Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Life is full of surpriises

Just in case you haven't noticed...I haven't written much in the past few weeks.  There is a reason for that.  There just isn't a lot to write about.  The cold, ice and snow keeps me in and that means that life goes on, but is uneventful...well almost.  Five years ago in December I fell and fractured my arm rather badly I am very leery about ice and that was eventful and I didn't want to repeat it.  Now I am nursing a badly bruised left knee resulting from a slide on the ice on my front steps.  I also have a bruise on my backside.  It is a good thing that I didn't break anything back there as I already have a large crack apparent there.  I am well padded.

While not getting out and about, I am well stocked up with plenty of food, coffee, and of course TP, also known as toilet paper.  It pays to be a wee bit paranoid.

All the churches here, where I live, canceled religious services a week ago Sunday.  That tells you a lot; that it is not safe or prudent to be driving or exposed to the cold.  They didn't need to convince me 'though I do regret not being able to go to Mass that Sunday.

Some of this post is dated, but we still have some snow on the ground here and there, but most of it is gone and will be gone by tomorrow.  I need to get out and so some things...if I can hobble around a little better.  Anyway, now you know why I am a bit late on posting.  Life is full of slippery surprises.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mush Brain

I do my best work at night...on the edge of sleep and fuzzy awareness.  My best ideas and intuitive creativity seem to invade the gray mass between my ears just as I am drifting off.  I say to myself, " these are good thoughts and inspirations for my next blog," and then I go dancing off on a cloud.  Yes, really good stuff presents itself...Pulitzer Prize literary greatness of words and wisdom bathed in the slurry mush of my brain.  I could write the next "Best Seller!!" Well, maybe not.  When I wake up in the morning I just can't remember much of what I thought would be wonderful, inspiring verbosity.  What is left guessed it...slurry, gray mush, the water on my brain.

Anyway...what I was thinking of  was the book SEVEN STORY MOUNTAIN by Tomas Merton which I read sometime ago.  I was never really impressed with the book even 'though it was hailed as a great autobiography, a revered "mystic" of modern times.  Because his book just didn't reach me on a "deeper level...I didn't read his other books.  I am not known for profound perceptions of all thing great and beautiful, but for me to read and finish the book...well, I found it laborious.

To my little, mushy was a "me" book and not about "God" book.  I know that what I am expressing will rile some, if not many, but I did not find it as a "God Centered" book, but as a "me" centered autobiography.  While it was a good book and highly lauded by intellectual and spiritual leaders far and wide, and read by the "common man," somehow I didn't really care for the book.  I may have missed many things of great importance within the pages...I plan on reading it again.  As I said my brain power is limited and is fueled by Little Debbie Cakes and the equivalent of Ding Dongs and Ho Hos...and all frosted cakes.

I have been trying to deepen my own spiritual life and acquire a more substantial union with Jesus, "the anointed one."  This has been an ongoing quest for me because my head has a sponge in it and it is full of empty holes.  You would think that a sponge-like brain would just soak up everything that it is exposed to, but like the sponge in my kitchen will only hold so much and then everything "kind of" drips out and down the drain.  I am a stumbling block to myself and keep tripping over my own inadequacies.  Got that?  Me neither.  That is perhaps why my quest continues and there are so many bumps in the road.  My need...desire...struggle for a closer communion with Our a field full of landmines and I keep stepping on them.  I do wish to love the Lord with all my heart, but it is difficult when you love all things frosted and yummy, too.

If you give me a hammer and nails with a little saw I can build a book case.  If I were to be asked to build a house I couldn't do it.  If you ask me to expand my spiritual horizons or shore up the walls of a well of communion with our Savior...I would try.  I am human with faults and limitations...but I trying.  I will never be a great writer, a mystic or a saint, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't aim for it and make it my goal, as everyone should.  I will continues with my baby steps and wobble along for that is how I learn to walk, for anyone must walk before trying to do a powerwalk and then run.  Yes, I know.  I am a slow learner with a porous  heart and brain.  My baby steps will hopefully take me to the end of my quest...and that may be how it is meant to be.  Pray always...always.


Friday, November 15, 2013

If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

I have had some problems with my computer for a couple of days after an automatic "update" from Microsoft.  I think I have it whipped now.  Microsoft will "update" your computer for you whether you want it or not.  My computer was just fine before that.  So...I guess that I will be able to post next week.  Sorry about the delay.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I am sort of liberal....sort of traditional...sort of modern...sort of anti-establishment; all of these complexities in a complex society.  At the same time I try to be moderate in my thinking and actions.  This is why I like Pope Francis.  He knows about the boat we are all trying to keep afloat.  In a way you could say that he is a Pope that has been field tested and found to be strong, yet flexible, a Pope that can bend in the wind without breaking and then stand tall in the sun.  He seems to be just the kind of Pope we need in these times of troubles and world-wide unsettled unrest, wars, and political, upsets.  Yes, Pope Francis is the right man for the right times.

Pope John was a Pope for the right times, too.  He came along and breathed new life light into the church, sweeping away cobwebs and dust from the church.  Pope Paul came along as the church needed to be reminded that dignity and freedom needed to re-introduced as human rights and the worth struggling for.

And now there is Francis who is trying to clean house and bring the Vatican back to the foundation that Jesus died for; that we love one another and live as we were taught by the teachings, sufferings and even the martyrdom of great saints and Christians.  I believe that Francis will also, in time, be known as a great Pope.

What do you think?  Would you buy a broom and help clean house by sweeping out your own house?  Hmm, I wonder.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Jesus was a construction man

Jesus was a builder...did you know that?  He  was very active in construction, as was his father, Joseph.  Both were carpenters, but Jesus was the real builder, the real architect of His time and place and even beyond.  His constructions still stand today, over two thousand years after His structures were designed and built to His specifications.  Yes, He was a Man with a plan.

Jesus built a "church" and laid it out on a firm foundation.  he called the foundation, the brick and mortar of His first building..."Peter, The Rock,"  Peter, the Apostle, the foundation of the Christian Church.

While Peter may have been known for his stubbornness, faults and failings, he was the rock or foundation of the message that Christ-the anointed one, brought to The Chosen People and to the Gentiles.

Most rocks seem to have some rough edges, chips or often need to be dressed and refined before being laid for a foundation.  Peter seemed to be a perfect stone to hew and quarry for a foundation. Once  Peter's substance was smoothed and made ready, he was the right stone for the right foundation, chosen by the builder...Jesus.

Thus comes the question: Are you a builder?  The foundation  now laid, built upon, needs workers to keep the building in good repair, solid and expanding in the sense of evangelizing, continuing the teachings, good works, and "The Good News" of Jesus.  Now is our time to add to the house that Jesus built.  Can you?  Will you?  Please consider yourself a new carpenter and build as you can.

Now, the next content of this post is a little different, but has everything to do with tearing down, rather than building up.


How to take a great nation from an open democracy to a closed socialist tyranny.

