Friday, March 29, 2013


A friend has passed away this day.  I hope he was well received by his heavenly Father.  It is a reality that we all must face sooner or later.  Are you ready for that time that comes to all?  I hope that I am.  I try to be.

I will be out tomorrow, much of the day and will probably get home late.  I probably will not post much before Monday.

I hope everyone has a happy, fruitful Easter.



Now I'm tired.  Holy Thursday is over.  I thought I was early for Church, but I guess not as parking was premium.  I finally got int a small space.  A large truck extended into the space, but I made it in without scratch or ding.  I just got into Church on time.  Every pew was filled. 

Anyway, the service was long, but quite nice.  Father washed a lot of feet.  Mine were safely unreachable.  I think that Father was really impressed that the Pope went into a prison and washed the feet of teenagers.

OK, I've been out looking at Troy Tillers.  They are really too expensive for me, but I may buy a "cheaper" tiller and then add the electric start kit myself.  I think I can do it.  The tiller that I priced was well over $1,400 dollars before taxes.  Way beyond my means.  I am thinking...thinking...I could buy a lot of processed food in cans with that much money.  It is just that I don't want processed food from a can.

The end of Lent

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Even so.  Even though the nights are cold and the days are still below normal temperatures, the world is trying to green anytime we have a sunny day... especially any weeds.  I walked out through the yard to take the trash out for pick-up and came back in and sneezed so many times that I guess I will need to take an allergy tablet.  My ears are plugged and my nose is running off down the street.  I am not sick-just sick of the strange weather.

This year I will try to put in a good garden in spite of a arm that doesn't work as well as it should.  I am craving good food from good soil.  I do not use chemicals.  I do use fish emulsion.  It smells bad, but plants love the stuff and a little goes a long way.  Everyone should think about having a garden-even if it is a small garden.  I have been reading that food prices will go up around 6% this year.  That means for every dollar you spend, six cents will be that of inflation.  Add that to the price of gas that is promised to go down, but never does, and all other rising cost of living...pardon my French...but we are screwed deep into the wall with a Black&Deck drill.

Probably some of the easiest foods to grow are salad greens.  I like salads so that is on my list.  Next might be Spinach, Kale or Mustard Greens.  Once they get a good start, they are not that hard to take care of.  I do not really crow corn.  It takes up too much room and requires a lot of hilling.  I love Sweet Potatoes so they are on my list.  They do require attention and care, but they are worth the effort.  I have grown regular potatoes, but they require lots of hilling and I don't know if my arm can take it.  We will see.

I have tried to talk my brother into planting a garden, but he says that there is only six inches of soil where he lives and under that is limestone.  In that case an elevated garden would be helpful.  He could make boxes and fill them with soil or make a square foot garden.  There are any number of ways to garden in less than ideal soil or areas.

Tomorrow is Holy Thursday.    It is the eve that Christ spends with His disciples at the last supper, breaks the bread and blesses it, and ask His disciples to do the same in remembrance of Him.  Do you do something to honor the memory of Christ? 

Monday, March 25, 2013


It's cold.  It is wet.  Mother Nature is spitting ice pellets.  It is also windy which makes it colder.  I don't like it, but at least we didn't get much snow whereas other places did.  I am staying in as much as I can.

A mouse got into my "go bag."  In case you don't know what a "go bag" is, it a bag that I keep on hand for any emergency, such as bad weather, no heat, no electricity, no water or a car break-down.  I can't say that I am a real "prepper" or even a "survivalist."  I am just a person who likes to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature may send my way.

Anyway, the mouse got into the chocolate envelopes...nothing else.  I don't know how the mouse got into the bag as it was zipped up.  I couldn't find any holes in the leather or any damage to the bag...just the chocolate pouches were chomped on.  I will replace the packets as soon as I clean out the bag.  Naughty little mouse.  I am sending the mouse to your house!  Actually, I think it went to Micky Mouse Heaven on Celestial Street..

