Saturday, December 31, 2011

A little drive to a little church

These three pictures are from a small county church way out, just a blip off the highway.  The school and convent are gone now, torn down about ten years ago.  The church hasn't changed much, other than adding a Parish Hall next to
 it.  The older priest took me by surprise because he was a small man, not much bigger than me, and dressed in coveralls.  I thought he was the care taker.  I can not even say his name...Fr. Zed or something similar.  I thought I knew most of the priest around here...guess not.

Yesterday I got gas at $3.09 a gal.  Today it jumped to $3.29 per gal.  It was a nice day the the oil companies jumped the prices.

There you have it.  I enjoyed the drive.  I had forgotten how far out it was and how twisty the highway was.


Friday, December 30, 2011

Saint Teresa-of Calcutta

I have been reading a little bit about Mother Teresa  of Calcutta.  I know that everyone knows who she is and the works she has done, and the imprint she left on the world.  I thought I would just post a few of her words here.

"We have a great people among us,
only we don't know it.
They are the poorest of the poor-
the unwanted
the uncared for
the rejected
the alcoholics
the crippled
the blind
the sick
 the dying-
people who have nothing and nobody
Their very life is a prayer.
They continually intercede for us
without knowing it.
That is why I say that the home
for the dying in Calcutta
is a treasure house
for the whole archdiocese."

It's easy to understand why Mother Teresa was made a saint so quickly after her death in light of her work for and among the very poor.  Her words and commitment to Christ are not as well known as the pictures of her going about her daily life.  If you can, read about her and know why she is a saint in our time.
I actually did something today!  I took the van to the car wash and vacuumed it out a bit.  It needed it.  I guess you could call the van my home away from home.  I got some gas at $3.09 per gal.  That isn't a big bargain, but it is better than what it was the other day.  The price of gas goes up and down so fast that I get dizzy from all the price spinning.
Tomorrow-Saturday-will be another unusualy nice day,then the cold will pour in.  So, tomorrow I will wander and take my camera with me.  No telling where I will wind up.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Price of a Song

The afternoon was hurry up and wait date.  Finally the cable guy came and checked the cable signal which was fine.  He was telling me about the young guy that came to his door without a shirt the other eve. when it was so cold.  He told the cable guy that people were chasing him.  The cable guy said he thought he might get a gun for home protection.  As many readers here know, I have a licence to carry a concealed weapon and yes, I do know how to use it.  I was instructed by a retired State Trooper.  I don't carry it , but things are not very safe in my neighborhood anymore, so I have it for home protection.  It is a sad world when you need a pistol for self-protection.

I talked to several of my friends yesterday and they just about talked my ear off.  Now I need to re-charge my phone.  I tried to talk to my brother in Texas, but that was a lost cause because his wife was screaming at him...or trying to.  I know that he wants to hear from all of us, but his wife will not let him.  I try to make excuses for her because she has M. S.  After a while excuses don't cover bad manners and rudeness.  Illness can change people, but not always for the better, so I try to pray for her...and for my brother because I know he is in a stressful marriage situation.

I went to the store to get a few things.  This time I got a whole gal. of milk instead of a half gal.  Soon the weather will change and I won't want to go to the store.  I won't want to go across the bridge to mass either, but I can park in the back of Holy Name (here) and go up the ramp and in the back way, should the snow blow.  You know I am just a little afraid of falling if it snows or gets slick.

I will be sad to see Advent go, but there are so many hymns and songs that I can't sing.  I guess I am a traditionalist/conservative...sort of person.  I would trade all the junk metal, plates, screws and pins in my arm if I could sing!  That must have some value.  It was worth $21, 000 dollars 3 years ago, and with inflation...well, my arm must be worth more, now...the price of a song?  Oh, it just doesn't work that way, you say?  I have an old poem around here somewhere about a frog trying to sing.  Yes, I wrote it, and if I ever find it, I will post it.

The temperature was up to 56 degrees this afternoon.  Sunday is supposed to be cold and seasonal.  Afterall, it will be January so we will get what we get.

Tomorrow, Friday, I will do some of the things that I didn't get to today. 


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bad Things Happen

What can I say.  Today a woman walked directly into an on coming train near my house.  She was 37 years old.  I think I have heard her name before on the news.  I am pretty sure she was from the drug rehab. center near my house.  Whatever the case, it was a tragedy and someone lost a family member.  I did say that you didn't need to be frightened by all the hype of 2012.  Anything can happen at any date and time.

So the day went.  I went out just to get out.  The day was cold, but pleasant.  Everyone had the same idea and I think half the city found its way to the Golden Corral.  I meant to take some stuff to the Salvation Army, but walked out of the house without it.  I also meant to get gas today, but due to all the alternative routes I had to take to get home...I forgot to stop.

