Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bugs in my belly

This is a night for me to go to bed early. I've got bugs in my belly or what some Doctors here are calling it the Kentucky Flu. It has kept me awake most of the night with abdominal cramps. So..I am going to bed early.



Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Social Security

Today, I, like millions of older Americans, recived a notice in the mail, stating that there would be no increase in our benefits. Well, most of us were expecting that since way last summer. The reason for the stagnate cost of living raises is the claim that there was/is no inflation. No inflation? No inflation for Congress, the Senate and government employees, that is.

How does the government explain away the raising cost of gasoline, food, housing, utilities, breathing carbon dioxide, and all the "little" taxes that will be added for the privilege of existing on planet Earth? inflation of note because the banks are not lending out money. That does keep people from spending money and the "cost of living" down and stagnate, doesn't it?

It doesn't really. It just keeps most Americans poor and getting poorer. Two houses on my street have went into foreclosure and some are empty or for sale. We don't have inflation...yet...because there isn't any money. For now, the creative accounting of your government, says "so sad, too bad."

And that' the way it goes. Everyone has seen road construction signs..."Your Taxes at Work." Now they can add this to your S. S. checks..."Your Taxes NOT at Work.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

By the People

I am sleepy. I got up to early. At 6 A. M. it was pitch black out side and cold. I had to move my van so the tow truck could move my 1960 Nash. He was supposed to come at 7 A. M. He came at 1:30 P.M. Hours of waiting. Dang. So now I am tired.

Someone has said that I am anti-government. No, I am anti-corruption and legalized theft. We need government-good government. This country is too vast and varied to not have an honest a guiding government body for the cohesiveness of the states. If left to our own devices we would soon be strangling each other- AKA-also known as a feudal society. Like big families someone needs to steer the boat...or sit at the head of the table. Americans just don't want to drown in rules and regulations that weigh us down and steal our resources.

We still want a piece of the pie, the American Dream. We don't want the elitist Congress and Senate to pig out at feeding troth, hogging up that which is supposed to belong to the PEOPLE. We worked for it: We want it: We deserve it: We paid for it.

The elderly are supposed to be the recipients of the "new" health care package. Half of us will be gone before it goes into "effect." We will pay into it for the next 3 to 4 years, though. It probably will not be there when the time comes for the elderly to benefit from it. The money will be spent by Congress just like the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid funding...has been taken and used for other unfunded activities and agendas. Then they will want to "fix" it all over again.

What Congress really needed to do was to police the waste and thievery of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. OMG!, why would that make sense? Instead they have made these programs and funds their own little piggy bank....oink. Something smells in the pigsty. Maybe if the "Servants of the People" were to give up all the private "junkets and fact finding" trips abroad which are really their own little paid for vacations, there would be a little more change in the till. Maybe.

Oh, I could go on and on, but I won't. I'm too sleepy. Ah, if I were only younger...


Monday, December 28, 2009

Danger Will Roberson, Danger

Danger, Will Roberson! The Government no longer works for you. It works for itself. It is in the process of self perpetuation and growing and growing into the "Jolly Green Giant" of taxation, regulation and anti-Constitutionalism.

First it was the slow digestion of ethics, morality, then insidious undermining of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The Government is greedy...amebic...paraseitic, feeding off the host bodies of it's citizens. Than came the orgy that we find American "Lawmakers" in, scarfing up financial food and letting the goodies run riot through the digestive tract and emitting feces out the other end-in your face, stupid, in your face.

Are you a Congressional Guardian, watching for the checks and balances that are rapidly eroding away? Are you a sentinel keeping watch through the night while the Controller of Congress push and pass edits(bills) in the dead of the night while you sleep? Remember the movie, "While You Were Sleeping" or "Sleeping in Seattle?" A lot of bad stuff can happen as you snore, bad dreams and "Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.

((I started this post in the A. M. and intended to continue this afternoon. Upon watching Glenn Beck I decided that the show said it all, better than I can, could.))

Instead, I will again urge family and friends to stock up, add to your preparations, and save your change. If you have paper money use it now to pay off bills, buy the things you need, consider other modes of heat and power. Step it up...hop to it.

I have a kerosene heater so I will get kerosene. I have oil lamps so I will get more lamp oil. If you have a charcoal burner or barbecue, buy charcoal. If it is a gas bar-b-cue, then buy extra tanks, if you can afford to. Stock up on matches, lighters and warm cloths. 2010 may a year of wants and/or needs.

I just read a new report on food shortages for 2010 and later. I wish I could remember the link...if I find it again I will post it.

In this vein I am having my old Rambler worked on while I can. It needs new brakes all the way around, something I can't do. It is a standard shift and can be started with a push or a roll down an incline. It is a 6 cylinder flat head and very big inside and has a large trunk. You could sleep in the back seat if you had to. It looks like a tank, but I will have it ready "just in case."

You think crap only happens in the bathroom or in the outhouse in the back? Right now Americans have loose stools, but you know, you can poop yourself to death. WAKE UP STUPID, WAKE UP AMERICA, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TP-TOILET PAPER! We are becoming the butt wipes of the NWO!!! You better be ready for what is coming!!!


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hunger in America

Americans are hungry. Americans thirst for honesty and truthfulness in government. Americans want jobs; good jobs. Americans want freedom back and the right exist without a corrupt Congress infringing on basic fundamental liberties as written The Constitution of The United States of America.

Americans don't want to "Go Postal" to regain what has been taken-stolen from the now and the future. Americans don't want to chant "Give me Liberty or Give Death," in the streets. We are the "Sleeping Giants." We want to lead by shinning example and not by the barrel of a gun. And we don't want a power mongering government to place a taxation bullet in our brains.

Americans want majority rule, not back room fixes, bribing and unconstitutional deals made by for agenda of a MINORITY, Reed and Polousie. Give a politician a vote to cast and he will cast away THE FOUR FREEDOMS.

Is it to late to take back our civil liberties and repair the damage done by a government that is on the verge of enslaving a country through Cap and Trade, Carbon Footprint taxes, Health Care taxes and all the itsy, bitsy taxes you can't see through the fog? Can we vote "The Bums" out of office before disgruntled "Son of Liberty" take to the streets? Lets hope so. Lets vote the rats out and maybe the will "abandon ship. There are two rats in particular that are eating a hole in the bottom of the ship. Where are the cats? Here Kitty, Kitty.

Americans are hungry for justice. Justice for all, rich or poor, red, white or blue. George Orwell, get thee hence-"1984" is upon us, late but present.

