Saturday, February 27, 2010
Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and to the republic for which it stands...
Did no one notice that I left out "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?"
No wonder this nation is in trouble.
No wonder Congress can slip everything and anything past the people of this nation.
You get what you pay for.
I could have said, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of China..Russia..Cuba...or Iran. Then would you have taken notice? Did you not Pledge Allegince to this country all through grade and high school and even in the services? Sad...sad...sad.
OK, I don't have many readers, but someone should have noticed an taken offense...made a comment...something.
Friday, February 26, 2010
If I can dumb you down, just think how much wool our powerful government can slip over your eyes. I am not the smartest knife in the rack or a politically astute blogger, but imagine what a huge government body can and is doing to it's citizenry as we sleep walk through campaigns and elections...with eyes wide open, but unseeing.
If you drive a car at night with faulty headlights or bad brakes, sooner or latter you will hit something. You really can't depend on the full moon to guide you on your may be cloudy, raining or you could be getting a "snow job." We need a maintenance schedule for our go-mobiles and we need a maintenance program for our government. As Jefferson said, "We need to have a revolution every 20 years." While I do not advocate revolution, I do encourage a good "house cleaning" and term limits. Government offices should not be careers, but services.
I started this blog around lunch time and am about to finish it up. What events have changed and shaped the world as we know it? Here are some of my views; do you..can you add to to the list?
- Te discovery and use of fire.
- The invention and use of the wheel
- Mathematics and its use in civilization
- The Egyptian civilization and Empire
- The founding of the Greek civilization
- The fall of the Greek-Roman-Egyptian Empires
- The Dark Ages
- The Plague
- The industrial Age
- The founding of America/Constitution
- The development and use of the Atomic Bomb
- The Electronic/computer age
I didn't include the numerous wars because there have been wars and chaos since the cave man picked up a big stick and called it a club. Two historical leaps foreword in the annals of time were the Code of Hammurabi which codified law and order in Europe and much of the Eastern continent. The second great leap forward was when Moses went up to the mountain and brought down the 10 Commandments which drafted the conduct and treatment of the Jew and then Christians. Too bad he had a temper tantrum and smashed them.
These are my views and may not be in chronicle order , but it has a been a long time since I was in school. Can you add to the list?
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
No news is good news
I have been watching Olin Steed on the Discovery Channel. He never finds the elusive pot of gold, so I am losing interest. It is a remake of the Josh Bernstein discovery show. I did watch Survivor Man, which was fairly good, but it must have been dropped. I watch whats-his-face on Man vs. Wild, but Bear does so many stupid, dangerous "stunts" that the average man or women would die if they tried doing some(or a lot) of that stuff. Well, it's entertainment and I don't have any books to read.
Oh yes, my neighbors next door finally put their trash/garbage out for pick up. They have a big block out building and the stuff was falling out of the doorway. The pile is at least 6 feet high and probably 4 feet wide. Some of their trash is drifting about in my yard and I will have to pick it up. I hope I get to see the pick up guys when they drive up. Now, I'll bet that will be real entertainment!! By morning half of that pile will be all over the alleyway!
The End
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ordering Seeds

Monday, February 22, 2010
One box of packaged dressing
1 bag of noodles
1 can of gravy
1 onion.
layer the bottom of the dish with dressing
layer of noodles.
Layer of chicken strips
1 can of gravy
Cover all layers with the gravy and top it off with a last layer of dressing with onions.
Bake in oven until done.
The chicken strips were already fully cooked and I also cooked the dressing, so it didn't take long to bake. If you use uncooked chicken, be sure the meat cooks through.
I will make this again, but next time I will add a layer of drained, canned vegetables or frozen vegetables. The dish I cooked is/was really flavorful, but probably a little too much starch as I am trying to watch my weight(Yeah...Like Right...HeeHee).
This is the third day that I have brought canned goods in from the van and more to bring in. I can't carry it all at once because of my funky arm, but I'm getting the job done. I'll bet my gas mileage will be a lot better. I even have a decorative brick in the van...that's gotta go.
Yesterday we got up to 61 degrees. Gone With The Wind and not with Rhett Butler. It is bitter today and will be for several days, but the signs are there.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Mother Earth News
Tomorrow I may try to clean out my van a bit. It is full all kinds of stuff and I want to lighten the load. Gas is going up as I expected and if I lighten the van up I will save a small amount on gas.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Prepare and Endure