Tomorrow I have to stay in between 12 and 4 in the afternoon and wait for the cable guys to come and check the signal.  I am thinking that someone might be stealing the signal or something because they have never done that before.  So...I wont' get much done tomorrow afternoon either.  People keep stealing my time!

OK, so I will go to bed "early" so that I can get up early and make up for the lost opportunity to get nothing accomplished.  Yes, I am very good at that!  I wonder if I can convert the concept of sloth-laziness-into a virtue or into a special grace...think the church would go for it?   Nah.

Well, I didn't eat dessert or have any sugary drinks and I only had a salad plate and a reg. main course.  It's interesting to watch others over-load their plates to the point that the food falls on the floor and then go back for more...."more please!"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stuff, I guess

Google has done something stupid to the blog pages.  Like Facebook, they couldn't leave well enough alone.  Now, I have to figure out these changes.  Don't you love it when changes are made without notice?  Really, Google...

This was a kind of blah day, cold, wet, and nasty.  It snowed for a short time and then it was gone...pretty while it lasted.

I finally got my watch back!  Even old sales ladies are amazed to see an old wind-up watch.  I love this old Navy watch.  Now it should be good for another 50 0r 60 years.  It is the best kind of watch to have when taking pulses.  I don't take pulses anymore, but felt that part of me was missing when I didn't have it.  It did cost me some $$$ to get it fixed, but to me it was money well spent.

Tomorrow I will be out most of the afternoon-over in E'town.  I have several appointments coming up and need to get my insurance renewed before 2012 or the "end will be near."  Sort of.  There is a lot of things that I need to do, so I hope we have decent weather for a while.

I cheated on my diet and stopped at Wendy's this afternoon.  Well, at least I did get a diet drink instead of a Frosty.  I would like to get my "girlish figure" back that I never had or at least weigh in near what I weighed "several" eons ago.  Well, I am trying.  

I took some stuff out to the dog next door.  I had cooked some things for Christmas that didn't turn out well.  The dog liked my cooking, 'though! 

Not much of interest to write about.  I know that I will be busy, but about the kind of stuff no one really cares about...but me...'cause I know I have to do things...yuk.  Time for a few more cookies?  Cookies are good diet food!


Monday, December 26, 2011

Dec. 2011 will soo be a memory

This year is packing up and heading into the future on a fast moving train.  I don't know where the coming year is heading.  No one does.  I saw a thread on a Catholic Forum where the person is afraid of 2012.  A lot of authors have made a lot of money by scaring people into believing that the end is near.  The end is near for people every day, everywhere, due to natural causes, aging, accidents or disasters around the world.  The Bible says no one will know...and  Christ even said He didn't know when His Father would send His retribution upon  a   Hmm, is that us, you think?  So, don't put your Christmas stockings away just yet or take down the tree.  "You better watch better be good...because no one knows the hour or the day.  I do not worry about it as I try to do the best I know how, each day.  Just full of joy, aren't I!

OK.  I went to two Masses, one Saturday eve. and one at midnight.  I got home about 1: 30 a.m. as I thought I would.  I went to bed after two a.m.  Yes, I was tired.  Ha!  I think I am still in recovery and in need of an energy transfusion, but it was worth it because I love the season of Advent and I am ready to do it all over, next year...maybe!

Now, it is time to get serious about my diet again.  I didn't cheat too much, though, although food was abundant everywhere.  I did scarf down yummy, good fudge.  Good stuff!

Today I have only washed cloths and lounged around.  I need to jack myself up and get busy...and I will.  I promise!


Friday, December 23, 2011

No Post on Christmas Eve.

I stayed up and into the wee hours watching the five part life of Christ movie.  It was a pretty good version; better than most and worth watching.  Yes, I did sleep late

Tomorrow I will be out from around 6 p.m. until about 1-1:30 a.m.  I will not be posting on Christmas eve. at all.  As it will be a busy, full evening, no one will miss this little post.

I was out for a short time this afternoon.  It was a chilly, dreary, half-wet, overcast day.  When I got home I turned the heat up even though the temperatures were in the low forties.  The dampness was a bit penetrating.  We have broken some kind of record with over 70 inches of rain

I did a little cooking this evening so that I won't need to cook tomorrow.  It will be a heat and eat kind of day.  So, I have enough for a day or so without messing around the kitchen.

I have been trying to decide what to wear to mid-night mass tomorrow night.  I have some nice cloths-they just don't fit me anymore.  I may have lost a few pounds, but a few more pounds need to be shed.  Again, there isn't much to write about so I will close this post for now...until Monday.