END.....forgive my spelling. The spellchecker does't catch everything.

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Day After

The weather has changed quickly, from above normal last night and this morning, to cold wind and rain. When I went out out on the back porch to get some white potatoes to cook with sweet potatoes and dressing, the back window steamed up. The back window is on a second storm door. There are three doors between me and the outside cold weather. It got chilly fast. I turned the heat up a notch.
I really didn't intend to cook today as I ate so much yesterday. Being a conservative, traditionalist, semi-prepper, that I am, I went ahead and cooked from some of my winter stock. So, I had a canned ham, sweet potato and white potato with dressing, more than enough for one.
I thought about taking "the day off" from blogging, but changed my mind. I am yawning and about to get up and move in order to get the blood flowing. The feeder that I had set up does not work, so after awhile I will delete it and try something else...after I get hot tea to stimulate my brain, that is.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa is on his way

I don't know old St. Nick will do in the rain that is forecast locally, but I'm sure he will get to all the places he intends to visit around the world. I think someone told me he uses a time warp gizmo that suspends our time as we know it and makes all his deliveries in his time. We don't notice that our time has been suspended and everything happens in the blink of an eye for us. I think I would like to have a gizmo's like that. Maybe I could get a lot more done a lot faster and-in the blink of an eye.
I went to a house party. There was no drinking, no smoking, lots of food and everyone had a good time. And that is the way it should be.
I took the hostess a bottle of home made wine; it was not opened, but saved for a later occasion, when there were no children about. No bad example to set before the little ones.
I ate too much; the food was good. Who can resist good food at Christmas? I did resist all the candy and pies and sugary drinks. What I did consume was well balanced and healthy for the most part, but very good.
Tonight I may just go to bed early instead of my usual midnight or later foray to the snuggle covers. It has been a long day, but a good day, and I am tired.
If I hear sleigh bells in the night I will know that Santa has made his appointed visits in spite of the rain.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas 2009

I enjoy Christmas, but at the same time I will be glad when it is over. We have gotten far, far away from what Christmas is all about. It isn't about shopping, spending money and consumerism. It isn't about buying expensive gifts for people we hardly know. Gift giving is based on the premise of the Three Wise Man bearing gifts for the new born King.
We spend on wrapping paper that gets torn to shreds, ribbons and bows that soon find their way into the trash, toys that kids frequently break and destroy on Christmas morning.
Money well spent could go into a college fund for children, teaching to give rather that to receive. Something that is needed or lasting to will create a memory to cherish will
be of greater value in years to come.
When I was small we used to string popcorn and make chains out of colored paper and my mother would make stars out of the foil wrappers from cigarette packages. We had very little in the way of presents, but I remember those Christmases better than any others. Now, we live in a gimme, gimme society where all good things come from Wal Mart or other big stores and the card is king, not the new born King. We have forgotten, therefore we lose.
There is nothing wrong with giving or receiving on Christmas day. It is the spirit of the day that counts, not the number or size of the presents under the tree. The best gifts are the gifts of the heart. We have one grand day of fun and debt and than forget about the message until the bills arrive next year.
I finally got out and finished my little shopping chores. I spent about $20.00 replenishing some of the items I used up. I am glad it is done because tomorrow we are supposed to have heavy rain and thunderstorms. I am supposed to go to a small gathering tomorrow, also. I will take a bottle of homemade wine as a gift. Not expensive, but I put some work into it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Angles Ever Watching

Do you believe in Angles? I do. I am sure they exist in this realm and watch over us as they as they did when they announced the imminent birth of a king. So, believe, and you shall see Angles, most usually in the form of an ordinary person doing good for others. But if you squeeze your eyes tight and say "I believe" three times you might see Big Mike(Michale) or Gab(Gabriel) hovering around in your peripheral vision when you open your eyes real fast. I hope you see them, for I am sure they are there. Ahh, there's one now.

Again, I didn't get everything done, but I scratched a few things off my list. I have yet to get groceries, but I will. I did stop of at the Chinese restaurant and had a late lunch. I have not indulged in spending much money in restaurants for a while, so I treated myself...besides, I was hungry.

I am seriously considering to cutting my postings down to twice a week. No one is really reading it with the exception of one or two people. The whole idea of blogging is to share and I get not feedback. Thinking.

There isn't much to write about that been hasn't been covered already. If I only blog twice a week maybe my blogging will be more interesting and someone might actually read them . What say you?


Monday, December 21, 2009

Peanut Butter Pie

I have been kind of lazy these past couple days. I didn't do anything I said I was going to do. I didn't go to the store to restock. I didn't get around to baking Quick Bread, either. Maybe tomorrow, while the weather is supposed to warm up before it cools down again.

I do have a simple recipe for you if you want to try it.


2 small packages of Philadelphia Cream Cheese

1/2 cup sugar

2 T. milk

1/2 cup smooth peanut butter

1 package Dream Whip

1 Graham Cracker crust

Cream Philadelphia cream with sugar.

Add milk and peanut butter.

Add dream Whip which has been prepared

as directed on the box.

Pour into Graham Cracker crust and chill.

It's pretty simple and you can't go wrong. You can add some of your favorite elements such as chocolate chips, raisins or even M&Ms. Kid like M&Ms. Make your own recipe.

Hopefully I will think of other things to write/post, but for now my brain is barren of ideas. It's ha rd to come up with something new every day.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter Invades

You can build a snowman in the winter. Yes, You can.

I have been busy eating cookies, yummy, good cookies. I think I will freeze some of them in order to "slow" myself down, otherwise I will turn into a fat, doughy cookie myself. I am well on the way as it is.

Now we are having some snow flurries and a little freezing rain. I am not going anywhere. I am staying in and watching all the Christmas movies on TV.

I am looking for a good "Quick Bread" recipe to try out. I have several to chose from, but have never baked any. If I find one that is simple and easy to bake I will see if I can bake one or two Quick Breads. If I like one/it I will post a recipe or two, but first I need to go to the store and get a few staple ingredients for baking. I used up all my sugar, milk, eggs, and yeast. So, if the weather is decent, I will go to the store on Monday. However, it looks like Mother Nature has stopped fooling around and teasing us frail, little humanoids and let winter in the front door.

I have a small sewing machine that I got from freecycle. I think I will finally try that out as well.
It has been in the van for about two weeks now: it's time to give it a whirl to see if it works.

