I ordered more seeds today. I am trying to get ahead of the rush. I hope to start my seeds March 1 st. I know that in the past I have waited too long and had to take what was left...available. So, this year I have a head start.
I ordered Rutabagas today along with a few other seeds. At one time people wouldn't eat sugar beets, rutabagas or turnips. They were considered fodder for cows and pigs. If you like turnips you should like rutabagas, esp. roasted or cooked with other vegetables. If you can grow turnips you can grow rutabagas. Rutabagas are really high in nutrients, minerals and are excellent keepers. I don't know if you can eat the tops as you can eat with turnip greens, but I'll bet you can as the two root plants are kissing cousins. I'll find out as time goes on.
The rutabaga seeds, along with onion sets, asparagus, and beet seeds were my big purchase of the day. I have ambitious garden plans; I just hope I can follow through. I do think this is a year for everyone to plan and plant a garden according to their space and ability. You know, you can grow a lot in a small space.
My next acquisitions will be blackberries, and possibly another fruit tree or two. There is not a big hurry for me to order these, so I will wait a bit.
Bitter cold for the next 24 hrs. or so. Maybe it will start to warm up again. After all, it's almost March. However, you can get some surprises in March.
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