Today I watched the kids cartoon version of St. Nick on EWTN.  I enjoyed that too as I am just a kid at heart.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm pretty sure I saw this in the late afternoon
sky.  The sun sets pretty early during the
winter solstice.  I wonder if Santa was out
doing a practice run.  Someone told me
that he has a GPS now, but maybe He
is checking everything twice!

Well, I went to K-Mart in the rain to exchange a pair of slacks that were way to big and now I have a pair that are too small.  Eventually I will find a pair that fit.  I guess I will try again in the morning before a high volume of traffic takes every parking space from here to eternity.  So...since I was out, I went to the Chinese Buffet next door...naturally.  Have you ever seen an eight year girl run the register, make exact change and conduct herself like a professional, gracious little employee?  I guess the Chinese start and train their children early while American kids generally do a whole lot of nothing other than being catered to.  Keep in mind that I say generally because I know there are exceptions.

While I was in K-Mart I looked at nice sweaters.  I looked at a Cashmere sweater that was price at $89.XX, plus tax.  Yes. I put it done and went on my way.  I have other needed uses for that much money.  Speaking of money, it looks like S.S. checks will not be out until after Christmas.  That will entail a hardship on some, if not many people.  Disability checks are probably not out yet, either.  Hopefully, every child everywhere, will get something.

As I have nothing to write about...I won't!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Prayers of the Church

Sister came for a few minutes.
Here is a picture of some of the little ones that came to the party.  Best behaved kids that I have seen in a long time.

There is a web page for anyone to go to if they want to pray the prayers of the Church.  Christians are exhorted to pray without ceasing.  Many Protestant and Baptist Churches follow these prayers.  The prayers are hinged mostly on the Psalms of the Bible and the readings of the saints, Matt., Mark, Luke and John, as well as from the Epistles.  Should anyone decide to follow the Liturgy of The Hours, they would be praying with Christians around the world.  You can follow the Liturgy of the Hours by going to Divine Office. org.

The Divine Office is set up so that anyone can follow the text and have the audio to listen to and follow at the same time.  The Divine Office is the Prayer of the Church and what better time is there than to get involved in these sacred Christian prayers than now...during Advent.?

OK.  I did get out to the store and got milk for my coffee.  I am so spoiled!  I didn't get much else unless you count 12 rolls of TP...gotta have that, you know!  It was cold and a little windy while I was out, so I didn't waste any time getting back home and by the fireside bright.

When I was out gas was $2.99 a gal.  When I came back gas had shot up to about $3.28 per gal.  I should have got gas... while I could gotten it cheaper...dumb me.

I will tell everyone ahead of time that I will be out most of Christmas eve.  I don't think I will get home before 1-1:30 a. m.  I will got to midnight Mass.  That means that I will not post on Saturday.  I will repeat this on Friday so that no one will look for this post.  Most Americans will never miss it as most of my readers come various foreign countries.

I want to add this:  I try to "practice what I preach."  I wish I were a better person and I will strive to become a better Christian in the coming new year.  No, I don't make New Year resolutions.  Most people don't keep their resolutions and I am no exception.  I will only say that I will "strive-try"
earnestly.  We can all do better and so can I.

Just for fun.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Burned Out?

 Yup, I think I got burned out with all the Christmas preparations, wrapping and party goodies...and running back and forth to take them over to E'town.  Now I am in a rest mode!  I am sleeping a bit later, but still never get to bed when I say I am going to.  That might help if I really did go to bed "early."

Tonight I cooked a steak that was 45 % old shoe leather, 45% tire tread and 10 % gristle...but it looked good in the package!  What a rip-off that pretty looking steak was.

I didn't do much again this day.  It was raining off and on, so I stayed in.  I didn't even dress properly, but have spent the day in my sweat pants and top.  I call them my "warmies" because they are comfortable.

What do you do first in the morning?  Coffee or prayers?  For me it is coffee, meds. and then prayers.  How can I pray if I am not awake?  LOL!  ZZZ'z if I don't have my eye opener first!

I have been reading some writings by Bishop Fulton J Sheen.  Do you know he is popular again...and that the church is gathering support to have him declared a saint?  If you have ever heard any of his old radio programs or seen his old TV shows you will know why he is revered by US catholics and also catholics around the world.  What a powerful speaker he was and is still relevant today.  I also have some literature about Mother Therese of Calcutta.  And she was and is now a saint.  We don't see or hear of many saints in these...our...modern times.

Anyway, the reading keeps me out of trouble and thoughtful, doesn't it?  And as my big sister Beverly can tell you, my sister Betsy and I were always finding and getting into trouble when we were kids.  Ah, to be a kid again...well, maybe not.

I need to go to the store tomorrow.  I am really out of milk now and I need some for the coffee that pries open my eyes in the morning.  I hope it doesn't rain...I don't like black coffee.

Nope, not me.  I don't look that bright eyed in the morning.