These are the last few days of Lent.  I will be glad when it is over because I think I tried to tackle too many resolutions.  I did not give up, but I am tired.  Lent isn't like making a New Year's Resolution.  You just don't stop because you took on too much...or I don't believe you should.  And it may be that we will close out the Lenten Season with some better weather.  I am sure that a lot of people hope so.


Friday, March 22, 2013


I've been thinking:  About the Trinity: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  How I can relate to the Trinity in a human way.  Sometimes my thinking can just travel a different road and still see the destination  of Quest, around the corner of Perception.

I am thinking that we, as God's creation, in His Image, are of and part of the Trinity.  We, as humans...have three parts that are integral to our persona.

The first part of our "Trinity" is our "face value."  It is the self that we show to our peers, friends, social groups, and much of our interactions of daily encounters with others.  It is   "who" we present ourselves to be, and as we wish to be seen by those we encounter daily or frequently, and it is generally our false personalities..selves, that we show.  We all have that face that is turned to the world and everyone in it.  It may not be a pleasant "first self" or a good representation of God's Image, but here we are.  Or it can be a very good portrait of our other two inner selves, depending on our personal mores, cultural backgrounds, experiences and intentions.

The Second Self is just below the surface of the reality of what we present ourselves to be.  The Second Self can be the side of ourselves that we really try to hide, cover and bury  and often do.  It can be all the things that make up a very unpleasant or unhappy person, someone with a quick temper, an individual who strikes out at, shrinks from responsibilities, jealousies, hostilities and anger, greed and any lack of control, from we have not been able to master.  Our First Self is the face we hide behind.  Or the Second Self may be the one that we shouldn't try to hide of shy away from.  Every face has an opposite relflection.

Our Third Self is very deep.  It is our soul.  Did you know that you have that third self-in our human trinity?  It is the dwelling place for The Holy Spirit, also.  This the face of our innermost human Trinity.  It is the spiritual identity that we often do not show or want to be known.  We are afraid of the connotations and perhaps being called a "religious nut case" or something similar.  I am pretty sure a few of my friends call me a religious nut case, and it may be true!At the same time I know that the Spirit of God is seeking  release from our little prisons of the flesh.  How can
God work in us and through us if we don't recognize Him and turn Him loose?  GOD WANTS TO COME OUT OF THE SPIRITUAL CLOSET!

It is really hard to give our Trinity to the world, certainly not as The Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit has done for us... His people.  When and if we can see even a small portion of the Trinity in ourselves and try to live accordingly, we please God.  What part do you give?  The first part...the second part...or as much of the third part as you can possibly give?  Or all of yourself?

Well, these are my thoughts.  I may be giving some poor scholar hissy fits or some theologians gray hair, but at least I am trying to think about it and understand it...the best that I can.  Comments?

On a lighter note or less "religious nut" note, the weather is about to change again.  Even the weather forcastors are wondering if winter is ever going to end...and what happened to spring?  Who knows?


Thursday, March 21, 2013

I C U...No, I can't.

This is another short post.  I've been to the eye Dr. today.  I have more hemorrhaging in the back of my left eye.  I have already had two laser treatments for that.  The pressure is up in both eyes.  I am to have cataract surgery in September.  My brother also had bleeding in the back of his eye.  He only has partial vision in that eye.  I have a very good eye Dr. and he catches problems early and then sends me to the specialist.  So that pretty much occupied the day for me.  I go back to have the pressure checked in late April.  I am a person who loves to read, but I think I will cut back a bit for a while.

I have a post just about ready to go, but not tonight.  Maybe tomorrow eve.


Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I won't post much tonight as I am tired.  I will tell you that on the way home from church tonight I noted that gasoline has dropped to $3.39.  I think the big oil companies found out that Obama and "Old Uncle Joe" Bidden were both out of the country and let Americans have a few brakes at the pumps.  Maybe they could both take a couple of weeks off from politicking. That would be cool.