1.  Control communications and the media.
2.  Usurp the Constitution slowly, but steadily.
3.  Demonize and attack religion and the practice of religion.
4.  Label any opposition or a third political party or body as "terrorist."
5.  Confiscate or make gun ownership illegal.
6.  Militarize your local and state law enforcement.
7.  Make citizens reliant upon the state or government.
8.  Government intrusion in all facets of private lives.
9.  Tax without representation or mandate Government
 policies that do not concur with the will of the people.
10. Destroy the economy buy debt and corruption.

These are just my opinions.  Are we "too big to fail?"  No.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Well, did you know...that Christ was not the last name of Jesus?  As an observation...very few people of the New Testament were referred to as people with last or sur names. They were know for their genealogy or occupations.  Jesus' father was referred to as the carpenter, as was Jesus.  Peter was know as the "fisherman," Luke was the Doctor and Matthew was the "tax collector."  Offhand, the only one that I can remember of having two names was Mary Magdalene and that may have been to differentiate her from Mary, the Mother of Jesus.  And Jesus was called Christ which meant He was the "anointed" one or the "messiah."  and that He was from the "house of David. 

The name of Christ is about the highest honor, accolade or title given in any age, and not given freely.  It was a special recognition that Jesus was a man above men: special and holy. someone to be revered.  No one else has born that particular designation given by so many around the world at any time in history.  Of course there were and are a lot of men that have come and gone that thought that they were pretty unique among men, but none have ever earned or achieved such status and none have ever changed the world as Jesus, the "Christ" did. He was the "anointed" one, the messiah.

I have tried to keep this simple, but if anyone wants to check out the name "Christ" it easy to do by just typing in the word "Christ" in your search engine and read.  As I am not a theologian or known for my brilliance, please do a search on your own.  You will find information far better than any that I could put into this blog.

It is cold.  there was frost upon the pumpkin this morning.  The temperatures are below "normal" for this time of the year.  There will be a hard frost tomorrow on Thursday and again on Friday.  There is a chance for snow flurries here in the Ohio Valley and it isn't even November yet.  O NO!  That can't be right!  We are in the midst of Global Warming...aren't we? 

This has been a fairly busy week for me thus far, and I have two more days to go.  As I am not getting any younger I have found myself needing a nap in the afternoon, whenever I can.

Yesterday the floors were measured.  I hope to have hard wood floors put in and get rid of the carpets.  The carpets have been here since 1986.  Now I sneeze, cough, wheeze and my nose wants to move to Arizona or someplace allergy spores and dust free.  Actually, carpets are warmer in the winter months and I don't want to spend money that I really can not afford to, but I am more in favor of good heath and the ease of keeping allergens out of the air and my little nose.

And that begs the question:  What do you do when you desperately need to sneeze and you have a mouth full of good, hot soup?  Don't bother that answer that!  Ah-Chew! Or something like that.

I think I will get this post out on time!  While not noted for my high IQ when it comes to thinking and writing, I tend to persistent.  If I can't get it out on  a Wed. I will get it off into cyberspace as soon as able.  Are you persistent, too?



Friday, October 18, 2013

R&R- Rest and Recreation

I am taking the day off: away from people, places, funerals, things that go bump in the night...or daytime.  I need a little rest.  However, I do need to do a little shopping, housekeeping and necessary "home stuff" and I don't even want to do that.  Lazy me.  Or tired me...whichever.

Sister C. asked me which resident I was going to "adopt" next, now that Bea is gone.  I will think about it, but not today.  Nope, not today.

I finally broke down and turned the heat on.  I try to hold out until November, but it has gotten a bit chilly and will be for the next few days.  The warmth feels sooo good.  As I am on a limited budget...unlike Congress...I try to keep the heating bills down.  I can dress warmly most of the time, but when the temperatures drop into the 40's and 30's, it is time to be less "poveretical" and more comfortable.  Cheap, am I?  No, just aware that everything is becoming more expensive, there is a long winter season ahead, and the government is failing.  I don't want to fail with it.

I am not a prepper or survivalist, Per Se, as I have said before, but I do try to prepare for bad weather or other unpredictable events.  That is why I went to the store this afternoon and got a few more items for stocking wise.  I spent the grand total of $23.00.  In the Bible, Matt. 6:20, we are told not to accumulate our wealth on earth, but to "lay up our treasures in heaven."  I, like the Mormons, think that we are to be prepared as well as we can, without becoming obsessed with possession and hoarding.  So I try not to go overboard with my "stocking up."

Tomorrow...Saturday...I hope to get a few more things done that need attention.  While I got a few things done today...I was not a "ball of fire" and it was really a day of rest for me.
Peace and prosperity to all, and to all a goodnight.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Busy Me

Oh, where do I start.  It has been a busy week and I am tired.  I won't go into much detail other than to say that next week portends to be busy too.

I finally went to the grocery store.  I bought bread and chocolate doughnuts and forgot them-left them in the store.  Don't shop when you are tired.

Because I am tired and need to get up and go to a funeral in the morning, I think I will try to post on Friday.

So this a very short post as I have not had a lot of time to put my thoughts together.


Friday, October 11, 2013


This  a is a short post on basic economics.  It is easy to comprehend.

I have a pretty green strip of paper with intricate printing on both sides.  It measures about 6 inches by about 2 inches.  It is called currency or legal tender.  In theory I can exchange it for something of equal value.

I also have a plain  sheet of typing paper.  It has no value.  However, if I take that same sheet of paper and print a picture of a jar of coffee or some similar item of value I should be able to exchange it for some other item of value that I want or need.  Until I run out of coffee or what ever I am offering as that I base my "currency" upon.  Don't try this at home as it is only a teaching model.

In theory the dollar bill and all paper money is backed up by gold.  Try exchanging that piece of green paper for gold.  You will get nothing.  THE GOLD STANDARD DOES NOT EXIST.   Nothing for nothing will get you just about nothing.  However, if you bring me a piece of paper with a picture of a jar of coffee I have offered and have backed up with something of equal or better will get something that you need or want of near or better value.  Just don't try printing your own currency or you will be deep, dark water without a floatation device.

Now you know economics 101.  It is also the reason that people barter.  Now you know why people need to work two or more jobs to make ends meet.  And you also know why we have a silent inflation and the dollar won't buy much.

I stay within the law of the land and have great respect for the real laws that our Founding Fathers put in place.  Now you know the reasons that this once great nation if floundering, trying to swim through red ink, misuse of the laws and trickle down corruption.  Failure usually starts at the top and recedes down to the lowest levels just as it did in the days of the Roman Empire.  Do feel like you are being fed to the lions or the Bankers and top heavy Big Governments?  I do.   Paper is only paper. Think about it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I've been shopping.  I am still stocking up.  I hit a sale today and put a lot of stuff into the freezer.  Let the cold winds blow where they may or the snow come down and cover the ground.  I think I am just about ready to hibernate for the winter.

