China. Thus inferior products that are no longer inexpensive products. I bought an electric fry pan from Wal-Mart and the non-stick coating inside was bubbled-defective. Wal-Mart wouldn't take it back...said I had to contact the company who said they didn't have any in stock and call back in six that time they hope you forget and I did.
I had my fence line cleaned out today. The weeds and trash trees grow on the other side of the fence, but block my alley and grow over the roof top as well. I go through this every year and have to spend my money to get rid of someone else's little forest of over growth and weeds. I wouldn't spend the money except that the city meter reader needs to get through the alleyway. The guy that owns that house never took care of his yard or house and never will.
My niece Patsy just got out of the hospital. She had been given too much steroid for poison ivy and became like a blimp overnight. Normally she is very thin and wiry. In the process of her health care they discovered that she has a tumor on her adrenal gland which sits on top of the kidney. I suppose that it was a blessing in away that they had found the tumor by accident. This is the same hospital that sent my sister home in a taxi cab and told her it was all in her head and that there was nothing wrong with her. Two hours later she was dead. The same hospital where my nephew bled to death from a ruptured aorta. He was just 20 yrs. old. Bad hospital, very bad.
I plan on going to the Amish farms tomorrow to get tomatoes. My tomatoes didn't produce enough for canning this year. We will see. Sometimes the best laid know.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Spiders, Spiders, everywhere
The spiders are coming in. They like me. They like my house. Spiders and crickets come to visit and stay...uninvited house house guests. They manage to get in under the backdoor without a problem. It doesn't help that my house doesn't have a high foundation. Someone told me that houses built on slabs should be outlawed. I agree. I need to get some more of those spider traps.
I have prepared about 5 1/2 quarts of cabbage to put into the freezer. It is cooling now. I might have had enough for 6 quarts, but I ate some. Pretty good now and even better when winter comes knocking at the door. The liquid left over can be used in soups, but strange as it may seem, I enjoy drinking it. I have read that it is good for you, too. Don't know about that, but I do enjoy the taste as it has a slightly sweet flavor and is already lightly seasoned.
I did stay home this day and am gonna tackle a walk in closet this evening....because I can't walk into it. This will be a big effort for me. I have been putting it off because I just don't know what to do was the stuff I have piled in there. Some of it will get tossed, but I hate to get rid of things I think I might use one day. It is also a nice place for those lovely spiders to hang out and hide in clothing.
A lot of the garden is going to seed. It has been so wet that I don't like getting out into the mud. I hope I get the sweet potatoes before Chuck does. He can have all the pears or grapes, but I love sweet potatoes. They will keep well in a cool, dark place...if I get to them first. I just don't know how well I can dig them up.
There are two volunteer tomato plants growing in the chicken run. They may not produce before fall. I will watch them and see how they progress. It makes me think that the chicken run would be a good place for tomatoes next year. There is all that chicken wire to tie them to and it is well fertilized. The space will not be wasted. I have started putting odds and ends into the coop "garden shed."
I need to work on the mower. Just about every day it pours and I don't want to pull it out and get wet. For some reason it will start, then quit. There must be some dirt in the gas line or carburetor. Last year I could do lots of chores, such as working on the mower and various other tasks. This year I contemplate the act before I try it. I will get it done. I know I can/will.
Next week the gas company is changing out the gas meter. I guess they think there is something wrong with it because the gas bill was only $20.00. They changed it before when my gas bill was only $12.00. I just don't use much gas in the summer. I use the electric stove and electric appliances instead. Gas heats my kitchen to unbearable degree in the summer even if it has been a cooler than average. The electric bill is up, the gas bill is down. This will reverse when the cold weather settles in. Ahhh, the cycles of life.
I have prepared about 5 1/2 quarts of cabbage to put into the freezer. It is cooling now. I might have had enough for 6 quarts, but I ate some. Pretty good now and even better when winter comes knocking at the door. The liquid left over can be used in soups, but strange as it may seem, I enjoy drinking it. I have read that it is good for you, too. Don't know about that, but I do enjoy the taste as it has a slightly sweet flavor and is already lightly seasoned.
I did stay home this day and am gonna tackle a walk in closet this evening....because I can't walk into it. This will be a big effort for me. I have been putting it off because I just don't know what to do was the stuff I have piled in there. Some of it will get tossed, but I hate to get rid of things I think I might use one day. It is also a nice place for those lovely spiders to hang out and hide in clothing.
A lot of the garden is going to seed. It has been so wet that I don't like getting out into the mud. I hope I get the sweet potatoes before Chuck does. He can have all the pears or grapes, but I love sweet potatoes. They will keep well in a cool, dark place...if I get to them first. I just don't know how well I can dig them up.
There are two volunteer tomato plants growing in the chicken run. They may not produce before fall. I will watch them and see how they progress. It makes me think that the chicken run would be a good place for tomatoes next year. There is all that chicken wire to tie them to and it is well fertilized. The space will not be wasted. I have started putting odds and ends into the coop "garden shed."
