My van is full and overflowing. Yes, I hit the grocery store with glee. There were some items that get I didn't get, but still, shoppers were giving my cart the eye, like.."I wonder what she is gonna do with all those canned goods." A couple items were sold out and I forgot a couple, but that's OK...I think I will go back.
Most of the canned goods remain in the van and I will bring them in one bag at a time. I found bananas for only $.39 cents a lb. Here, in town, bananas are $.59 cents a lb. I am in good shape if the weather turns in the wrong direction...I won't have to go out.
A friend is trying to talk me into getting a dog. Do I want a dog? Probably not, but may agree to do some volunteer work at the shelter. We will see.
I am trying to lose a little wt. so I guess I will fix a salad and a boiled egg for supper. I have been eating too much bread, so I will cut back on bread a little, too.
I have been trying to acquire a rolling pin from Freecycle. So far, no luck. I have never gotten much of anything from Freecycle. I am patient and persistent. I am still looking for a coffee percolator; all in good time.
I put a large load of cloths through the washer and ran them through the dryer. I bought the washer and dryer in 1987 which means they are getting old. I usually don't run big loads in the washer, but I did today. The larger the load the harder the machine works, so I generally keep it to smaller loads. One thing I do, do, is to clean the and filter/lint screen on the dryer frequently...just about each and every time I run the dryer. I have read in the papers that a lot of fires were/are caused by clogged screens and vents. So, I keep them free of lint the best I can.
The weather man just stated that we have had the coolest November on record. Heck, I could'a told 'em that.
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