I generally have a good supply of food/ingredients in the pantry because I don't like shopping in the cold, snow and ice. I stay in as much as possible and avoid Mother Natures little slicky tricks and pitfalls.

My posting reversed a paragraph, one of the weired things it does besides the cursor jumping all over the page. I will leave it as it is, but wonder if wi fi has anything to do with these oddities.


Friday, December 18, 2009

The Calender says...

The countdown is on. Only one week before Christmas. I'll bet every kid in the country is watching the days on the calender and scratching off each one.

I was semi-sick during the night. I think I simply ate too much from the party leftovers and didn't know when to quit..but it was good.

I spent some of the day trying to catch up on laundry. I have neglected my duties. I put through a load of dark, a load of white cloths and put them through the dryer. I still need to put sheets through, maybe tomorrow on Saturday..or Monday. At least I have clean cloths to wear.

I did some of the surveys that were mentioned to me. Now the phone keeps ringing, wanting me to buy this, that or sign up for various products that I really don't want. Live and learn.

We are supposed to have sleet/frozen rain tonight and the road crews are already out salting the highways. It is interesting that they now use salt treated with beat juice. It doesn't melt and run off as regular salt does. I wonder if the deer like it.

The guy across the street was in my yard trying to catch his dog. It got loose and was running circles around him in a happy doggy dither. He finally managed to corral Sparky on my back porch as pooch found a stray rib bone. The stray cat had ripped open my trash and pilfered anything edible and left me a mess to clean up. I missed the rib bone, but dandy dog didn't. That how he got caught, chomping away in doggy ecstasy. Never let a good old rib bone go to waste.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

General Information and Havoc

Here is a photo of a small portion of the presents that the residents received at the party. The
rest were on a large rolling cart. They will also get presents provided by the home by the Sisters. The Sisters go around early to ask what they would like and sizes, if they get cloths. They make out pretty well.
I brought in the odds 'n ends left over from the party. There is still some soda on the front floor of the van, but I can get it tomorrow.
I fell asleep watching Glenn Beck again. I usually make it through about 3/4 of the show and then miss the last 15 minutes.
The ground is very cold and freezes at night, but I noticed some things green and growing when I took the trash out. Some of the things are lettuce and I think some radishes. If it dries out a little I will get out into the garden and get some lettuce. There isn't much, but it sure is green. Who would have guessed that there would still be some things still producing in this cold weather. That tells me I can plant a few things in March if the ground is soft in March.
There isn't much going on. I am still cleaning up from the mess I made when I was preparing for the party. I hope no one shows up and sees it before I restore the kitchen from the havoc I created. It is the result of having a small kitchen. So it goes.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Less than 1 1/2 week away

Here are a few more pictures from the party. One is of Sister Joesph in the middle of the group. She had them all singing and having a good time. Little Sister Catherine is bringing one of the residents to the party. One is of one of the ladies holding up one of her presents.
You can click on the photos to make them bigger if you wish. By the way, this home gets a 100 % rating each year.
I wish I had thought to take a shot of the "snack table" which they enjoyed heartily, and even a couple of the Sisters scarfed down a bit or two when no one was looking-sort of. Than, who could resist all that good stuff just waiting to be eaten.?
I was tired and slept late. The weather is really cold so I just snuggled under the covers and stayed there.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Done et done

The party is done and so am I. I have several pictures to post, but am really pooped. This photo is of Debbie passing out presents to the residents.
They ate well and got plenty of goodies.
The second photo is of Debbie and Lynn, another nurse who volunteered to come in and help us out.
I will post more tomorrow.
P. S. One photo did not show up, so this just Debbie.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I've been wrapping little presents for the elderly. We are giving them a small Christmas party tomorrow evening. Everyone gets something.

I boiled 2 1/2 dozen eggs for Deviled Eggs. Making Deviled Eggs is a cooking job I don't care for, but that is what they want, so that is they will get, along with lots of other snacks.

Tonight I will make a few cookies, Debbie is making Lemon Desert along with a bunch of other stuff. They are lucky, spoiled residents. Not all nursing home patients have it that good.

I am tired and expect to go to bed late tonight as I have stuff to do before I finish. As the Christmas party is tomorrow eve. I may not get a post /blog written, but will try.

The past two days have been spring-like-sweater weather. It is supposed to get colder and rainy, but not real bad.

Time to get busy again. END

P. S. I just finished baking spice cookies made from a spice cake mix. I used 3 eggs and just over
1/4 cup of oil. The cookies were very good. I ate 1 from each batch. It's just about 11:50-time for bed. Me

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wooden Soldiers

The weather has warmed up and is supposed to rain. The weather for the coming week is supposed to be above normal. I like the sound of that.
I thought I had Christmas wrapping paper left over from last year, but all I had was a few scraggly pieces. I ran out to the $1.00 store and got 3 roll and of course, a few other odds 'n ends.
For a poor economy there are a lot of people out shopping. Maybe they are just looking. I know the $1.00 store was very busy.
See the little nut crackers in the upper corner? I have them. I have not set up any kind of a tree: I really don't have much room for one, even a little one.
I am not posting a recipe this evening. I am about out of recipes. I think most cooks already have a lot of good recipes.
I will try to make some cookies with box cake mix. Pretty easy. One box of cake mix, 1/4 cup of oil, 2 eggs and you are good to go. You can add anything you like except your fingers. Keep may need them.
I brought some more items in from the van. I found the walnuts that I had been looking for. I can use them in the next week or so. As usual, no post on Sunday.

Friday, December 11, 2009

My photos do not do the food justice. "The proof is in the pudding," as is said. I slopped up the oven slightly: I hope that doesn't show.

'This is a slight variation of the recipe I posted yesterday. Instead of using pie shells I poured the hamburger and vegetables into a baking dish and covered It with biscuit dough. The "yellow" on top is butter. It may not be a fancy dish or not well presented, but it sure was good. It was my late lunch...early supper. I have enough left over for a few more meals. On the plate you will see that I have a starch(biscuit), protein(hamburger), vegetable and a small side salad. Thus, I have a balanced meal.
It may not be as "pretty" as the cooking and presentations on Food Network, but it taste good to me and I know it is nutritious and that is what counts.

This is a fairly inexpensive dish to make and can feed several people or a small family a healthy meal. You can use the pie crust recipe. Or biscuit dough or a dumpling batter will cover the cooked ingredients. Bake in the oven for about 12 minutes. It also lends itself to many variations.

