Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well, OK...

I think I am a Catholic-Jewish-Christian.  LOL's.  Let me try to explain that.  Much of Catholicism incorporates the ancient Jewish psalms and prayers into the liturgy of the "traditional" catholic practices and services of our "modern" church.  Even many of the rites upon the alter during mass and some of the alter candles, cups and bread are inspired by the  Jews of the Old Testament.  Read Exodus, Ch.25 through Ch. 30 and you will have the foundation to and of many of the rites, practices and commanded by the Lord.

Christ was a Rabbi, a teacher and a practicing Jew.  Even as He was about to be arrested and crucified, he was celebrating the Passover with His disciples.  He took the unleavened bread, broke it, and shared it with His followers, saying "take this and eat of it, for the is my body which will be given up for you."  He did the same with the wine.  These are the very things we continue to do to this day.

There are many Christians that condemn the Catholic Church, while at the same time they have borrowed the elements of the Church that pleases them, and in a sense that is OK, for hopefully they are ll seeking enlightenment and the path to salvation, too.  The Catholic Church, in the Vatican 11 Documents, around page 661-663 holds in esteem, other great religions of the world, that provide a ray of enlightenment, an element of truth to the same salvational path to the one, true God.  The Holy Synod recognizes Hinduism, Muslims and Buddhism as great spiritual bodies seeking holiness.

Christ lived and died, not to destroy the Jewish religion, but to expound and expand a new paradigm of thinking and evolving truths. God sometimes works in an instant, but most of the time it is a slow process  of spiritual evolution.  It took Moses 40 years of wandering in the desert and of destroying the stone tablets with the Twelve Commandments, to get the point...sort of.  Sometimes, then and now, we are slow brainers.

The church is still evolving and will continue to do so, until we also get the point.  No, I don't care for all the changes as I am inclined to be set in my ways, but I do see the point of these "updates' and will try to adhere to the few, new changes.

This is not the post that I had intended to write.  If you wonder what brought this about, is is the result of an online comment, disagreement, near insult of some advice that I gave someone that was having some personality problems.  Said individual informed me that my intended good advice was "not a traditional" answer per. the Church.  Well, OK.  At first it made me mad, but I thought about it and decided to try to write about, and hopefully not stray to far outside the lines of the "Traditional Church."  Although I am fairly traditional and conservative, I also try to be fairly open-minded as well.  My mind is so can see the brain drain and leaky parts!


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