I didn't intend to write about write about earthquakes, but as it is in the forefront of the evening news and will be again tomorrow it is a good time to remind everyone that; Anything can happen any time to anyone. Be prepared.
I sit very near the New Madrid fault. When the New Madrid fault shifted in the early 1800's it created a whole new lake; Reel Foot Lake. It can move again at any times and is overdue. California has multiple faults and seismic activity. New York state has some cracks in her beauteous underside. Yellow Stone could pop her bustle and show us what she flaunts in such splendor. We don't live on a static little ball of mud. Something geographical is happening all the time everywhere. We just don't notice in most cases.
So...again I say be prepared. Have water. Have non- perishable food. Have warm clothing. Have needed medication. Have a way to cook or heat your abode, wherever or whatever it is is.
I don't worry about the government taking my money 'cause I don't have enough to worry about. I do consider the elements of Mother Nature a more frequent threat to my health and welfare than all the "Golden Hordes" of of Apocalyptic Bloggers.
The picture on top is not from the earthquake in Haiti. The real time pictures coming over the Internet are not a happy sight. You will see the really bad stuff soon enough. "NO ONE KNOWS THE TIME OR THE DAY" It could easily be us, here, now and bad, just as it is in Haiti and around the globe.
There is plenty of information to be found online about preparing for bad times and bad days. Even the government says to have emergency supplies on hand for at least three days. Do you?Have you?
I was going to write about Angles. Now, I hope the Angles are abroad this night in Haiti.
Sadly, I think most people will still feel Haiti's earthquake is "over there" which puts it out of mind and out of sight - despite pictures on the internet and TV.
But, if a few people do wake up to the need to prepare that's great.
I was born and raised and currently live in
So. California. I've been through many minor and major earthquakes in my life time.
The Bible speaks of the increase and intensity of earthquakes among other things in the last days.
We not only need to be prepared for
'the big one' but more importantly we need to be prepared to meet God.
God bless you, Ron ( an occasional Apocalyptic Blogger ) ronj1946@gmail.com
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