When I was watching the news about the water main break in Boston I was also seeing people going schizo over and fighting for bottled water. There was plenty of water to be had from the faucet-you just had to boil it before drinking it. I got me to wondering If panic and anxiety isn't being fostered to a large extent by the news, the government, many bloggers and the doomsayers. Not that water can not become an issue in the near future, but what can fear and reaction accomplish in the short run? It is the long term planning and husbanding of water that really should be on the minds of Americans, not how they will acquire lots of bottled water for use in the few days they will be short on potable H2O.
If we let panic and anxiety rue in a real event or shortage, just imagine what society will become or how they /we will behave in the face of real adversary. Not well, I am afraid.
The military is taught to asses, plan, react and/or not to react. If solders were not taught discipline and order in dire situations or conditions they would leave the field of contention in an array of cahos. The same is true of our police officers. You would most certainly be on your own in difficult times or dangerous places. Remember Katrina. Some police did panic and took off for safer ground, but most stood their ground and stayed at their post the best they could under horrendous circumstances. It would be the same in the military: most would serve honorably and die with their boots on. They have discipline and order and the ability to size up and deduce what and how to carry forth.
Here is the rub. Most Americans of the younger generations have not the foundations to stand on. They have built their culture and society on sand. When the water rises, their boats won't float. We need to have what our grandfathers and older uncles and aunts, and siblings had-grit. We need to learn NOT to react without thought or care, but to think things through and not let our action be the knee-jerk reactions that the news, government and society expect and encourage.
We ought to be more like the Mormons and be prepared. We should have at least a minimum of three days supplies and water on hand for emergencies. More, if you can afford or manage to do so. Plan and teach yourself what to do if the weather or other contingents play havoc with our lives. The American Red Cross provides good good outlines for preparing for disasters. Panic-Anxiety-Disorder, are not included on the list. Do yourself a favor and get the list at your local Red Cross or on line. Educate yourself and learn of some of the recommendations or even better, take a course in first aid.
I am of the firm belief that most anxiety is a learned response. It is how we teach ourselves to handle or not handle tough situations. Don't get the wrong idea. I am not lumping everyone into the same category because some anxiety or panic attacks are very serious and need to be addressed by experts, of which I am NOT one. But most of us can unlearn bad traits and replace the with good traits-new and better human tactics for the mind-"Mind over Matter." NO PANIC-NO ANXIETY NO PROBLEM. Think and plan-be ready.