Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Even so.  Even though the nights are cold and the days are still below normal temperatures, the world is trying to green anytime we have a sunny day... especially any weeds.  I walked out through the yard to take the trash out for pick-up and came back in and sneezed so many times that I guess I will need to take an allergy tablet.  My ears are plugged and my nose is running off down the street.  I am not sick-just sick of the strange weather.

This year I will try to put in a good garden in spite of a arm that doesn't work as well as it should.  I am craving good food from good soil.  I do not use chemicals.  I do use fish emulsion.  It smells bad, but plants love the stuff and a little goes a long way.  Everyone should think about having a garden-even if it is a small garden.  I have been reading that food prices will go up around 6% this year.  That means for every dollar you spend, six cents will be that of inflation.  Add that to the price of gas that is promised to go down, but never does, and all other rising cost of living...pardon my French...but we are screwed deep into the wall with a Black&Deck drill.

Probably some of the easiest foods to grow are salad greens.  I like salads so that is on my list.  Next might be Spinach, Kale or Mustard Greens.  Once they get a good start, they are not that hard to take care of.  I do not really crow corn.  It takes up too much room and requires a lot of hilling.  I love Sweet Potatoes so they are on my list.  They do require attention and care, but they are worth the effort.  I have grown regular potatoes, but they require lots of hilling and I don't know if my arm can take it.  We will see.

I have tried to talk my brother into planting a garden, but he says that there is only six inches of soil where he lives and under that is limestone.  In that case an elevated garden would be helpful.  He could make boxes and fill them with soil or make a square foot garden.  There are any number of ways to garden in less than ideal soil or areas.

Tomorrow is Holy Thursday.    It is the eve that Christ spends with His disciples at the last supper, breaks the bread and blesses it, and ask His disciples to do the same in remembrance of Him.  Do you do something to honor the memory of Christ? 

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