Thursday, September 30, 2010
Slow progression
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Work in progress
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Maple Chair
I watched the last "Colony" episode this evening. I enjoyed watching each of the eight shows. I think they ended it too early with the conclusion hanging just a little bit.
Anyway, Judy called me(several) times today. I only answered once. She is ticked off because an elderly lady called her this morning around 8 A.M. Well, she started ringing my phone at 8:45 A.M., I suppose, to tell me all about it. She made this old lady promises and she is now reneging on her word because there is work involved. When I finally did answer her late this afternoon she managed to find fault with what I was trying to do with the chair. "Oh, I never use spray paint. I use a brush because I don't want to have drips and runs." Yeah, well I am about to use spray paint. I am not going to spend a lot of time on that old chair. It's my chair and my decision. So there. I am not in a very charitable mood.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Things to go
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010

When I was small my mother used to go out and turn over rocks to catch crickets and grab fireflies at night to put in a jar... supposedly make me go to sleep while listening to the crickets and watching the lightning bugs. Did it work? I will have to ask Beverly.
I only got a few things accomplished today. Maybe a little more tomorrow; a little each day. After all, it did take me a while to accumulate all this stuff. It is taking me a while to get rid of it. The earth wasn't formed in a day and neither was all this "junk" gathered that I managed to "hoard." When I say "hoard" I don't mean it in the true sense of the word. You can get through my house and the trash is always put out and the dishes washed. I just have too much/ many material blessing. Now I am blessing the Salvation Army with what ever I don't need. Maybe someone else has a greater need.
I have been sleepy all day. Anytime I eat-I get sleepy. I have really enjoyed my Bean Soup. I put a coupe qts. in the freezer as I said I would. I tried Creekmore's remedy for gas and it seems to work. He says that if you put one potato into your Bean Soup when you cook it...It will absorb the "gas." Either he is right or my stomach is used to Bean Soup.I hope to be more ambitious tomorrow...Saturday...but I won't write that on ice. And that is because my arm was hurting of and on this day, but tomorrow I may be able to lift bricks, stones or be like Atlas who carried the world on his shoulders.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tea Party Night

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fun with beans

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Gone for a Song

I sold my antique radio today. I paid $50.00 for it about 30 years ago. I got $40.00 dollars for it. It is just like the one pictured above and had a "green eye" that lit up when you turned it on. I let it go in order to have more room and less clutter. I also took a back full of old jogger shoes to the Salvation Army drop box. I'm thinking of getting rid of most of my canning jars, but haven't made up my mind yet. Getting rid of clutter is a good time to get rid if spider webs and dust bunnies that lurk behind furniture and even sometimes hang from the ceiling. The more that is cleared out the better I like it. It gives me a more "open space" feel in this small house. Yes, yes, yes, I have a lot to do yet.
There was a big flurry over Obama attending Mass. I think he wants to be a big hit with the great, unwashed masses of America...a political ploy, to be sure. Anyway, it probably didn't him a bit. Next thing you know he will be carrying a Papal Crosier(staff) and wearing a tall pointy hat on his tall pointy head, saying "Bless you my minions, I bring you change you can count on."
Today we broke a 55 year old record; 98 degrees...very hot and very dry. If we are breaking records now, what will the weather later in the fall and winter season?
I finish with this:
Part of Psalm 36
Monday, September 20, 2010
Less is more...more or less
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Dust Bowl
I am pretty tired after a day in the hot sun. It is still in the 90's the middle of September. It is supposed to be in the 90's next week, too. Too warm while October lurks just on the next page of the calender. I wonder what surprises November and winter has up it's cold, cold sleeve.
I am going to change Internet providers because of all the trouble I have with trying to post/write anything. There is never ending interference with this provider. I know that they will not own up to this problem, but it is due to insufficient security on their end, not mine. It is just a question of enough money to switch over.
I was tired enough to take a nap at 7:30 PM. Now I am hungry. Got to go find something good to eat...bye.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Just so
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Woe to the computer
I ate an early supper of bacon and eggs around 3:30 this afternoon. It just seemed to appeal to me and I have been hungry all day and stuffing my face accordingly. After that I was semi- satisfied. I think I need to go to The Golden Corral and stuff myself and let them do the dishes.
Another good reason for not offering of a post is that the computer has been naughty and letters, word and sentences have been all over the page. I edit constantly in order to make sense of what I write. So, this is it for tonight.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Music Makes The World A Better Place
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sister Alexi's Fudge
Friday, September 10, 2010
Liver 'n onions
I found a good use for the can of "ruined" canning salt that I wrote about a couple months back. I cleaned the stove and the sinks with it. I also added a heaping tablespoons to the washer when I was washing cloths this morning. It did a good job of softening the water. The water here comes from the Ohio and is heavy in Lime. I have about a half a can left. I will use it up in cleaning and washing cloths.
I have a really tasty recipe for fudge that was given to me by Sister Alexis. She made fudge every year for the Christmas the nursing home where I worked. Now, she is quite elderly and is in very poor health. Her fudge always sold out. I will post it tomorrow.
I am making some changes to the appearance of this blog...I don't be surprised.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
What flower is this
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Always work to do
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pruning brush

Monday, September 6, 2010
I am looking for a recipe for flat bread. If can find one I will try it out and see if I like it. What I find in the stores is the thin, round, tortilla bread. I want something something square and a little thicker.
Because there isn't much to write about-this a short post.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
or margarine
Friday, September 3, 2010
I am not the only person having trouble with my wireless Internet provider Insight. Really strange noise(s) come through my computer and television. It sounds like some type of radio interference, similar to some one with a ham radio, but not quite the same. I can type a word into this post and it comes out all scrambled, in another sentence or paragraph.
Today was a really pretty day and the temperature is supposed to drop to about 58 degrees tonight. I can live with that.
Where I had the root canal done-it has been very sore all along the gum line. I hope it goes away soon.
I stopped at the Golden Corral for supper. The place was packed. All the checks were out and every one was out spending their money, including me.
I bought some cookies to put into the freezer: some will never make It into the freezer.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Nothing to blog about
I am at a loss of what to write about tonight. I did a couple recipes last night, so I don't want to do that. I could expound about herbal medicines, but no, I don't wanna. I thought about doing an analyses on the 23 Palsm, but I am to lazy. I may do that yet, but not tonight.
I did finish the book I was reading, ATLAS SHRUGGED by Anyn Rand. That was a major endeavor on my part, but I got it done. That would be a good book for the younger generation to read. If I were a college teacher I would make it a mandatory reading for English. Only most collage students today just couldn't digest it. It is some heavy duty philosophy in novel form.
I have started a new book, but it is light, easy reading. I needed to give my brain a rest.
Not much going on or anything interesting to write bout. When I started this blog I promised myself I would post something every day except Sunday. I have, boring though it maybe.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010