I mentioned that I had joined the local Tea Party. Local primaries are coming up soon. A few of the Tea Party members are trying to get on the ballot for the fall elections. They are being attacked by the incumbents..."the good ol' boys," that have been in office and don't want to lose their nice city or county seats of office. They are getting downright nasty in their efforts to retain the nice comfortable positions that they now hold.
The present officials we have do not own their mistakes, missteps or the nepotism's handouts. They are trying to blame people who have never held office for the waste at city and county level. So, I am in favor of sending them all to Venezuela for a nice vacation in the hot equatorial sun . I'll even buy them a straw hat to protect their "good ol' boy" brains. Some of them are about half fried even now.
The shelf life of local, county, state and federal governments are growing old, stale, date expired and some is neigh onto downright rotten. You can only keeps eggs for so long and then they become bad...smelly...unpaletablle...and then you have to toss the bad eggs out. We don't keep spoiled food in the fridge because the spoilage may spread and contaminate the other staples...and then you have nothing other than a mess in the fridge or larder.
It's well past show time and and crude has got to go. We really need to vote the fungus and parasites into the trash can. VOTE...VOTE...VOTE. Amputate the diseased part of the body and clean up, sterilize and isolate the spoilage right out the emergency room door. This IS an emergency. If you don't...can't...take back America now you sure as ****won't later. There won't be a "later."
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