I spent $29.00 today and got a lot for my money.  After I count my nickels and dimes up and determine if I have enough money left over I will go back and get some more food for the pantry and freezer.  I think I will get some extra milk and bread to put in the freezer as well...if I can find room.

I am not really a prepper or  survivalist.  I just don't like going out to shop during the winter months...or perhaps I should say I just don't like cold, miserable winters.

I will be out most of tomorrow-Wednesday-so I am trying to some of this blog written this evening.  I need to go back to the Eye Dr. and to do several other things as well.  So..I have not forgotten that I am "on a mission."  I think best when I am drifting off to sleep and have great ideas for this blog, but when I wake up I can't remember them...sigh.  I also wake up laughing at times and the next morning I can't remember what was so funny, but whatever it was it must have been joyous...I think, but I can't remember!

This the month that we honor the Mother of Jesus, Mary.  It is a time to speak to Mary through the recitation of the Rosary.  I do not need urging to do that as I recite the Rosary daily.  I won't say I "pray" the Rosary because a lot of people get the wrong idea that we Catholics are worshiping Mary.  We give her honor which she is due as the Mother of Jesus.  We ask her to intercede for us just as we would ask our own earthly mother to intercede for us or pray for us.

In the early times of the Jews and in the history of the church and peoples of Egypt, the mother of a king was given honor and respect and entitlement.  That is what we do for Mary for she was the Mother of Jesus, our King.  She is entitled to such honor because God Himself chose her to be the vessel of His only son.  Therefore, we should do no less.  We should spend October giving Mary all due respect that that she deserves.

Personally, I wish the Church did not need to remind us or urge us to "speak to Mary" and that we would do it on our own without occasionally needing to be prompted.  The Rosary is not an obligation.  It is a chosen act to "speak to Mary" and ask her to pray or intercede for us.  On rare occasion I have forgotten to say the Rosary, but I would have to be pretty tired.  I have gotten up at midnight to say the Rosary and not because I am someone special, but because it give me peace.

I had in mind to write some more on this blog, but I am sooo tired.  I have had a very busy day and didn't get home until about 7:30 P.M.  I may post a bit more on Saturday evening, but for now...this is it.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

I'm on a mission.

I'm on a mission.  You are, too.  Unless you were born in a have a mission.  While you may not be aware of your mission, recognize it or choose not to accept it or act upon it...your have a mission.  We were not conceived or born into this life to vegetate or coast along while we inhabit this life, but to prepare for the next life.  I have a mission here and now, to grow as well as I can spiritually and to love the Lord, Our God.
This small, insignificant blog is part of my mission.  It is the best that I know how to do with what graces, talents and understanding that I have.  I am lacking in many ways and I am aware of it, yet I continue to try to carry through with my mission.  I use this blog vehicle to try to evangelize, proselytise, to teach or share to the best of my ability.

"Jeremiah was a Bullfrog."  Well, you can sing that song if you want to, but the Jeremiah that I am thinking of was a Prophet in the Old Testament.  "He is the fountain of life, but we are the dispensers of His living waters."  You will find this in Jeremiah 2:13 and 17:13. 

Jeremiah had a mission, too.  He was sanctified as a prophet while still in his mother's womb.  He disturbed his fellow Jews with his words of prophecy so he was stoned to death for upsetting them the status quo.  Sounds all too much like the modern age we live in.

Well, I am back and this is another day.  I deleted a lot of what I had written because I didn't know if everyone in Russia or China(that read this blog)had a Bible or access to one.  Most Americans have a Bible 'though they may not open it.  Hopefully they do. 

Back to Jeremiah.  I was going to give the references from the Book of Jeremiah, and give my interpretation of the reading or verses...but then, it is my interpretation and it may not be agreeable to all readers.  So I nixed it as I am coming from a Catholic viewpoint.  That's just me-I can't help myself-and I think Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air within the church.

The coming of Christ was foretold many, many times in the Old Testament: of His birth, His ministry, His suffering and His death. He had a mission.  It was and is the salvation of God's people and that is us: God's People.  He gave up His life that we might live.  It is our personal mission to do and live according to The Ten Commencements and the Beatitudes. I do stumble along the way, but pick myself up and continue on.  I try to love my neighbor as I would love myself...but that isn't all that easy because they have a Pit Bull and I am not so keen about it.

This post is a little disjointed and irregular in content because of "starts and stops" in time and message.  I will try to do better next time.



Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today or tomorrow

Today is Wednesday and I am working on my post.  I may not get it out until later this evening or tomorrow. It takes a lot of thought to do a blog such as I try to post.  Don't give up on me.  I will get it done.  Peace.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I needed

OK, I am trying to pick up where I left off in my efforts to "stock up" for winter.  I hate going out to shop when the weather is cold, windy, icy or just plain nasty.  Therefor, I try to get ahead of Old Man Winter.  In my stocking up endeavors I can only buy so much due to lack of big bucks$$.

I did get two jars of Instant Coffee to add to the two that I got last month.  I bought three boxes of Instant Chicken Noodle Soup, extra Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, bread for a buck and a couple of comfort foods that will not last long enough to say that I added them to the pantry.  The biggest items on the "list" were two new tires for the van.  I got two new tires last fall for the back and have been trying to save up for the other two on the front.  It took a while, but I finally took the plunge for the last two tires.  I didn't want to go into debt for them.

I thought I was done with driving back and forth to the Eye Doctors, but the pressure is up again in both eyes so I go again for the fourth time in a week.  It sure burns up the gas and wears me out as well.  Well, it must be done so I will do it, but darn it anyway.

I have a broken window that needs repairing.  I don't know how to get the window out so I will need to call someone...more $$.  It must be done before it gets cold.  I got a used freezer to replace the one that died.  When they brought it in they drove a corner of the freezer right into the window.  They said they would come back and fix it three months ago.  Well, that didn't happen and I was pretty sure that it would not get done per their attitude.

"Do unto others as you would do unto them."  That says a lot.  In other words we are not supposed to take advantage, mistreat, or take from others, but to "Love our neighbors as we love ourselves."  If we don't have respect for others they will not take care in their dealings with us or anyone else.  This is very true in our material, socialistic society.  "You reap what you sow."  Mostly I get taken advantage of especially when it comes to money or transactions.  I am aware of when I am snookered and generally let it go with the concept of what goes around, comes around, but they will not get my business or a good reference in the future.

I have been reading the Vatican  Two Documents and always find interesting tidbits to fill my brain.  However in looking through the prayers in my old Missal I found a section about confession.  I always  thought that one had to go to confession once a week or once a month or at least once a year, but that isn't so.  You are required to go to confession if you have committed a mortal or grave sin.  If you have committed venial sins, and we all do, we are encouraged to go to confession for our own edification in our spiritual life.  If we do not go to confession or need to, for mortal or grave sins, we should be contrite for all the little boo boos that we do.  I learn something every day.

