Do you ever wonder how we got so far away from Mother Nature and succumbed to relying on canned goods, vegetable, and multiple vitamins? Everything we need for survival can be found in nature, but it convenient and expedient to go to the grocery or drug store. Yes, I am guilty of it, also. There are some things I must get from the drug store, like eye gtts. for Glaucoma and blood pressure medicine for high blood pressure. So, even though the Constitution say we are all born equal, we may not stay that way as we meander through life and into old-er age.
However, I do try to forage when I can. A few days ago I wrote about Dandelions. I cooked some with my steak, volunteer onions, and other greens. It was a pretty good meal, high in fibre, minerals and vitamins. I intend to forage as long as the spring season permits.
Now, about Dandelions. Some groceries stores do sell them, but I haven't seen any locally, so I have to pick my own. Get your greens while the are young and tender, before they blossom. As they mature the leaves will become bitter. Wash them well, stir fry, boil or broil with other vegetables and or meats. A little salt, pepper and butter is very good for flavor enhancement.
The dandelion buds can be picked and fried was well. When the flower is in full bloom you can harvest the pretty, yellow blossoms to make Dandelion Wine.
Harvest the tap root, clean well, slice thinly and use it in soups or as a vegetable. The white crown just above the root and the leaves is also edible and tender. Dandelions are just loaded with Mother Nature's medicine: She has her own large Dr's bag.
If you type in edible plants into your search engine you should get Amazon.com. You can type in edible plants and Amazon has several paperback and hard cover books available at reasonable prices.Don't forget your local library for a wealth of information about foraging.
Tomorrow I will try to post about that other "weed" pictured on the left shot above. And do you know the French cultivate Dandelions as a cash cash? .Yup, they do
This, being a wet, dreary day, there is little that can be done outside unless a good drenching appeals to you. It is a good day to get small, household chores done. I am posting this early as there is a Tea Party meeting this eve.
Outta here. End
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