The frost finally frizzed out my garden and is frizzing me, too. Tomorrow it will warm up slightly and then shiver, shiver, chatter, chatter.
I have been looking at all the sale ads and noticed a lot of stuff on sale are a lot of expensive electronic games, toys and gizmos, many of which are outdated, esp. a lot of the digital cameras. People will go into debt to buy all theses appliances, and electronics, thinking that they are "hot of the shelf." Like they were made yesterday. They weren't. There is a lot of last year's stock out there that the stores want to get out of inventory...sell to thee and me. Too, too commercial.
Sure, the economy is very important...esp. to the Chinese, for we are their very best customers...and biggest debtors. "I OWE MY SOUL TO THE COMPANY STORE." Don't you just hate owing your soul? You can not buy American goods and support the American worker or economy. Everything you buy for Christmas this year will be made overseas, somewhere. Just check the labels...duh.
There is a lot of rumors and rumblings on the Internet about the American currency being replaced in Feb. I don't see how that will get this country out of debt and back on ts feet, do you? Paper is paper unless it is backed by the gold or silver standard. There is the "Amero" waiting for the right time and already printed and ready to replace your George Washington. It has been ready for several years, just bidding time for a monetary failure. Will it come about? Maybe, I hope not for I have an affinity for old George. The more Georges in my pocket, the better I like his "Irish Pigmentation." Nope, I am not color prejudice...I like green just fine.
Save your silver, copper pennies and change. Rainy (or snowy) days may be upon us. If not, and you have saved your money, you are ahead of the game, any game. Buy food, canned goods and all things needed to weather the weather. Spring is a good five months off into the future and the future is now.
I don't have a lot of personal items of interest. I have stayed in most of the week because I don't like cold, dampness. I do have to get out and buy a few things for the people over in the nursing home, but otherwise I don't really need to shop. Most of what I buy for the residents will come from the Dollar Tree Store.