Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Jesus was a construction man

Jesus was a builder...did you know that?  He  was very active in construction, as was his father, Joseph.  Both were carpenters, but Jesus was the real builder, the real architect of His time and place and even beyond.  His constructions still stand today, over two thousand years after His structures were designed and built to His specifications.  Yes, He was a Man with a plan.

Jesus built a "church" and laid it out on a firm foundation.  he called the foundation, the brick and mortar of His first building..."Peter, The Rock,"  Peter, the Apostle, the foundation of the Christian Church.

While Peter may have been known for his stubbornness, faults and failings, he was the rock or foundation of the message that Christ-the anointed one, brought to The Chosen People and to the Gentiles.

Most rocks seem to have some rough edges, chips or often need to be dressed and refined before being laid for a foundation.  Peter seemed to be a perfect stone to hew and quarry for a foundation. Once  Peter's substance was smoothed and made ready, he was the right stone for the right foundation, chosen by the builder...Jesus.

Thus comes the question: Are you a builder?  The foundation  now laid, built upon, needs workers to keep the building in good repair, solid and expanding in the sense of evangelizing, continuing the teachings, good works, and "The Good News" of Jesus.  Now is our time to add to the house that Jesus built.  Can you?  Will you?  Please consider yourself a new carpenter and build as you can.

Now, the next content of this post is a little different, but has everything to do with tearing down, rather than building up.


How to take a great nation from an open democracy to a closed socialist tyranny.

1.  Control communications and the media.
2.  Usurp the Constitution slowly, but steadily.
3.  Demonize and attack religion and the practice of religion.
4.  Label any opposition or a third political party or body as "terrorist."
5.  Confiscate or make gun ownership illegal.
6.  Militarize your local and state law enforcement.
7.  Make citizens reliant upon the state or government.
8.  Government intrusion in all facets of private lives.
9.  Tax without representation or mandate Government
 policies that do not concur with the will of the people.
10. Destroy the economy buy debt and corruption.

These are just my opinions.  Are we "too big to fail?"  No.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Well, did you know...that Christ was not the last name of Jesus?  As an observation...very few people of the New Testament were referred to as people with last or sur names. They were know for their genealogy or occupations.  Jesus' father was referred to as the carpenter, as was Jesus.  Peter was know as the "fisherman," Luke was the Doctor and Matthew was the "tax collector."  Offhand, the only one that I can remember of having two names was Mary Magdalene and that may have been to differentiate her from Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  And Jesus was called Christ which meant He was the "anointed" one or the "messiah."  and that He was from the "house of David. 

The name of Christ is about the highest honor, accolade or title given in any age, and not given freely.  It was a special recognition that Jesus was a man above men: special and holy. someone to be revered.  No one else has born that particular designation given by so many around the world at any time in history.  Of course there were and are a lot of men that have come and gone that thought that they were pretty unique among men, but none have ever earned or achieved such status and none have ever changed the world as Jesus, the "Christ" did. He was the "anointed" one, the messiah.

I have tried to keep this simple, but if anyone wants to check out the name "Christ" it easy to do by just typing in the word "Christ" in your search engine and read.  As I am not a theologian or known for my brilliance, please do a search on your own.  You will find information far better than any that I could put into this blog.

It is cold.  there was frost upon the pumpkin this morning.  The temperatures are below "normal" for this time of the year.  There will be a hard frost tomorrow on Thursday and again on Friday.  There is a chance for snow flurries here in the Ohio Valley and it isn't even November yet.  O NO!  That can't be right!  We are in the midst of Global Warming...aren't we? 

This has been a fairly busy week for me thus far, and I have two more days to go.  As I am not getting any younger I have found myself needing a nap in the afternoon, whenever I can.

Yesterday the floors were measured.  I hope to have hard wood floors put in and get rid of the carpets.  The carpets have been here since 1986.  Now I sneeze, cough, wheeze and my nose wants to move to Arizona or someplace allergy spores and dust free.  Actually, carpets are warmer in the winter months and I don't want to spend money that I really can not afford to, but I am more in favor of good heath and the ease of keeping allergens out of the air and my little nose.

And that begs the question:  What do you do when you desperately need to sneeze and you have a mouth full of good, hot soup?  Don't bother that answer that!  Ah-Chew! Or something like that.

