Jack is coming to visit soon; Jack Frost, that is. He has packed his bag and is on his way. He will be blowing in here one of these days on a wayward wind. The average first frost here is around October 15 or there abouts. The temperature did drop down into the forties last night. It was supposed to be up in the seventies today, but only made it to 63 degrees. That's O. K. with me; it makes good sleeping weather.
Last night was the first night I wore more my "warmies" to bed. A fleece top and bottom keep me warm and toasty. No fan, or a/c were needed and 'though I had the doors open yesterday I did go and pull the screens down last night when I locked up.. The fresh air wafting in and out of the house during the day was nice and I wanted to enjoy it while I could.
There are many things to do before it does get cold. I don't know how much I can get done. After trying to start the mower yesterday I am reminded of how much I can no longer do. Maybe next spring I will get a mower with an electric starter on it and I won't have to tear my arm up. That is next spring so I won't worry about it today. When I went to the store today I could smell Ben Gay loud and strong so someone else must have done something the wrong way. too!!
I am trying to watch my weight as you may have guessed. I have really cut back on bread, cookies/cakes, sugar and fats. I am not suffering because of it, just tempted as I cruse through the stores, esp. now that there is all that good stuff out for Halloween. I am eating lots of soup and vegetables. My continued weakness is a package of instant hot chocolate in my morning cup of coffee...Oh me! I don't add more sugar, 'though. I am too short to be too fat. I don't want to reach the point where I could just "roll" about and around.
I have been inclined to ramble today; just call me the happy rambler. LOL!
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