Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Brain has been de-activated

Where did January go?  It's gone and we won't see it again until next year, providing that we, one and all, are still around to see the calender flip over into 2013.

  "Let not your hearts be troubled: you believe in God, believe in me, also." John 14: 1.

Don't worry about 2012.The days and months will continue to roll on, with or without us.

There is a lot of hype about "the end times" or the predictions   of the Mayan Calender.  There has always be rumors of the coming apocalypse.  There will always be Prophets of  Doom.  We are afraid of the dark, too.  Get a flashlight and cast a little light on what you can't see or understand.  Or should I say read the Scriptures?  Wouldn't hurt!

  "Do not be led away by various strange doctrines.  For it is good to make steadfast the heart and not by foods in which those who walked found no profit."  This is from Hebrews 13: 9-9.  I must admit that I don't quite understand the last part about the food, but I will think about it.  You know well I like food!

Your right.  I have not put very much into this blog.  I am a little tired.  I fell asleep on the couch for a few minutes this afternoon.  Even 'though it was warm outside, it turned in a cloudy, rainy day.  Maybe tomorrow my senors will reboot and activate and I will do a better job.


Monday, January 30, 2012


In four weeks we will start Lent.  Ash Wed. is on Feb. 29th.  Time for "sack cloth and ashes."  We will all be eating tree bark and fried worms for 40 days...well maybe not.  It will be a time for refelctions, personel penence and fasting.  Anyone over 65 or with health issues will not be required to forego proper nutrition, but I think we could all give up some little goodie that we indulge in.  For me, will probably be staying away from fast food places and yummy places that I could and should live without.  That would be a penance for me: not going to The Golden Corral or the Seafood places.  Mostly...and I am thinking about it, I will try to do something of value or good.  Generally, what you do or don't do, is a private, personal commitment between you and God.  I find that if I commit myself verbally or on paper, or even here, on the internet, I will be more faithful to the impostion of the penance that I place upon myself.  Thus, I am thinking about it now rather than four weeks from now.

It may sound like I am being a bit of a Pharasee by indicating a "look at me" inference, but in the final end of the Lenten Season-40 days of prayer, fasting, and penance, only God and I will know if I have or have not, been true to the endeaver of a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, Our Lord.  So, don't look at me.  Look at yourself instead.  Any Christian can partake the spiritaul practices of Lent.  Other major religions also have their own rites and sevices that emulate the season of repentence...or we do we emulate them in many ways?

So...we have about four weeks to consider what we will achieve in the Lenten season.  I have began my quest for decernment for what would please the Lord.

What? Know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own?  For you are brought for a price; therefore glorify God, in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
1 Cor. 6: 19-20


I went out shopping today as the day came off bright and beautiful.  I was looking for a new, lightweight jacket as my present jacket is taped together with...yes, you guessed it, white duct tape.  No one sees it, but I know it is there.  Unfortunatly the area of DT repairs is getting larger and rendering-wearing through.  It is too bad because I really liked the jacket.  I didn't find a jacket that suited me or they was were just too expensive.  I am hoping for a sale.  In four weeks I may be eating tree bark and fried worms, but money doesn't grow on trees!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Poor me

I don't think I will try to reprise the missing content from the post of last eve.  I had put a lot of work into the essay about "Lust" only to have 75% of it evaporate into space.  What is funny is that the title of the post must have been intriguing and some extra "readers" clicked on it.  So sorry.  It just wasn't what you were expecting.

It was really bright and sunny today, but a fooler.  It was breezy and cold.  It was nice to see a sky for a change.

I went shopping this afternoon.  I went to Goodie's which is a high end store for clothing, at least in this area, anyway.  I found a nice cardigan sweater marked down from $44.00 to $24.00.  I found a nice blouse for $8.00.  Of course, I bought them.  I do need some new or updated clothing.  My blouses are getting rather poor looking...Oh, I am poor!  Now, if I can just find a nice jacket on sale...

Since I was out I did stop at the Chinese Garden, had a late lunch, and hot tea.  I really like Chinese food and most of it is good food for dieting.

Tomorrow I won't want to get up for church.  I will want to snuggle under warm blankets.  But...I will get myself up and off and over yon bridge.  I just don't like cold weather...or too hot, either!  Do we get a choice?  Noooo!


