Above is a picture of my 1960 Nash Rambler
4 door Classic. It is an old 6 cylinder Flathead.
I wish I could sell it as I can't afford to restore it.
The driveway is mine, but you can't see the house. The tree in the front yard I planted when it was just a little bigger than me and about as thick as my thumb. Look at it now. It grew tall; I didn't!! Up in the drivway is my old Motor home. You can't see it. I will try to get some better pictures later. Umm, you can see the house, but it is shedded out by my tree.
I love this gravestone marker...or maybe it just makes me sad. The inscription reads
"DAUGHTER OF BART & ISABELLA BOURH(hard to read... could be R-C)
BORN NOV 8 1885
DIED OCT. 8 1891
She doesn't seem to have a name, but she must have been dearly loved for that is not a cheap marker that oversees her resting place. Someone at some time put plastic flowers in her hand.
I managed to sleep last night after tossing until 1:30 a. m. I finally got up and took a Melatonin tablet. I am still tired, but at least my eyes are not bloodshot like someone that was out drinking all night.
I went to the reg. grocery store to get milk. I looked around to see how much I saved on the big meat sale. I only saved about about 15 cents a lb. on the hamburger, but I saved big on the chicken at .50 cents a lb.
I stopped at the Salvation Army store to look around. I found a cast iron frying pan and a cast iron griddle for ...$7.00 dollars each. They were both in bad shape, esp. the griddle. The manager would not take less for them so I left them there. I looked at a coat in the "Prime" section and they wanted $40.00 dollars for it. This Salvation Army store is a rip-off. Another person shopping there said the store in Sturgis is much better and I know the store in Evansville is cheaper.
Gas went up-way up, over night. Yesterday it was $2.18 and today it is $2.47 per gallon. So I didn't get gas. Another rip-off.
When I got back from the store I noticed a bulge in the side wall of the front driver's side tire. Back to the tire store tomorrow. Theses tires only have 33.000 miles of careful, slow driving on them. Factory tires are not the best tires. No wonder the economy is in trouble: nothing is made well anymore. Now I gotta go to the b.r. Bye
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