One year ago today the temperature was 84 degrees.  Tonight is is supposed to brake a record and fall into the teens.

Now I am going to bed as I have to get up and at 'um and go get my eye pressure checked tomorrow.

"Good night, good night, parting is such sweet sorrow."  I know everyone knows that quote.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


O.K.  So I didn't post for a couple of days.  There are other priorities to attend to.  There may be more days of business coming up.  Sometimes "you just gotta do what you gotta do."

We have had lots of rain for a few days and the local drought is relieved somewhat.  If we had had as much snow as we did rain it would have been around 13 to 15 inches of snow.  I will take the rain over snow.  In any case the Ohio River is "up" and is some minor flooding in the low lands along the river.  Here, they call it "back up water" as it really does back up with no where to go.  Fortunately my little house is up, high and dry. 

Eureka!  I was cleaning  out a closet and I "found" brand new undies and stuff that were still in the bag and wrapped.  That may seem to be a strange thing to mention in a blog, but we all wear them, right?  Anyway, I was glad to find said items as those "unmentionables" were on my list to replace.  I must have tossed them into the closest when company was coming and then forgot all about them.  It is good to clean out closets every so often!  I also found a few other items that I had misplaced, but nothing as exciting as new "undies."  So, you see, it doesn't take much to make my day!

I had my hair cut this afternoon.  It was a far better cut than I had the last time.  It was done by a new beautician.  New beauticians are like new Doctors; the want to build up their clientele.

I finished a book that I was reading.  Good.  Now I might get some work done.  I think I will avoid the library for awhile.  Even though we have had lots of rain, on again, off again, cold weather, the grass is growing.  It will soon be time to drag the mower out, charge the battery and get it ready for what is to come. 

I will be out late again on Wednesday evening.  It is supposed to be a cold night.  If you are wondering where I go on a Wed. eve., it is to Mass and Holy Hour or the Exposition of the Holy Sacrament.  I think next Wed. is the last Mass and Holy Hour, but I will look at the calender to make sure.  It seems that each and every Wed. it is really cold and the "crowd" gets thinner and thinner.  I wish I was getting thinner and thinner, too!


Thursday, March 14, 2013


I did get home late last night as I thought I would, hungry, tired and cold.  I stopped on the way and picked up a fish dinner and had a late supper.  I was ready for it as my stomach was making funny noises.  As it was already late, I didn't post anything as I figured that readers were probably tired of reading about church and spiritual opinions and O.T. and N.T. information and prayers.  I decided to give everyone and myself a little break...and I was tired.

I will be out again tomorrow, but to do some necessary shopping, get gas and take a few items to the Salvation Army.  "One man's junk is another man's treasure." or so they say.  I still have a lot of clutter; items and cloths that I will never wear or use again.  So...more stuff to go.

The temperature and the price of gas is like playing with a yoyo; up and down, day by day.  Mother nature plays with the weather, but who is pulling then strings on the yoyo?  There are always an excuses as to why the price of gas is changed almost daily.  We have heard all the same excuses over and over.  I am tired of the bankruptcy of America.  I am tired of Obama running all over the country, having a gay old time, on the American dime.  I've got a suggestion for Obama and all his cronies...Get a job...or better yet....Do your job!  Your not King yet! that I have spouted off, I feel better; how about you?  I guess I need to get back into my normal...or abnormal postings or the men in black will be knocking on my door.  That might give me more gray hair than I already have...not good.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The TV's Conclave

I really don't have much to write about.  The reason?  It got cold again so I stayed in and stuck my nose deep into a good book.  I will be out tomorrow and that is soon enough for me.

I have watched a little of the Vatican Conclave, but not a lot.  Like everything else, the big TV stations have covered so much of the Papal election that they have worn out, analyzed, dissected and speculated...that my interest is is assaulting my senses...not that I have any senses to assault.  Thus, a good book, hot tea and closeness to the fireside bright.

