I went to the Dollar Tree this afternoon even 'though I didn't really want to, but I have run out of dryer sheets for the cloths dryer. I also wanted crackers to have in the morning when I take my B/P medicine. Never take medicine without food to buffer it. I couldn't find the crackers that I usually buy and I forgot the dryer sheets. Like darn! That means I will have to go back.
I will be out much of the day tomorrow and part of the afternoon on Wednesday. My crown is ready for my tooth. I have lost track: Is this my third crown?
We have had a thunder storm and the power went off for just a couple minutes, but long enough that I have to reset my clock. We are supposed to have more rain through the night, tapering off and then possibly snow flurries tomorrow evening. I hope to be back home before it does anything unwelcome. Rain-OK, Snow-No, not yet, please.
Gas is $2.66 for now. I hope it goes down some.
I tried to go to the library this afternoon. "They" have the streets in front of the library all torn up again. The streets here were pretty decent; now the streets downtown in the business district are like the proverbial washboard of yore.
There isn't much to write about unless you are interested in that the commode is leaking and one tile is coming up. I can fix it if I can find the part for it. There is always something to fix...in every household.
Pater noster, qui es in
coelis santificetur nosmen tuum:
adveniat regnum tuum:
fiet volantas tua, sicut in terra.
Panum nostrum quotidianum
da nobis hodie: et dimitte
nobis debita nostra, sicut et
nos dimittimus debitoribus
nostris. Et ne nos inducas
in tentationem: sed libera
nos a malo. Amen.
How is your Latin? Here is something the spellchecker can't handle and I am not sure of my own spelling. In case you may be wondering, it goes something like this:
Our Father, Who art in Heaven...
you know the rest,
you finish it.
To walk alone takes courage.
To bend to life's needs
takes patience.
To carry one's sorrow
takes strength.
To live one's life
takes faith.
To find one's courage
takes bearing.
To find one's patience
takes caring.
To find one's faith
takes deep inner
To find one's faith
takes God's love.
by Diana Crawford.
1 comment:
I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks
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