Tuesday, July 22, 2014

licence to kill

I have a License to Kill.  Therefore I am killing time.  I have been killing time since May.  Time is just an abstract concept for regulating our lives and actions.  As my life and actions have been curtailed for the last two months I don't feel too guilty about killing time.  I have "lost" a lot of time this year.  However, I am content to acknowledge that there is "my time" and there is "God's time."  I will chose God's time because I have free will.

The time was actually recuperation time.  It was a necessary allotment from my life in general.  As anyone who may have followed this poor blog, I am healing from a fractured right shoulder.  It seems like a long healing process-like forever-but I won't quibble.  It is God's time  and I am thankful that the mending is almost over. 

Life isn't all about me; never was and never will be.  Any aches or pains that I may have will resolve in one manner or another.  I try to offer up any distress, physical or mental, for the ones that are really suffering.  May THEY be blessed as I am in so many ways.

I am trying to get back into my prayer routine as my daily
prayers and meditation fell into a disarray or not at all some of the time.  I call it a routine, but it isn't routine, but a needed element in my life.  If you do not pray, meditate, or give praise to God in some way...your missing something special in your own personal lives.  For those who don't give thought to our Creator; try it-you just might like it.  I know that you will benefit from prayers...as I have.


Just as it says in the bible there will be wars and rumors of wars.  There really isn't a good reason for wars, local or international.  Unless someone is beating down your doors, putting yourself or family in harms way there isn't any good argument for wars or conflicts.  They damage is more to the innocents then by the perpetrators of violence.  Humans have been at one an other's throats since the days of Cain and Able.

Wars are all about lust, greed and the desire for dominion over nations, peoples and resources.  'I want what you have and I will take it anyway I can.'

If nations and their leaders were to spend the money that feeds war machines and violence into the real needs of countries that are invaded by crime and hostilities..."what a great world this would be."

It is my humble opinion that most wars are instituted by thugs and poorly directed political policies.  Just my opinion...what is yours?


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