Believe it or not, I need to go shopping. I am out of tomato soup now and the lettuce is about gone. I need some more milk and radishes. Some things really can't store well.

I have read that fresh vegetables may be scarce this winter(rumor by bloggers) so I may pick up some more canned mixed vegetables, too.

I am plagued with the cursor jumping all over the page on my blog and over-writing the text. I am constantly "fixing" the post. I don't know why I have this problem.

It warmed up slightly and may be warmer tomorrow. I hope so.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Surfing Santa

Surfing Santa is enjoying the sun and sea while a lot of us are not. I have stayed as close to the furnace as I could get and turned on the little electric heater in the bathroom. My feet are cold anyway. It is already 19 degrees and falling. The weather man said we broke a record last night by 1 degree. I don't remember a December as cold as this December.

I am worried that the outside hydrant will freeze up and I will have to call a plumber. It did freeze up a couple years ago.

I finished of the barbecue ribs; they were really good. I got some hamburger out of the freezer to thaw out. I hope I...and you...thaw out, too.
I am posting a hamburger pot pie recipe that you may like.

Onion Pastry(double crust)
2 cups sifted flour
3/4 cup of Crisco
1 teaspoon onion salt
1/4 cup cold water
Preheat oven to 400 degrees(for metal pie plate 425 degrees)
Sift flour before measuring. Spoon lightly into a nested 1 cup measuring cup and level without shaking down.Cut Crisco into flour with pastry blender or two knives until mixture is uniform. Mix onion salt and water: sprinkle on water a tablespoon at a time. Toss lightly with a fork. Work dough into a firm ball with your hands. Divide in half and form two flat circles. On a lightly floured surface roll out bottom crust until 1-1/2 inches larger than inverted pie plate. Cut a circle 1 inch lager than the inverted pie plate. Fold in half, lift dough into pie plate. Trim even with edge. Roll out top crust the same way. Add pie filling (recipe below) and cover with top crust. Trim 1/2 inc beyond the edge. Fold top crust under edge of bottom crust, seal and flute with fingers or fork. Cut slits in top crust. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.
1 tablespoon of Crisco
1 pound lean ground beef
1/2 chopped onion
1 can (15-16 ounces) green beans, drained
(I prefer 1 can mixed vegetables)
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of sugar
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon of oregano
1 can (10 ounces) tomato soup
In a skillet heat 1 tablespoon of Crisco. Add ground beef and onion. Cook just until meat is brown. Stir in green beans or mixed vegetables, soup and seasonings. Pour filling into onion pastry lined pie plate. Place top crust over pie filling and bakes as directed above.
If you use a less than lean ground meat, pour off any excess grease. Be sure to drain the vegetables as directed. You can use other meat in the filling, even spam. just be sure you "grind" it a bit.
I hope you try it and like it. It is a good budget streacher.
Berrrr.............................................THE END

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Everything and a rant

Santa is basking in the sun somewhere: warmer than we are. He is relaxing, resting up before his big stint around the globe.
Very cold and windy in the State of Madness where I live, but only a few flurries now and then. Which is OK by me because I haven't got the snow shovel out of hibernation yet. Hibernation is what I am contemplating or maybe of
joining Ol' Santa.
I went to Evansville today. Debbie's got a "new" van to replace her demolished vehicle. The one she got has as all the whistles and bells and I think she got a pretty good deal on it.
I have been reading the blogs. They continue to decry the economy and the government. I think they are at least partially correct, maybe totally right. What I am sure of is that the elderly will be getting the short end of the stick, probably the end that is used to "stir the pot" with. I hope everyone has a lot of hand sanitizers.
Why do people complain about retired people getting Social Security? Don't they realize that retired workers paid into the system all their working years which is about forty years or more? Also, the retired people paid big bucks into medicare to make it "solvent" and Congress has robbed it blind, just as they have robbed the taxes taken from the sale of gasoline that was to be used for the roadways, bridges and infrastructure. We should have the best roads, highways and byways in the world. We don't. Just take an open road trip and see for yourselves. Don't blame the "entitlements" for the financial woes. Blame congress and big spending and The Government of the Pocketbook. Free and easy, as long as its the hand of the spendocratcs digging down in your pockets. Stay out of mine. After forty years of paying into the Bank of Congressional Looters, I don't get much from theses so called "entitlements."
Call it legalized crime or legalized looting or theft by protectionism of an increasingly corrupt government body that does not represent the people, only themselves in the most grass manners. They are the modern Robin Hoods, rob from the poor to enhance the rich, entranced thieves of the unholy American Sheriffs of Obama-ham.
Well, I have had my little rant. Maybe big brother will keep an eye on me...or maybe two eyes. So be it. THE END

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vans and tillers

FINALLY...the computer desk and hutch are finally in the house and set up. It isn't new, but it's new to me, and lots better than the old table I was using. When I get every thing restored and in order I will post a picture of it. That may take a few days.

It has poured rain all day and now there is a high wind warning up. I am sure it will head north east. Rain is OK, but the high winds for the next day can be a problem. And I have to be out in it tomorrow.

My trip to the eye doctor was good. Everything is stable and my eye pressure is good, also.

I continue to sneeze, but I am not sick, just allergic. If anyone were to hear me sneeze non-stop in public they might assume that I had piggy flue or a version of it. Nope, just a sensitive snout. Oink, oink.

There is just about 2 1/2 weeks left before Christmas. I hope everyone is in the spirit and there are no holiday vampires under the trees. Holiday Vampires suck the spirit and joy out of a room and anyone around the tree. Unlike in the movies, they are not entertaining or welcome.

Debbie, the friend that helped me out when I fractured my elbow, loaned her van to her son last night. No more van. He wrapped it around a street light. I guess it was not his fault, but how he comes out of these situations is a mystery to me. And expensive tribute to Mother hood for her. Nice van, gone van.Well, all things work out and she will get another van tomorrow, newer and better.

I found a supplier online where I may be able to get a carburetor for my Troy Tiller. I just have to wait a bit and save the money for it. Did I mention that when it came back from the "repair shop" last spring the carburetor was missing? It took 3 months to get...demand...the tiller to be returned, and when they finally brought it back they just left it out by the shed...and left. No carburetor. Had I noticed when it first came back there would have been H###l to pay. I just didn't go out to look and thought it was fixed...fixed it was. Yeah.

My arm is better than it was last year, far from perfect, but I think I can do a garden this spring. Give me back my garden arm, I say!!!


