I made my trip to the dentist today. It wasn't too bad. I only jerked up out of the chair once(not). The root canal is done. I am only $1,500 dollars in debt to the dentist. At least I am done for now and should not have to go back for six months when I have my teeth cleaned. There is always something to have to pay for, 'though. Next, I will have to go through all those tests for my eyes in October. Gotta have teeth to chew with and eyes to see what I m eating.
I don't intend to do much in the yard tomorrow as it will be around 93 degrees and humid. It is supposed to wind down and be nice for the week-end. That is when I will get back back to yard work. Because Labor day is just another day to me, I will work it except now I don't get a paycheck for my time an effort. When I was still working, I almost always worked the holidays.
My phone was ringing off the wall before I left the house and probably rang while I was out. I have a new rule: I will not answer the phone at meal time. I try not to call others at those times, but occasionally I fail. I think if a call is important they will leave a message. I just can't live by the phone just to accommodate some one's boredom.
I like to read and have some favorite programs to watch, therefore I don't get bored too often. I like to watch wrestling and see all those good looking fellas fly around the rings in their tights. Actually I like to see people doing what I never was able to or could do. If you are strong and healthy you are blessed. Of course, if you are halfway intelligent you are thrice blessed.
Do you like hyphens? I do. A hyphen is a mark - between two syllables of a divided word or between the parts of a compound word. Example: half-track. I probably over use the - mark, but I do love a good hyphen. And you know what? There are several definitions for WIND, but the word is all spelled the same way. Now, ain't dat confusing?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Cleaning out the garden

Tomorrow, Tuesday, I go back to the dentist. I don't relish the thought because the last time I went my face puffed up and it hurt. Wa! I have a big mouth(yak yak), but a small jaw line. "Open wide! Wider!" I can't get it any wider! I have lost count of how many root canals that have been down. I did get soup out of the freezer just in case I can't eat very well.
No rain in sight. It is every where, but here. There were clouds in the sky that looked like rain coming, but it must have taken a detour. The clouds did keep the temperature down a bit, in the upper 80's. It wasn't too hot for working out in the yard and I got most of the corn stalks disposed of. I am making slow progress.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Slumber party of one
I must have worn myself out these past two days. I got up this morning and then took a nap after 1 P. M. and slept until 5:30 this afternoon. That means that I didn't get much done at all. Maybe it was the medicine that I took for sinuses and bronchitis that snowed me under and made me sleep. Therefore, I have nothing to post and am not worried about it. Hardly anyone looks my blog anyway.
Maybe tomorrow, Sunday, I will work up some ambition. Hard to tell as I am still yawning.
I got a chicken out of the freezer yesterday. Maybe it will be thawed out by tomorrow. It is already cooked, compliments of Wal Mart.
Maybe tomorrow, Sunday, I will work up some ambition. Hard to tell as I am still yawning.
I got a chicken out of the freezer yesterday. Maybe it will be thawed out by tomorrow. It is already cooked, compliments of Wal Mart.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Bacon poor
I took a little trip across the bridge. I should have bought gas yesterday while it was $2.46 a gallon. Today it jumped up to $2.65 per gallon. The prices went up because of THE FROG FOLLIES, a classic car show that draws old cars from all over the nation, and the coming LABOR DAY week-end.
A bunch of local guys started THE FROG FOLLIES about 30 years ago by just getting together at the 4 H campgrounds to show off their cars to each other. It wasn't anything official at the time, but has developed into a nation wide classic car show. It brings a lot of visitors and cash into the area, thus a jump in gas prices.
Well, "someone" told me wrong about the cost of a 10 lb. box of bacon for just over six bucks. Boy, is she gonna get a surprise when "she" goes to get a box of bacon for six dollars. I will not tell her the difference; let her find out for herself. I know she will try to cover up her error and pretend that she never went to the Farm Boy store. Mean of me? Yes.
As I was already there, I did go ahead and get a 10 lb. box of bacon ends and pieces. It was more than the six + dollars she quoted to me. It was actually $15.00 for the 10 lbs. I will use the bacon for cooking baked beans, bean soup, split soup, and if there are any pieces or ends large enough for frying, I will do that, too. I now have plenty of bacon, come what may...(there is a literary rule about numbers; anything less than 10 you spell out, anything above 10 you use numerical numbers. Don't ask me why; it just is.)
Tomorrow I need to get back into the swing of things, and try to get more yard work done. I went most of the summer without mosquito bites, but now they are in attack mode. It will be hot tomorrow, but not as hot as it has been. The sun is setting around 7:30 now, and that is official.
There were two terrible fires today. Four died in the worst one, two little ones, the mother, and her own father in a wheelchair. The other was a lady in her camper in a camp ground. Really tragic.
A bunch of local guys started THE FROG FOLLIES about 30 years ago by just getting together at the 4 H campgrounds to show off their cars to each other. It wasn't anything official at the time, but has developed into a nation wide classic car show. It brings a lot of visitors and cash into the area, thus a jump in gas prices.
Well, "someone" told me wrong about the cost of a 10 lb. box of bacon for just over six bucks. Boy, is she gonna get a surprise when "she" goes to get a box of bacon for six dollars. I will not tell her the difference; let her find out for herself. I know she will try to cover up her error and pretend that she never went to the Farm Boy store. Mean of me? Yes.
As I was already there, I did go ahead and get a 10 lb. box of bacon ends and pieces. It was more than the six + dollars she quoted to me. It was actually $15.00 for the 10 lbs. I will use the bacon for cooking baked beans, bean soup, split soup, and if there are any pieces or ends large enough for frying, I will do that, too. I now have plenty of bacon, come what may...(there is a literary rule about numbers; anything less than 10 you spell out, anything above 10 you use numerical numbers. Don't ask me why; it just is.)
Tomorrow I need to get back into the swing of things, and try to get more yard work done. I went most of the summer without mosquito bites, but now they are in attack mode. It will be hot tomorrow, but not as hot as it has been. The sun is setting around 7:30 now, and that is official.