I need to work on the mower. Just about every day it pours and I don't want to pull it out and get wet. For some reason it will start, then quit. There must be some dirt in the gas line or carburetor. Last year I could do lots of chores, such as working on the mower and various other tasks. This year I contemplate the act before I try it. I will get it done. I know I can/will.
Next week the gas company is changing out the gas meter. I guess they think there is something wrong with it because the gas bill was only $20.00. They changed it before when my gas bill was only $12.00. I just don't use much gas in the summer. I use the electric stove and electric appliances instead. Gas heats my kitchen to unbearable degree in the summer even if it has been a cooler than average. The electric bill is up, the gas bill is down. This will reverse when the cold weather settles in. Ahhh, the cycles of life.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Gurgle, gurgle
For me, a computer and the Internet is a minor luxury. In the city next door every student is getting a computer to take home for the year along with the required books. At the same time that unnamed city is cutting jobs, holing any raises back and no longer funding the retirement funds for city employees. For this year...they say. But every kid gets a computer. See Your taxes at work.
The worst of the rain has passed just to the north of here in Western Ky., but has visited Louisville with copious amt.s of rain. They got six inches in three hours. They probably wish the had an Ark because there was a lot of flooding in that city. We will get hours later this evening.
I did get back to Lowe's and returned the chimney topper. I hope this one fits. In the meantime I guess I will have water running down the wall and have to deal with that.
I didn't do any shopping or stocking up today. Just bought what I had to buy for the stove pipe. One of the stores is having a sale on pork so I guess I will get some for the freezer on the morrow.
I have been cutting off the fat from meat products and freezing for later use. You can cook or season with the fat. After all, that is where lard comes from; fat pigs. My mother did a lot of cooking with fatback in an old cast iron frying pan.
A lot of people worry about eating pork, beef, or bacon fat. If you are a hard working individual you won't need to concern yourself because you will burn it off. I have taken care of a lot of older people who ate what they wanted and lived well into their nineties. They were pretty healthy over the long run because they had worked off the calories and cholesterol. BTW, your body manufactures cholesterol naturally and you can not live without. You need a certain amt. of fat.
Today I received several phone calls that were long drawn out conversations relating to phycological problems. I am not a phycologist; I don't' know the answers and besides they don't listen anyway. Hmmm, just got another ph. call from my niece, wondering if I was under water. Nope..gurgle, gurgle.
The worst of the rain has passed just to the north of here in Western Ky., but has visited Louisville with copious amt.s of rain. They got six inches in three hours. They probably wish the had an Ark because there was a lot of flooding in that city. We will get hours later this evening.
I did get back to Lowe's and returned the chimney topper. I hope this one fits. In the meantime I guess I will have water running down the wall and have to deal with that.
I didn't do any shopping or stocking up today. Just bought what I had to buy for the stove pipe. One of the stores is having a sale on pork so I guess I will get some for the freezer on the morrow.
I have been cutting off the fat from meat products and freezing for later use. You can cook or season with the fat. After all, that is where lard comes from; fat pigs. My mother did a lot of cooking with fatback in an old cast iron frying pan.
A lot of people worry about eating pork, beef, or bacon fat. If you are a hard working individual you won't need to concern yourself because you will burn it off. I have taken care of a lot of older people who ate what they wanted and lived well into their nineties. They were pretty healthy over the long run because they had worked off the calories and cholesterol. BTW, your body manufactures cholesterol naturally and you can not live without. You need a certain amt. of fat.
Today I received several phone calls that were long drawn out conversations relating to phycological problems. I am not a phycologist; I don't' know the answers and besides they don't listen anyway. Hmmm, just got another ph. call from my niece, wondering if I was under water. Nope..gurgle, gurgle.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Swine Flu has raised it snotty snout in Ky. In Mulhlenberg Co, just about 40 miles from here, 49 students studying at the Career Center are sick city. They are considering weather they may hold off starting school.. My guess is that a lot of parents will keep their kids home for a bit as the bugaboo seems to spreading. This morning the count of ill students at the Career Center was around 37 and has already increased to 49 of confirmed infected.
The crickets are moving in. They come in under the doors. They are a sure sign of things to come-like fall. They even get into my sink. I don't know how they jump so high, but they do. They chirp all night and drive me semi-silly.
The Rambler has been started and parked in front of my house. The reason that it is in front and not up in the driveway is because my new neighbors are already dumping their empty fast food containers out of their cars and onto the sidewalk or into the street directly in front of my house. People are driving by and checking out the old 1960 Nash Rambler. Hmmm, maybe someone will come by and buy it.
I need to go back to Lows and get the proper size stove pipe topper. It is the thingy that keeps the rain from coming in. I got one this morning, but it was too small.
Also, I need to carry in more canned goods and put them away. I think I have done about enough bargain hunting for this month.
Obama is gonna tax the American Slave Populous in order to fund his debt. We, the peon's knew he would: it was just a question of time. I call us the American Slaves because we will be chained to the government's massive debt for eons to come.
I see so many people hitting the Goodwill Store. The layoffs are creeping ever higher. Today I went and cashed out my Ford stock so I could get some more work done on the house. I started to rethink it and decided that maybe I would keep half of it active, but by the time I got to the broker it had already been sold. Ford stock is going up and seems to be selling well 'cause someone snatched mine up fast. Wish I had more.