Monday, December 7, 2009

Grinch...that's me

The slab of ribs that I barbecued/ roasted turned out very good. I finished the sweet potatoes today. I still have ribs to eat for a couple of days. I wish everything I cooked turned out as well.
Tomorrow I go back to the eye doctor. It seems like a waste as I just recently had all the same tests done just a few weeks ago by the specialists across the mighty river. More co-pay to pay out.
We are getting closer to Christmas. I read a sad story in the paper about a family of four in need. They listed what they wanted for Christmas: a laptop, a cell phone, various other expensive items, someone to pay the rent and stuff that I can't afford myself. The photos in the paper was very contrived...sad looking and posed. Nowhere did they indicate they needed food, but "Mom" could use some new ear rings and perfume. Needless to say, there were 85 comments following the story. Almost everyone was negative in their comments. The family even wanted gift cards. They will probably get much of their list.
I know poverty. I know hunger in my early years. My mother would search the farm over looking for one egg. I have eaten hard, stale bread and was glad to get it. Poverty in America is nothing new, but the really suffering would have asked for food for the table or a chicken in the pot . I don't wish want, an empty stomach or a cold house on anyone, but if I were in dire circumstances my first priority would be food, home and hearth. Maybe I am being a Christmas Scrooge, but the story in the paper made many people disgusted, esp. when there are so many people in truly desperate situations.
We had a lite dusting this A. M. There is snow on the way. We either get little snow in the Ohio Valley or a lot of it. I don't want any of it. Kids like snow and a I ain't no kid no mo'.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

He is coming....

Oh yeah, He is getting ready. Are you ready? Got the tree and decorations out? Better hurry up...time's a'wasting. Be sure you have milk and cookies on hand, preferably sugar free or low calorie. Santa's on a diet this year. Yup, he told me so. He said I should be, too. Hmmm.

What Santa didn't notice is that I have a slab of barbecued ribs in the oven and a sweet potatoe in the pressure cooker. It is starting to smell pretty aromatic...good, that is.

The sweet potatoe are from my garden. It was so big I had trouble cutting it. I finally wound up slamming a big knife through it several times. I like to live dangerously.

I think it is time to shut the oven off and let the residual heat do the rest.

1 1/c. cocktail peanuts
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. light corn syrup
pinch of salt
1 Tbs. margarine(butter)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. baking soda
Mix peanuts, sugar, corn syrup, and salt in glass mixing bowl. Cook 7-9 minutes on high: mixture should be bubbling and peanuts should be brown. Quickly stir in butter and vanilla. Cook for 2-3 minutes longer. Add baking soda and stir quickly; just until mixture is foamy. Pour immediately onto a greased baking sheet. Let it cool for 15 minutes or longer. Break up peanut brittle and store in an airtight container.
If this doesn't turn out well for you just send it to me and I will "test" it out for you.
I have been dipping into my supplies...stock...because its cold out there and I don't wanna go to the store until next spring. Ha!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Balmy 23 degrees

Balmy it isn't. Cold it is. I have been sneezing like a machine gun for three days. My sinuses have jumped the fence and are running away from me. I don't have a sinus infection. It must be a allergies and dry air. The furnace has been running flat out. Being inside and not getting outside for some clean, fresh air is the probable cause of my runny nose and constant sneezing.

I had intended to go out on the back porch and bring in some white potatoes to cook, but I put it off. And I hope I put enough anti-freeze into the "old" car because they predict that tomorrow will be even colder...below normal for this time of the year and this part of the country...brrrr.

I really should get started on wrapping little presents, but I have begun a new paperback, and you know what that leads to. All reading and no action. I am a heavy duty reader.

Since it is the season for indulgences I offer the following indulgence.

2. cups peanut butter
2 1/2 cups confectioner's sugar
1/2 cup margarine
1/2 cup of graham cracker crumbs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
12 ounces of chocolate chips
2 Tablespoons margarine
Mix peanut butter, sugar, 1/2 cup margarine, crackers and vanilla. Press into the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch pan. Melt chocolate chips and 2 Tablespoons of margarine together. Pour over bottom layer. Refrigerate for 3 hours. Cut into squares. Enjoy.
Pretty easy, peanut butter is good for you, just don't eat too much(I will)!!
Ti's the season to eat "folly." LOA"s

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas is looming

How do you like my tree?
It's definitely December. Its cold. Its windy. Its gray. Snow flurries, maybe.
There isn't much going on. I ate all my TG leftovers. I have read two paperbacks. I have another to start, and one to burn. Burning books in 2009? Personal censorship on my part.
I have no idea if my blogs are going through. No one comments one way or another. I wish someone would let me know if theses postings are going out.
I went to the $1.00 store and picked up a few more goodies for the residents. I have a bad habit of eating some of the goodies I buy and then I have to get more.
There is a stray cat that lives under my house. I see it and hear it. I can't take take in because it gave me a good infection way back. Maybe it will keep other things at bay/away.
I am thinking of making some dumplings in the very near future and some homemade bread, as well. I got a regular loaf of bread out of the freezer and decided it had too much sugar in it. I won't waste it, but I don't like it.
I am thinking I will have a canned ham for Christmas with all the trimmings, of course. As I have stated, I love the Holy-day traditions. I may even buy myself a present...wouldn't that be funny!
I put anti-freeze into the "old car" today. I wasn't sure I could get get the hood up. My arm isn't strong, but I did get it done. As it is going down into the 20's overnight I didn't want the block to freeze up and crack. The Nash is 50 yrs. old now. I would love to win the lottery and have it restored...oh, well.
PBS is running a Christmas special, so I think I will end here and go get absorbed in that.
P. S. That is the easiest tree I ever "set up."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Home made water bottle