There were two terrible fires today. Four died in the worst one, two little ones, the mother, and her own father in a wheelchair. The other was a lady in her camper in a camp ground. Really tragic.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tea Party Meeting

Yup, I am tired. I went to a Tea Party Meeting. Some of it was pretty good and interesting, and some of it was boring. It is always worthwhile. You get to hear pseudo politicians speak and the exchanges of ideas. What is always amusing to me is how Nancy Polosi (sp?)or the government can consider a room full of chunky, older ladies with white hair....that drag their husbands along, a terrorist threat. Oh, there are few younger guys that show up, but darn few. Anyway, Nancy has nothing to fear except looking in her mirror; it has a crack in it.
Tomorrow I am going to Evansville. I was told the Farm Boy has meat at whole sale prices. Supposedly bacon is just over $6.00 for ten pounds. Since I have to go over yon bridge I will check it out.
Because I am pretty tired I will make this a short post and go to bed. I have to get up at a decent hour to get here I am going. By the way, the price of gas is still dropping and down another two cents or $2.46 a gallon. I need gas so that is good.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Five and 500
This is my 500 hundredth post. Do I get an"idjet medal" for effort? I put five yard bags out for pick-up tomorrow. The bags are fairly lite-weight. The trash men shouldn't have too much trouble lifting them.
I had put three bags out yesterday and two more today, with one a work in progress. I think I will have several more to set out before I am done.
I didn't do much today. I slept well last night after doing all that yard work. I may do a bit more tomorrow-half way early, but, then I think I'll go a Tea Party meeting and listen to the speeches of some local politicians who are running for mayor.
Locally, the city of Evansville wants to put up cameras at all the stop lights so they can generate more money through more more fines. Some judges will not deal with such entrapments. At the same time, the city next door is building a multi-million dollar sports complex-arena, contrary to the will of the people. Where have we heard this before?
OK, tonight my computer is really acting up. I think I will quit right here.
I had put three bags out yesterday and two more today, with one a work in progress. I think I will have several more to set out before I am done.
I didn't do much today. I slept well last night after doing all that yard work. I may do a bit more tomorrow-half way early, but, then I think I'll go a Tea Party meeting and listen to the speeches of some local politicians who are running for mayor.
Locally, the city of Evansville wants to put up cameras at all the stop lights so they can generate more money through more more fines. Some judges will not deal with such entrapments. At the same time, the city next door is building a multi-million dollar sports complex-arena, contrary to the will of the people. Where have we heard this before?
OK, tonight my computer is really acting up. I think I will quit right here.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tired but busy
I have been outside working, trying to make up for my lazy day of yesterday. I mowed the back yard. I didn't have to, but it was looking ratty and going to seed. Now it looks better even if it is brown and dry. I started pruning the grape vines. The birds have gotten into the grapes and eaten a lot of them. I also trimmed some of the fence line and bagged a lot of clippings. Next I started cleaning out the garden by cutting out the corn stalks. I haven't bagged the stalks yet. I still have a lot of trimming to do along the fence. This is a good week to get some catching up done in the yard as it is a little cooler and there has been a breeze.
I came in and set down on the couch and started to slumber because I was tired. The phone rang and jerked me upright and out of my very short doze. I didn't intend to drift off, but if I did...the phone would have put an end to that...as it has done before. I just can not win and some people do not use common sense. Or some people have too much time on their hands.
I see one melon growing in the garden. There are lots of blossoms on the vine that the rabbit missed, but the season grows late. I will be lucky to get that one melon. The average frost here is around mid-October which means that I have just about a month and a half to grow that melon. Right now it is about as large as big rubber ball and very green.
As I have noted before, leaves are falling. The leaves that are coming down are very dry and brittle from lack of rain. I would like to burn some stuff in my smoker, but don't dare to because of the dryness. We need rain.
I don''t know if I will try to garden next year. Maybe I will plant some tomatoes and lettuce. This year has not been productive in my back yard.
Gas is $2.48 a gallon. No one is buying gas-the demand is down. The stock market is way down, too. However, at the stores, groceries continue to increase in price. Inflation is upon us. The government is working on a law to nationalize private pensions so they can rob Americans big time. I read in THE COMING DEPRESSION that middle class wealth has been just about wiped out. There are two classes now: The wealthy and the poor. I wonder why Glenn Beck is not commenting on some of this. By the way, Glenn Beck is not poor by any means.
Stock up, save your pennies, nickles and dimes and insulate your house well. It may cost an arm and a leg to heat your houses this winter.
I came in and set down on the couch and started to slumber because I was tired. The phone rang and jerked me upright and out of my very short doze. I didn't intend to drift off, but if I did...the phone would have put an end to that...as it has done before. I just can not win and some people do not use common sense. Or some people have too much time on their hands.
I see one melon growing in the garden. There are lots of blossoms on the vine that the rabbit missed, but the season grows late. I will be lucky to get that one melon. The average frost here is around mid-October which means that I have just about a month and a half to grow that melon. Right now it is about as large as big rubber ball and very green.
As I have noted before, leaves are falling. The leaves that are coming down are very dry and brittle from lack of rain. I would like to burn some stuff in my smoker, but don't dare to because of the dryness. We need rain.
I don''t know if I will try to garden next year. Maybe I will plant some tomatoes and lettuce. This year has not been productive in my back yard.
Gas is $2.48 a gallon. No one is buying gas-the demand is down. The stock market is way down, too. However, at the stores, groceries continue to increase in price. Inflation is upon us. The government is working on a law to nationalize private pensions so they can rob Americans big time. I read in THE COMING DEPRESSION that middle class wealth has been just about wiped out. There are two classes now: The wealthy and the poor. I wonder why Glenn Beck is not commenting on some of this. By the way, Glenn Beck is not poor by any means.
Stock up, save your pennies, nickles and dimes and insulate your house well. It may cost an arm and a leg to heat your houses this winter.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Vampires and Toads

(just for fun)
Twas a dark
and windy night
hadn't had a single bite
when down the road
in a happy kinda mode
I, with glee said
you'll please me
I'll eat before first light
with open jaws
of a vampire's maw
of a vampire's maw
ready for first bite
Oh No, not me!
croaked HOPPY TOAD
others come from yon
FaceBook Peeps
and Internet creeps
to greatly feast upon
I let TOAD go and
do you know?
the night gave birth to light
No creeples came
Oh, what a shame
no dripping veins
I must take flight
the lesson learned
yes, you've heard
a TOAD in the road
will get your goad
and hop on
down the road
Just awful, but fun. So, is a toad in the road worth two in the bush? Creeples is a contraction of creeps and peoples. With poetry you can get away with all kinds of literary licence. Doesn't make it good poetry on my part, but fun in light of vampire mania.
