I just read a so-called Survival Blog that has made do a slow burn. If this nation is to survive as a free people we to need to get our act together and be on the same page and recognize "UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL."
The divisions and fall of many great nations--cultures and or ethnic groups started with open condemnation...persecutions of various peoples or micro- societies--that didn't think--pray--or live as "WE DO."
The Romans and the Greeks had mythical Gods made of stones or metals. The Romans dominated and persecuted the Jews and then the Christians. The Christians were partial to roasting dissenters and witches and probable Saints on a nice big, open bonfire. The Puritans liked to dunk their witches and crazies in a cool, blue pond..."can you breath yet?" How crazy was that??
The trend of re-cycling persecution continues well into and... past the "AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT." Back to the future. Blame, persecute, eradicate and terminate all Jews and any Christians or Muslims that stand in the way. Thank you mid-20th century. Every nationality, creed, color or religion has been subjected to such stupidity, immorality, blame-game, hypocrisy, prejudices, monetary rip-offs, brutalities and sheer doltishness. See? I told you I was doing a slow burn.
WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!! A weak, divided nation will fall; It will not stand. As this country sinks deeper into swamp of morass, the boogers can and do at times, get meaner and pettier. If We don't take back America and conduct ourselves as our founding Fathers intended, then we will become another second class people struggling to stay above the impending feudal system-and or a dictatorial conglomeration of bankrupt states.
Heading for the hills won't really solve the problems of Americans. Americans-Constitutional Americans, must face the ever increasing fall of freedoms and liberties. Are you up for that? Are you?
The blog site I read that ticked me off is:
At first glance/reading you may not consider this an innocuous site, but re-read and see why I did the slow burn.
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