Friday, April 30, 2010
Too tired
I went to bed early(for me) last night and went right off to sleep and never even rolled over until 7 AM. I won't get much do for a day because of the heavy rain . That will give my body a chance to recover.
As I write the news says that St. Louis has had some tornado touch touch downs. That is west of here by about 120 miles or about a three hour drive. This the storm we are expecting.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I went over parts of the garden with the baby tiller, raked it off and planted a 30 foot row of corn and a thirty foot row of red potatoes. The potatoes were dinky spuds, but all had good eyes sprouting. They were so small I didn't bother to cut /divide them. If they were really tiny I just tossed in two. I think they will grow just fine.
I got gas for the mower and did the back yard. I hope that I can finish the front before the rains come tomorrow. I also want to plant onions, beets and turnips. After that it will be whatever is left to plant, will get planted. And it is a fair amt. for a small garden. I do like to eat!
It is funny to watch the Robins trot down the fresh rows of worked over dirt and get their buffet. The Robins are not afraid and have a good time torturing worms, tossing them about and than finally chowing down.
I am so tired I don't think I will cook anything. It will be shredded wheat and a banana tonight. I have the will to work hard, but the body is cries "foul!" Bye.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Freedom fighters

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

These are the people who remember what they had and know what they have lost and what goes next; FREEDOM.
The government does not want people who can THINK or can even think they THINK. Whew! That was a mouthful of thinkers.
The first thing a corrupt government will try is to control the news-communications-which they have pretty much done-and why Glenn Beck is scared. Sooner or later they will get something on or against him; the government has been trying to do that for some time. The government will attack the Constitution, not defend it. That ploy is already well in progress. There is a bunch of Yip Yaps in Congress: they make a lot of noise, but it is all bark, no bite-unless Obama wants to put collars on the growlers(us) and lead the mutts(us again) by the chain. How do you like the dog catcher so far? Do you feel like a pampered pet? around Don't worry, it too shall pass. By the way, no one mentioned whether the King of America went to church on Easter Sunday...or maybe I missed it.
My sling shot is empty...for the moment.
Monday, April 26, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Feast or Famine
I had intended to write more about preserving eggs as I now have another dozen in the refrigerator. A friend brought me another dozen today. I will have to get busy preserving a bunch of them. It is "either a feast or a famine." I won't run out of eggs for a while.
So...I just didn't spend much time on the computer-sorry.
Friday, April 23, 2010
A plan-yes
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I stuffed myself yesterday so I tried to cut back today. Two hot dogs for lunch without bread/buns. For supper I had a really good steak from the freezer and added two eggs-steak 'n eggs. Low fat-high cholesterol...LOL! Good 'though and satisfying.
I am trying to avoid going to the store, but I am out of milk and bread. I guess I could and should...make some bread.
April, June and July are hard months so I try to save my nickles and dimes for home owners and Auto Insurance, pulse there is the dentist to pay. I guess that's life. Everyone has bills to pay and everyone has to bite the bullet. At least I don't have to pay Fed. taxes anymore. But even that may come about in the future.
Well, I am NOT just a font of information, am I.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Bridges to Where?

Monday, April 19, 2010
More on eggs

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Preserving eggs 101

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Theses shots and the rally were taken at the water park. Good thing it hasn't been turned on yet!
Senator Whitfield couldn't make it, but he sent his representative. Palosie kept the Senators in D. C. voting on four of her pet bills.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Is stuff getting better?

Monday, April 12, 2010
Bees and stuff
My next task is to start some green pepper seeds. I like green peppers esp. stuffed with a filling. Hmm...I think I like everything. But I need to grow stuff first.
I had a huge Bumble Bee get into the kitchen yesterday. The bee is now history. I was sitting on the back patio and spotted a wasp crawling into the smoker. I imagine there is a nest within. Nasty stings, they do give.
I am finishing off some leftovers this eve. I had some rice left over so I added an egg to the rice and scrambled it in a small amt. of bacon grease. It tasted pretty good. I think tomorrow I will use up some left over ham and sweet potatoes with asparagus. Not sure how to fix the veggies 'though. May add an egg to the veggies and "fry" them, too. There isn't anything much better than bacon and eggs unless it is ham and eggs.
I re-mowed the back yard and pulled a few weeds. Tomorrow-Tuesday- I will go over the front and pull a few weeds there, too. As I can't pull the start weed-whacker I will pull what I can.
My elbow keeps "popping." I don't know why, but I am trying to be careful.
Years ago I bought a Parker Pen at about $8.00 dollars. I got a catalog today and they are in the hundreds of dollars. Maybe my old Parker is worth money--maybe not. I bought a gold plated pen a long, time ago, too. I wonder what that may be worth-got gold?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
So-sewing and stuff

Friday, April 9, 2010
I hope to get corn in the ground this coming week. The tomato seeds are up and growing. I will start some green pepper seeds very soon, also. There are also potatoes to go in the
ground soon, too. This is the time to plant them while it is cool. I need to get sweet potato slips from the hardware store as the ones that I tried to start are just not doing anything.
This year's garden will be fairly basic. It will be what I can do and not what I want. There will be onions, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, winter squash, beans, and some greens. Even with a basic plan for the garden I don't know how well my arm will take it. I will persist because there is nothing better than fresh vegetables from the garden.
A garden will and can save you a lot of money on groceries. I still have stuff from last year and if it were not for the garden produce I would be pinching pennies even harder, until the pennies squealed even louder.
Everyone that can should have a garden. Everything I hear and see says that food will be expensive and may even become scarce-shortages. It is already high and gets higher every time I go to the store.
Gasoline is nearly $3.00 a gal. here. That is why I stay close to home. My tank is nearly empty now. People will stop mowing if it gets to high.
This the time for car insurance, home owners insurance, and more dental work. Social Security just doesn't stretch far enough, does it. And the new health care package gives me a laugh. You will pay into it, but it will not be available untl...What...2014? So, pay now and pay later. Just another scam and I have been scammed to death already.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Cleaning- out with the Old

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Rhubarb, Pie and Mowers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Nothing much

Monday, April 5, 2010
Fried Eggs

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Enlarge pictures
I drove down by the mighty Ohio to watch the water flow and eat my French Fries. It must be spring because a man was out flying his kite high above, wafting on the breezes that flit over the broad river. The pictures are not the best because I was aiming up into the sun for some of them. I also caught some coal barges going about their business, taking full loads of coal upriver to all points east and north and empty barges heading south to pick up their new loads. North is Louisville and south would be Paducha. All along the river going south are where the barges can refill coal from all the local mining. Kentucky mines the coal that runs the generators that that makes the electricity that lights up your houses and helps heat your homes. So there. How is that for run-on sentencing.
Anyway, as some of the top analysts are worried about food shortages and empty shelves I am thinking of some of the basic garden plants that should be in a garden.
- Beans-all kinds. Beans are high in protein, low in fat and cholesterol.
- Corn- a starch, but good for you
- Potatoes-equally good and full of natural potassium. It isn't the potatoes that is "bad" for you, but what your put on(dress)them with.
- Greens-all kinds. Anything green carries iron that carries the oxygen that flows through your blood stream. If you don't have or are iron poor you probably tire easily or are anemic.
- Calcium-some veggies have some calcium. Whereas you "can't" plant a cow in a city garden be sure to have milk, cheeses and eggs in your diet.
In my next Saturday post I will try to tell how to store eggs without refrigeration.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Busy Bees