Today I was tired. I didn't do much. Maybe it is the full moon(hee hee) or I didn't get enough sleep.
You can add to my awful poem if you want to and send it on.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Slow and slower
I kind of...slowed down today, mostly because I stayed up reading into the wee hours. I did take my patio table apart, moved it back out onto the patio and put it back together again. It isn't hard to take the legs off. They just screw on an off. I had used the table inside the back room in order to start plants in front of a sunny window. Now, it is back outside where the it belongs. It is a bit worse for wear or dirty. I also knocked out the bung and inserted the pole for the patio umbrella. I hope that will help hold umbrella in place. I had it set in a concrete block, but every time the wind blew the umbrella would fall over, taking the bloc over, too. Believe me, a concrete block is pretty heavy; I can hardly move it, but the wind can topple the whole thing over.
I ate a green pepper with salt. I need the salt because any time I work outside I lose a lot of fluid. I had home made Chili for lunch and I think I will finish it up tonight.
The lens from the tail light on the van has fell off. I can fix it myself, but with tearing things apart, I can't find my Gorilla Glue. Like my dehydrator, it is around here somewhere.
I think I just might go to bed early-er. My eyes look like I have been out all night. LOL!
I ate a green pepper with salt. I need the salt because any time I work outside I lose a lot of fluid. I had home made Chili for lunch and I think I will finish it up tonight.
The lens from the tail light on the van has fell off. I can fix it myself, but with tearing things apart, I can't find my Gorilla Glue. Like my dehydrator, it is around here somewhere.
I think I just might go to bed early-er. My eyes look like I have been out all night. LOL!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Minor hoarder-junk and usless objet collector-me
My quest today has been, and is, to get rid of old empty boxes. I have small boxes inside of bigger boxes that are inside of bigger boxes. Some are bagged up, ready for the next pick up day. I have a ways to go on my de-junking, and de-hording agenda. Also, I have found some things that I had forgotten I had, such as a few expensive collectibles that I had purchased while I was still working. I found a few old books that I knew I had somewhere, but couldn't remember where I had put them. I have a collection of old math books containing the old math that isn't taught anymore. I found a collectible Beer Stein that I bought years ago. Some the "found objects" were "lost" to me when my land lady passed away and I needed to vacate. The people that helped me move just threw everything into boxes. I am still sorting some things out, but the room full of empty boxes is my very own fault. I am working on it.
Later: I am glad I got as much done as I did today. I did it by not answering the phone. I now have three yard bags full of old boxes. If I could have...would have...crushed the boxes ,I would not have used up so many yard bags. I also need to rearrange some canning jars and organize the things I want to keep. The slight drop in temperature has made the work bearable.
This evening my supper was Ramen Noodles with the mushrooms I bought on sale a week ago. It was fairly good and a couple pats of butter enhanced it. If I had been real ambitious I would have added some meat or fish to the dish. Remember when Ramen Noodles sold 10 packs for $1.00? It is down to 5 for a dollar now. Still, it can make a good meal for not too much money and a little ingenuity. Ask any collage student from the days of yore. Easy to fix, easy to eat, easy on the pocketbook.
I hope to get some more "hoeing out" done tomorrow, as well as some yard work and maybe some garden work. It may rain, but if it is like all the other forecasting done this summer, it will be hot, humid and dry.
THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD I SHALL NOT WANT (first line of psalm 23)...I would be satisfied with a little get up and go, but we always want...don't we.
Later: I am glad I got as much done as I did today. I did it by not answering the phone. I now have three yard bags full of old boxes. If I could have...would have...crushed the boxes ,I would not have used up so many yard bags. I also need to rearrange some canning jars and organize the things I want to keep. The slight drop in temperature has made the work bearable.
This evening my supper was Ramen Noodles with the mushrooms I bought on sale a week ago. It was fairly good and a couple pats of butter enhanced it. If I had been real ambitious I would have added some meat or fish to the dish. Remember when Ramen Noodles sold 10 packs for $1.00? It is down to 5 for a dollar now. Still, it can make a good meal for not too much money and a little ingenuity. Ask any collage student from the days of yore. Easy to fix, easy to eat, easy on the pocketbook.
I hope to get some more "hoeing out" done tomorrow, as well as some yard work and maybe some garden work. It may rain, but if it is like all the other forecasting done this summer, it will be hot, humid and dry.
THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD I SHALL NOT WANT (first line of psalm 23)...I would be satisfied with a little get up and go, but we always want...don't we.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Ahh, youth
I know there is a large multi-generation gap between the older Americans that were raised in a different era with a different moral standard, but GOOD GRAVY, the young Americans coming up today do not know what freedoms they have lost or how to get them back again. GOOD GRAVY, so many are riding on the gravy train and are content to do so. After all, there are unemployment benefits, welfare, food stamps, disability benefits, free health care for the undocumented, and the expectations of living well on some one else's dime-the taxpayer. When Social Security was signed into law there was a working force paying into the system. Now there are about only 1 out of 7 paying into the funds that were designed to buffer and protect the elderly, the infirm and the truly poor. Those funds were "stolen" and put into the general funds in order for the Democrats to balance the budget. Funds that were supposed to be held inviolate, never to be drawn from for the general budget. Ha!
I must clarify that there are those who need and have earned theses benefits. I have no issue with them. However, there are people who make a profession out of milking the system, some in my own family. Well, the cash cow is going dry, friends and neighbors, and you may have to get out and milk the goat.
If you are wondering why I am fussing... it is because of what a relative has posted on FaceBook. He thinks Obama is equal with or undestands the country as well as Abe Lincoln. Well, Lincoln was the first to win on the newly formed Republican party. He was a "people's President." I think my distant relative may have been watching Glenn Beck today and arrived at his own conclusion, and not what Beck was trying to get across. We have arrived at a point in history where both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost their ways. Distant relative needs to go back and study a bit more and brush up on history. We DO need change, "change you can count on."
