I have been to a Sale at Walgreens. The sales tape says I saved $17.80. I would have saved $29. 41 if I had just stayed home where it is warm and dry. Had I stayed home I would not have 24 rolls of bath tissue, 5 boxes of Gelatin for a buck, 2 cans of coffee for 5 dollars and a few other items. It was really the bathroom tissue that I was after and the 2 large packages of 12 each should unroll through the winter. I needed milk and got that, too. So...I am ready for just about anything. It would be just my luck that "anything" would come to call as it did last year on Dec.1 when I flew through the air with the greatest of ease...and landed on my elbow. That was a dang, dang day.
My health insurance agent was here today to sign me up for next year's health supplement. We got to discussing the increased crime and 2 murders and a robbery that resulted in an other death later, at a gas station near here. He knows, as we all do, that crime and violence is up because of the economy. He has a 9mm pistol and so does his wife. He said there is a lot of crime right on his street and that 5 cops live right on his street. He said it is "everywhere" and it is.
To get into my house a bad actor would have to go have to get through a locked outer door, a locked storm door and a locked and chained inner door. Should someone have the bad luck of getting through the all doors, front and back, I would be aware of their efforts and be waiting for them. I would give them a few "ouchies."
I put a little bit of $$ in the Salvation Kettle this year. There are people in need and I wish I could give more. I feel if I can buy a burger and a frosty I can put a little $$ in the pot.
I hope that tomorrow I will be able to post a better blog, but I have had a few appointments to get to this week. I have some things to do tomorrow, but at least it is here in town. I want to put up some more cooking odds 'n ends. Most everyone in my family can cook, but it might benefit someone. Stay dry. Avoid sailing, but enjoy sale-ing. P. S. Beverly, I got your e-mail.
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