Yes, I am still sticking to my Lenten Penances and observances. It isn't easy and I guess I will be glad when I can ease off a bit.  I hope some good comes from my efforts and it sticks like glue. 

I know that I will be out tomorrow and will probably get home late, tired and hungry.  I may not post anything at all, not even drivel.  I will wait until late to make up my mind.


Monday, March 11, 2013


Holy Smoke!  Well, maybe not so holy after all.  I burned the!  Hack, hack, cough, wheeze.  So, how did I do that?  Easy.  I turned the burner up to high and then turned around to do something else. I didn't turn around until the kitchen was filled with..gasp..hack..cough..smoke.   That will teach me the next time I want a pan full of caramelized onion..maybe.
I expect that in a few days or so I and millions of others will see real "Holy Smoke" emitting from the Vatican as a new Pope is elected.  I will follow the election news on TV as much as possible.  Everything is speculation as the Cardinals politic for the Chair of Saint Peter.
I am going to touch on a subject that I have written about before and that is of preparedness.  As I live in an area that occ. has some very unpredictable or rough weather, I keep at least five gallons of water on hand, canned food, candles, lamps and lamp oil.  I do have other items ready in case the electricity goes or power goes down there isn't water flowing from the pipes.  Yes, all these things have happened and will happen again in the future.  Be ready for whatever nature sends your way.
You do not need to go out and spend a lot of money on basic supplies.  You can build up your food stock one can at a time.  When I empty a milk jug I refill it with water.  I buy a few candles here and there and have matches in a can for safety.  You do not have to become a big spender..prepper.  Just have what you or your family may need for a few days.  Oh, there is a lot more you can do so that you are ready for foul weather, but at least have the basics.  Cheat Mother Nature and be safe.

Matthew 28: 20
You may be able to outwit Mother Nature, but you can not stop time.  What was yesterday is today and what is now is tomorrow.

Friday, March 8, 2013


OK!  It was a nice sunny day for a change.  The temperature made it all the way up to 52 degrees!  I went to Mass wearing just a sweater.  If you were in a shady spot it was a little chilly, but not bad.  I think that spring has finally wandered into the Ohio River Valley.  I just hope that it doesn't wander out.

I put a little gas into the van this afternoon.  It is now $3.42 a gallon.  I really didn't get much because I am hoping that it will become cheaper.  I will call it Obama gas 'cause he is full of gas!

So...did everyone eat their Spinach today?  I did.  You know green foods are full of iron and we need iron to carry oxygen throughout our blood stream.  Most of us really don't pay much attention to our diets, esp. in the winter.  We either need a vitamin D supplement or to be out in the sun for 15 or 20 minutes a day.  Processed food in cans has a lot of nutrients cooked out and what isn't cooked out we tend to pour down the drain.  Crazy me...I drink the liquid!  And you know...American farmland is being depleted of it's natural minerals and nutrients...hence chemical fertilizers...cancer and all kinds of evil illnesses.  There is an old saying: "you are what you eat."  Well, that is my big spiel for the day.

Don't forget to set your clocks ahead by one hour when you go to bed Saturday night. 


Thursday, March 7, 2013


I was out a little this afternoon.  I got some books from the library and did a small amount of shopping.  I should have gotten some gas while it was $3.45 a gallon.  I couldn't get close to the gas station.  There is not telling what the price of gas will be tomorrow.  I do need to be out tomorrow so I am hoping that gas is still "cheap."

I think that I will ease off from writing anything spiritual for a little while as nothing occurs to me.  I think I am "brain dead" and need a neurological transfusion of stem cells into my cranium.  And my sinuses could use some kind of infusion, too.  It's because I live in the Ohio Valley that my sinuses are forever aggravating.  Cold, damp, humid and annoying. 