I did go out for a bit today, and yes, it was hot. I went to buy bread and forgot it. I did get crackers though. They will do until I go to the store again. I spent all of $11.36 cents. I am about done with stocking up for a while.
I went to get my dehydrator out and couldn't find it. It is in the back somewhere, among some empty boxes I have been saving. The boxes are gonna go. I don't know what I am saving them for. They are just in my way. I would have started looking earlier, but that blasted phone keeps ringing...and ringing...until I finally pick it up out of frustration, and waste 45 minutes listening to the same old stories.
The reason I was looking for the dehydrator is because (of course) I want to dry some green peppers and Roma tomatoes. I don't have enough to can or freeze, but I could dry some and re-hydrate them at an other time. Roma tomatoes would be so good in 'sgetti sauce, soups 'n stuff.
Yup, I am still reading that book!
I must clarify that there are those who need and have earned theses benefits. I have no issue with them. However, there are people who make a profession out of milking the system, some in my own family. Well, the cash cow is going dry, friends and neighbors, and you may have to get out and milk the goat.
If you are wondering why I am fussing... it is because of what a relative has posted on FaceBook. He thinks Obama is equal with or undestands the country as well as Abe Lincoln. Well, Lincoln was the first to win on the newly formed Republican party. He was a "people's President." I think my distant relative may have been watching Glenn Beck today and arrived at his own conclusion, and not what Beck was trying to get across. We have arrived at a point in history where both the Democrats and the Republicans have lost their ways. Distant relative needs to go back and study a bit more and brush up on history. We DO need change, "change you can count on."
I did go out for a bit today, and yes, it was hot. I went to buy bread and forgot it. I did get crackers though. They will do until I go to the store again. I spent all of $11.36 cents. I am about done with stocking up for a while.
I went to get my dehydrator out and couldn't find it. It is in the back somewhere, among some empty boxes I have been saving. The boxes are gonna go. I don't know what I am saving them for. They are just in my way. I would have started looking earlier, but that blasted phone keeps ringing...and ringing...until I finally pick it up out of frustration, and waste 45 minutes listening to the same old stories.
The reason I was looking for the dehydrator is because (of course) I want to dry some green peppers and Roma tomatoes. I don't have enough to can or freeze, but I could dry some and re-hydrate them at an other time. Roma tomatoes would be so good in 'sgetti sauce, soups 'n stuff.
Yup, I am still reading that book!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Missing Links
This is a picture of the freezer on the front porch. It is about 99% full and 90% of
it is meat. I went to take a picture of the freezer on the back porch and couldn't because the batteries were low. The freezer on the back porch has mostly meat in it, also. I have another small freezer in a back room which is about half full. I thought I would have more veggies to go into the freezer, but the high heat and local lack of rain sucked my garden dry...very dry.
Some one requested to be linked to this blog on Aug. 02, but forgot to tell me who, what, where and the name of their web site. I need the information in order to consider it.
This was a lazy day. I did wash two loads of cloths and dried them, hung cloths on hangers, and folded a few things and rolled socks. I ventured outside and picked off some Roma and Cherry tomatoes. I avoided the phone as much as possible.
Tomorrow I may go out to get regular bread. I have some in the freezer, but I want to keep it there. I want to get a few snack items to help ruin my waist line. Big brother Harry has a freezer full, too, but mostly of sweets and goodies. I guess that can keep you going for a while if the snow doesn't blow and the creek doesn't come up. However, where he lives, there are other problems to consider...like tornadoes and stuff like that.
Beverly has sent me a nice package of dry yeast. I can not find it locally so I am glad to have it. It is much appreciated.
I am still reading Ayn Rand. It is a complex book and you just can't skim through it. I am watching THE COLONY, and DUEL SURVIVOR on the Discovery Channel. I guess survivalism has gone main stream. I was trying to watch Armageddon, but the telephone was going ring...ring. When the phone rings I have to go to another room to pick it up or look at the caller ID. Most people do not have my cell phone number and I hope most people (some) never get it.
So...another day is done. I noticed that the days are getting shorter. Where it was getting dark around 8:15-8:30, it is now getting dark just after 7 p.m. or so. I will be glad to see the extreme heat go, but I hope it doesn't lead us into an extreme winter.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I stayed up late last night reading. I'm retired so I should be able to stay up late or even into the wee hours of the morning, if I want to. Because I stayed up to read I was sleepy today and I thought I would take a nap. Every time I started to drift off the telephone would ring. I didn't get up to run and answer the phone. I would try to nap again and just about doze off...and it would ring again. I finally gave up, got up and went out for supper, just to get away from the phone. What is wrong with society, that they think they have to have a phone or wireless gadget plugged into their r-ears What ever happened to good manners and consideration of ones time and space? I guess culture is changing swiftly and old fashioned values are a rare coinage in a paper America. Paper money and paper people. We have been "papered over." Emily Post, eat your paper heart out because America isn't what it used to be. Crude, rude and screwed.
The batteries in my camera need to be re-charged. No pictures, although I tried to shoot some. I got a package of yeast in the mail today and I was trying to get a picture of it.
It was really a nice day today; hot , but pretty. In a way I am glad that I was driven out of my own home. I have a tendency to be a hermit and I like it that way. I think I said that before. However, it is good to get out and about and watch the world go by.
I am only about 500 pages into the book I am reading. It is not a book you can skim through. You need to digest every word and then relate it to the world we live in. It is a novel about people being lazy, corrupt and living off the work of others. Very timely or timeless.
Not much going on unless you have a "phone pal." Jeez or Gees, which ever spelling you like.
The batteries in my camera need to be re-charged. No pictures, although I tried to shoot some. I got a package of yeast in the mail today and I was trying to get a picture of it.
It was really a nice day today; hot , but pretty. In a way I am glad that I was driven out of my own home. I have a tendency to be a hermit and I like it that way. I think I said that before. However, it is good to get out and about and watch the world go by.
I am only about 500 pages into the book I am reading. It is not a book you can skim through. You need to digest every word and then relate it to the world we live in. It is a novel about people being lazy, corrupt and living off the work of others. Very timely or timeless.