Monday, December 19, 2011

Sleepy time and time flies.

I have been sleepy all day long and just didn't get a lot done today.  Maybe because of the rain and cloudiness.

I took my old watch to the jewelry store for repairs.  This little four dollar watch that I'm wearing just doesn't suite me and it is starting to lose time.  It's very hard to reset to the correct time on this little plastic gizmo so I finally broke down and took my old watch in to the time doctor.  Only he isn't there.  He is having or has had surgury of some kind.  I was really hoping to have the watch back by Friday.

I am going to bed "early" tonight.  Anything before mid-night or 1 A. M. is early for me.  And as usual, Mondays are not very good posting days for me-if I ever have any to speak of.
So, its off to bed for me.  And I know that we will have another rainy day tomorrow.  So, maybe I'll just stay in bed and cover up my head and sleep the day away!


P.S.  The weather man says that we might get a dusting of snow on Christmas Eve.  Last year we did get three inches of snow.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

A tail of a tale...I think

You don't get much from me tonight; no prayers, no poor attempts at inspiration, Bible quotes or little religious gems.  No, You get something I came across while searching for something else in my desk.  You get a poem that I wrote while attending HCC, school of Dumb 'n Numb.  It is so old that the paper is starting to yellow, so I thought I would pass it on as a light hearted missive in my blog.  Please don't get all teary

by me

A dog will eat the food of man
and often bite his best friend's hand
A mutt will spoil your carpet floor
and urinate against the door
With woeful eyes he'll steal your seat
or trip you up while under feet

A man's best friend, invited home
should surely sit upon the throne
and tread with grace to bathroom door
instead of pooping on the floor

What comfort can an old dog be
while shedding hair and jumping fleas
and smelling up the whole darn house
or chewing up your best white blouse

Oh, spare me please of fuss and bother
I think that I would really rather
have hanging high upon my wall
ducks that fly but never fall
an eagle perched in regal grace
and wild turkeys are to my taste
and if my aviary seems incomplete
I'll just buy a parakeet.


Now you know what kind of pictures hang on the wall!
No, you do not have permission to use or there.
A couple of my prints, but not all.

I got a lot of laundry done today and more clean up from the week of cooking and wrapping of presents.  I am glad that is done and now I can put things in the back store room. 
Tomorrow-Sunday-I will not post.  On Monday I hope to go through some more stuff to take to the Salvation Army.  Today I had lots of ambition, but by Monday, who knows, my good intentions may have fled!


Friday, December 16, 2011

In eight days, or depending on when this is read, Advent for 2011 will become another memory.  I hope it is a good memory for one and all.  Keep in mind that Advent, or "the coming" of Christ, should be a vigil kept all year long-every year...for we don't know when the second coming of Christ will occur.  We should have the joy, spirit and the sharing of the season...throughout all the seasons.  We should celebrate the birth of Christ every day with the expectation of Who and What is to come.  One day, and we know not when, we will be united with our heavenly creator and His face will shine upon us. 

You can take down the tree, put away the ornaments and decorations, get rid of the ripped wrapping paper and crushed boxes and bows, put everything away for next year and wait for Christmas of 2012, after this year slips away.  While you are waiting  for the next Holy Season to roll around, remember what Christmas is all about in the first place.

I have often heard it said the Christmas is for kids and that is somewhat true in a sense because we have turned it into nice commercial venture.  Keep Christmas for the kids, but teach them what is behind the celebration and the the real meaning of Christmas.  Everyone says "Merry Christmas" and/or gets upset because it isn't politically correct phrase to utter.  Try greeting with a... have a HOLY CHRISTMAS...instead.  Isn't that what it is...a holy day?  Yes, I think it is!

The other day we had a momentary power surge or disruption.  Just long enough to burn out the alarm on my clock. I had to reset it, but now I am really in need of a good alarm clock.  And I am still resting up and being lazy.  Tomorrow I need to get busy and wash cloths and go to the store.  I don't need much, but I have used up all the eggs and most of the milk.  It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow and on Sunday.  Time to light a fire under myself and see if I can be like the Greek God Mercury with swift, winged feet.   Oh, maybe about feet of clay.  Now, that sounds more like me.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

I was going to post some pictures of the Christmas party of last night, but they don't seem to want to upload from the little disk.  I wasn't really able to take many pictures of the party anyway, because of the crowding and little ones that came and were "underfoot."  Also, we were pretty busy, but I did want to show a few pictures.

In my preparation I had an epic disaster-sort of.  I was trying to make Black Bean Bread and had all the ingredients in the blender: milk, eggs, flower, butter, and 3 cups of beans.  I had forgotten to put the bottom back on the blender.  When I went to pick up and move the blender...guess what occurred next.  Everything came out of the blender and onto the floor.  An epic mess.  I had to clean up the epic mess.  Needless to say, Black Bean Bread never made it to the party.  It was such a was laughable.  Well, I did laugh at my stupidness, but then I had to clean up.  Yuk!