Thursday, January 26, 2012


God and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and Christ our Lord, according to His divine power has given unto us all things that pertain onto life and goodness, through the knowledge of Him that has called us to glory and virtue.  Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

11 Peter: 1-2-4

Oh darn, now I will have to delve into the deferring degrees and concepts of "LUST."  It may surprise you.

Well, I certainly had enough to eat today 'though I tried t keep it in moderation.  I actually ate a piece of cake.  I haven't had cake for quite a while.  And I even had a small coke.  I guess I bent my diet a little.

My contribution to the retirement party was a box of really good chicken.  No, I didn't cook it.  I called the deli and had them make me up of 25 pieces of fried chicken.  that may seem a little extravagant, but by the time you get the chicken, cook it, clean up the kitchen, wrap and box it, and then take it to where you are going, you have saved your self a lot of work and frustration.  And the cost comes out about the same by the time you figure in the time and labor and the price of utilities used.  You know that I am always looking for a better way...yes?

Now I am ready for bed...I just worked too hard!!  Anyway, the little retirement party went well and the recipient was pleased.  I will now drink my tea, look into the kitchen sink and be happy that I don't have a lot of dirty dishes to wash.  I am one of those rare people that does not own a dishwasher and use my own two hands for any and all cruddy, greasy dishes. 

And how did your day go...lots of dirty dishes?


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dull Days and Lazy Ways

Sleet and rain with occasional flakes of Old Mother Nature's dandruff.  It never made it up into the 40's as predicted.  Cold, wet, and clammy.  You know how I like such weather.  I saw a house for sale in Florida for $14.000 dollars.  It is probably in the middle of a swamp and home to croca-gaters and slithering, hissing things and home to a Bigfoot of some kind or 'nother.  Guess I will stay right here. 

I am still trying to diet.  One scrambled egg on one slice of bread for lunch.  Later I did have a bowl of soup.  My supper was a steak and egg.  Lots of protein, small amt. of carbs.-but no weight loss.  I will be out tomorrow and I know I will not be on much of a diet, but I will try to watch my calories.

Very little to convey as I stayed in where it is warm.  I just can't wait until spring-springs.  I can't make up my mind if I want to put in a small garden or not because the older I get the harder gardening becomes.  Sigh...there must be an easy way to garden.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I got up too early so I am going to bed early.  I am tired.  I didn't want to take a nap this afternoon because anytime I cave in to a nape...I can't sleep when I go to bed.

Today I bought buttermilk.  I haven't had any for a while and I love buttermilk.  And it's good for you with only 90 cal. per cup. 

I had a scrambled egg for breakfast.  This is how is how I make a scrambled egg.

Break one egg in a cup.
Add 1 teaspoon of water or milk
Stir or scramble egg in the cup
Added minced onion to mine.
Add bacon bits per desire
Microwave cup with scrambled egg
for 1 to 2 minutes, depending on your
microwave.  Should slide right out of cup

Pretty easy-no fuss and no mess-dishes
or pans to wash.
Eat it anyway you like.

That's all I am going to write tonight.  PAX


Monday, January 23, 2012


For several weeks I have been trying to verbalize inner divinity through the written word.  It is a difficult concept of what inner divinity is, and most people I have spoken to give me a confused look and confused attempts to to grasp what inner divinity is...and what it means to them...personally.  It is no wonder because we seldom think about such concepts and what it is, and we are even less enlightened by the theologians and teachers in and of the church.

My thoughts are that we are given inner divinity upon conception...with that first spark of life.  It is the seed of the Holy Spirit, planted, awaiting to take root, to be nourished and grow.  How we care for that seed of inner divinity is subject to many inside and outside influences and how we respond to spirit within.  We are one with God and part of God. It doesn't matter what your religion or persuasion is:  You are an intrinsic element of God.  God made you; God made us all.

You can not conceptualize inner divinity on the human level.  You can feel it within you to a certain degree and the great saints and religious leaders can sometimes exhibit it through their personal sanctity, but it is not often mentioned, let alone attempted to explain.  How can you explain God?  You know there is a God, therefore there is an inner divinity and sanctity.  It is.  It just is.  Just as the wind: You can't see or touch the wind, but you know there is wind.