Not much going on unless you have a "phone pal." Jeez or Gees, which ever spelling you like.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Spicy Snack Sticks
At the moment I don't feel like eating anything. I had a root canal and one cavity filled today. I go back in two weeks to have it finished. The root canal really didn't hurt, but when he went to drill the back tooth I felt it. Novocain seems to wear off pretty fast for me. When I got home the left side of my face was swollen. It has gone down now, but my jaw is painful and probably will be for a couple of days. I will owe my soul to this dentist.
The weather has changed a little bit. It is slightly cooler with a little less humidity. We might get rain this week...or so THEY say.
The kid next door got rid of his van. He says he sold it. He also says he has been out of town for a month. I knew I hadn't seen him around. I wonder if his trip out of town was to jail. He may have lost his license or insurance or both, or just needed the money. After he worked so hard on that old van I just can't see him selling it. There is a reason for everything.
Did the phone ring this week-end? Oh yes, it did. It rang and rang until I finally answered it after 10 p.m. I figured if I didn't answer it she would have the cops here banging on my door. She has her nose in the business of too many people. Crud.
I am going to take a pain pill because my face hurts. Usually I don't need anything after a trip to the dentist, but this time I do. You would think at my age I wouldn't be getting cavities. Well, crud and darn to that, too.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Light Up Your Life
Tomorrow, Sunday, is a day for me to recharge my batteries. I hope a certain caller will please, please, be so busy that she forgets to call...please.
I went to the Rural King Farm Store to get some more mouse deterrent and found some small flash lights for a buck and a half. I got two and have one that I bought a while back. That makes three. I now have one for the van, one for the house and one to carry. These are really very powerful small lights and easy to carry. The bulbs must be LED's because they will really light up your life.
My new debt card came in the mail today . Of course, I left home without it. I had to write check for my eye drops. Well, that's OK. I'm glad I didn't leave that somewhere, too.
I hope it will start to cool off now so I can start getting some things done outside. I need to do a whole lot of trimming along the fencing. I will soon have to clean out the garden spot, too. Then the leaves will start coming down. Actually, the leaves have started falling already, dry and brittle. Too much sun and too little rain doesn't do a body good...Or trees.
As no news is worth dwelling on or writing about, I will retire to the life of a failing writer...because there isn't anything to convey to the world that hasn't been foisted off as literary genus before. Good Night.
Friday, August 13, 2010
101-100-tomorrow 99
It is supossed to be 99 Saturday and rain on Sundaectivey. Can we bank on that? Maybe the heat wave is about to expire and "normalize."
Today I had the air conditioner in the living room moved to a different window. I hope it will be more effective ther. The trouble is I can't see out the front window anymore. And you know how we old people are. We like to watch the neighbors. Now I can't. Maybe that's good.
So and So kept calling today. I finally answered the phone. I was trying to get some vacuuming done before tha man came to move the A/C. She says, "Are you paying him? We would have done it for free." No , they wouldn't.
I have mentioned several time that the A/C needed to be moved away from the freezer. Several times it was "We will do it." The same thing occured when I needed some minor plumbing done. I finally called a plumber and had it done in short order. I would have paid her husband Chuck, too, if he had done the job. I am tired of empty promises and pretenses of not knowing what needed to be done.
So...So and So called back again at 5:30. I didn't answer the phone. The air had been off since about 4 P. M. and the house was very hot. I ran out to Windy's and got a hamburger instead. I know that so and so was just calling to find out my business which is none of her business. The heat and the aggravation has made me cranky.
So and So called me four times yesterday in the space of an hour just to tell me it was raining where she was and ask if it was raining here. NO! It makes me feel guilty to think that I may be infringing on some one else's time and space. I need to be more aware of the calls I make.
My house is still warm. I don't know if it is because the A/C is not in a good place or if it is because all the cool air went out the door this afternoon.
By the way, continue to stock up. The economy is getting worse. Wal Mart is raising their prices by about 6% and prices are starting to become inflationary. I think it will become a whole lot worse before it becomes better.
Today I had the air conditioner in the living room moved to a different window. I hope it will be more effective ther. The trouble is I can't see out the front window anymore. And you know how we old people are. We like to watch the neighbors. Now I can't. Maybe that's good.
So and So kept calling today. I finally answered the phone. I was trying to get some vacuuming done before tha man came to move the A/C. She says, "Are you paying him? We would have done it for free." No , they wouldn't.
I have mentioned several time that the A/C needed to be moved away from the freezer. Several times it was "We will do it." The same thing occured when I needed some minor plumbing done. I finally called a plumber and had it done in short order. I would have paid her husband Chuck, too, if he had done the job. I am tired of empty promises and pretenses of not knowing what needed to be done.
So...So and So called back again at 5:30. I didn't answer the phone. The air had been off since about 4 P. M. and the house was very hot. I ran out to Windy's and got a hamburger instead. I know that so and so was just calling to find out my business which is none of her business. The heat and the aggravation has made me cranky.
So and So called me four times yesterday in the space of an hour just to tell me it was raining where she was and ask if it was raining here. NO! It makes me feel guilty to think that I may be infringing on some one else's time and space. I need to be more aware of the calls I make.
My house is still warm. I don't know if it is because the A/C is not in a good place or if it is because all the cool air went out the door this afternoon.
By the way, continue to stock up. The economy is getting worse. Wal Mart is raising their prices by about 6% and prices are starting to become inflationary. I think it will become a whole lot worse before it becomes better.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The very short post that I wrote last evening has been deleted on purpose. It didn't amount to anything. It just explained that I lost a blog to the vagaries of the Internet.
We finally got a taste of rain. It wasn't much of a rain, just a short sprinkle. Other places all around, did get rain. We got a little wind which blew my porch umbrella over. The best thing to result from that little sprinkle was that the temperature dropped from 101 to 84 degrees. The humidity remains high, but at least we are not roasting on a slow spit over very warm coals. Tomorrow the heat will be high again, but next week may be more livable, even if it becomes a little uncomfortable.
I have a second cousin who may hate me. I have been critiquing his writing on FaceBook. No one likes to have someone tell you that your literary efforts need corrections or directions. His does. He is young yet, and he will learn. No one on FaceBook seems to write well with the exception of a few older people. Education has changed a lot. If you can read well, you can write well. And what you don't know you can look up online or in that old fashioned book called a "dictionary." I would like to tell my second cousin to use a dictionary, a get an older English school book on punctuation and grammar. I just don't dare to upset his apple cart and discourage him.