I got home late and slept late.  I was tired.  Everyone had a pretty good time and no one went back to their rooms hungry or empty handed.  I think that they got all too much.

I am in "recovery" now and I think I'll stay that way for a couple days...or for as long as I can get by with it!

So, once again you get a short post!

I have these.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Resting up...sort of


I'm sitting down and resting.  I have the deviled eggs done and in the fridge.  These eggs didn't peel well, but they are good.  The residents won't care as long as they taste good.  I made a loaf of Pumpkin Bread with raisins.  I will take cream cheese for the bread.  I also tried to make Brownies. They didn't turn out so well.  They are flat and hard around the edges.  I know it was because they were not baking well and I had to leave them in the oven a little longer.  The Brownies will not make the trip.  They are OK for me, but I won't present them to the elderly residents because I know they can out-cook, out-shine, my puny efforts.

Anyway, Sister asked me to help a resident go through her personal belongings and sort things out for her.  I can see why she asked me: it's boxes and boxes!  When you don't want to do a certain task...delegate!

The resident is 95 years old, nearly blind and in poor health.  Going through her personal treasures is an eye opener.  Many things I knew from taking care of her while I was working.  Some things I found were tragic.  Her youngest son died way to early of a heart condition.  Her older son was in the military and died in a plane crash.  She told me there wasn't much to send home to her and I won't go into the details, but both died in their twenties.  We hardly ever know the history of the people we take care of in nursing homes.  This resident graduated from a culinary school in Washington D.C.-in 1932.  She was a certified violin teacher and played the organ.  She had her own restaurant and employed over 22 waitresses during bad times and good.  She kept them going.  Once she was in command of her life and made all the decisions of running a business and raising a family.  Now...the home is her necessity, of course, but to take the empowerment from  her present and future, is very hard for her.

I find it difficult to go through her belongings, trying to decided what she is to keep and what she needs to get rid of.  It isn't a fun job and I would love to give it right back to Sister, saying "here Sister, take this task and put it under your "bonnet."  Of course, I can't do that.

One good thing has come from of this little job.  I have been able to pass on all the good things I know about this lady, and it has garnered her lots of attention and a new respect from her care takers.  They have always been good to her, but now they see her in a different light.  Now they see a lady that has had a very productive life, tragedies, and a giving spirit. The "girls" will look on her with a new aspect, give her more of the support that she needs in her rapidly declining health.

Well, here I have been rambling, haven't I?  I too, am getting older, and my thoughts tend to, not quiet senile just yet, but on my way!  That reminds forgot!

All right, rest time is over!  Time to get going on the Black Bean Bread...with raisins of course...and a little sugar...Yum!  Don't let me forget to charge up the batteries for the camera, y'all hear now?  I am out and running!


P. S.
No naughty Santa's for you tonight!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Short Post

This will be a short post because I have been and am, busy.  So, so, sewing.  I just cut the tail off a new blouse and made a straight hem at the bottom.  I don't like tails hanging out.  I also took in the pant legs of my dresser slacks.  I am short and the wide legs make me look even shorter.  Now the pants should look a little slimmer.

I got a hair cut this afternoon.  As usual, she cut it a little too short.  She also left abrasions on the back of my neck.  I think she has been taking too much medicine.  I know she is not a well person, but I won't be either if she  cuts a little closer.  Anyone with type O positive blood out there...just in case?

Tomorrow is the third week of Advent.  Light another candle to illuminate the way for the coming of the Christ child.  Next week you should light a rose colored candle, if you have one.
Now you should have three purple candles.  If you do not have them...don't is the intent that counts.
I took a little trip over to to E'town to take some of the little gifts over to the nursing home.  I still have some to wrap, but I have made a dent in it...progress is being made!

So, no graphics, no nothing and of course, no posting on a Sunday.  I got more things to do.
OOPS!  Now how did that slip in!  Bad Santa!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Sometimes I get inspired; sometimes not.  This is a "not" day.  I have more packages to wrap so that will take up my evening.  I need to think about what I will cook for the Christmas party for the residents at the home.  Since I am not the finest cook in the kitchen, I look upon any cooking endeavor as a challenge. Everyone needs a little challenge now and then...right?

I actually made it to bed just after 12 a. m. last night...or is that morning?  I even got up at a pretty reasonable hour.  And no, I didn't fall asleep on the couch this afternoon.  Doing good, aren't I?

I never get everything done that I plan or hope to get done, but I give it a whirl.  My brain has a tendency to work harder than my body does.

