Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Life is full of surpriises

Just in case you haven't noticed...I haven't written much in the past few weeks.  There is a reason for that.  There just isn't a lot to write about.  The cold, ice and snow keeps me in and that means that life goes on, but is uneventful...well almost.  Five years ago in December I fell and fractured my arm rather badly I am very leery about ice and that was eventful and I didn't want to repeat it.  Now I am nursing a badly bruised left knee resulting from a slide on the ice on my front steps.  I also have a bruise on my backside.  It is a good thing that I didn't break anything back there as I already have a large crack apparent there.  I am well padded.

While not getting out and about, I am well stocked up with plenty of food, coffee, and of course TP, also known as toilet paper.  It pays to be a wee bit paranoid.

All the churches here, where I live, canceled religious services a week ago Sunday.  That tells you a lot; that it is not safe or prudent to be driving or exposed to the cold.  They didn't need to convince me 'though I do regret not being able to go to Mass that Sunday.

Some of this post is dated, but we still have some snow on the ground here and there, but most of it is gone and will be gone by tomorrow.  I need to get out and so some things...if I can hobble around a little better.  Anyway, now you know why I am a bit late on posting.  Life is full of slippery surprises.