I have had a head ache all day. I think it is from the atmospheric pressure. At first I thought I didn't eat enough. I ate some more! I still have a head ache...duh. I guess I will break down and take a Tylenol before I go to bed.
I am going to call it a day, go take the bitter pill and go to bed.
We finally got a taste of rain. It wasn't much of a rain, just a short sprinkle. Other places all around, did get rain. We got a little wind which blew my porch umbrella over. The best thing to result from that little sprinkle was that the temperature dropped from 101 to 84 degrees. The humidity remains high, but at least we are not roasting on a slow spit over very warm coals. Tomorrow the heat will be high again, but next week may be more livable, even if it becomes a little uncomfortable.
I have a second cousin who may hate me. I have been critiquing his writing on FaceBook. No one likes to have someone tell you that your literary efforts need corrections or directions. His does. He is young yet, and he will learn. No one on FaceBook seems to write well with the exception of a few older people. Education has changed a lot. If you can read well, you can write well. And what you don't know you can look up online or in that old fashioned book called a "dictionary." I would like to tell my second cousin to use a dictionary, a get an older English school book on punctuation and grammar. I just don't dare to upset his apple cart and discourage him.
I have had a head ache all day. I think it is from the atmospheric pressure. At first I thought I didn't eat enough. I ate some more! I still have a head ache...duh. I guess I will break down and take a Tylenol before I go to bed.
I am going to call it a day, go take the bitter pill and go to bed.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It is so humid that I had trouble getting the back door open. The wood had swollen up and was sticking. I only went out long enough to get the mail. The temperature was 99 in the late afternoon. It started out very warm and is ending the same way, just hotter.
I made chicken soup in my electric pressure cooker. I can cook in it without heating up the whole kitchen. I used up all my left overs and a green pepper from the garden. It turned out pretty good, but it could use a little more salt. You can always add salt, but you can't take it away.
I was going to super clean the kitchen today, but I didn't. I did the dishes and put some spices away. I did one small load of cloths. The heat saps my energy and all my good intentions.
Patsy has a birthday on the 12th. and Penny has a birthday on the 15th. Me old Mudder would have been 95 on Aug. 30th. It is nice to be remembered on your birthdays and know that someone has or is thinking of you.
I would like to take some things to the Goodwill Store. I can't work up the energy to go out in this heat. Lazy me.
I have typed this out in bold script. It may be easier to read. Let me know.
Little is going on in this warm world of ours. It is too hot for everyone and everyone is hoping for a little rain to cool things off, for just a little while. I blame Al Gore for all this heat. He opened up his big mouth and let all that hot air out. Now we have a smidgen of an idea of what h**l will be like. Change your ways! Obama promised change and here it is!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Why I like Wal Mart
I don't go to Wal Mart frequently. I may go once or twice a month, and sometimes not even that often. I like to go when I have plenty of time to cruise though the store hunting for bargains. When I find what I consider a good deal, what I need or what I want, I make a beeline to the sub shop. There, I can rest and watch America indulge, and say, "No wonder so many people in this country obese. We are not a fat and happy nation; we are just obese.
One man with a cart had many cases of soft drinks. Yeah, sugar! Mostly people were buying pre-packaged meal. I do buy some meals in box form because they have a certain convenience to them. I imagine they are a God Send to many working mothers and for the elderly or disabled. But if you check the labels for ingredients you won't be all that happy with what you find. Lots of starches, fats and chemicals all combined to make it all "so good." I won't go into lots of detail because I know you can read. Do your home work and don't say the dog ate it.
Today I found some Artisan baked bread. I usually don't buy this kind of bread because it is expensive. For a dollar for one loaf and 90 cents for the other, I couldn't resist. Into the freezer for one loaf and the other I will keep out for meals.
Another educational observation was of big, heavy women riding around on the scooters that are meant for the handicapped or disabled. I know I shouldn't be judgemental, but I can't help thinking that walking or cruising the store just might be good for what ails them. I know. You can't tell what ails anyone or judge a book by its cover, by what is visible to the eye or by what seems apparent, but a lot of people are just too heavy. That includes me; at least I know it and admit it. Oh, to get rid of 20 pounds or more. Another observation; men seldom ride the scooters. I have seen men so old and feeble that they can hardly get about the store, but they are walking. Makes me feel bad for them.
Today I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned. He has a new computer camera to take pictures of ones teeth. Of course, they found two new cavities with an abscess in the root of one. What else is new? At least one more root canal starting next week and at least one filling. And I thought I was starting to see light at the end of the money tunnel. Nope. Not gonna happen.
Don't wonder about how hot it was today. I don't know because I didn't watch the weather. I know it will be hotter tomorrow on Tuesday and I am staying inside. This has been a long, hot, dry summer. Blame it on Bush? Obama will...LOL!
No good sales to be had this week. Another good reason not to go out in the heat. Four letter words; snow, heat, rain, darn, darn and darn. I'll be glad when the summer is over.
One man with a cart had many cases of soft drinks. Yeah, sugar! Mostly people were buying pre-packaged meal. I do buy some meals in box form because they have a certain convenience to them. I imagine they are a God Send to many working mothers and for the elderly or disabled. But if you check the labels for ingredients you won't be all that happy with what you find. Lots of starches, fats and chemicals all combined to make it all "so good." I won't go into lots of detail because I know you can read. Do your home work and don't say the dog ate it.
Today I found some Artisan baked bread. I usually don't buy this kind of bread because it is expensive. For a dollar for one loaf and 90 cents for the other, I couldn't resist. Into the freezer for one loaf and the other I will keep out for meals.
Another educational observation was of big, heavy women riding around on the scooters that are meant for the handicapped or disabled. I know I shouldn't be judgemental, but I can't help thinking that walking or cruising the store just might be good for what ails them. I know. You can't tell what ails anyone or judge a book by its cover, by what is visible to the eye or by what seems apparent, but a lot of people are just too heavy. That includes me; at least I know it and admit it. Oh, to get rid of 20 pounds or more. Another observation; men seldom ride the scooters. I have seen men so old and feeble that they can hardly get about the store, but they are walking. Makes me feel bad for them.