What is your Christmas wish this year?  What will you pray for?  Do you have everything you need, but not everything you want?  Count your blessings if your home is warm and dry and you are able to put food on the table.  I do.  I know that there are many in this country and across  the other great continents that can't say the same...that they have all that is needed for this life or the next.  Once we we a blessed nation with plenty for all and enough to share.  Now we are a people frowned upon...not forgotten or abandoned by God, but not as pleasing to Him as this people and this land once was.  So, this is what I pray for, and you have heard it before; "Peace on earth, good will to men."  Can you think of a better prayer or gift to men at this time of the year?

Time for me to do some more wrapping, measuring, and taping. 

 My little glass tree.


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prepare for the King of Glory

Mary was prepared for the coming of the Christ child.  God sent His heavenly angel Gabriel to tell her that she would bear the Son of God.  No fuss over semantics, but a straight forward declaration of what was expected of her and what was to come to...and of,  the worthy Virginal Mother of God.   She didn't argue about it.  She was puzzled, but she accepted her roll in the eternal salvation of man .  She responded to the angel Gabriel with, " Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to your word."  And the angel departed from her.  LUKE 1:38

 We should be so trusting.  We should be so obedient.  We should be as humble, meek and mild-and accepting as she was.  "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.  Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus."  Mary was prepared.  Mary possessed all the special graces and purity of spirit to carry out her task and she did so willingly and with great sanctity.


No, I didn't get to bed before mid-night.  Odd as this may sound to some of you, esp. to family members  and people  I have worked with, I pray a lot, and prayer takes time.  Time well spent.  It gives me peace.

I did get some wrapping done this afternoon and have more to do.  I hope to finish wrapping tomorrow and waltz the little
presents across yon bridge, and across the muddy Ohio.  I may need to get more presents for the residents:The box looks kind of empty.  I need to also do some cooking ahead, if I can.  The problem is...I am poky and lazy.  Anyone else feel poky and lazy?


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

P. S. It's Beverly's fault!

I love the Advent season.  Or perhaps I should say I love the meaning of Advent and what it speaks to us, 2,000 years after the real event.  Parts of the season that I don't care for are the madness of commercialism and the quest that people indulge in, that of  shoppers running rampant in stores and with their credit cards.  I will say that here, where I live in the Bible Belt, it isn't quite as bad as in larger metropolitan areas.  And for the most part, the shoppers are kind and polite, helpful when they can be.  Yesterday I saw a pick up truck with a very flat tire when I went into the store.  When I came out of the store I saw  three young men changing the woman's tire for her.  When I went into the store I wondered how the woman would be able to change her tire in the cold and wind.  God sees to the needs of his people.  I am glad there are still righteous people...good Samaritans..among us.

Yesterday when I wrote of Mary being singularly honored and chosen to  bear the Christ Child, I went to bed thinking about the announcement that Gabriel, the angel, made to Mary.  I was thinking of how overwhelmed she must have been to receive such a message-visitation from a heavenly Angel, sent by God.  Yet, she accepted the will of God with great grace, meekness, humility and with a pure heart.  What if she had not, and turned her face from the Angel Gabriel, and told him to find some one else?  Would there have been another of her equal?  I doubt it.  Remember, when God chose Mary to become the vessel of the unborn Christ child...God doesn't make mistakes.

I didn't get  lot done today other than going to the Dollar Tree and getting some aluminum baking pans and a new calender for the year 2012.  I have a lot to get done in a short time and I am a bit poky.  I didn't sleep well last night and fell asleep on the couch around 5:30 this afternoon.  I hope I sleep tonight.  Although I do love the Advent season, everyone else...will be glad when it is over.

I just read a blog where the author wrote how she didn't give gifts or spend her money on others during the Christmas tide.  Here, I will take exception for I know that many of the elderly get nothing...many have few visitors for Christmas and some have out-lived their children, and they light up like stars when they get some small gift...a token that is brightly wrapped and just for them.  It might not cost much other than giving a little time and thought (I hate the wrapping part) but it sure is worth seeing the smile on their faces.  The elderly like to give to their families, too , if they can.  This also gives them something that they can give  or pass on as the present, that they can not get out and buy.  There is a certain joy in giving and the other unnamed blogger has not found that out yet.

OK.  I will got bed before mid-night and try to get up early so that I can get a few things done.



P.S  All that I write is my big sister's fault,
who taught me to pray when I was small,
and told me the Night Before Christmas
story um teem times.
Blame it on her!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Today I heard an interesting analogy...and if you think of it, it is very true.  We are taught that the creation of women, that they are weak and lowly  entities, something of a second class citizen..a lessor creation of God.  Yet, God chose a lowly handmaid to be the original Monstrance...the sacred vessel for the Holy Eucharist. The womb of Mary became the sacred receptacle that nurtured the unborn Christ child. God did not chose a man to bring forth the King Of Glory, but a "lowly" woman.  God... Omnipotent...all powerful, could have sent His only begotten Son, to and where and in any manner he chose.  He chose Mary.  God chose a woman to bring forth His own Spirit to a become man.