So, this is my short, pitiful effort to convey what can not be put into ordinary words.  It is always up to the person to seek and try to understand that inner spark that glows within.  Light your fire.  I'm working on mine. 


Saturday, January 21, 2012



All right.  I am tired.  It's been a busy day and I have been here and there and racked up a few miles on the van.  Being out most of the day means that I have not done my homework again.  Things I have intended to write about...have not been written.  I will get busy on my subjects, though.

I can say that when I got home starvation was lurking right behind me and I had a good headache from not eating.  So, my first course of action was to tear into the bathroom and then invade the refrigerator.  Bacon!  Tea!  Cookies-in moderation-of course!  I am still a little empty, but am making up for it.  I should get a loaf of bread out of the freezer and let it thaw out for in the morning.

I am really going to bed early.  I isn't as young as I used to be!  So, I am closing this missive for the eve.  No post on Sunday...again I won't be home! 


Friday, January 20, 2012


I would like to re-post a version of an older post, but don't know how to do it without losing some of the content as I wanted to revise it or edit it,yet keep the original.  If anyone wants to read it they can go back to November 25, of 2011.

I had to stay at home today to await someone to come and check my machine and do some documentation.  That's done for a while.  I didn't mind staying in because it's cold out!

I got  gas at $3.29 on Wed.  It went back up to $3.39 today.  Just follow the bouncing ball from day to day because you never know where the price of gas will bounce to.  Bong up, bong down.

Tomorrow will be a little warmer and Sunday will be fairly nice for January.  Two more months of winter?

I cooked a pot of rice this afternoon.  I haven't had rice in a while because it really isn't on my self-imposed diet.  since my weight is "stuck" I decided to have some in moderation.

And that is all I will write tonight.  Just because...so there.  My brain has packed up and left home...bad brain!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Let the ZZZZ's Rule

Will you accept that I am tired and don't have much to write?  It's been a busy day and I have been in and out, plus went out to eat with friends.  In between I washed cloths and fell asleep right here, in front of the computer.  I went right off to the Land of Wink-um and Nod.  Maybe not a correct quote, but close enough.  If I were not so sleepy I could work up some kind of missive, but it would be all snores-zzzz.
Instead I will just go to bed early and let all the zzzz's rule.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well, OK...

I think I am a Catholic-Jewish-Christian.  LOL's.  Let me try to explain that.  Much of Catholicism incorporates the ancient Jewish psalms and prayers into the liturgy of the "traditional" catholic practices and services of our "modern" church.  Even many of the rites upon the alter during mass and some of the alter candles, cups and bread are inspired by the  Jews of the Old Testament.  Read Exodus, Ch.25 through Ch. 30 and you will have the foundation to and of many of the rites, practices and commanded by the Lord.

Christ was a Rabbi, a teacher and a practicing Jew.  Even as He was about to be arrested and crucified, he was celebrating the Passover with His disciples.  He took the unleavened bread, broke it, and shared it with His followers, saying "take this and eat of it, for the is my body which will be given up for you."  He did the same with the wine.  These are the very things we continue to do to this day.

There are many Christians that condemn the Catholic Church, while at the same time they have borrowed the elements of the Church that pleases them, and in a sense that is OK, for hopefully they are ll seeking enlightenment and the path to salvation, too.  The Catholic Church, in the Vatican 11 Documents, around page 661-663 holds in esteem, other great religions of the world, that provide a ray of enlightenment, an element of truth to the same salvational path to the one, true God.  The Holy Synod recognizes Hinduism, Muslims and Buddhism as great spiritual bodies seeking holiness.

Christ lived and died, not to destroy the Jewish religion, but to expound and expand a new paradigm of thinking and evolving truths. God sometimes works in an instant, but most of the time it is a slow process  of spiritual evolution.  It took Moses 40 years of wandering in the desert and of destroying the stone tablets with the Twelve Commandments, to get the point...sort of.  Sometimes, then and now, we are slow brainers.

The church is still evolving and will continue to do so, until we also get the point.  No, I don't care for all the changes as I am inclined to be set in my ways, but I do see the point of these "updates' and will try to adhere to the few, new changes.