Just a note of caution: Home Invasions are increasing in this area as the economy gets sucked out. Be aware of your doors and windows and how well they will keep intruders out. Lock up, stock up, arm up.
The crickets are moving in. They come in under the doors. They are a sure sign of things to come-like fall. They even get into my sink. I don't know how they jump so high, but they do. They chirp all night and drive me semi-silly.
The Rambler has been started and parked in front of my house. The reason that it is in front and not up in the driveway is because my new neighbors are already dumping their empty fast food containers out of their cars and onto the sidewalk or into the street directly in front of my house. People are driving by and checking out the old 1960 Nash Rambler. Hmmm, maybe someone will come by and buy it.
I need to go back to Lows and get the proper size stove pipe topper. It is the thingy that keeps the rain from coming in. I got one this morning, but it was too small.
Also, I need to carry in more canned goods and put them away. I think I have done about enough bargain hunting for this month.
Obama is gonna tax the American Slave Populous in order to fund his debt. We, the peon's knew he would: it was just a question of time. I call us the American Slaves because we will be chained to the government's massive debt for eons to come.
I see so many people hitting the Goodwill Store. The layoffs are creeping ever higher. Today I went and cashed out my Ford stock so I could get some more work done on the house. I started to rethink it and decided that maybe I would keep half of it active, but by the time I got to the broker it had already been sold. Ford stock is going up and seems to be selling well 'cause someone snatched mine up fast. Wish I had more.
Just a note of caution: Home Invasions are increasing in this area as the economy gets sucked out. Be aware of your doors and windows and how well they will keep intruders out. Lock up, stock up, arm up.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
More seeds
I am going to shuck some purple bean seeds for next year and save them in an envelope. I will also save some Cantaloupe seeds as soon as they dry out. I have lots of empty envelopes waiting for some use.
My sister Beverly passed this hint on to me. She hollows out hot dog rolls and Hoagie/Sub bread for hot dogs and whatever they are fixing. She/they don't like all the bread that goes around a hot dog or Hoagie/Sub sandwich. She saves the bread that she hollows out, puts it in a plastic bag and then into the freezer. She uses that bread for stuffing/dressing.My mother used to save the bread heals for dressing, too. She would let the bread ends dry out and then add the appropriate seasonings for her dressing. She would stuff the bird or just cook it on the side in the roaster. We allways loved Mom's dressing and it was the "first to go" at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our mother was a good cook and could make a meal out of nothing. By the way, most kids have a tendency to eat the hot dog, burger or meat and toss/waste the "holder" it came in.
My brother in Dallas is 78 years old and wants to find a job. Most of his savings are gone and his wife has a serious illness. Well, thank you Wall Street and the government of crafty, grafty elected and appointed thieves.
This day came off hot and humid. The Weather Man says we will now get the August heat that usually flows through and steams up the Ohio Valley. We are 6 inches above normal in rainfall thus far. More is coming and the roof isn't fixed yet. It is one thing to have a leak, but not into an electric light fixture.
I just finished off a good book and will start another this eve. I think I mentioned that I got some talking/CDs as well. TV, with the exception of a few good shows, has sunk into the "stupid pit." Reality shows are G.O.D. each his own, I guess. I started out liking "Lost" and then it just became goofy and dumb. Years ago I like the soap "Days of Our Lives" and then they wrote in a story line about the magic crystal/s and everyone trying to possess them. I stopped watching that show, too. Picky me.
My sister Beverly passed this hint on to me. She hollows out hot dog rolls and Hoagie/Sub bread for hot dogs and whatever they are fixing. She/they don't like all the bread that goes around a hot dog or Hoagie/Sub sandwich. She saves the bread that she hollows out, puts it in a plastic bag and then into the freezer. She uses that bread for stuffing/dressing.My mother used to save the bread heals for dressing, too. She would let the bread ends dry out and then add the appropriate seasonings for her dressing. She would stuff the bird or just cook it on the side in the roaster. We allways loved Mom's dressing and it was the "first to go" at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our mother was a good cook and could make a meal out of nothing. By the way, most kids have a tendency to eat the hot dog, burger or meat and toss/waste the "holder" it came in.
My brother in Dallas is 78 years old and wants to find a job. Most of his savings are gone and his wife has a serious illness. Well, thank you Wall Street and the government of crafty, grafty elected and appointed thieves.
This day came off hot and humid. The Weather Man says we will now get the August heat that usually flows through and steams up the Ohio Valley. We are 6 inches above normal in rainfall thus far. More is coming and the roof isn't fixed yet. It is one thing to have a leak, but not into an electric light fixture.
I just finished off a good book and will start another this eve. I think I mentioned that I got some talking/CDs as well. TV, with the exception of a few good shows, has sunk into the "stupid pit." Reality shows are G.O.D. each his own, I guess. I started out liking "Lost" and then it just became goofy and dumb. Years ago I like the soap "Days of Our Lives" and then they wrote in a story line about the magic crystal/s and everyone trying to possess them. I stopped watching that show, too. Picky me.
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