Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I have stopped using my credit cards.  I have been hacked twice in the space of three months.  It isn't like I have lots of money to tempt someone.  I have just enough to pay debts.  Obviously scammer/hackers do not care how they hurt people when they "rob the bank."  That is really what it is; bank robbery.  It is like taking food out of some one's mouth and not because they need it, but want it.

I have started using old fashioned checks.  It is safer.  It is less convenient, slower and you need a valid ID.  I can live with that.  My personal information is out there somewhere in cyberspace.  My check book isn't.  While not completely free of fraud and forgery it is back to what worked and still does.

I have been thinking about meditations.  There has been a lot written about meditations and spirituality.  I don't think I can add much to an abundance of literature  about what meditations and spirituality are and how to practice in our own lives.  In the end I think meditations are the quest for a greater communion with God and that each of us must find our own way.   

Meditations are a supposed to empty the mind of all distractions and busyness of the temporal/physical world-to shut it out and focus on God and only on God.  Can you do that?  I can't.  I know there are rare people that can and do, but for me it would be as difficult as trying to tell my heart to stop beating.  I try, but I am not of saintly caliber.  The worse thing for me is that when I try to meditate...I think about food!  Even when I go to Mass I think about food!  Perhaps the thoughts of food infringing during a meditation or during Mass is a kind of spiritual nourishment.  Or at least I would like to thinks so...Ha!

I am getting back up to speed with my daily prayers.  My arm still hurts, but not as badly as it did.  I am making progress.  I did drive to the store to get some little things.  As I can not lift well yet, I didn't get much.  But then I don't need much.


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

licence to kill

I have a License to Kill.  Therefore I am killing time.  I have been killing time since May.  Time is just an abstract concept for regulating our lives and actions.  As my life and actions have been curtailed for the last two months I don't feel too guilty about killing time.  I have "lost" a lot of time this year.  However, I am content to acknowledge that there is "my time" and there is "God's time."  I will chose God's time because I have free will.

The time was actually recuperation time.  It was a necessary allotment from my life in general.  As anyone who may have followed this poor blog, I am healing from a fractured right shoulder.  It seems like a long healing process-like forever-but I won't quibble.  It is God's time  and I am thankful that the mending is almost over. 

Life isn't all about me; never was and never will be.  Any aches or pains that I may have will resolve in one manner or another.  I try to offer up any distress, physical or mental, for the ones that are really suffering.  May THEY be blessed as I am in so many ways.

I am trying to get back into my prayer routine as my daily
prayers and meditation fell into a disarray or not at all some of the time.  I call it a routine, but it isn't routine, but a needed element in my life.  If you do not pray, meditate, or give praise to God in some way...your missing something special in your own personal lives.  For those who don't give thought to our Creator; try it-you just might like it.  I know that you will benefit from I have.


Just as it says in the bible there will be wars and rumors of wars.  There really isn't a good reason for wars, local or international.  Unless someone is beating down your doors, putting yourself or family in harms way there isn't any good argument for wars or conflicts.  They damage is more to the innocents then by the perpetrators of violence.  Humans have been at one an other's throats since the days of Cain and Able.

Wars are all about lust, greed and the desire for dominion over nations, peoples and resources.  'I want what you have and I will take it anyway I can.'

If nations and their leaders were to spend the money that feeds war machines and violence into the real needs of countries that are invaded by crime and hostilities..."what a great world this would be."

It is my humble opinion that most wars are instituted by thugs and poorly directed political policies.  Just my opinion...what is yours?


Thursday, July 17, 2014


Have you counted up all your treasures...blessings?  You have a wealth of treasures and blessings, and I am sure, lots of platitudes given and sent your/our way.   We all have riches unrecognized, uncounted or taken for granted.  For many without faith or enlightenment a blessing is just a platitude, perhaps appreciated for the intent and stored in a back corner of our minds somewhere.  Those back corners get pretty dusty and invite spiders.

While I accept evolution to some degree,  my main belief is that we were created by a good, and loving God that intended for mankind to evolve and accept His blessing of life and ongoing benevolence.  Your life and mine...was and is a blessing.

God made the earth, the stars in the heavens, the sea and all the animals and the fish and the birds of the sky.  Only humans have free will to love and serve the Lord or reject Him.  If God had only wanted to be adored He could just as well have made a pet rock.  He didn't.  He created you and me and the tree of knowledge.  And Free Will.

God could have easily created all the other life forms of the earth, content to eat, sleep and live in the Garden of Eden, (well, some are!)  That was not the intent of our Lord and Maker.  He already has enough rocks and creatures.  Instead He made us in His image.  Perhaps not in the literal sense, but with a general construction plan with room for evolution or many rooms in His mansion.   He wanted us to grow in Him, to love us and for us to return His love.  Of course, with having free will we have made a general mess of it, haven't we.

I  want...need to think of myself and humankind as more than a pet rock or a random collection of DNA or chemicals that just happened to combine just right, and become what we are...people of be loved and cherished... and to return the same in kind.   We will never be perfect in our quest to truly love the Lord.  God meant us to  search and seek.  We are made in His image, but with a few dents and scratches  We are not clones nor do we wish to be.  Then we would be pet rocks zipping about in the cosmos.  No. We want to be of the spirit of our maker and embrace the treasures/blessings of love.

Now then: My arm continues to heal.  It is not pain free yet, but as Saint Theresa has said..."This too shall pass.

I have not written this well.  I am still having a few problems with typing.  Also, my best ideas, thoughts or inspirations seem to come at night at the edge of sleep.  The only problem with that is I can't remember them the next day!  So...maybe not so great ideas after all!


Saturday, July 5, 2014


I haven't done much posting lately...mostly because I couldn't.  My right shoulder fracture is healing, yet painful.  The joint "pops." The muscles are painful and have done a little atrophying, but I am getting there.  By standing in front of the computer I can type a bit better.
Speaking of computers...someone or someones have hacked into my computer twice in the past 3 months and gotten into my bank account.  They didn't get much because I  don't have much; just enough to pay my bills while I am not able to send my bills out.  I hope they needed that fifty dollars more than I did.
It is a misconception that someone with a computer also has money or big bucks.  My computer is old and often gives me fits.  However it is a way to do things and stay in touch with family and friends that are far away. 
The past few weeks have been a test for me.  I lost weight as I have not been able to cook very well.  A friend has brought me lots of small frozen pizzas, but after a while you lose your desire to eat...lots of little frozen pizzas.  I console myself with the fact that I needed to lose a few pounds anyway.
Yesterday I did try to drive.  I did manage, but it was hard to get up into the van.  I may not be quite ready for excursions yet.  I miss not being able to drive myself to Mass.  The Lord understands; while I have the intention...I don't have the needed strength in my arm...but it will come.
This a short post.  I will try to do better in the future.