Your duly elected Cogress, Senate, State and local governments are fedding off the middle class, the little fish in the sea.
Freedom of speech is an illusion.
Freedom of religion a dying deity.
Freedom to assemble has been disassembaled.
The right to bear arms exixts
only if the shark does not bite your arm off.
The government of the USA no longer represents the people of this country. Our government is owned by the military complex that thrives on wars. The majority does not rule. The minority does. Special interest and lobbyist are in control. Religion and common sense have been hyjacked in America.
Do you feel it? Can you feel where your arms and legs have been torn, shreded and ripped away? I see the Life Blood of Democracy leaking into the global pool of global government.
After the two world wars we rebuilt Europe. After Korea and Viet Nam we have rebuilt parts of Asia. They really don't want us there meddleing in their affairs. Why are we still in 120 different coutries as a milatary presense while we are not protecting our own boarders?
Questions, lots of questions. They will not be answered. Not to us, the lower, upper lower and middle class citizens of a country run by the wealthy, the currupt and the scheming.
Plant your gardens deep, hide your weapons well, be like the ant and store up for the coming dirg while the grasshopper plays his fiddle. Speak not of your preperations for the coming days of woe. Someone, anyone, the government or the the people plague will decend upon you as the locust fo Biblical Times did in Egyept.
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