This is not the post that I had intended to write.  If you wonder what brought this about, is is the result of an online comment, disagreement, near insult of some advice that I gave someone that was having some personality problems.  Said individual informed me that my intended good advice was "not a traditional" answer per. the Church.  Well, OK.  At first it made me mad, but I thought about it and decided to try to write about, and hopefully not stray to far outside the lines of the "Traditional Church."  Although I am fairly traditional and conservative, I also try to be fairly open-minded as well.  My mind is so open...you can see the brain drain and leaky parts!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gray Matter down

Today, Jan. 17, would have been my sister's birthday.  Only two years older than me, she has been gone ten years. Tomorrow, Jan. 18, will be Pete's birthday.  Today a former neighbor passed away.  RIP John Aber.

Not much of a day to brag about.  I am waiting for springtime.  It can't come soon enough.

Even though I have done very little this day I seem to be tired-sleepy.  About the only thing I accomplished was to get the dishes washed.  I don't know how I can dirty so many dishes-all by myself!

I keep saying I am going to do this or that, or post some good reflections, but I am still doing my "homework" or trying to stuff my pea sized brain with corn sized thoughts and grow my mental garden of flowers(or weeds!).

Again, I have fell down on the job.  It was my intention to post something relevant every day(or night), but sometimes the gray matter just turns to sludge.  So, I guess I am in a sludge mode. 


What little you see...

OK, I have been lazy today and didn't get much done other than wash some cloths and put them through the dryer.  Oh, I did cook a roast and a steak.  The steak has gone the way of all steaks, but it wasn't that good because it was tough, even after it was pressure cooked.

So I have no news and that is good news.  I do hope to have new tires put on the front of the van soon as the tires that came with the van and and are now seven years old.  The tread  is good, but the side walls are cracking.  Tires age just like people and we all get cracked and have road fatigue!

So, what little you see here is what little you get.  Sorry.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cold feet...warm heart?

I can't say I have much to write about and I am pretty empty-headed.  I have literaly confined myself close to the furnace.  It did warm up a little this afternoon.  Most of the minute amt. of snow has either blown away or melted when the thermometer hit 32 degrees and the sun came out.  I am like the bear and want to hibernate until spring time.  It will be cold when I get up and cold when I go to mass.  As I said, I don't like cold.

Harry wants raisin bread.  I will make some more and send it to him, but not this week.  I have one thick slice left which I will demolish in the morning.  It will be part of my breakfast, along with coffee and a handful of medicine.  Yum.

Althougth I will not write much tonight I plan on posting something on inner divinity in a few days.  I have to let my mind work around on it and clarify my thoughts on it.

So, I think I will go to bed early(before 12 mid-night)because I have to get up early in the a.m.  See you in church, right?  No? Too cold for you?  Aw.


Friday, January 13, 2012

Good Graces?

It seems that I may be back in the good graces of facebook...I will see tonight when I try to post this.

As I write it is 16 degrees and getting  colder.  I don't like cold.  It makes all the junk metal in my arm, make me notice that "it ain't what it used to be."  Years ago when a patient c/o pain in her knees which had artificial joints....I really didn't appreciate all the discomfort that man-made replacements can cause.  Now I do and I have sympathy for my sister as well, for all her joint and physical discomfort.  Live and learn.

The raisin bread I made last night turned out OK and is already half gone.  I guess I will have to make myself some more.  The veggie soup that I crock-potted all night turned out well, too.  I intend to eat a lot of veggie soup in my effort to lose some more weight.  I had lost 12 lbs and then gained 2 lbs back over Christmas.  I got that 2 lbs off and now wish to lose some more.

The good thing about veggie soup is that there is no cholesterol and very little fat.  I do take a vitamin pill every day and 5000 units of vitamin D.  I am good to go...I think.

I won't post much tonight as I want to see if this goes through.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Barred from facebook!

As some already know this blog has been barred from face book as being "pornographic-abusive and spammy."  As any reader knows it is just the opposite.  If you don't like what facebook has done to this blog...then bombard them with messages and say so.

