The sun was beaming down from a nearly cloudless sky and the temperature was 83 degrees with little humidity. You can't beat that. I was out tanning my wrinkles.
I finished mowing the front yard. The front is a little harder to mow because of the driveway and some embankment on one side. What I did not get done was the trimming. Tomorrow I plan on pruning the rose bush a bit as it is kind of getting a wild look to it and hardly has any buds.
If you watch much TV you will not have much of a selection to pick from. I was thinking I would like to see TV bring back some of the old classics such as WAGON TRAIN staring Ward Bond and some of the old stars. Lassie would be good. When kids get home from school their choices are really limited. The kids can watch Oprah, some of the court room shows. Rachael Ray's cooking show or some of the other entertainment fare that really isn't kid oriented. Today's kids knows more about sex, crime, dysfunctional families, and Hollywood, than most adults know. Kids don't have to grow up on the streets: they can get quite a liberal arts degree/education from the TV. Most kids theses days have their own TVs, computers, cell phones and social networks right in their rooms. No wonder society is not as social as it used to be. Culture is taught and learned from a TV. There used to be a slogan "Do you know where your children are?" Now you could amend that to Do you know what your children are watching-doing?
Don't get me wrong: I like TV. We didn't have much TV when I was growing up so I have a slightly different perspective on modern life and culture. I too, have some favorite programs that I enjoy watching. I don't know what would happen to all the kids in the U.S.A if all the electonric toys and gizmo's suddenly went black or failed to function. It might be an interesting experiment for parents, adults and children to lose their tenuous grip on fantasy and come to grips with reality. I can see people coming out of their homes with a dazed, confused look on their faces. We, as a nation, are addicted to crude.
You know an EMP would do just that. An EMP is an electronic magnetic pulse. The sun could cause a EMP or our brothers in Iran could. You better be six feet below the surface of Mother Earth should such an event ever happen. Most electronics and modern automobiles would be fried. Iran has the capabilities of lighting up an EMP, high in the sky. This is not to say they would; other rouge nations could, but Iran is well ahead of the game.
I keep telling people to stock up and prepare. You never know what's in store for human kind. We could be gone in a blink of an eye, but it's more likely we would have a slow decent into the thirld world, caused by the failing economy or lack of resources. I am reminded of a movie called 'THE POSTMAN" where the hero keeps saying "stuff is getting better." Well, is it? Time will tell. We maybe making a rebound now, but the country always does better in the spring time and summer. As I said, Time will tell.
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