Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Freedom of MY religion

I have a Facebook account.  It helps me stay in contact with relatives and friends.  Also, I enjoy the recipes that are posted.  What I do not enjoy is the religious bullying.  There are those that condemn the Pope, the church in general, the teachings of the church, and  I am a Catholic and will die a Catholic.  While I am aware there are problems within the church I am also aware that there are problems  in and abuses in other...mainstream denominations.  You just don't hear much about them.  When a priest or a religious sister makes a mistake or a grave becomes front page news.  Such problems or injustices to man, church and God should be newsworthy and addressed, but the media and many denominations are happy to sensationalize any and all, condemning out of hand.  Don't judge all by a few insidious members of ANY church or persuasion. One shoe does not fit all.

This nation was founded on the principles of FREEDOM OF RELIGION, FREEDOM Of THE PRESS, FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  This country is under attack pertaining to all FOUR FREEDOMS.
If a nation can control its people through degeneration  and denial of these sacred precepts you might as well tear up the Constitution and declare it a military state.  Oh!  We are well on our way to becoming a welfare nation and dependent on the government in all phases of living.  Just leave my religion alone.  When a county has no core beliefs in basic fundamentals or the concept of good vs. evil it becomes a lost ship at sea with no compass to steer by.  My faith, my church, my religion, my core beliefs are my compass in this life and for the next.

Anyway I said I would let you know how the work went on the kitchen ceiling.  It is generally done, neat and clean.  I just need to clean up and recover the space, but I can now cook in the kitchen.  It will take me a little time to get things back in order, but I have the time and can be more selective of what I keep, give away or toss out. I slowed down on my work in the kitchen as my arm has been giving me fits all night long and into this day.  It is going to rain and my arm tells me so.  The weatherman says it will rain for the next several days and that there may be 4 to 5 inches of rain this week.  This time I believe the weatherman; my arm says he is probably right.

Now about my money diet.  I have had a few extra expenses due to home repairs, but I had already "budgeted" for the work ahead of time.  So I am keeping with my plan to live on less and do more with what I have.  Being able to cook in the kitchen again will help me stay on track, and hopefully nothing unusual will pop up and surprise me.

I just didn't want to get up this morning.  I wanted to stay in bed and just be lazy...I am good at being lazy.  I finally got up and made myself move.  I just made it in time for Mass.  Usually I like to stay after Mass for about 15 minutes or so and pray in solitude, but today I didn't.  I took a "fluid pill" late and you know how that "works!"  I had to hurry on home.  My bad...for getting up at the last minute and taking my medicine on the fly!


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