Yup, the firecrackers are going off all over the place. You knew they would. The thing that concerns me is that everything is dry.
I ate my first ear of corn from the garden. I dug up a couple of small potatoes and ate them, too. I could not dig down into the soil well because the ground is so dry.I got the hose out and got myself soaked. It happens every time. I did buy a nozzle that is not supposed to leak, but it does. I also have a new 80 ft. hose in the van. I'll try that.
I just didn't get much done today. Just too hot. Pulling weeds out of dry soil isn't easy. Maybe they will come up a little better now that there is a little moisture in the ground.
My electric bill is way up. I only started using the new A/C about three weeks ago and it is supposed to be energy efficient. The utility companies are really making a profit on us downtrodden.
The kid next door finally mowed his grass. I don't need to mow mine yet because it just isn't growing.
There isn't much going on. There is stuff going on down by the river-fireworks-but I am not going to fight the crowd. They can bang away all they want: I am staying home. People have forgotten the true meaning of Independence day. Now, it is mostly one big beer party.
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