I think I will get this post out on time!  While not noted for my high IQ when it comes to thinking and writing, I tend to persistent.  If I can't get it out on  a Wed. I will get it off into cyberspace as soon as able.  Are you persistent, too?



Friday, October 18, 2013

R&R- Rest and Recreation

I am taking the day off: away from people, places, funerals, things that go bump in the night...or daytime.  I need a little rest.  However, I do need to do a little shopping, housekeeping and necessary "home stuff" and I don't even want to do that.  Lazy me.  Or tired me...whichever.

Sister C. asked me which resident I was going to "adopt" next, now that Bea is gone.  I will think about it, but not today.  Nope, not today.

I finally broke down and turned the heat on.  I try to hold out until November, but it has gotten a bit chilly and will be for the next few days.  The warmth feels sooo good.  As I am on a limited budget...unlike Congress...I try to keep the heating bills down.  I can dress warmly most of the time, but when the temperatures drop into the 40's and 30's, it is time to be less "poveretical" and more comfortable.  Cheap, am I?  No, just aware that everything is becoming more expensive, there is a long winter season ahead, and the government is failing.  I don't want to fail with it.

I am not a prepper or survivalist, Per Se, as I have said before, but I do try to prepare for bad weather or other unpredictable events.  That is why I went to the store this afternoon and got a few more items for stocking wise.  I spent the grand total of $23.00.  In the Bible, Matt. 6:20, we are told not to accumulate our wealth on earth, but to "lay up our treasures in heaven."  I, like the Mormons, think that we are to be prepared as well as we can, without becoming obsessed with possession and hoarding.  So I try not to go overboard with my "stocking up."

Tomorrow...Saturday...I hope to get a few more things done that need attention.  While I got a few things done today...I was not a "ball of fire" and it was really a day of rest for me.
Peace and prosperity to all, and to all a goodnight.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Busy Me

Oh, where do I start.  It has been a busy week and I am tired.  I won't go into much detail other than to say that next week portends to be busy too.

I finally went to the grocery store.  I bought bread and chocolate doughnuts and forgot them-left them in the store.  Don't shop when you are tired.

Because I am tired and need to get up and go to a funeral in the morning, I think I will try to post on Friday.

So this a very short post as I have not had a lot of time to put my thoughts together.


Friday, October 11, 2013


This  a is a short post on basic economics.  It is easy to comprehend.

I have a pretty green strip of paper with intricate printing on both sides.  It measures about 6 inches by about 2 inches.  It is called currency or legal tender.  In theory I can exchange it for something of equal value.

I also have a plain  sheet of typing paper.  It has no value.  However, if I take that same sheet of paper and print a picture of a jar of coffee or some similar item of value I should be able to exchange it for some other item of value that I want or need.  Until I run out of coffee or what ever I am offering as that I base my "currency" upon.  Don't try this at home as it is only a teaching model.

In theory the dollar bill and all paper money is backed up by gold.  Try exchanging that piece of green paper for gold.  You will get nothing.  THE GOLD STANDARD DOES NOT EXIST.   Nothing for nothing will get you just about nothing.  However, if you bring me a piece of paper with a picture of a jar of coffee I have offered and have backed up with something of equal or better will get something that you need or want of near or better value.  Just don't try printing your own currency or you will be deep, dark water without a floatation device.

Now you know economics 101.  It is also the reason that people barter.  Now you know why people need to work two or more jobs to make ends meet.  And you also know why we have a silent inflation and the dollar won't buy much.

I stay within the law of the land and have great respect for the real laws that our Founding Fathers put in place.  Now you know the reasons that this once great nation if floundering, trying to swim through red ink, misuse of the laws and trickle down corruption.  Failure usually starts at the top and recedes down to the lowest levels just as it did in the days of the Roman Empire.  Do feel like you are being fed to the lions or the Bankers and top heavy Big Governments?  I do.   Paper is only paper. Think about it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I've been shopping.  I am still stocking up.  I hit a sale today and put a lot of stuff into the freezer.  Let the cold winds blow where they may or the snow come down and cover the ground.  I think I am just about ready to hibernate for the winter.

I spent $29.00 today and got a lot for my money.  After I count my nickels and dimes up and determine if I have enough money left over I will go back and get some more food for the pantry and freezer.  I think I will get some extra milk and bread to put in the freezer as well...if I can find room.