So here is where I will stop, make a cup of tea and soon go to bed.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sometimes life moves faster than I do

PSALM 34:13

It's Wednesday again.  You thought I would forget...didn't you?  Well, I didn' there!  Even so, it has been a busy week and a busy day.

Today I had my 4th. Lazar treatment.  I hope this the last one...and pray that it is.  I am tired of running back and fourth.  It is time consuming and costly.  A rich person I am not.

I am just about over my cold or allergy, or whatever it was.  It looks like Father has it now.  No, I didn't pass it on.  I forewent  receiving the Precious Blood in the chalice just so I wouldn't give it to someone else.  Today Father could hardly be heard during Mass and had a glass of water on the back alter.

Last night I thought my refrigerator had died and was busy transferring everything form the freezer compartment to the regular midnight.  Today, as I was checking the 'frig over I discovered that the plug was very slightly lose. It was so slight that you could not tell by just looking at it.  I gave the plug a little push and the thing started working.  I guess I must have brushed up against the plug while I was cleaning.  A lot of work at midnight, but I didn't want to lose everything in the 'frig as it had already started to thaw out.  Saved!  What can I really could not tell that the plug was slightly out of the receptacle.

As I really have not had a whole lot of time to put much thought into this post....this pretty much all you get.


Thursday, September 12, 2013


At midnight last night I remembered that I forgot to post and then I forgot that I remembered.  So this is another day.  I was pretty busy yesterday and some of it was "hurry up and wait" which could not be helped.  I am not sure how my "new post day" is going to work.  It may turn into a "random" day of postings-such as when I can or when I remember-certainly not at midnight.  Nope...not gonna.

OK, I am staring to get over myself.  I went from a very sore throat, to a bad sinus infection, into Bronchitis...with all the accompanying fever, aches and chills.  I still have the Bronchitis and wheezing, but the other symptoms are just about gone.  It seems like everyone I know has it and are busy passing it on.  I received communion, but skipped the Precious Blood in the Chalice.  I will do this for the next several days as I don't want to pass on whatever is being passed on.

I am trying to work up the courage to go out to a couple places and get a few things accomplished...other than getting up and breathing and annoying myself with coughing, rasping,  and blowing my nose.  I am afraid that I may blow my brains out my nasal nares!  The main reason that I need courage to "go out" is because it is hot...90's...and very humid, dry and dusty.  Summer finally arrived-in September!

I did get some things done yesterday and again this morning, with a lot more that needs to be done.  I added another 24 rolls of bathroom tissue to my stock.  One can't have too much TP! Not a lot as I have no place to store them.  I think I want to add a little meat in the freezer.  Again...not a lot as meat is expensive and my money trees is shedding it's leaves and blowing off into the neither lands.  I will post what I stock up as I go along.

Anyway, that is just about all I know...which isn't much.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Semi-sick and Piffle Dust

Just to let you know:  I have been in bed for a couple of days with "something," a fever, aching joints, a headache, and a sinus infection.  I missed mass on Wed. and Thursday, but did make it today for First Friday.  I don't get sick very often, but when I do I like to do it up in grand style.  Needless to say...I did not get back to my post or finish my "list."

With that in mind I will add extra Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and cough medicine to have on hand if there is severe weather on the horizon.

Already there are Elven Folk rustling within the trees, the leaves are turning and scampering to the ground to fly away on the breath of gnomes and other fairy creatures, to hide along the fences and weeds beside my house..  Hide they may, while they can, before The Wicked Witch of the North comes  along to cover them with Piffle Dust.

See...I am feeling better already with just a touch of mild insanity/imagination!!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am "making a list and checking it twice."  It is time for me to "stock up."  I am coming off my money diet for a short while and prepare for a cold, bitter winter.

As I said a month ago...the wild geese flew south early, the spiders started coming about the same time as well as flies.  And as noted last week The Farmers Almanac says.. it might not be a pleasant winter season.

I have already started stocking up buy buying some essential such as bathroom tissue and paper towels, shampoo and a few odds and ends, but I do need to get serious about getting what I getting need into the house.  I will make a list and share it with  you.  Keep in mind that I am not  a prepper or a survivalist.

Coffee and Tea.
While I have somd stocked up already
I will get some more
Bathroom Tissue
I have 30 rolls of the cheap stuff
but will get more.
More detergent and fabric softener.
Dish detergent.
Paper plates.
Paper Towels
Tooth past
Mouth wash.
I have plenty of candles
if the power goes down.
I have lanterns as well
I need kerosene.
I will store a few gallons of H2O.
I won" finish this tonight because I am sick.
I will post it and  maybe add to it tomorrow or the next day.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I've been twarted...have you?

Thwarted:   I have been thwarted,  I get thwarted just about every day...Don't you?  I wanted to be tall and slim, but I was thwarted.  I wanted to be highly intelligent or at least smart, but again I was outsmarted by Thwart.  I wanted to be "intense and deep" but Thwart said "no."  Instead I am just mediocer or thereabout.  Life is tough with friend Thwart lurking about.  It is a normal fact of life that you are going to get thwarted sometime by someone or something.  Yes, you too.  Don't tell me it isn't true, because if you dare dispute this I will tell Thwart on you; then you will get your thwarting, too.

Jesus was thwarted, too.  Every day, but he was above it and always out-thwarted his nemeses.  As He preached and went out to the people, He had no place to pillow His head  as the as the fox in dens and the birds of the air did(see Matt 8:20 and Luke 9:58), but slept wherever and whenever He could.  He was thwarted in rest and in prayer by friend and enemies alike.  He knew it would be so, but He continued on.  He knew that He would be was part of His Father's plan, yet He continued to preach and teach.  He didn't let Thwart deter Him or any of the daily niggley(I made a semi-new word) trials, bumps and bruises along the way.  He...Jesus...thwarted the real and present Thwart and He won, didn't He.  Yes, in the end Jesus defeated Thwart when He died on the cross.

Does that mean that Thwart is no longer a threat or hanging around...or just waiting for the opportune time to cause havoc, and chaos?  No, It means that we as people of God will have our own confutation with 'Ol Thwart as he will always be in our live to some degree or another.  He is sly and comes in many forms of disguise.  He can wear many mask, hats or identities.  Thwart can even come in the form of good, or  beneficial actions or intents.  Yes, to be thwarted is an everyday state of affairs for most of us.  We have all traveled this road...been there...done that...and continue to do so.

Thwart is not a word commonly used anymore.  It is almost archaic.  It 's meaning is pretty simple 'though.  It is to "prevent, to stop, to negate an action or thought."  There are less used definitions  and usages of the word, but you can find them in your dictionary. It is good to know a few archaic or old English words...makes the readers think that the writer might be half-way smart...but only half-way!

I think we are in our last gasp of summer and the weather people are calling this a "heat wave."  Actually this has been a mild season.  It has been much hotter and much more humid in the past.  I think we will have an early winter and a cold one at that.  Now the Old Farmer's Almanac is making the same prediction.  A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that the wild geese are flying south early and the flies and spiders or setting up housekeeping within my confines-perimeter.  Mother Nature speaks in her own indomitable voice and she has a big mouth.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cain slew his brother Able...don't you.