In our modern culture, here in the "good ol' US of A," and across the earth, women are still often held with a
certain lowly attitude.  And in some countries women are badly treated, abused or enslaved. 

When the angel Gabriel came to Mary and announced that she would bear the King of Glory,  women, most especially The Blessed Virgin, were elevated by the Creator.  Elizabeth, too old to bear a child, was also given a gift of bearing a sacred soul.  And by some accounts, Mary Magdalen, was an Apostle of Christ.  It was she who washed the feet of the mature Christ with her hair and expensive oils.  It was also she who discovered the empty tomb of Christ and was addressed by an angel, therein.  There is more to be said about the status of women in the days of Christ.  There are even proponents that some of the epistles were written by women.  Doesn't all this point to a certain aspect that God, Himself, had a prevailing affinity with women, whom He also created?  They too, (we)are His Own, and I have been told...That God doesn't make mistakes.

All points can be argued for and also against. I feel compelled to follow the teachings of the church.  I am not exactly sure where the church stands on the subject: I'll have to look it up.


Monday, December 5, 2011

The Angel Declared onto Mary

A slow day for me.  I had to stay home and wait for the cable guys.  Now I have sound on my TV.  It was some unusual setting called DVI meant for older TV's.  It only took them about 15 minutes to put in the proper code.  Toshiba, maker of the TV, didn't know how to fix it.  Now it is done.

I did a little vacuuming...but not too much.  After all, I don't want to wear out my vacuum cleaner, do I!

We have broken a rainfall record.  The Ohio is up and in the fields.  The deer are trying to get to higher ground.  I saw three deer along the side of the road that didn't make it.  They try to get across the highway at night and in the early morning hours.

Tomorrow I need to get some shopping done, like it or not, and fight the traffic, along with hunting for the non-existing parking spaces.  I only have about 9 days left before we have a Christmas party for the elderly, therefore I need to get things done post haste.


Advent is the Latin word meaning "coming."  This is the season observed in most western churches as the beginning of the western Liturgical year.  In some Eastern churches it is called the Nativity Fast and starts on September 1.  In the Greek translation it is also called the second coming of Christ.  In the very early church the practices of Advent were strictly adhered to as rigidly as the observance of Lent.

Most western churches observe Advent with special liturgical readings and prayers, ending on Dec. 25th. It is a time of expectancy and then celebration of the birth and coming of Christ.

In Luke, ch. 1: 28-38, you will find the angel announcing the immaculate conception to Mary and the Canticle or Magnificate, vs. 46-55.  Well worth reading again, over and over.

I did find the newer American Bible translation slightly different that the Catholic Bible.  But,  as is said and even written, "All roads lead to Rome," so it must be with sacred literature...the words may differ slightly, but it is the message and the meaning that count.

So, what's it all about, this season of Advent?  Debt, matereial things, presents under the tree?  That isn't how Advent started out, is it?  Now it is all about super commerialism.  Guess get what you pay for.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sunday-the second week of Advent

I "tried" to do a little shopping today.  You can't get near some of the stores because half the nation is out running up the balance of their credit cards...or I assume so.  I did get a parking place near the Good Will store.  I need blouses and have been putting off looking for any.  I did find a couple and they are in the washing machine right now.  I hope the one will shrink a little bit.

There isn't a lot to write about unless you note that people are wall to wall in the stores.  I really don't like shopping around Christmas time.  I would rather stay home and listen to some good Christmas music.

Tomorrow-Sunday-starts the second week of Advent.  If you are following the old European tradition of lighting a candle in your Advent Wreath, than light another candle tomorrow.  Remember to be very careful with any open flame and make sure the candle is out after your Advent Prayers.
The little Advent Prayer is supposed to be for next week-the third week of Advent, but there isn't any reason that it can't be adapted to this second week. You should light two purple candles tomorrow, but if you don't have  any, then use what you have or can find.

This is a good time to start a family tradition and teach children the true meaning of Christmas and of coming of the
Christ child, in such a way that they will always remember, and carry on their own traditions as they grow and journey through life.

It isn't too late to start your own Advent Tradition and Prayers.  We have only just begun.  By the way, did I tell you that I love Christmas and the joy of the season?


Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm waiting for my engine to shift out of Impulse to Warp Drive, but I think I need a jump start.  Which is to say, I didn't get a whole lot done today.  I did what was necessary, bought a few gifts to wrap for the residents of the home and made a really good pot of soup out of leftovers.  I think I have dropped another pound on my soup and boiled egg diet, but need to wait and see if it a consistent weight loss.  I do cheat and ate 3 small cookies-'cause I could!  I actually don't do a lot of cheating, but sometimes I just "need" to fool my metabolic system with a couple of cookies...yum.