I like Coffee Mate. I just hate to throw away the container. The container is pretty sturdy plastic with a good closing top. When I finish a container I strip the label off. It comes off fairly easily. I rinse/wash out the container and fill it with fresh water. I now have a cheap water bottle in the fridge. When or if it needs replacement I just repeat the process. I like the size of my new "water bottle." It didn't cost anything extra and did not wind up in the landfill until it was no longer usable. If I want to, I can attach a cord and carry it out into the garden. If it gets lost, there is no loss to me.
It has been raining all day so I stayed in again. I carried the trash out for pick up and got my feet wet. I went to the van and carried in a few items and got slightly wet again. Well, rain makes everything grow...Maybe I will get taller?
I am enjoying a stress headache due to a stressful phone call. I know my B/P has shot up. If I could solve the problems of the world I would be known as "Saint Problem Solver." Thus, I am venting.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Hope. Advent. Christmas. Tradition. I am for all of that. I do like holy-days. I may put up my little tree soon. I have Nutcracker Soldiers to put around somewhere. That isn't what it is all about , is it? All the trappings and trimming are symbols and reminders of something greater. The birth of a baby that grew to manhood and changed the thinking of the world.
What are your traditions and symbols of the Christmas season? For so many it is just about having time off, having fun, traveling or being with family and friends. All that is good: just don't forget the message of Christmas or the Jewish holy days and observances. Just don't forget what it is all about.
The TV is gone. I put it on Freecycle and people jumped for it. I only had one...I wish I had more to give out.
I finally got out and went to the store and got milk and coffee creamer. I also go buttermilk. For some reason I like buttermilk while others say, "yuk..nasty."
Tonight is another Obama TV extravaganza. I am watching the Discovery channel instead. Much more informative and entertaining. Can you believe he preempted Charlie Brown, a long tradition of TV fare for kids of all sizes and ages? Shall we rename Obama "President Grinch?" What's he putting in your stocking this year? Or has he cut the toes out of the socks so that anything that goes in falls right out again, and then some. He is cutting a big hole in the stockings of the elderly just for starts. A nation is judged by how it cares for its children and its elderly.
I picked up a few more items for the elderly. I have to start wrapping the little gifts soon as there is only 24 days left. I need to have this task done before the last minute. I hate wrapping gifts. I am not good at it and this year will be harder than last years. 'Cause last year, I couldn't wrap anything and someone else had to do it. This year I have no excuse, do I?
I will go back out to the one dollar store to get a few more things. The elderly love candy and goodies. Me too. Oh, that's right...I forgot...I'm elderly too, now. Well, like darn!!*#*#
So, what's under your tree? Besides a lump of coal...and don't forget...this is coal country!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hot Tea Weather

If you love cold weather your gonna like what's coming down the pike...cause it is gonna feel like winter is gearing up and traveling this way.

The frost finally frizzed out my garden and is frizzing me, too. Tomorrow it will warm up slightly and then shiver, shiver, chatter, chatter.

I have been looking at all the sale ads and noticed a lot of stuff on sale are a lot of expensive electronic games, toys and gizmos, many of which are outdated, esp. a lot of the digital cameras. People will go into debt to buy all theses appliances, and electronics, thinking that they are "hot of the shelf." Like they were made yesterday. They weren't. There is a lot of last year's stock out there that the stores want to get out of inventory...sell to thee and me. Too, too commercial.

Sure, the economy is very important...esp. to the Chinese, for we are their very best customers...and biggest debtors. "I OWE MY SOUL TO THE COMPANY STORE." Don't you just hate owing your soul? You can not buy American goods and support the American worker or economy. Everything you buy for Christmas this year will be made overseas, somewhere. Just check the labels...duh.

There is a lot of rumors and rumblings on the Internet about the American currency being replaced in Feb. I don't see how that will get this country out of debt and back on ts feet, do you? Paper is paper unless it is backed by the gold or silver standard. There is the "Amero" waiting for the right time and already printed and ready to replace your George Washington. It has been ready for several years, just bidding time for a monetary failure. Will it come about? Maybe, I hope not for I have an affinity for old George. The more Georges in my pocket, the better I like his "Irish Pigmentation." Nope, I am not color prejudice...I like green just fine.

Save your silver, copper pennies and change. Rainy (or snowy) days may be upon us. If not, and you have saved your money, you are ahead of the game, any game. Buy food, canned goods and all things needed to weather the weather. Spring is a good five months off into the future and the future is now.

I don't have a lot of personal items of interest. I have stayed in most of the week because I don't like cold, dampness. I do have to get out and buy a few things for the people over in the nursing home, but otherwise I don't really need to shop. Most of what I buy for the residents will come from the Dollar Tree Store.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

All about nothing

The sun is shining and the sky is clear. The temperature is about 68 degrees: just perfect. I could almost plant a garden...or think about one.

My front porch still a bunch of furniture on it, blocking the window and my view. The furniture was giving to me, but I can not move it. It is large and heavy. I tried to move it, but was only able to leave my fingerprints in the dust. The stuff has been out there for five weeks now....people slow down and stare at it as they drive by.

I had some things in mind to do, but got nothing done. I just watched some TV, ate leftovers and read blogs. I did finish a load of cloths and have another load to drop in.

Tuesday, Dec.1, will be the 1 yr. anniversary of flying through the air and badly fracturing my elbow. After a year I still have limited use of it and it still hurts, especially at night or before bad weather. It is what it is, so I am getting used to it.

This past week was for spending money on essential, such as renewal of plates for the van and taxes on it. Before December is over I will have to pay on State Farm. The really good thing is that my electric bill was only $28.00 and the gas bill was $33.22. The total bill was $86.32 with the recycling, sanitation, water, sewer, and school tax added in. I have no complaints there.

If I come out of my lazy streak and button up the house a bit more, watch less TV and in general, watch my conspicuous consumption, I hope to keep my bill close to this level. I know colder weather is coming, so this is not "written on ice."

I put a few canned goods away from the sales. My friend said I could live in my van if I had a can opener. I really do not have a lot of storage space inside so lots of canned food stays outside in the van...good ol' van. Need to get it all inside before a real hard frost hits and the cans pop...yips!


Friday, November 27, 2009

The Day after

It's all over. It was good. I am happily eating leftovers. I put two loaves of Pumpkin Bread and one Cornish Hen into the freezer for a later date.
'Though the weather man called for snow flurries, the flurries failed to fly. But not to fear, they are calling for snow/flurries again for Monday. In the meantime the wind got windy and cool got colder. Brrr...doncha know. The floor was cool, but not bad.
The coming week is supposed to improve after Monday. It should be about "normal" for a short time.
Anyway, this is going to be a short post as it has been a quiet day and I for one, do not EVER get caught up in this Black Friday mania.
Maybe I will come up with something profound tomorrow.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


No, it isn't fancy, but it sure was good. The Cornish Hens look really small in the roasting pan, but they cooked well, moist and tasty. The dressing was superb, in my estimation. Yum.
It may not look like a lot, but there were will be leftovers for me to enjoy.
There is a lot on my plate and I hope everyone had plates equally full.
The Pumpkin Bread turned out OK, but would have been better if I had found the Walnuts. I have not complaints. I wrapped two to put into the freezer to have for Christmas.
I am a big fan of tradition and family history. Tradition is the glue that holds the liberty and freedoms of this country together.
I have two Cornish Hens in the freezer which I will cook for Christmas, which will be here before you know it. Ready, set, eat....ummm, good.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pumpkin Bread

I hope my plate looks something like this, with lots of left overs.