I was talking on the phone the other eve. with a friend.  She was telling me how she had not seen her brother for over twenty years.  That rang a bell for me as I have not seen or heard from my sister for just about an equal time.  It is her choice to disasocciate herself from family and friends.  I guess she is happy with her choice; I don't know.

It made me think. know what happens when I get to thinking.  Smoke comes out my ears and my hair ignites...not really.  But...(never start a sentence with a "but" or an "and") but..I just wonder how many dysfucnctional families there are in the country...or any country.

Time, place and circumstances play havoc on the persona, or can cause mental, spiritual growth in the individual.  We are born with free will.  Generally we can make choices at what or who we become and are.  There are exceptions of course as no one that I know choices to be blind, deaf or have any physical debilitation. one I know wants to be bound by these balls and chains of adversity.

Adversity, if unfettered and directed can become strength through the free will given to us to by God.   You can unbound from dysfunction if you make a choice through free will and and dysfunction can morph into grace.

Jealousy, selfishness, meanness, and a host of other personal traits can cause and perpetuate the dysfunctional family.  Parents, can give rise to "me" centered individuals instead of God centered social units and families.   Parents will say that they love their children equally and don't have favorites.  It is impossible because of our human nature, not to have a favorite son or daughter...unless there is only one.  So parents take care and don't show this trait to your children.  It will be hard not to do so, but if your able to be equal with all your will win the battle...hopefully the war, against having a dysfunctional family.

I would like to see my sister again, but if not, it is her choice within her free will.  She has two grown sons that I have never seen.  I have heard that she also has a dysfunctional family.  I also hope that my friend gets to see and be with her own brother.  It isn't good  nor does God wants carry our emotional baggage to the grave and beyond.  "What so ever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

Well, I have been busy running around here and there; to the Dr. and for Lab work and a repeat of the same.  No one gets older without a few glitches here and there.  I guess I should "kick the tires and have the oil changed" more often.

Tomorrow I will be over at the Little Sisters of the Poor.  A friend and I will start pricing stuff for the rummage sale.  I think the Sister can use any money they get for the benefit of the home and residents.  Most of the goods are donated so it is free and clear for the home.  I don't think Obama Care has helped any Catholic Hospital or Nursing Home.  Just wait Obama...someday you will get old and dependent, too.  Will the government or the Little Sisters be there to feed you, bath you, change your tidy whiteys, wipe your chin or sit with you as you prepare for that big "pie in the sky" bail out?   Noooo, I do wonder, though.

The End
Ohhhh, I thought I saw a guy in a red suit
lurking outside the Pearly Gates!
You did see that...right!!!  Hee Hee.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So...I I in trouble?

Would you believe I just about forgot that this was my post night?  And now it is nearly midnight.  It has been a busy day and tomorrow will be nearly as busy.  I do have a post about half way written as I started it the other day.  I will try to get it posted into cyberspace tomorrow eve.

There isn't much to post anyway unless you are interested in my trips to the Dr. and to the lab, mass and stuff of the ordinary occurrences of life.  What!!  Not interested??  Your right...very boring stuff.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Assumption of Mary

Well, what do you is Wednesday new posting day.  Are you excited?  Well, why not?

Not much to say as it has been a slow, but "busy" week.  Which means that there were a bunch of humdrum things to do.  I am still doing some little clean-up jobs here and there.  Anyone that has ever had construction jobs matter how small...knows what I mean.

Today I swallowed an ice cube.  It was cold all way down...brrrr.

Sunday as I was leaving for church a flock of wild geese flew over, heading south I presume.  Spiders are coming in like droves.   I will call them Spider Herds and one left me a personal calling card on my arm.  It made me "crazy" all week.  You wouldn't think a tiny, black spider could "leave a mark," but it did.  One of God's little creatures let me now it was here, but I sent it on its heavenly course.

With all this said, and the fact that we have had an unusually cool summer with lots of rain, it makes me think we are in for a cold winter.  Here, in the Ohio River Valley, August is usually a month of sweltering heat and high humidity.  Not so this year.  Look for your boots, snowshoes and shovels.

Yesterday I mowed the backyard, thinking that today I would take care of the front yard.  Today the mower will not start and is making a funny sound.  I think I need to put it on life support as it may be on its last gasp.  This is a big Troy mower; it is supposed to last forever!  I don't wanna buy a new mower!

Tomorrow is a Holy Day.  It is the Feast Day of Assumption Of the Blessed Mother.  I have a real affection for the Blessed Mother and pray the Rosary every day.  A lot of people have the wrong idea about the rosary and prayers to the Blessed  Mother.  We do not worship Mary, the Mother of Jesus, but we pay her homage and honor, as we would our own mothers.  We pray to give her just recognition, and ask for her intersession.  We would and do ask our earthly mothers for intersession when we say, "Mom, pray for me."
Christ gave his mother honor when He changed the water into wine at her request, and left her in the care of John.  In the Ten commandments it is clearly stated, "Honor your Mother and Father."  We do....or should.  We give Mary, the mother of God, the accolades she richly deserves.  Catholics do not "worship the Blessed Mother, but hold her in very high esteem.  The apostles did, too.

This afternoon I spotted a small lizard sunning itself on a warm concrete block.  I left it in peace as little lizards are good to have around.  They eat all the bad bugs that want to come in as the season slowly erodes an the summer sun beckons to the fall's coming.  God bless all the creatures of the earth, great and small...except for spiders, that is.  Well, I guess there is a place for them, too.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Freedom of MY religion

I have a Facebook account.  It helps me stay in contact with relatives and friends.  Also, I enjoy the recipes that are posted.  What I do not enjoy is the religious bullying.  There are those that condemn the Pope, the church in general, the teachings of the church, and  I am a Catholic and will die a Catholic.  While I am aware there are problems within the church I am also aware that there are problems  in and abuses in other...mainstream denominations.  You just don't hear much about them.  When a priest or a religious sister makes a mistake or a grave becomes front page news.  Such problems or injustices to man, church and God should be newsworthy and addressed, but the media and many denominations are happy to sensationalize any and all, condemning out of hand.  Don't judge all by a few insidious members of ANY church or persuasion. One shoe does not fit all.

This nation was founded on the principles of FREEDOM OF RELIGION, FREEDOM Of THE PRESS, FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  This country is under attack pertaining to all FOUR FREEDOMS.
If a nation can control its people through degeneration  and denial of these sacred precepts you might as well tear up the Constitution and declare it a military state.  Oh!  We are well on our way to becoming a welfare nation and dependent on the government in all phases of living.  Just leave my religion alone.  When a county has no core beliefs in basic fundamentals or the concept of good vs. evil it becomes a lost ship at sea with no compass to steer by.  My faith, my church, my religion, my core beliefs are my compass in this life and for the next.

