Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gray Matter down

Today, Jan. 17, would have been my sister's birthday.  Only two years older than me, she has been gone ten years. Tomorrow, Jan. 18, will be Pete's birthday.  Today a former neighbor passed away.  RIP John Aber.

Not much of a day to brag about.  I am waiting for springtime.  It can't come soon enough.

Even though I have done very little this day I seem to be tired-sleepy.  About the only thing I accomplished was to get the dishes washed.  I don't know how I can dirty so many dishes-all by myself!

I keep saying I am going to do this or that, or post some good reflections, but I am still doing my "homework" or trying to stuff my pea sized brain with corn sized thoughts and grow my mental garden of flowers(or weeds!).

Again, I have fell down on the job.  It was my intention to post something relevant every day(or night), but sometimes the gray matter just turns to sludge.  So, I guess I am in a sludge mode. 


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