I finally got myself to Wal-Mart. I forgot a couple of things, but I can go back another day. Anyway, I can get milk at the grocery store. I did get two Rotisserie Chickens; one to eat and one for the freezer. I also got a Caramel Apple Pie. I usually don't buy pies, but I wanted one. Every once in awhile you have to give into your whims.
When cell phones first came out I would see people walking around talking and I thought they were talking to themselves. Now everyone, everywhere is traipsing about with a cell phone sticking out their rears..er, I meant ears...didn't I? I never use a cell phone in public. I don't want the world in on my life. Others do and are not at all discreet, quiet or morally aware of what they they yak about or care who hears their prattle. What really gets my goat is when I am in a restaurant and someone wants the world to know that they have a cell phone and are loud in advertising the fact. No one cares and most of us don't want to hear it. There is more to life than having electronics sticking out their r-ears. There is a time and place for all things.
I finished off all my books and now I have nothing to read. Its back to the library time. We have a library tax included into our utility bills here. It is a tax I don't mind paying because Henderson has a fine library and a fine selection of all most everything. You can even check out pictures to hang on your walls. If the weather gets bad and I can't get out they will come to me with the book mobile. If I have a good book I am a happy reader.
I hope to get out and get some more pictures with my camera. Henderson has a lot of history and interesting buildings. Henderson was also the home of John James Audubon and once owned and operated a mill here. It is said that he was a poor business man.
I was trying to watch Glenn Beck on the TV and of course, I got a phone call. That was the end of that.
It has been cool at night,but for me it is pleasant sleeping weather. I like cool nights and fewer mosquitoes.
I don't know no anything of interest so I will give this blog a rest.
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