I am making raisin bread.  It smells so good!  And a crock pot of vegetable soup, which also smells good.

Today I stayed "close to the fire," inside where it is warm.  The present temp is about 18 degrees and dropping.  It may hit 0 by morning.  The snow, such as it is, has been blowing hard and intermittent.  The roads, bridges and overpasses have been freezing over and causing multiple accidents.  It was good to stay right here and away from all the bad accidents.

As it was an inside kind of day. I put a couple loads of cloths through and dried them.  Not much else did I do and I did not look too hard to be occupied or productive.

Back to being barred from facebook:  I don't know how to resolve this problem.  I think someone may have made a complaint or false accusation and it wasn't verified by facebook...they just barred this post without notification or warning.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Guardian Angels



 This is a nice little poem/prayer
to teach to little ones.


I got gas.  I got milk.  I got eggs.  I got fried chicken.  Let Old Man Winter come.  We are supposed to have 1 1/2 inches of snow.  That isn't much snow, but people in this area do not know how to drive on snow and ice very well.  I consider it a good time to stay in, avoid getting salt on the van, and stay  warm and toasty.  I didn't always have that option when I was working, but now I do.

I found a nice little holster for my little black enforcer.  I am a dangerous woman.  There has been a lot of mischief in the area:  I am a firm believer in self defense.  The city built the "Woman's Center" just a little too close for comfort.  It is essentially a complex for drug abusers and abused women.

It's cold and windy.  The temperature is dropping and we have had rain and mist, fog and poor visibility; all the ingredients for cruddy weather.  Do not like crude and I got the trash out tonight for pick-up in the morning.  My intention is to stay in bed and stay warm...except I keep waking up around five a.m.  I  guess I can pray all day!  I think I will make some home made bread and call it "holy bread" because when I make bread there are lots of holes/air pockets!  Yum, anyway!  Some bread I made in the past.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blame it on Goggle

  Tonight you just don't get much.  Blame it on Google


The Serenity Prayer

I'm a little sleepy. Insight came and hooked up my other phone this afternoon.  Now I won't have to run so far to answer the phone and it has a long cord on it.  I can sit in the easy chair and yak, yak, yak.

I went to the Pawn Shop this afternoon.  I need a holster for my "you know what."  I have a license to carry.  This area is not like it used to be...what area is.  Something to consider: Guns and rose-rys!

After I got home I was tired...must have been the big meal I had at the Golden Coral.  Anyway, as I was trying to say the rosary(yes, I actually do) I fell asleep off and one, so it took me awhile to complete the rosary the way it should be said.  No, I wasn't having fits of ecstasy...no saints 'round here...just sleepy.

I have been doing some "52 pick up" around the house.  I found the phone numbers that I had misplaced last March when some of the roof blew off in the wind storm.  I guess I just put every thing in boxes to keep stuff from getting ruined.  I found several things while going through a couple boxes and getting rid of more stuff.

I want t make some home made bread in a couple of days. too.  There is always something that I wanna do!

Since I wake up around 5 a.m.-but don't get up-I am still tired-simply because I have been awake.  What a bad habit-waking up so early!  I think I will go to bed!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blind Faith...got some?



I don' know the title of the poem, only the name of the author.  Of course, it is about the story of the blind man.
Mark 8: 28...John 9: 1-25


Very little going on.  I went and bought a piece of corner molding for the "book case."  I will have to put it on hold for a couple days.  Will I ever get it done?  It has been a work in progress since August...way too long. I hope I have it done before I hit 100 or there about.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Buttons, but no bows

I have been doing a little wood/bookcase  staining this afternoon.  The stain was running so it was not a perfect job.  Besides...ahem....I am just a little bit short too reach the high places.  Tomorrow I will bring the step ladder in and try to finish what needs to be done and go over the runny places.  I am not sure how to correct the errors, but will give it a go.

I did a little more work in the store room, but not much.  I need to get back to it and progress a little.  Also, I have been going through my sewing box(es) and trying to organize the threads and buttons and other stuff.  I didn't realize I had so much sewing stuff.  I think I could start a modest factory.

Today it was 62 degrees and sunny.  I like that.  When everyone gets hyper about global warming they are forgetting that men and animals have been adapting to climate change for eons and will again.  So will the Polar Bear.