Anyway I said I would let you know how the work went on the kitchen ceiling.  It is generally done, neat and clean.  I just need to clean up and recover the space, but I can now cook in the kitchen.  It will take me a little time to get things back in order, but I have the time and can be more selective of what I keep, give away or toss out. I slowed down on my work in the kitchen as my arm has been giving me fits all night long and into this day.  It is going to rain and my arm tells me so.  The weatherman says it will rain for the next several days and that there may be 4 to 5 inches of rain this week.  This time I believe the weatherman; my arm says he is probably right.

Now about my money diet.  I have had a few extra expenses due to home repairs, but I had already "budgeted" for the work ahead of time.  So I am keeping with my plan to live on less and do more with what I have.  Being able to cook in the kitchen again will help me stay on track, and hopefully nothing unusual will pop up and surprise me.

I just didn't want to get up this morning.  I wanted to stay in bed and just be lazy...I am good at being lazy.  I finally got up and made myself move.  I just made it in time for Mass.  Usually I like to stay after Mass for about 15 minutes or so and pray in solitude, but today I didn't.  I took a "fluid pill" late and you know how that "works!"  I had to hurry on home.  My bad...for getting up at the last minute and taking my medicine on the fly!


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Time, money and nerdiness

I am starting a new diet; a money diet.  I am going to try to budget my spending to about $400. 00 to $500.00 per. month.  I believe I can do it.  I need very little and generally I am not a big spender.  I may "want" a lot, but really don't need all the material things that other people spend their nickels and dimes on.  With a few exceptions, such as home owners and auto insurance when due, I can budget for those, too.  As Audrey used to say,  I can be very "poveriticle"  when I wish to be.  That is her word, not don't look for proper spelling as she coined the word years ago.

$400.00 to $500.00 dollars per month doesn't sound like a lot of money to live on monthly...and it isn't.  In a sense I prepared for austerity when I retired by paying of all my debts, knowing that my income would be a whole lot less when on Social Security.  Even so, there are a lot of people that do not have $$ to budget or put food on the table.

You may think that I have to budget, but I do so because I can.  There are better places to spend what money I do have...than to eat out a lot or on all of what modern culture dictates for us to buy and consume.  I don't need the latest phone that is advertised or a new car.  My basic phone and eight year old van work just fine.  I don't buy a lot of cloths as I am hard to fit and hate the styles.  There are many ways to reduce expenditures and use my money for more important issues.  If I can.  Try it. 

To clarify this I do need to say that budgeting can and will work for many people, but it is not an overall blanket suggestion for ALL people or readers of this post.  What works for me may well be a hardship for many.

"Magnificent Obsession" is the title of an old love movie that came out around 1954.  In a sense the title is also 'My Love Story" as well.  For I go to bed thinking about God, get up thinking about God and I am thinking about God "in between."  You could say that I have an obsession in all things God related...'though I don't really think so.  I make too many mistakes throughout the days; putting my foot in my mouth too often, at the wrong time, before the wrong people.  In essence I have an over sized vocal orifice with too  many opinions and too little discernment for what comes forth unbidden.  However, it does not keep me from thinking about God.
I am sure that my family, friends, acquaintances and even enemies(we all have them)think of ME as a nerd...religious nut case, or yes, obsessed.  I am not obsessed by organized religions or institution, cults or other persuasions for the Bible tells us that "In my father's house there are many mansion(rooms)."  The Vatican 11 Documents also tell us that any religion of the one God holds a part of the truth as our new Pope Frances seems to clarify that for us as well.  I am a Catholic and will die a Catholic, but like the Pope remember, "Judge not, lest you be judged."
I desire sainthood.  You should, too.  Desire it not for vanity, self-glorification or recognition, but because the road to such a grace, while most often a rocky road, will bring you into closer communication/union, with our Lord.  There are so many saints that have NOT found fame or glory or sought after it, but only for a quiet certitude and serenity in loving and doing the Lord's will.  That is what I pray for and what I hope that any reader of this missive will pray for...for me.

I hope this all makes sense to you, the reader.  It is not easy for me to put my thoughts into words and have them it come out they way I feel.  Once I was told by someone that I admired and respected, that I was "sanguine," a person that doesn't care.  It was a long time ago; it hurt then and hurts to this day.  I sucked it up and put on my bland face and offered no defense.  Sometimes we just have to suck it up and carry on.  It brings me back to the Pope who said, "Who
 am I to judge?"








Monday, July 29, 2013


It's a new week, a new day, a new Monday.  Keep in mind what I posted the other day about switching my postings to Wednesday.  Surely I can think of something to write about by then!

The past few days have been glorious; just the way I like it, but it is about to change according to the weatherman.  He says that we will get a copious amount rain starting tomorrow.  I do wish that those that need the rain would get some.

There have been a rash of terrible accidents and tragedies these past few weeks and we often ask why God lets these things happen.  Well, God is not a micro-manager and never was.  He was the painter of the 'big picture" and has left the rest up to us.  The choice of alcohol, drugs, natural events, mistakes of the human kind, abound.  "Stuff happens." We grieve and pray for those that are lost, injured or have had their lives torn asunder/apart. We carry on as God wills.

I intend to really tighten my belt and budget this month.  There is so much $$ going out, but not enough coming in and there are number of things I need to have done around the house.  Four years ago I could do it myself-before B/A, but now I need hire things to be done...done.  Darn!  No more driving nails, using a power saw or hanging doors.  Nope...those days are gone.

Anyway, I must accept that I am not capable of defying Mother Nature or the passage of time.  My arm will never be the same again and I will move on in thought and deed.  Yes, I will...I must.  So there, I tell myself!

Remember: I am switching to Wed. starting this week.


Friday, July 26, 2013

New posting schedule

I plan on posting on Wednesdays from now on.  I have been posting on Mondays, but Mondays are often busy for me. I will post this Monday and then get started on a new Wed. schedule on the very next Wed.  How does sound?  It is summer and there is a lot to do or occupy my time.

Today I am worn out and took this day off...really.  Yesterday I mowed the back yard.  I am not finished with the yard, but the yard is finished with least until tomorrow.  I need to go to Lowe's and get string for my trimmer and some yard bags for all the stuff that needs pruning back.  I am very careful about pruning because one time I was cutting away some trash brush and a limb came back and bite me right between the eyes!  Yup; drove me to my knees and I saw the stars of the cosmos.  After a few stitches I decided to let someone else do the major pruning, but I still have a lot to do on my own.

I tell you this as a cautionary tale so that nature will not give anyone unexpected surprises.  Be careful of what you do.  Angels are very busy watching over more important happenings among the dumb and dumber, and don't have time for stupid carelessness.  And so it goes.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Waiting...waiting...waiting.  I am tired of waiting for the workers to come and fix the ceiling in the kitchen.  I know that they will go and do the "big jobs" or the money jobs first, but I am getting tired of eating out while I wait.  As it is supposed to rain hard tomorrow...that is when they will probably come...and track up the house with dirt and debre'.   and crud.  And I will probably be happy about it as it long as it gets done.

