Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sales..Love 'em

I went out for a little time this afternoon. I wanted to go to THE FAMILY DOLLAR STORE and get some things that are on sale. I bought 3 bottles of DAWN DISH DETERGENT at .75 cents for 14 oz. per. bottle. That comes out to about $2.25 for the smaller bottles. That's about 10 oz. more then if I had bought one large bottle of 32 fl. oz. at a higher price. Also, picked up 2 cans of Vienna Sausage at .50 cents per can. That is about the average price for the little doggies, but I got them for an occ. snack. I will go back because I had a coupons I should have taken the first trip.

The grocery store is having a "ten for ten" sale and there are some bargains to be had; Hunt's Ketchup, Hunts Pasta Sauce, medium Grade A eggs, Pasta with meat and several other items are on sale. Ketchup will keep forever, even though it darkens over time. I use Hunt's Pasta Sauce for a good soup base and have about used up all that I had. So, it is off to the store I go tomorrow. Anyway, I plan on loading up the van and hauling it home.
I have just about read that book half way through that I got in the mail today from Beverly and enjoyed looking at the photos. too.

I pulled out a big bag of assorted material that I have been saving for a long time. I am not sure what I will do with it. Maybe some ideas will *pop* into my head.

I fixed a salad for lunch today and as I was "fixing" I wondered how clean the stuff in the stores are. I really don't trust the commercial packaging anymore. There are so many recalls for contaminated foods. Meats are often repackaged and relabeled. You can tell when meat is old because it is probably brown on the underside. Meats packaged on black plastic trays and are sealed. They are generally gassed for longer shelf life.

If you don't raise your own produce or know where to buy fresh meat, you get what you get. For those independent spirits that want to live off the land and off the is a hard way to go.

Well, I am off to find some dried fruit to munch on.


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