Not a very interesting day unless you count messing about with oak stain and a brush.  I also spent too much time on the phone with a friend...to the point that I had to recharge the phone.  Got to stop that!


The words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

She was a small, frail woman
yet she carried the poor
like no other.  Read about her.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Store room work

Today I got into the back store room-ie.- junk room, and did some more de-junking.  I took some things to the Salvation Army.  In the process I got a good look at THEIR store room.  They had clothing heaped up in a huge pile, enough to fill a garage-almost reaching to the roof.  I will never, ever buy clothing there again.  I know that people donate their goods thinking that they will be cared for, will be of use to someone and save buyers some money.  Not for me, never again.  I like my cloths on hangers, don'ch'know.

The back store room is large enough for a small bedroom.  I had it added onto the house some time ago, just for storage.  There is no heat in it or direct lighting.  I hope to put a few shelves in there and maybe a freezer.  I have 3 freezers that need to be out of sight-out of mind.  If I can transfer everything from 3 to 2 freezers...that would be good and I would have better access to them.  Wish me muscles and determination!

As I stayed home to get some of the de-junking done, I can't say I have much to write about. I will try to get more stuff out tomorrow.  It is hard to believe how much stuff we can accumulate.  There are boxes and boxes of canning jars in there and I probably will not do much more canning.  To keep or not to keep: that is the question.

GAG!  The price of gas shot up to almost $3.50 a gal.  That'll put the breaks on the economy.  We have gas...lots of it...a surplus.  the speculators  and oil companies rule the world.  Not my world.


The Words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Out and about


Debbie and I went to the Red Lobster for lunch.  I still watched my diet even there.  Then we went shopping.  I found some buttons for my jacket.  I can't believe the price of buttons!  I got four metal buttons $12.00.  I also picked up a wood burner.  I didn't need it, but have wanted on for a long time.  Then we went to the Family Dollar Store.  I got a few things there, but I am watching my budget as well as my diet. I bought a can of soup and several packs of crackers to take with my meds. in the morning. 

Soup and crackers and a salad each day helps me lose weight.  Right now my weight is kind of iffy.  If I eat bread my weight starts to go up...slowly, but I know over time that bread will do me dirty.  So, I try to stay on a high protein, veggie diet.  Can't say I don't cheat, 'though!

I was lazy today.  I didn't get up until 8 a.m.  I was just so warm and comfy.  I was awake, but didn't want to move.  The clock radio had been blaring since before 7...so I finally did start my engine and put it in slow, low gear.

This has been a pretty day.  It finally warmed up in the afternoon and I was glad to be out.  If the price of gas were to come down, I  would be out and about more often.

Now you know more than I do, so I am ending here.




Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I did get  to the bank and pay my insurance today.  I forgot to get new batteries for my camera.  The wind has let up, but it is still cold.  I cancelled an appointment for tomorrow and reset it for Monday afternoon.  Again, I will be out most of the day tomorrow.  Look for me at the Red Lobster or some other yummy place.  My friend won $1500.00  dollars and wants to celebrate.  Well...I'm willing!

The furnace is running on high and so is a little heater.  The floor is still cold.  I have blocked everything I could.  It will warm up again, but not into the 60's that was predicted. 

Tomorrow I hope to got to JoAnn's Fabrics and get the buttons that I have needed for a while and maybe to Penny's.  Trying to drive in the shopping areas of E'town is like trying to drive in NY, or maybe even worse.  I can drive from here to NY without a map, but driving through business district is hazardous to my health.

Again, there is nothing going on that is news or note worthy so I will just leave with a quote from Mother Therese of Calcutta.



Monday, January 2, 2012

Brrrr, says I

COLD....don't like it.  The temp. is 20 degrees, but the wind chill is...0.  I stayed in where it is half-way warm.  The wind makes everything colder.

Because I stayed in there isn't a whole lot to post.  I have been washing cloths and stuff...how exciting is that.  Not very.  As I have to go out tomorrow, I may have something to say...well, I always have something to say...but not worth posting.  HA!

Into the night I go.  I'm gonna go to bed and cover up my head and stay warm.  All of you do the same.