Are you old enough to remember these? Cold cellars...fruit cellars..root cellars? If you ever lived on a farm or in an old house, the home place probably had one of these. Or something similar. It is was a place to store vegetables and home canned foods and fruits for the leaner times and winter. Root vegetables could last over winter and feed the family until the next planting season. Very few homes/people have them now including me, but I would I would like to have one.
If you were listening to Glenn Beck today he was giving out subtle messages..or not so subtle hints, that Americans should be preparing or stocking up for hard times. We are not ready for another Great Depression. In the 30's we were still a agrian society...souls of the soil. Farmers had their gardens and meat producing stocks and flocks, even if they didn't have money or very little of it. They had the land and they had a plan.
We have become so urban and dependent on the supply chains and factory farms that most of will not know what or how to endure should the system fail. What will you do and how will you feed yourself or family? It is something to think about and plan for.
Things that may become hard to buy or get; Sugar, white flour, fresh vegetables and fruits. You can try to stock up now or hope for the best. Hope won't fill the belly, 'though, will it?
Even city dwellers can stock up. You can store canned goods under beds, in closets, on porches and even in cars/trunks. A creative mind will find creative ways to prepare for any contingencies, be it man made or weather related. Just do it. Bring home a couple extra cans of food each week or if your flush, buy in bulk...just do it according to your financial ability. Just don't charge it to a credit card, because a credit card will come back to bit your tin can.
Plant a garden-a big garden if you can. Get your seeds now as there may be a seed shortage later in the spring. If you don't know how to process and can food start reading and learning how and better yet, find a mentor to guide you along. If you never need the knowledge you are still ahead of the game. Just think of it this way, GAME ON.
I hope to have a small cold cellar, but if I can't manage to have one, I will use a back store room that has a concrete floor and cover the bright windows. It has worked fairly well for potatoes this past winter, but is much too bright and sunny in the fall and spring.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I also called the credit card company and got rid of-canceled-my credit card. They said they were not part of the bank bailout, but of course, they were. Same bank...same card. They may operate independently from the parent bank, but that is where they get the money for operations, no doubt.
Credit Card companies have Americans on a leash, but I refuse to be bound and jerked around, paying out $60.00 per year for the privilege of nothing. "IT MATTERS NOT HOW STRAIGHT THE GATE-I AM THE MASTER OF MY FATE." Or as much as humanly possible.
Tomorrow I need to get out and about in spite of the snow. I need to get my prescriptions refilled and maybe some moo juice. We are supposed to get rain/ice over the week-end. I don't want to wait to the last minute to go to the drug store or for milk.
There you have it: my post for the day. THE END
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tatters and Chips
There is not much to write about unless you love hearing about more snow. I know I am tired of it...looking at it...posting about with it. Mother Nature...pack it up and get out of town.
I did get two loads of cloths washed and dried, but not all put away yet. That was the extent of my hard days work, so I am not suffering from overwork.
The Mayor of Evansville, Indiana totaled out his car on black ice this morning. He OK, but his car is history. That is why I stay in rather than going out. Snow is manageable, black ice is not.
Everyone is spending big money on Valentine's Day. It is actually St. Valentine's day or used to be before merchants and commerce discovered another source of sales and money making goodies. The next thing you know someone will declare St. Obama Day or Obama day and figure out a way to cash in, in some way. Um....oh, they have already done that? OK, how about St. Biden's day or Chaney Day? Or even Bushy Day? No? OK. Selling sacred medals bearing anyone of their images would help defray the national debt...wouldn't it....maybe?
Well, enough silliness on my part. I will stop.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Credit Cards