The Pumpkin Bread is in the oven. I like it better than Pumpkin Pie in some ways. For one thing it will last longer. I don't know how it will turn out as I thought I had Walnuts, but couldn't them. Instead of using 2/3 cups of water I use 2/3 cups of Ginger Ale. As I couldn't find the nuts I used a whole box of raisins. Results pending...LOA.

I guess I can go ahead and prepare the dressing. It really isn't that hard to do. The rice is cooked and ready to add to the bread crumbs. All things Pending.

I did run out to the $1.00 dollar store to get some crackers. I take my medicine with crackers/food. I also stopped at the Pharmacy to pick up my B/P med. I could have got some walnuts while I was out, but I really thought I had some...nuts, anyway.

I may not make the effort to post anything tomorrow. Its a holiday. No one reads this, so no one will miss it.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tom-Cookery coming up

I have not been out shopping.
I have not been out to eat.
I did not get more books from the library.
I cooked a big pot of rice because I happen to like rice.
I did not need anything from the stores or groceries.
I didn't get any fresh reading materials from the library because if I have books to read I get nothing done.
I stayed close to home so I suppose I saved money and that is always a good deal. There is no deal like a saving deal.
I am trying to use up and empty out the refrigerator. Making room for Thanksgiving leftovers and stuff.
The Golden Corral is open on Thanksgiving day and I did consider going out to eat. If I did that I wouldn't have all the good holiday leftovers...left over. So I stayed in. Besides, it is raining.
The weather caster-man-map, says we could have snow flurries on Thursday. Remember, I have predicted snow on Nov. 30 and it is back in the postings somewhere.
My Cornish Hens are thawed out and ready for the big day. I have my Sweet Potatoes from the garden, cranberry sauce from one of the sales, stuffing to fix and lots of goodies to gobble, gobble.
Tomorrow I do have to go pick up my blood pressure medicine and put the new sticker on my license plate.
Last night I tried out the new blog editor. It either doesn't have or I just could not find the spell checker...and I do need a spell checker. I went back to this editor.
Glen Beck covered some of my thoughts for the past few days, just more eloquently and well detailed. Do you think he is reading my blog? Nah, no one reads my blog...LOL's!

Monday, November 23, 2009



Your duly elected Cogress, Senate, State and local governments are fedding off the middle class, the little fish in the sea.

Freedom of speech is an illusion. 
Freedom of religion a dying deity.
Freedom to assemble has been disassembaled.
The right to bear arms exixts
only if the shark does not bite your arm off.

The government of the USA no longer represents the people of this country.  Our government is owned by the military complex that thrives on wars.  The majority does not rule.  The minority does.  Special interest and lobbyist are in control.  Religion and common sense have been hyjacked in America.

Do you feel it?  Can you feel where your arms and legs have been torn, shreded and ripped away?  I see the Life Blood of Democracy leaking into the global pool of global government.

After the two world wars we rebuilt Europe.  After Korea and Viet Nam we  have rebuilt parts of Asia.  They really don't want us there meddleing in their affairs.  Why are we still in 120 different coutries as a milatary presense while we are not protecting our own boarders? 

Questions, lots of questions.  They will not be answered.  Not to us, the lower, upper lower and middle class citizens of a country run by the wealthy, the currupt and the scheming.

Plant your gardens deep, hide your weapons well, be like the ant and store up for the coming dirg while the grasshopper plays his fiddle.  Speak not of your preperations for the coming days of woe.  Someone, anyone, the government or the the people plague will decend upon you as the locust fo Biblical Times did in Egyept.

Say someting: make a comment.


Saturday, November 21, 2009






George and Abe are turning over in their graves while Congress and the Senate steal our freedoms with impunity.

I hear their old bones rattling in disbelief as American freedoms and liberties are being eroded by a flood of unwanted bills, laws and outright corruption on the River Teams. (Potomac runs through Washington)

Yes, that is what I said. The "River Team" is awash with all the debris, sewage and self-serving politicians safe on the Island of Washington.

Politicians' don't have to worry...yet. They have all the perks and revenues the law allows, and then some. We, the peons', should be only half so lucky. It is protectiveim and cronyism in the worst form, by a government sworn to uphold and protect the constitution and the people. Yeah, right. My guess is that when things get tough for the governmental toadies, the toadies will hop right out their bog, slog, swampland of budgeting ineptness.

Well, all bad things come to a halt. As elections come around: HALT! I am surprised that the truckers have not blockaded Washington. I am surprised that farmers have not stopped sending produce to market. I am surprised that the common worker hasn't rebelled against thieving unions. I am even more surprised that Americans keep sending career politicians back to the Senate and Congress. What's the matter with you people, anyway?

I can not really blame Obama for the mess we are in. He is a well groomed patsy, a fall guy. I think he thinks he is actually doing a good job. I think there is someone other than the President pulling the strings, his strings.

Obama has never been a soldier. He doesn't know how to throw everything in the arsenal at the enemy. He is a weak leader because he never led. When he was an "organizer" for Acorn he was a clerk, being told what to do, how when and where. Even so, I think he is basically a good man with good intentions. But I think that more times than not you have to be a SOB to get the job done. I don't think he can be the SOB we need as a world leader in these times. He, like everyone wants to be well liked, received, even revered by the masses. Even Jesus couldn't pull that off.

Everyone is familiar with the TEN COMMANDMENTS, even a host of non-believers and enemies of America. Did you know there were actually three more Commandments? Uh Huh, there are.

  1. Thou shall not betray thine country.
  2. Thou shall honor and hold sacred THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
  3. Thou shall honor and support thine military troops at home and abroad, in peacetime and in war
So, Good news America. Your swimming with the sharks.


