Yes, we made it up to 102 degrees on the thermometer and some places were even hotter. It was a good day to stay in and delve deeper into my book "ATLAS SHRUGGED." Everyone should read this book. It is everything that Glenn Beck has been trying to get across to us, but it was written over 50 year ago and published in 1957. I had read it before, but had forgotten it, so it is all "new" again. It a good educational fiction. It is also a very thick book so be prepared for a reading fest.
I finished off my dumplings today-all of them-because I didn't want to cook anything. I didn't want to go out to eat, either. Just to hot to move. Tomorrow I will just fry some eggs and call it a meal or two. It is supposed to be cooler, in the upper or mid-nineties, or so they say. In the same breath they say the humidity will be lower and that it may rain...which is it?
"You know who" has called me three times today with all the same b.s. that I have heard over and over. It cuts into my day. Anytime I start something the phone rings and it is time wasted for me. She is bored; I am not. She has someone to help her around the house; I do not. Her husband gets home early and cooks a big meal for her. She drives me crazy.
If it is half way decent tomorrow I will get out and go to Wal Mart or someplace...away from the phone...way away.
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