My money tree has shed a few leaves in the past few days. I have been shopping again. This time I went to Wal-Mart and picked up a few things that were on sale.
I bought dressing which was on sale for $.78 cents a box and cake mixes that were also $.78 cents a box. I got four boxes of each.
I think I am pretty well set of winter. give or take a few items. I know I will get more bathroom tissue and maybe some boxes of tissues.
I got a couple steaks out of the freezer in case Raymond(nephew) is hungry tomorrow.
These days of sunshine and clear skies will probably slide away soon and be gone. I really don't look forward to winter..I like to be out, even if I can't do the yard work. I am trying to get someone to fix my mower for next summer and have it done and ready.
Now, an odd thing: my cursor keeps jumping all over the page and I have to constantly stop and "fix" the content of my posting. I don't know why it does this, but it is **** annoying.
I, like everyone, have spent a lot of time watching the tragedy of Fort Hood in Texas TV. It reminds all of us that anything can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere and that we should be prepared the best we can. If that means to have extra food stuffs on hand, then do have it, if you can. Have water and medical means available and a basketful of hope and goodwill.
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