I think that I have mentioned that I am having food cravings. I just don't know what I want. I know my body wants something that I haven't been feeding it. I guess I will buy some snack cakes or something. I have not been consuming a lot of sugar and have cut back on bread, too. I have been eating a lot of chicken and some fish...maybe a big, fat juicy steak will still my desire for something. I am not hungry, just not sated.
Tonight I cooked rice with left over chicken and chopped broccoli. It was pretty good and I ploughed through two big bowls of it, smothered with butter. While I know that rice is a high carbohydrate food I think it helped my stave off my hunger for...something.
I was looking in my fat book and read that eggs is one of the few foods that can be boiled without losing its nutrients. That is what I had for lunch: a hard boiled egg salad on wheat bread. I haven't had bread all week and I do need to use it up so it won't turn into penicillin.
Everyone knows that most beans are good for you; just loaded with proteins, and are fat and cholesterol free. Bean sprouts are even better. I am going to try to make a good salad tomorrow with some canned bean sprouts I have In the pantry.
Here is something that I didn't know. Peanut butter and cheese crackers sandwhiches are not a good snack. I eat...take... Peanut butter crackers every morning with my medicine and occ. in between. Fig cookies(which I dearly love), are among a list of no-no snacks.
No wonder I have cravings; I just can't have nuttin'.
We are supposed to have that elusive frost on Sunday night and then shoot up to 70 on Monday.. Mother Nature, make up your mind. Today was no prize, either.
I guess tomorrow would be a good day to get some stuff done...like go to the library and maybe buy a few odds and ends at the grocery. I have lots in the freezer, but no milk. The city won't let me keep a cow...mooo...in the back yard...or chickens.
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