Today I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned. He has a new computer camera to take pictures of ones teeth. Of course, they found two new cavities with an abscess in the root of one. What else is new? At least one more root canal starting next week and at least one filling. And I thought I was starting to see light at the end of the money tunnel. Nope. Not gonna happen.
Don't wonder about how hot it was today. I don't know because I didn't watch the weather. I know it will be hotter tomorrow on Tuesday and I am staying inside. This has been a long, hot, dry summer. Blame it on Bush? Obama will...LOL!
No good sales to be had this week. Another good reason not to go out in the heat. Four letter words; snow, heat, rain, darn, darn and darn. I'll be glad when the summer is over.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
This, being a decent day, inspired me to get out and mow the back yard. It smells so good, like newly cut hay. I did some trimming. It was really in dire need of some sweat equity. The weeds are growing in from the other side of the fence. I will have to use the pruner for some of it because little tree are creeping in from the other side of the fence along with the weeds. I used the weed whacker for a lot of it, and I am not finished yet. Only once in all the time that I have lived here has Doris rented out to someone that actually took care of that yard.
Tomorrow I need to pick off some Roma Tomatoes. The tomatoes that I planted for cooking-eating-canning, have not done well at all. There are a few green tomatoes coming on, but they are small, and it is already August. I may have to buy some if I want to can them. I love home made tomato juice, and I don't have much left.
Today I either lost or misplaced my debt card when I went for gas for the mower. I called the bank post haste and put that card out of commission. I will get a new card in about 10 days. In the meantime I will rely on that old fashioned check book, It takes a little longer to write out a check, but it will work just the same. I am sure Wal-Mart will be happy to have it.
I'm trying to be more careful with my punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and general composing. It would be nice if we had a return to good English that was readable. I can barely comprehend some of the comments or postings on Face Book. I hope that what I write is readable and makes sense. You know what they say; You teach or lead by example. As no one really reads my blog I will do very little teaching by example. So, I will do it for my own satisfaction and desire to do better. I do have a love affair with commas. I just love commas. I stick them everywhere,,,,see? I also like hyphens. They help separate words that can be ambiguous-LOL. I will have to get some of my old books out and re-teach myself.
Tomorrow I need to pick off some Roma Tomatoes. The tomatoes that I planted for cooking-eating-canning, have not done well at all. There are a few green tomatoes coming on, but they are small, and it is already August. I may have to buy some if I want to can them. I love home made tomato juice, and I don't have much left.
Today I either lost or misplaced my debt card when I went for gas for the mower. I called the bank post haste and put that card out of commission. I will get a new card in about 10 days. In the meantime I will rely on that old fashioned check book, It takes a little longer to write out a check, but it will work just the same. I am sure Wal-Mart will be happy to have it.
I'm trying to be more careful with my punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and general composing. It would be nice if we had a return to good English that was readable. I can barely comprehend some of the comments or postings on Face Book. I hope that what I write is readable and makes sense. You know what they say; You teach or lead by example. As no one really reads my blog I will do very little teaching by example. So, I will do it for my own satisfaction and desire to do better. I do have a love affair with commas. I just love commas. I stick them everywhere,,,,see? I also like hyphens. They help separate words that can be ambiguous-LOL. I will have to get some of my old books out and re-teach myself.
Friday, August 6, 2010

The today I went to E'ville to shop some good sales that I had planned on going to all week long. I got some good deals in the way of buying groceries and stocking up. Imagine my surprise when I found bacon on sale for...99 cents per packages! When was the last time you saw bacon at that price? It wasn't even advertised. We just happened to be in the right store at the right time. I bought five packages, but my friend Debbie bought 16. She has kids and grand kids, so that was a good deal for her, too.
Fresh mushrooms were a dollar a tray. Turkey Cheese Franks were a buck per package. Frozen Chopped Spinach was 99 cents. Sliced Bologna and sliced Salomi lunch meat was $1.00 a pack so I got five of each. Also, I bought frozen Vegetable Steamers bags to go into the freezer along with the other goodies. In another store I found regular hot dogs for .77 cents. I spent about $35.00, but was prepared to buy more, but it was hot and I wanted to get home and put the food in the freezer.
The phone was ringing before I left home this morning. The phone was ringing after I got home in the late afternoon/early evening. I didn't answer it. Not because I am of mean intent, but I just didn't have the time to listen. I imagine the phone rang while I was gone. and will ring again tomorrow. I intend to be busy getting yard work done...can't answer the phone.
I forgot to mention that we went to the Chinese restaurant before we went shopping. Yes, it was good.
It is supposed to be a decent day for Saturday; hot, but lower humidity. It is supposed to ramp up again into the triple digits next week-very hot-no rain-high humidity again...darn, darn, darn.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Still on the warm side
Not much excitement in the world of blogging. The sun relented a little bit today and the temperatures dropped back down into the 90's. A slight improvement, but still a little on the warm side. I know it can be pretty hot in August and even into September. I have seen really nice Novembers. Who can tell what is in store for us now that the solar flares are active again.
I went out for a very short time, just to go to the bank. I noticed that gas is up again. It jumped back up to $2.75, just in time for the S.S., disability and welfare checks and food stamps to be received. Watch for it to happen at the beginning of each month, every holiday and for every nice week-end that is predicted. It is a "screw you" economy. We are a welfare nation. We are a bankrupt country. We live by the dictates of a corrupt Congress. We ignore "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. We will pay. Actually, we are paying right now, aren't we. This a statement, not a question.
Go to the following well-researched web site and read well. You can not depend on the regular news for accurate information on the state-health of this nation. So, do your homework.
What I would like to know is how you can have a"jobless recovery?" Does it not take jobs to "oil the machines?" Explain that to me.
All I can say and urge people to do is to STOCK UP, STOCK UP, AND STOCK UP SOME MORE.
On a personal observation, I think that Face Book is dumbing down the nation. It is a nice social network, but the younger generations can't seem to write a complete sentence, spell or use half-way proper grammar. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I am not.
I went out for a very short time, just to go to the bank. I noticed that gas is up again. It jumped back up to $2.75, just in time for the S.S., disability and welfare checks and food stamps to be received. Watch for it to happen at the beginning of each month, every holiday and for every nice week-end that is predicted. It is a "screw you" economy. We are a welfare nation. We are a bankrupt country. We live by the dictates of a corrupt Congress. We ignore "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. We will pay. Actually, we are paying right now, aren't we. This a statement, not a question.