I have been moving as many things out of the kitchen...out of the way.  Now I have stuff piled up in the living room. It is a good opportunity to see how much stuff that has accumulated over time that I know I will never use.  It's time for another trip to the Salvation Army.

I don't get as much done now as I don't use my arm all that well since I broke it a few years ago, so a lot of canning jars will go.  I have a ton of freezer boxes that will also find a new home at the S. A.  I guess I will keep my big canner, but store it in case I do cann a few things.

Ummm.  My bad.  I forgot to post this last evening.  I got to doing other things and by the time I remembered it was around 1a.m. and I was not about to get up out of bed and post this

Well...I am still waiting.  This is the second day of waiting.  I really don't like this "hurry up and wait" situation, but I know everything is in God's time and not of my own.  But...but, I would really be happy if the repairs it get done soon.

As I was thing of God's time, I was thinking of how fast the second hand on my watch goes 'round and 'round.  Life is similar.  It goes by pretty fast and you wonder where all the time went and why I or we...didn't get more or better things accomplished during the span allotted to us.  I know that I am inclined to be a tad lazy; or maybe a more then a tad.  I often put off today what should have been done yesterday or last week.  Time is like a precious commodity that you want to invest in and not store it up for the "big crash" that you may or may not see coming.  You can't store up your earthly treasures, for your true treasures are of heaven and of the love of Jesus.  You can not lock up your real wealth in a safe deposit box or bank for use on a rainy day.  You just can't.  Time is treasure to use in the "now" for good of self and all.  Spend your time wisely and cash in on the rewards later...for you will be compensated for your "time" of living well and doing good.

In saying this and knowing this...I am still a tad or more...lazy.  I am working on it.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Dinning in vs. dnning out

Dinning out while waiting for the repair work to start on the kitchen ceiling to get started...has its drawbacks.  It is fun for the short term, but then it gets old and expensive.  The food is not always that good, often greasy or dripping oil, esp. in the fast food places.  For the most part I would rather "dine in" and eat my own cooking.  However, the work will not began on the kitchen until around the 22 of July.  I will be happy when its done and to have my kitchen again.

I have one and only one, lonely CD.  I am thinking of cashing it in as soon as it matures and getting the rest of the house up to par.  It will depend on how far I can stretch the small amount of revenue.  It has never made any money so I might as well use it for a good purpose later on down the road.

I am meditation about meditating.  Sounds a little redundant, does it not?  Meditation just is not easy as the mind and heart gets cluttered up with so many distractions.  The min-hoarder of the mind...that's me.  There is a lifetime of images, thoughts, events, desires. regrets and expectations that filter in and out of my attempts of meditation.   Once in a while a little light shins through the clouds and trees and that makes it all worth while as I peer into an open glade in the forest.  There is a small brilliance cascading into my heart and soul.  It may be for only a minute, a second, but I want it back and I continue the quest after that small, fleeting moment through mediation and prayer.

I can't tell anyone how or when to meditate.  Hopefully meditation becomes a daily practice.  There are all kinds of grues and meditations and informational religious sites on the Internet.  In the end you will have to find your own way to that which what raises your spiritual level and communion with God. Of course, I am referring to a mainly Christian spirituality.  However, if you are of another persuasion and wish the meditate for the good of your soul and the common good of ALL people...then do so.

Silence:  It is pretty hard to find these days.  I think that if I were to find absolute and true silence...then I would die for I would be in union with God.  In meditation we get a glimpse of that union and seek after it.  I think God intends for us to  to get just a glimpse and feel the trueness of silence for it keeps us on the path to heavenly attainment. 

I wish I were capable and literate enough to convey what I think and feel, but I am not.  I never was the sharpest pencil in the pencil box and that is why I have an eraser and use it frequently..

If I may make a suggestion:  Find a quiet corner, space or even a closet and turn it into a meditation/prayer area, free of visual or noisy distraction if possible.  You can add some sacramentals to aid your focus, if needed, but don't make it too busy.  You can add some soft, soothing music to help you, if you desire.  I like the Gregorian Chants.  They lend themselves well to a relaxing spiritual atmosphere.  Meditation is prayer and in truth you can pray anywhere.  Often conducive conditions are very helpful.  Pray well.

So, I am a religious nerd.

Monday, July 8, 2013

All things bright and shinny

Did someone say it was hot? in Kentucky...nooo!  Yes.   The early morning humidity was in the discomfort range, but has dropped down to around 49 %.  That is bearable.  I can live with that.

My new a/c is still in the back of the van.  A friend is coming over tomorrow eve. to put it in for me..  I don't know what to do with the old one unless I put it out for someone looking for the copper.

There isn't much to mention.  I've been to the dentist and had my little teeth cleaned.  Now if I smile at you I will knock your eyes out, so bright and shinny are they. 

Do you ever think of the soul-your soul, as bright and shinny?  Probably not.  We don't really think of the soul as something that can be visualized, like a new copper penny right out of the mint.  We generally think of our souls as all wrapped up and coming with the thee.  In a sense that is true for like most of us with two feet, two hands, to eyes and ears, the soul is an intrinsic gift that is bestowed upon us with that first spark of life in our mother's womb.   He gave. You are. You become.  Never doubt.

I have friends that do not believe in God and have no faith.  They think of themselves and others as little blobs of chromosomes and DNA  swimming in the soup of life and live accordingly.  I hope their floatation devices are really good because they will either sink or swim.   Me...I prefer to swim...and not just randomly, but for shore, to plant my feet on rock...not shifting sand.  And there is an app for that, "Build your house on a strong foundation..."  This is from a parable in  the Bible: Matthew 7, vs. 24 through 27.  It is the story of a house that was built on sand and washed away during a storm.  Read it, if you will.

Most of us...and I won't leave myself out...are poor builders and carpenters.  The soul is the foundation of our structure upon which we place the framework of our spiritual house.  I have heard and read that the soul does not grow, but I don't know about that.  However, we can and should keep our souls spiffy, shinny and new-like...or as mint-like as possible.

I know that earnest prayer and meditation will bring out the shine of our souls and keep it glowing.  As I am not a theologist or even a scholar, I can not know if the soul grows or not.  It  is my own inner conviction or belief that the soul does grow.  Think about it and offer me your insights, if you will.

There are a variety of writings by philosophers, theologians, great saints an just ordinary seekers of truth.  What did strike me is that many or the writers believe that the soul and spirit are separate.  Delve into your computer search boxes and read as much as you can.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Just some thoughts

I am a min-hoarder...yes I am.  It isn't so bad that I can't get through the house or need to climb over piles of trash or rubbish as you see in the shows on TV, but it makes me wonder why I save some of the stuff that I do. I guess I have an emotional, sentimental attachment to things that I have no real use for or will never use again.