Anyway, that is all I know.  I don't get paid to be smart...therefore I am a know-nothing today.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I just got home from Mass and Holy Hour. It was really a cold evening and less and less people are showing up.  I think at the end of the Holy Hour there were just three of us left again.  It must be annoying to Father to go through the ritual and prayers of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament only to have almost everyone leave or trickle on out the door.  So it becomes the "old folks" and maybe one young person to carry on the tradition of adoration.  Do you know that the on Holy Sacrament is never supposed to be left alone the alter?  At least that is what I was taught.

I had to go to the bank this afternoon to cash a small check.  I asked the teller to give me back an envelope full of sunshine. Instead she gave me back strange look.  And I  even had my own envelope!  No humor at all!

While I was before The Blessed Sacrament for an hour and a half I had time to say/pray the rosary, all my evening prayers and give my attention to adoration.  Now I just need to go to bed early...or earlier.



Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Futile works of words

You know, I just don't feel like posting anything sub- stantial.  It is cold, with rain that turned to light snow.  We had 40 mile an hour winds which made it feel that much colder.  Because it has been a crummy day I stayed in and let my brain freeze over.  So I don't have much to say or offer.  Maybe I will do a better post tomorrow eve.

If the snow goes and the wind blows to the east I will be out for the 6 PM Mass and Holy hour tomorrow eve.  I know that I will get home late and I may not have much news or thoughts to pass on.

Sunday will be the 4th Sunday of Lent and we change time in the wee hours, also. Today was my brother's 81st birthday and he is putting along.

Referring back to Lent: I think that I took on too many penances and exercises this year.  I have not given up or quit, but if I walk in God's light next year I don't think I will try to do so much.

Also, I am seriously  thinking of giving up this blog in the near future.  It takes a lot of my time and I feel tied to it.  I know there are readers, but no one makes an effort to comment, communicate, or offer any input.  So this post can not be of any value to them.  Or maybe I could post once a week.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Imagine your prayer, a never ending story

The Church wants and exhorts us to pray unceasingly. To that end I wonder if there is an "unending"...never ending... in the NEVER ENDING STORYIt is a child's story that is only limited to the reader's imagination.  If we could be like the children and let our prayers flow what a different world we would be living in...a world where the lamb would lie down with the lion.  We are  God's children, but you would never know it by how we talk to our Father. 

How is your imagination?  Can you imagine that God loves all His creation?  It is a difficult mind set, to be sure.  It is a "story" of faith that needs to be tended in our spiritual gardens, nourished, weeded and pruned for new growth.  Sometimes we need a wicked pair of pruning shears and cut out all the dead branches so the the roses can
flourish and blossom.  It takes a little imagination and a sharp blade for spiritual surgery.  And that is what Lent is about.  It is a time to reflect, repent and remove as much unproductive leaves and debre' as we can.  It is a time to plant the "new you" and become a strong tree standing against the wind.  Can you do it?  Can I do it?  Yes, we can... if we want to love the Lord bask in His He so desire us to do.


Friday, March 1, 2013


Friday has been a quiet day other than going to mass and then staying for the Stations of the Cross.  In my little book there are 14 Stations, but in the new book used after mass there are 15 stations.  That's OK by me as long as I don't have to sing.  Apparently the verses that were sung between the stations have fallen out of favor or just eliminated.  I did enjoy the verses that were part of the way of the cross of the past.

I am trying to fix the ceiling in my bedroom.  Five of the tiles have come down and a few more look suspicious.  Well, I got two of them up and in place, but they are hanging by a whisper.  I need to figure out how to anchor them.  The accepted procedure will not work.  That is why they came down in the first place...not well done.

What we do in life has ever lasting consequences.  A job well done will last.  A poor job will come down and smack you in the head.  So it is in prayer.  Well said, well intended, earnest, open, honest prayer is pleasing to our Lord.  The pleasure of the Lord is in that we take the time and make the effort to give Him adoration.  All prayers are different as we, His children are.  There is no perfect way to pray unless you pray as Jesus taught us to praying the "Our Father."  If you can offer nothing else, try to pray the one prayer that Jesus himself instituted in the gospel.  It is a "working prayer."