I am not really a prepper or  survivalist.  I just don't like going out to shop during the winter months...or perhaps I should say I just don't like cold, miserable winters.

I will be out most of tomorrow-Wednesday-so I am trying to some of this blog written this evening.  I need to go back to the Eye Dr. and to do several other things as well.  So..I have not forgotten that I am "on a mission."  I think best when I am drifting off to sleep and have great ideas for this blog, but when I wake up I can't remember them...sigh.  I also wake up laughing at times and the next morning I can't remember what was so funny, but whatever it was it must have been joyous...I think, but I can't remember!

This the month that we honor the Mother of Jesus, Mary.  It is a time to speak to Mary through the recitation of the Rosary.  I do not need urging to do that as I recite the Rosary daily.  I won't say I "pray" the Rosary because a lot of people get the wrong idea that we Catholics are worshiping Mary.  We give her honor which she is due as the Mother of Jesus.  We ask her to intercede for us just as we would ask our own earthly mother to intercede for us or pray for us.

In the early times of the Jews and in the history of the church and peoples of Egypt, the mother of a king was given honor and respect and entitlement.  That is what we do for Mary for she was the Mother of Jesus, our King.  She is entitled to such honor because God Himself chose her to be the vessel of His only son.  Therefore, we should do no less.  We should spend October giving Mary all due respect that that she deserves.

Personally, I wish the Church did not need to remind us or urge us to "speak to Mary" and that we would do it on our own without occasionally needing to be prompted.  The Rosary is not an obligation.  It is a chosen act to "speak to Mary" and ask her to pray or intercede for us.  On rare occasion I have forgotten to say the Rosary, but I would have to be pretty tired.  I have gotten up at midnight to say the Rosary and not because I am someone special, but because it give me peace.

I had in mind to write some more on this blog, but I am sooo tired.  I have had a very busy day and didn't get home until about 7:30 P.M.  I may post a bit more on Saturday evening, but for now...this is it.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

I'm on a mission.

I'm on a mission.  You are, too.  Unless you were born in a have a mission.  While you may not be aware of your mission, recognize it or choose not to accept it or act upon it...your have a mission.  We were not conceived or born into this life to vegetate or coast along while we inhabit this life, but to prepare for the next life.  I have a mission here and now, to grow as well as I can spiritually and to love the Lord, Our God.
This small, insignificant blog is part of my mission.  It is the best that I know how to do with what graces, talents and understanding that I have.  I am lacking in many ways and I am aware of it, yet I continue to try to carry through with my mission.  I use this blog vehicle to try to evangelize, proselytise, to teach or share to the best of my ability.

"Jeremiah was a Bullfrog."  Well, you can sing that song if you want to, but the Jeremiah that I am thinking of was a Prophet in the Old Testament.  "He is the fountain of life, but we are the dispensers of His living waters."  You will find this in Jeremiah 2:13 and 17:13. 

Jeremiah had a mission, too.  He was sanctified as a prophet while still in his mother's womb.  He disturbed his fellow Jews with his words of prophecy so he was stoned to death for upsetting them the status quo.  Sounds all too much like the modern age we live in.

Well, I am back and this is another day.  I deleted a lot of what I had written because I didn't know if everyone in Russia or China(that read this blog)had a Bible or access to one.  Most Americans have a Bible 'though they may not open it.  Hopefully they do. 

Back to Jeremiah.  I was going to give the references from the Book of Jeremiah, and give my interpretation of the reading or verses...but then, it is my interpretation and it may not be agreeable to all readers.  So I nixed it as I am coming from a Catholic viewpoint.  That's just me-I can't help myself-and I think Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air within the church.

The coming of Christ was foretold many, many times in the Old Testament: of His birth, His ministry, His suffering and His death. He had a mission.  It was and is the salvation of God's people and that is us: God's People.  He gave up His life that we might live.  It is our personal mission to do and live according to The Ten Commencements and the Beatitudes. I do stumble along the way, but pick myself up and continue on.  I try to love my neighbor as I would love myself...but that isn't all that easy because they have a Pit Bull and I am not so keen about it.

This post is a little disjointed and irregular in content because of "starts and stops" in time and message.  I will try to do better next time.



Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today or tomorrow

Today is Wednesday and I am working on my post.  I may not get it out until later this evening or tomorrow. It takes a lot of thought to do a blog such as I try to post.  Don't give up on me.  I will get it done.  Peace.