Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cain slew his brother Able...don't you.

I was talking on the phone the other eve. with a friend.  She was telling me how she had not seen her brother for over twenty years.  That rang a bell for me as I have not seen or heard from my sister for just about an equal time.  It is her choice to disasocciate herself from family and friends.  I guess she is happy with her choice; I don't know.

It made me think. know what happens when I get to thinking.  Smoke comes out my ears and my hair ignites...not really.  But...(never start a sentence with a "but" or an "and") but..I just wonder how many dysfucnctional families there are in the country...or any country.

Time, place and circumstances play havoc on the persona, or can cause mental, spiritual growth in the individual.  We are born with free will.  Generally we can make choices at what or who we become and are.  There are exceptions of course as no one that I know choices to be blind, deaf or have any physical debilitation. one I know wants to be bound by these balls and chains of adversity.

Adversity, if unfettered and directed can become strength through the free will given to us to by God.   You can unbound from dysfunction if you make a choice through free will and and dysfunction can morph into grace.

Jealousy, selfishness, meanness, and a host of other personal traits can cause and perpetuate the dysfunctional family.  Parents, can give rise to "me" centered individuals instead of God centered social units and families.   Parents will say that they love their children equally and don't have favorites.  It is impossible because of our human nature, not to have a favorite son or daughter...unless there is only one.  So parents take care and don't show this trait to your children.  It will be hard not to do so, but if your able to be equal with all your will win the battle...hopefully the war, against having a dysfunctional family.

I would like to see my sister again, but if not, it is her choice within her free will.  She has two grown sons that I have never seen.  I have heard that she also has a dysfunctional family.  I also hope that my friend gets to see and be with her own brother.  It isn't good  nor does God wants carry our emotional baggage to the grave and beyond.  "What so ever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me."

Well, I have been busy running around here and there; to the Dr. and for Lab work and a repeat of the same.  No one gets older without a few glitches here and there.  I guess I should "kick the tires and have the oil changed" more often.

Tomorrow I will be over at the Little Sisters of the Poor.  A friend and I will start pricing stuff for the rummage sale.  I think the Sister can use any money they get for the benefit of the home and residents.  Most of the goods are donated so it is free and clear for the home.  I don't think Obama Care has helped any Catholic Hospital or Nursing Home.  Just wait Obama...someday you will get old and dependent, too.  Will the government or the Little Sisters be there to feed you, bath you, change your tidy whiteys, wipe your chin or sit with you as you prepare for that big "pie in the sky" bail out?   Noooo, I do wonder, though.

The End
Ohhhh, I thought I saw a guy in a red suit
lurking outside the Pearly Gates!
You did see that...right!!!  Hee Hee.

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