I got a chicken out of the freezer. I haven't cooked it yet. I am waiting for it to thaw out and beg for mercy. I should be able to put it into the oven tomorrow or Wed. I am letting it thaw out in the refrigerator. It should make several meals.
I went to the Dollar Tree today to pick up some Peanut Butter crackers. I take my medicine with the crackers in the morning.
I am trying not to spend a lot of money for food. Instead, I am using up what I have in the freezer and pantry. I have a lot of zucchini and some yellow squash to utilize. I'll cook some with the chicken, along with dressing.
For some reason I seem to be very tired. I may be anemic from noteing the color of my eyelids. I better eat more greens. Basically I am a meat eater 'though I like veggies. I just don't bother to cook them, but I vow to improve.
Yesterday the temp. hit 52, but today it is 39. Mother Nature is a fickle old girl and has her ups and downs. I expect she isn't finished with us yet.
I am a person that hates bad or foul language. I can't say I am without blemish, but it takes a lot to make my tongue spit fire, but it can and does happen on rare occasion. Generally it is because I am vexed to the point of no return.
I need to start shopping for garden seeds and supplies. I want a really good garden this summer. The price of food continues to rise and I hate to dole out more cash for less groceries.
I can can, can. Can you do the can can? I can.
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