It has poured rain all day and now there is a high wind warning up. I am sure it will head north east. Rain is OK, but the high winds for the next day can be a problem. And I have to be out in it tomorrow.
My trip to the eye doctor was good. Everything is stable and my eye pressure is good, also.
I continue to sneeze, but I am not sick, just allergic. If anyone were to hear me sneeze non-stop in public they might assume that I had piggy flue or a version of it. Nope, just a sensitive snout. Oink, oink.
There is just about 2 1/2 weeks left before Christmas. I hope everyone is in the spirit and there are no holiday vampires under the trees. Holiday Vampires suck the spirit and joy out of a room and anyone around the tree. Unlike in the movies, they are not entertaining or welcome.
Debbie, the friend that helped me out when I fractured my elbow, loaned her van to her son last night. No more van. He wrapped it around a street light. I guess it was not his fault, but how he comes out of these situations is a mystery to me. And expensive tribute to Mother hood for her. Nice van, gone van.Well, all things work out and she will get another van tomorrow, newer and better.
I found a supplier online where I may be able to get a carburetor for my Troy Tiller. I just have to wait a bit and save the money for it. Did I mention that when it came back from the "repair shop" last spring the carburetor was missing? It took 3 months to get...demand...the tiller to be returned, and when they finally brought it back they just left it out by the shed...and left. No carburetor. Had I noticed when it first came back there would have been H###l to pay. I just didn't go out to look and thought it was fixed...fixed it was. Yeah.
My arm is better than it was last year, far from perfect, but I think I can do a garden this spring. Give me back my garden arm, I say!!!
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