I am in a clean-out mode or get rid of junk frame of mind...again.  Lots of stuff has got to go...again.  In our material society it is a never ending accumulation of things we think we want, need, can fix or may need later.  Much later.  So our or my hoarding grows a little bit at a time.

I have been down this road before, but at least I recognize that I have a penchant for saving unneeded, unusable stuff, and every once in a while I tear into the problem and make it a Salvation Army or Goodwill problem or benefit.  If I can't or won't use it...perhaps someone else will or maybe become a me.

As you know I have cut back on my blog posting and taking my time with it as thoughts or events occur to me.  There is a lot to do in the summer that must be attended to and blogging isn't a priority when the grass needs mowing, going back and forth to the eye Dr., trying to de-clutter go to church and all the things that fill the days.

I was out mowing in 90+ degrees heat and high humidity on Friday.  If you like warm to hot to steaming weather...boy do I know a place where you would be in a hades "paradise," right here in down town Kentucky.  I can't imagine old Daniel Boon wearing a Raccoon fur hat as depicted in all the old movies.  I'll bet he would have joyfully traded his furry tailed cap and his Kentucky long rifle for a good air conditioner unit.  I know I would!

I have been thinking about saints.  Oh, I know.  Your going to tell me that I don't get paid to think...which is true, but my thoughts wander in that direction anyway.

I was pondering...a good word...that so many saints were recognized right up 'til about "now" or into this past and emerging century.  Of course there are saints living among us even now, but I think they will be fewer and farther between.  We live in a secular society where there are so many mental, material, physical distractions that are certainly contrary to the making of a saint or sainthood.

The church used to teach that we should all strive for sainthood.  I seldom hear it mentioned anymore.  Well yeah!  Sainthood isn't easy!  Sainthood usually involves a some sacrifice, such as life, liberty, blood, suffering, strong beliefs in God and following the path of Christ or great saints.  Yeah...Right...Like who wants to do that!  There is too much other stuff to do or be involved in.

I would like to be a saint.  I am not.  I am a weak, lazy individual who is spoiled by all the offerings of society.  I do try to keep the 10 commandments to the best of my ability.  One step, but a step.  I just don't have much to give in the way of following Christ.  I do the best I can, but is my best good enough...or do I fall short in so many ways?  Fortunately God forgives all my transgression and stupid ways and accepts me as I am, and He will do the same for you...and work in you.  Well, my mother did tell me that the only time I was good was when I was sleeping!  I hope I have progressed a little since the then!

As I started this post a couple days has rained...a lot.  All that hard work in the yard will need to be done over and soon.  It really grows fast and is hard to keep up.

Reflecting back a little on what I said about wanting to be a saint:  Well, it isn't for fame or glory in this life, for saints have a hard way to go, are frequently misunderstood, seldom recognized, and frequently suffer for the love of God.  However, striving after sainthood brings one closer to our Lord and that is what I wish be close to our Lord.  Wishes will not make me a saint...or anyone else for that mater.  You have to "work for it", the old fashioned way; through prayer, meditation, observing the precepts that Christ Jesus died for in order to instill in our heart this one salfivic creed.  He said for us to love one another as we would love ourselves and to do onto others as we would have done unto us.  Good works and charity are great if you can do them, but LOVE for each other is His greatest command.

Thus... this little post is finished.  And I am still not a saint!


Monday, June 24, 2013


Remember the song by Elvis, "Kentucky Rain?  Well Elvis must be singing up a storm 'cause we have it (rain) and lots of it.  It's a good thing my little house sits up high because there is a lot of flash flooding going on and all around.

There were so many things going on during the past couple of months that I forgot to pay my house insurance and it was canceled.  I called on Friday and they told me it could be  reinstated.  It didn't work out that way.  I had to get a whole new policy.  However, the new policy is better and cheaper, so I guess that is what was meant to be.

I thought I was finished with my eye surgeries, but it  turns out that the right eye is "clouding" over and the vision is fuzzy.  I will have laser surgery to correct this in Sept.  Then I hope I will be done with this, and all the trips to the Dr. are over. It is also causing a deep hole in my pocketbook.  Don't think for a minute that Obamacare is what we were lead to believe.

There really isn't much to mention and not a whole lot going on.  That is the way I like it; my life quiet and peaceful and without major events.

Proverbs 17: 22
I believe I used this same quote/passage before, but that's OK as I have been told that there is nothing new under the sun.  A little spiritual medicine is good for whatever ails us and I have observed that happy or merry people live longer and recover from the adversities of life faster.  I try to stay positive and sing the song "A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR MAKES THE MEDICINE GO DOWN" and it does.  A person's general outlook, esp. if it is positive, is a good remedy for just about anything...yes?...yes.  Anyone have a cupful of sugar to lend?  If not, I will be a good neighbor and lend you some of mine.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


A sharp tongue is a weapon. It is a barbed instrument of verbal torture.  The lying tongue is a sinister mode of destruction.  The poison tongue is the most lethal weapon  of all.  Combine any of the three and you have a powerful weapon of destruction, if not your very own path of self deception, than to the detriment of someone or others.

Your voice is a tool:  a God given gift of and for communication.  Use it wisely for the praise and glory of His name.  Evangelize if possible.  Let your voice be an instrument of peace, joy and love.  Use your voice for the greater good, not for harm or self deprivation, or to bring someone or others down. 

I hate perpetual pity parties.  They drive people away.  Rather than complain, moan and groan, try to lift some one's spirits or station in life.  I have never been a "well" person.  Who cares?  No one cares, but me and I can not change my health status, become better looking, or more appealing to anyone I may encounter.  But I can change my persona, attitude, social and religious aspects.  I know that there is always someone "worse off" than me or the reader of this page.  If I say "get over yourself" I don't mean it in a harsh way, but really...get over yourself.

As I write this I consider all the negative people I have met and associated with in my life time.  A negative person is an unhappy individual who really needs friends and support, but often drives others away.  We need one another, but I often find myself not wishing to be with or around certain personalities.  It is hard to overcome my attitude toward such people, but I try and it is a trial.  It is my own personal failing and not theirs.  I hope and pray that I can be more supportive to those that see only the sad-bad-hopelessness side of life.  I want to remember that a coin has two sides and they are different, but seldom looked at.  Look at the quarter in your pocket and you will see perhaps a face on one side and an emblem on the other.  What holds the two sides together is the rim, the circle that goes round and round, without end.  That is how I pray to be, like the circle edge that has no beginning or end.

We are the creation of God who has no beginning or end. Thus we or me, should strive for a continuous circle of love, joy, peace, good counsel, and worship of the One who made us.  We need to be co-creators and become better, more imbued with the Holy Spirit.  If not for Him at least for our companions that make this journey with us.

By now any readers of this blog have noticed that I am not posting as frequently.  By not posting each night I have more time to "think" rather than try to grind something out.  We all need to have time to reflect and consider.  I think I will probably just submit something on a Monday eves.  I hope that meets with your approval and acceptance.  PAX