I went to the library this afternoon and checked out a couple books to read. There just isn't much on TV to capture the imagination.. So, to the books I go.
I took my camera with me, but really didn't see much to take a shot at. You can only take so many pictures of falling leaves.
I made myself a hot drink this afternoon-for whatever I have; bronchitis, asthma or just plain allergies. It seemed to help so I will pas it on,
1/2 tsp Turmeric
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
Honey to taste
(not sugar)
1 cup hot water
Stir and drink
There isn't a name for this drink, but it has a pretty good flavor. I suppose you can add some cocoa to this if you wish. I added some milk to mine. Don't use regular sugar or sugar substitute. Honey has an anti-bacterial property, whereas regular sugar will make bacteria flourish. Remember to stir it often.
Verily I say onto you,
except ye be converted,
and become as
little children,
ye shall not enter
the Kingdom of Heaven
Matt. 18:3
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