If you are a student of history you know that most governments do not last much longer then 300 hundred years or so, and then start a rapid or a slow decent into cohos or morph into something different, a"new society" or a changed culture or both. The body you thought you knew starts as an internal disease that can not be seen, but spreads outward to encompass all the other organs and tissues of the host, like cancer or osteoporosis. Like cancer, the working parts of the body become invaded and destroyed by aggressive cells out of control or as osteoporosis weakens and robs the framework and structure of the living(Constitution) until it splinters...breaks...or disintegrates. As you must take care of the body...you must take care of the Constitution. It is the foundation...the framework...the very essence of freedom and liberty that is showing some major deterioration. If not for "FREEDOM OF THE PRESS or FREEDOM OF SPEECH" AND FREEDOM OF RELIGION " from which all other liberties flow, I guess most bloggers would be sitting in confinement or up against a wall somewhere. Think it couldn't happen here...in the good ol' U. S. A? THINK...THINK...THINK again.
I am not sure when we started that slippery slide downward; Glenn Beck says it all began about 70-80 years ago. I am inclined to attribute wars, wars, and rumors of wars to a rapid decline in American ethics, culture, morals and greed ,to the weakening of THE AMERICAN WAY.
Removing PRAYER from schools, public places and events has taken its toll on the TEN COMMANDMENTS...what school kid or even adults can recite or even know them anymore ? It appears perfectly acceptable to spout out "GOD DAMN YOU" or anyone or anything, but you better not say "GOD BLESS YOU or GOD LOVES YOU." No, no, no...you must use the proper vulgarities, profanities or righteous explicits to get your points and conversations heard. I guess that is why I don't have much of a following; because I don't stray down that path or am sort of a humdrum blogger. I suppose I am in the wrong century or in the wrong dimension and probably suffering from dementia...says you...LOL's
P. S. After I wrote this blog I was watching Neil Cavuto and his comment on the double standard of the Senate and how they were freelyusing the "F" word on the Senate floor and on TV. Good for you, Neil. Then Glenn Beck came on with a short piece about the "BLACK BRIGADE" or the early preachers stood up and fought for freedom and liberty. GOD BLESS AMERICANS THAT STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT AND GOOD.
Now I am done...for the day
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