I have been on the phone with the appliance store, Toshiba, and Insight Cable.  Still no sound on the TV, but it does play CD's perfectly well.  I am inclined to think it is a faulty cable box and Insight is coming to look at it on Monday.  I would like to "hear" the news and PBS and a couple other shows.  As I said, I don't do well with lip, I don't.

I also said that this season of Advent will probably be busy and that seems to be holding true.  Of course if I could get my little ship to fire up and into Warp Drive...I might go a little faster and get more done.

Today was First Friday and the first week of Advent is closing fast.  Sunday will be the second week of Advent
This is a good time to contemplate and give thanks for all that we have and give thanks for living in a country that is still relatively free to worship, read the Bible and evangelize...spread the Word of God.

"The Church encourages Bible services esp. on the vigils of the more important feasts on some week days of ADVENT and Lent, and on Sundays and feast days.  They are particularly to be commended where no priest is available: when this is so, a deacon or some other person authorized by the Bishop , should preside over the celebrations." 

This is taken almost in whole from the Vat 11 Documents, page 150: 35, 4. This is from my old paper back edition and may not be exactly the same in the newer editions.

I am sure that among the suppressed nations of the world it will be hard to celebrate the birth of Christ and these people will hopefully do the best they can.  We pray for all suppressed and all oppressed people and Christians.  I am often embarrassed that I need to lose weight  in light of the true abject poverty in so much of the world.  As Christ said, " The poor you  will always have with you, (He...Christ),  and me you have will not have always."

Try to do some small thing somewhere, for someone, for the glory and coming of the Christ Child, in this time of Advent.


P.S.  To all my Russian readers,
and all other foreign readers,
as well as U.S. readers
I know you are there.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Off The Cuff

Once again I failed to get my "home work" done, so I will try to write a little off the cuff and hope that it makes sense.

I believe that with that first tiny spark of life upon conception we are imbued with the spirit, the essence of God.  We are basically a blank sheet upon berth, not yet inscribed with the goodness of righteousness or the sins of evil.  I know that many Biblical scholars will argue that point, but and because God made us in His own image...then we must have been created nearly perfect.  In PS. 139: 14 we read that "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

We are taught that we are born with the stain of original sin on our souls.  I would rather think that we are born into sin.  Perhaps with the first breath we polluted air, we breath in the sins that surround us, for it is indeed an evil world and evilness abounds.  Who can say that a tiny baby isn't a perfect creation of God?  I believe the very lest of us and the very best of us are endowed with the gift of light and life.  What the essence of God becomes in us is another matter, for we have free will...the power to co-create or destroy.  And for those with limited faculties or physicality's, they are God made sacred beings and should be revered as the vessels of the Great Creator.

As I stated, this is an off the cuff post and I am sure that many will disagree with my poor philosophy/theology.  If I hear from the Pope...I'll know I'm in trouble.

No, I didn't get much done today other than messing with the appliance store and the Toshiba TV tech.  I still don't have sound on my new TV.  How can a tech. on the other side of the planet know what is wrong with my TV?

Something that I ran across, is that lay people are not supposed to raise or stretch out hands and arms during the offering of the Sacrament.  This is reserved for the priest or an ordained clergy and is not an action prescribed for the people in the pews, according to the Bishop of Coventry(KY).  I was wondering why the people were doing that.  No, I don't do it.  I kind of think it is an off-shoot of the charismatic masses.  Only a guess on my part. 

I hope that readers can make sense of this post.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

OK..So I lied..sort of

It looks like I told a big one.  I said I was going to post about inner divinity and the light of the spirit.  Well, I got busy and didn't do my "homework."  I needed to go out and get a few things done, a few groceries, get gas, go to the dry cleaners and try to get a parking place at the library.  The library had nary a place to park my van, and I am not the best backer-upper in little spaces.  By the way, gas went up 15 cents over-night.

I also have a busy day mapped out in my head...for tomorrow.   Sometimes my head doesn't know which way the rest of me is going.  I think this may become a temporary condition for the rest of Advent(Christmas)season.

I also did cloths and emptied out a junk drawer, cleaned it and tossed out some junk...the things we save!  Another drawer  to be done tomorrow.

The sound went out on my new TV and I have been trying to lip read.  That didn't work so well!  I could make out a word here and there, but not enough to know what is going on.  Apparently the Cable Co. upgraded their software which downgraded my TV "smart ware"  I guess it has happened to others and I have to call Toshiba to get a "walk through.

Anyway, now you know which way and where my day went "that away."