I made homemade chicken soup with vegetables this afternoon, as I said I would. It turned out pretty good. It could have used a very little more salt, but not much. I still have a half of chicken left; it was a big chicken. I think that it will go into the freezer until I use up the soup.
I went on a candy binge and I do mean binge. I can go so long without a candy fix . And then I give in to my cravings...big time. It's a good thing I am not a diabetic or I would be comatose right now.
I went and got fresh gas for the the new mower and put the oil in it. Right now the battery is charging. It takes about 8 to 12 hours for it to charge up and be ready to cut grass. It is a big mower; I hope I can handle it on the curves. It's a 6 hp. self propelled mower and I had one just like it several years ago. It was a great machine until my neighbor "borrowed" it. She would just come into the yard, take it, use it, and then bring it back while I was working. This new one is locked up.
I have a trimmer that needs some repair work, but that will have to wait while I get my garden on track. I lost a part on it and have to replace it. I have a gas trimmer, but can't use it because I can't pull the cord with my with my funky arm. So, it's back to electric tools, but I hate the running and then the gathering of the power cords. You do what you gotta do .
I think some of the tomato seeds have sprouted and I know the herbs have, too. So I need to get with the program, don't I.