Go to the following well-researched web site and read well. You can not depend on the regular news for accurate information on the state-health of this nation. So, do your homework.
What I would like to know is how you can have a"jobless recovery?" Does it not take jobs to "oil the machines?" Explain that to me.
All I can say and urge people to do is to STOCK UP, STOCK UP, AND STOCK UP SOME MORE.
On a personal observation, I think that Face Book is dumbing down the nation. It is a nice social network, but the younger generations can't seem to write a complete sentence, spell or use half-way proper grammar. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think I am not.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
102 plus degrees

Yes, we made it up to 102 degrees on the thermometer and some places were even hotter. It was a good day to stay in and delve deeper into my book "ATLAS SHRUGGED." Everyone should read this book. It is everything that Glenn Beck has been trying to get across to us, but it was written over 50 year ago and published in 1957. I had read it before, but had forgotten it, so it is all "new" again. It a good educational fiction. It is also a very thick book so be prepared for a reading fest.
I finished off my dumplings today-all of them-because I didn't want to cook anything. I didn't want to go out to eat, either. Just to hot to move. Tomorrow I will just fry some eggs and call it a meal or two. It is supposed to be cooler, in the upper or mid-nineties, or so they say. In the same breath they say the humidity will be lower and that it may rain...which is it?
"You know who" has called me three times today with all the same b.s. that I have heard over and over. It cuts into my day. Anytime I start something the phone rings and it is time wasted for me. She is bored; I am not. She has someone to help her around the house; I do not. Her husband gets home early and cooks a big meal for her. She drives me crazy.
If it is half way decent tomorrow I will get out and go to Wal Mart or someplace...away from the phone...way away.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Too, too hot to post
Too, too hot to write
Too, too hot to think
100 degrees today
Hotter tomorrow
Heat index 118
I did make dumplings today in spite to the heat. Carried fresh water out to the bird bath. Came right back in. It has been this hot before, but not for a long time. It will be again. The weather pattern is cyclical. Not much going on in this heat. School starts here in just a week.
The computer does not like the heat and has a tendency to misbehave. Besides, it is too hot to do anything other than vegetate. So I will vegetate and hope that I don't grow roots.
Too, too hot to write
Too, too hot to think
100 degrees today
Hotter tomorrow
Heat index 118
I did make dumplings today in spite to the heat. Carried fresh water out to the bird bath. Came right back in. It has been this hot before, but not for a long time. It will be again. The weather pattern is cyclical. Not much going on in this heat. School starts here in just a week.
The computer does not like the heat and has a tendency to misbehave. Besides, it is too hot to do anything other than vegetate. So I will vegetate and hope that I don't grow roots.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Lazy days of summer
The lazy days of summer are caused by the high heat and humidity that has enveloped mid-America. It is supposed to be 99-100 tomorrow and very hot for the next few days. I am sure half of America wishes it would snow like it did in Colorado(hail)the other day.
When Steven Foster wrote the song about "MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME" he probably had a Mint Julep in hand, sitting on an open veranda and someone was probably fanning him to keep him cool, you know, one of those "darkies" that were so happy and gay. Oh, Steven foster, what a different world it is today, but it is still HOT!
I didn't get much done and didn't look for anything to do. I washed a few dishes, cleaned the stove and sterilized the sink so I could put peaches in the sink for scalding. Then I goofed off for a while before I went to the task of skinning/peeling the peaches. I put the skinned peaches in the refrigerator. You know, you just can't do this without eating at least one. And are they good.
Six of them are not skinned. They were picked too early from the tree. One side would be rip and the other side would be green, so those six are about half mutilated from trying to skin them.
I have perhaps four or five qts. to freeze tomorrow. It may be less because I put them in a six qt container and it is hard to judge just how much is there until I freeze them. I wish I had more, but they are so expensive to buy on a limited budget.
There is a sale of 10 for $10.00 sale going on this week across the river. I intend to get 10 veggie steamer packages, 10 packs of hot(turkey)dogs and 10 packages of hot(turkey)dogs and 10 packages of lunch meat. I don't think I can get much more into the freezer. Then I can become a hermit and stay home. I won't need much more before next summer.
I want to make some home made bread this week, but I will not swear that I will get it done. It isn't the best time of the year for baking. Even Alice has stopped baking except for special orders. For anyone who does not know Alice, she has a stand at the Farmers Market in Clinton Illinois and sells lot of good stuff. She has more courage than I, baking in this heat.
Thus, the day has come and just about went and by the time anyone reads this, it will be gone.
When Steven Foster wrote the song about "MY OLD KENTUCKY HOME" he probably had a Mint Julep in hand, sitting on an open veranda and someone was probably fanning him to keep him cool, you know, one of those "darkies" that were so happy and gay. Oh, Steven foster, what a different world it is today, but it is still HOT!
I didn't get much done and didn't look for anything to do. I washed a few dishes, cleaned the stove and sterilized the sink so I could put peaches in the sink for scalding. Then I goofed off for a while before I went to the task of skinning/peeling the peaches. I put the skinned peaches in the refrigerator. You know, you just can't do this without eating at least one. And are they good.
Six of them are not skinned. They were picked too early from the tree. One side would be rip and the other side would be green, so those six are about half mutilated from trying to skin them.
I have perhaps four or five qts. to freeze tomorrow. It may be less because I put them in a six qt container and it is hard to judge just how much is there until I freeze them. I wish I had more, but they are so expensive to buy on a limited budget.
There is a sale of 10 for $10.00 sale going on this week across the river. I intend to get 10 veggie steamer packages, 10 packs of hot(turkey)dogs and 10 packages of hot(turkey)dogs and 10 packages of lunch meat. I don't think I can get much more into the freezer. Then I can become a hermit and stay home. I won't need much more before next summer.
I want to make some home made bread this week, but I will not swear that I will get it done. It isn't the best time of the year for baking. Even Alice has stopped baking except for special orders. For anyone who does not know Alice, she has a stand at the Farmers Market in Clinton Illinois and sells lot of good stuff. She has more courage than I, baking in this heat.
Thus, the day has come and just about went and by the time anyone reads this, it will be gone.
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