Friday, February 12, 2010
Cancun food

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Food and books
Speaking of rising, despite all the snow, cold and bitter wind, guess what is peeping up from the white stuff. Tulips...they are about an inch high...much too early, but insistent to get going and bring on spring. I'm ready...come on tulips!
I enjoy Asian cooking and stop at the Chinese restaurant when ever I can. When I eat Asian food I seem to be more able to keep my weight down. I would eat out every time I could, but it would thin out my bank account rapidly which I don't need to do right now. But, I do try to eat out once a week if Mother Nature is agreeable.
I finished the book I was reading and thought it would make a rally good movie. It is different...unique. It's a smorgasbord of reality, fantasy, mystery, action and personal conflicts. It is somewhat prophetic and sad. Not too many baaaad words, worth reading; THE WINDUP GIRL. I did mention the book the other day, before I finished it.
This day is done. END
P. S. I still get a giggle when I see Mexicans working in a Chinese restaurant. People are free to work wherever they want for whoever they want; it just strikes my silly bone and make me giggle.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Ship in dark waters
On today's news they were giving Al Gore, the weatherman, a thumb in his eye...that must hurt. Now they are saying the global warming tax is all but dead...dead, I say. Good, says I. We have more than enough taxes and carbon credits to weigh us down. Tax Congress, the Senate and the stooges of the run a muck government.
When I was working I didn't get paid if I couldn't get to work if the snow was two deep or the roads were a glaze of ice or frozen over. The working stiff either gets to work or has a skimpy pay check. You can bet your snowshoes or boots that your government servants get a paycheck in spite of the weather, and all the nice fringe benefits that are part of looting the treasury. Oh, maybe not the little guy on the lower rungs of the governmental ladders, but the higher up the tree, the better the fruit.
Your "employed Civil Servants" should be going after waste, corruption and inefficiency, instead of trying to tax every breath you take...and we all know that breathing emits carbon dioxide...which is a it or stop think the Idgits at the helm of this sinking ship. Hey, Captain Courageous Obama, your steering the wrong way. Your heading into the gale! OOPS! All hands over the side! Abandon sanity! Oh, I mean ship...I think.
You know that once the great Bison roamed this land by the millions...emitting toxic carbons and farting methane gases... and the green grass grew. Now they are few because a few frontiersmen came along, killed them all off to the very verge of extinction. Maybe we should all slaughter ourselves, save the planet and become extinct altogether. Hmmm. Nah. I like being toxic!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Blowing in the Wind
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ode to a Snow Sovel-not
I am reading a good book titled THE WINDUP GIRL. It is all about the genetic manipulating of plants, food products, no oil and reverting back to lesser, baser ways. It is how civilization crashes and burns and then adapts. It is a pretty good novel, not dry or boring or overly rank with violence...not so far, anyway.
I cooked rice and fish tonight. I am not really that fond of fish unless it is shrimp, lobster or sole. But it was in the freezer and needed to be used/cooked up. The rice turned out OK. I added a can of sun dried tomatoes and that gave it some flavor. I have always liked rice, even plain with butter on top. So, it was an "OK" supper, but I would rather go to Red Lobster for seafood. They just cook better than I least fish.
I turned my heat back slightly. I need to be a bit more conservative. My heating bill was $140 dollars this past month. That may not seem a lot to most folks, but it is when your drawing S. S. After working 40 years those checks seem to be a small pittance. I do well enough, but I to have enough money to buy a new lawn mower in the spring. I am not suffering and only turned the heat back slightly.
I may have to shovel a little snow tomorrow. If I do, I hope my arm holds up. They are predicting 2 or 4 inches here, but Mother Nature is so fickle and you can't outguess her.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Ho Ho ,Snow

Friday, February 5, 2010
What? Snow?
We may get 2 to 3 inches here, but it looks like the government got out of Dodge. Like...did they have to? Couldn't they tough it out like the know...the poor folks that pay the taxes that pay for the tickets so they can jet on out of there?
I am wondering what has happened to Al Gore's global warming? I believe we are in a natural cosmic cycle. It has happened before and will happen again. The earth will warm and than cool, warm and cool, like some romances. We will adapt or become an endangered species.
I wish someone could tell me why the curser jumps all over the place. I spend more time correcting than I do posting.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I went to the store and picked up a few items...just in case. I intended to get gas, but had a "gas attack." Gasoline jumped 20 cents overnight. You don't suppose that all the government checks in the mail yesterday had anything to do do with the sudden rise, do you? I drove on by and left the gas in the pumps.
I am yawing away, so I am going to bed.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
lighting the darkness
CNN and the Weather Channel are indicating a massive snow storm moving across the plains
and heading for the East coast. It should miss this area where I sit by about fifty miles north of here. Even so, we may get 2 to 4 inches of snow-rain-ice, or maybe all of the mentioned.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
When I went to Lowe's about a week ago I bought these ready to plant herb kits. There are six different kinds of herbs in the two kits, three different packets of seeds in each kit and six little planters to plant in. Included are six grow disks for each kit. There is another plastic container under under the main kit that can be used as a green house . When I plant the seeds there should be 12 plant of six verities.