I have no melons-cantaloupe-in the garden. The reason is dat pesky widdle wabbit has been eating the blossoms from the vines. The blossoms would appear and then disappear. The plant itself would not be bothered: just those tender yellow blossoms that tasted so good to dat wabbit. Somehow I have to get rid of dat wabbit. I do have a trap that Chuck made for Woodchucks. I'll have to figure out how to set it. If I catch it I will start a wabbit farm!
I picked off a bag of corn this afternoon. I can pick off another bag tomorrow. The corn didn't do well due to the lack of rain, but I will have some. I am disappointed because of the time and work put into planting the corn. Well, that is the nature of gardening. You take what Mother Nature allows. I may get some at the Farmers Market, but their corn is overpriced.
I think I am about done stocking up for winter. I may get a few things yet and freeze some things from the garden. It will be enough for me-one person. Let the cold winds blow and the sky drop snow; I will stay in when Father Frost comes knocking on my door and rattling my window.
With all the rain we have had in just the last few days, the grass has really grown and needs to be mowed. Today was not a day to mow as the temperature was 95 F. and it is supposed to be 98.F tomorrow, Saturday.
I set two mouse traps this afternoon. I feel like a big game hunter after the prize. The only problem is that the prize is pretty smart. I set a trap yesterday and the Mousicus Gianticus got the bait-icus and made me cuss-icuss-sort of. In other words mouse one, me zero.
Remember the story about the ant and the grasshopper? That's me; the ant!
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