Friday, November 20, 2009


I love Golden Delicious apples. I had planted a tree some years ago and the tree was full of Golden Delicious apples. A really bad storm came up and blew it over and now I have to buy them. It was a beautiful tree and I was sad to see it go.
I stayed up too late last night to finish my book and now I am very tired, so I won't write much tonight.
I had a craving for something good or different. I cooked some turnips and a couple small stakes with onions. I demolished the stakes, but have a couple big turnips left over. Tomorrow I think I will cook some rice in the pressure cooker.
I have some paperback books to start, but I think I will hold off on reading them for a bit. I need to get some things done around the house.
Because I am tired I will just post this ad go to bed early. Anything before 12 to 1 A. M. is early to me. So I am off. It is 9:45 P. M. and I have a couple things to do before I retire....wait a minute...I am retired...hmmm

Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Cooking stuff

Found: hiding in the dirt and weeds in the chicken run. When the chickens were in residence I would toss bad tomatoes in for the chickens peck on and to enjoy. Some reseeded and grew very large, producing in spite of a few frosty nights. I picked this one yesterday along with a few small, green tomatoes, which will ripen eventually.

Wal-Mart is, of course, having sales. I found real butter for $1.50 per box and Cream Cheese for $1.18. However, just below the sale of Cream Cheese, the no-name or store brand Cream Cheese was selling for $00.98 cents, a 20 cent difference. So, look carefully, below and above eye level.

A few Cooking terms for anyone that needs definitions for cooking vernacular. Not too many, I promise.
  • Baste: To moisten foods during cooking with pan drippings or special sauce in order to add flavor and prevent drying.
  • Bisque: A thick cream soup.
  • Blanch: To immerse in rapidly boiling water and allow to cook slightly.
  • Crimp: To seal to sealing the edges of a two crust pie either by pinching them at intervals with either the fingers or by pressing them together with the tines of a fork.
  • Cream: To soften a fat, especially butter, by beating it at room temperature. Butter and sugar are often creamed together, making a smooth, soft past.
  • Crudites: An assortment of raw vegetables, such as carrots,broccoli, celery, mushrooms: served as hors d'euvers, often accompanied with a dip.
  • Degrease: To remove fat from the surface of stews, soups or stock Usually cooled in the refrigerator so that the fat hardens and is easily removed.
  • Dredge: To coat lightly with flour, cornmeal, etc.
  • Entree: The main course.
  • Fold: To incorporate a delicate substance such as whipping cream or beaten egg whites, into another substance substance without releasing air bubbles. A spatula is used to gently bring parts of the mixture from the bottom of the bowl to the top. The process is repeated while slowly rotating the bowl, until the ingredients are thoroughly blended.
  • Glaze: To cover as a glossy coating, such as a melted and somewhat diluted jelly for fruit deserts.

The sun has been trying to slide out from behind the clouds and play peekaboo with the creatures of the Earth(us). Gas has come down about seven cents. I am reading a strange, but good book: THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. In theory I don't think you can meet yourself coming and going or be in two places at once, but it makes a very good novel.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have been to a Sale at Walgreens. The sales tape says I saved $17.80. I would have saved $29. 41 if I had just stayed home where it is warm and dry. Had I stayed home I would not have 24 rolls of bath tissue, 5 boxes of Gelatin for a buck, 2 cans of coffee for 5 dollars and a few other items. It was really the bathroom tissue that I was after and the 2 large packages of 12 each should unroll through the winter. I needed milk and got that, too. So...I am ready for just about anything. It would be just my luck that "anything" would come to call as it did last year on Dec.1 when I flew through the air with the greatest of ease...and landed on my elbow. That was a dang, dang day.
My health insurance agent was here today to sign me up for next year's health supplement. We got to discussing the increased crime and 2 murders and a robbery that resulted in an other death later, at a gas station near here. He knows, as we all do, that crime and violence is up because of the economy. He has a 9mm pistol and so does his wife. He said there is a lot of crime right on his street and that 5 cops live right on his street. He said it is "everywhere" and it is.
To get into my house a bad actor would have to go have to get through a locked outer door, a locked storm door and a locked and chained inner door. Should someone have the bad luck of getting through the all doors, front and back, I would be aware of their efforts and be waiting for them. I would give them a few "ouchies."
I put a little bit of $$ in the Salvation Kettle this year. There are people in need and I wish I could give more. I feel if I can buy a burger and a frosty I can put a little $$ in the pot.
I hope that tomorrow I will be able to post a better blog, but I have had a few appointments to get to this week. I have some things to do tomorrow, but at least it is here in town. I want to put up some more cooking odds 'n ends. Most everyone in my family can cook, but it might benefit someone. Stay dry. Avoid sailing, but enjoy sale-ing. P. S. Beverly, I got your e-mail.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A reminder of days long ago and almost forgotten, but not
quite. I can still remember Mom cleaning the kerosene glass lamp chimneys and her trimming the wicks so they wouldn't smoke. I remember her cooking and canning on an old wood stove in the heat of high summer. To this day I wish I had a "Hoosier Cabinet" with the built in flour bin, tin lined bread drawer and pull out work self. It was a compact, sturdy utility piece of kitchen furniture. It was a part of my childhood to see Mom rolling out dough for bread or cookies on that pull out shelf. There was storage above the cabinet and storage below. I wish furniture makers could make them today. I would buy one

I have a few cooking tips for you, whether you like it or not. Here goes.

  1. When cooking cabbage, place a small tin cup or can half full of vinegar on the stove near the cabbage. It will absorb the odor.

  2. Potatoes soaked in salt water for 20 minutes before baking will bake more rapidly.

  3. Let raw potatoes stand in cold water for at least a half an hour before frying to improve the crispiness of French-fried potatoes. Dry potatoes thoroughly before adding to fat/oil.

  4. A few drops of lemon juice in the water will whiten boiled potatoes.

  5. Do not use metal bowels when mixing salads. Use wood, glass or china.

  6. Buy mushrooms before they open. When stems and caps are firmly attached, mushroom are fresh.

  7. To keep cauliflower white while cooking, add a little milk to the water.

  8. To ripen tomatoes, put them in a brown paper bag in a dark pantry and they will ripen.

  9. A roast with a bone in it will cook faster than a boneless roast. The bone carries the heat to the inside of the roast more quickly.

  10. After stewing a chicken, cool in broth before cutting into chunks. It will have twice the flavor.

I'll bet you knew all these tips already...right?

I had my appointment with the eye specialist today. No more bleeding in the back of the left eye. It is stable and so is the pressure. I go back next November. I will continue with my regular eye Dr. 'til than.

When I left the house to go to the Dr. it was a little misty from the rain, but not cold. When I came back the wind was blowing cold out of the west and the temperature was dropping. Gas went up .20 cents overnight. Dang...I should have filled the tank yesterday.

No shine...No...vember.