Thursday, July 17, 2014


Have you counted up all your treasures...blessings?  You have a wealth of treasures and blessings, and I am sure, lots of platitudes given and sent your/our way.   We all have riches unrecognized, uncounted or taken for granted.  For many without faith or enlightenment a blessing is just a platitude, perhaps appreciated for the intent and stored in a back corner of our minds somewhere.  Those back corners get pretty dusty and invite spiders.

While I accept evolution to some degree,  my main belief is that we were created by a good, and loving God that intended for mankind to evolve and accept His blessing of life and ongoing benevolence.  Your life and mine...was and is a blessing.

God made the earth, the stars in the heavens, the sea and all the animals and the fish and the birds of the sky.  Only humans have free will to love and serve the Lord or reject Him.  If God had only wanted to be adored He could just as well have made a pet rock.  He didn't.  He created you and me and the tree of knowledge.  And Free Will.

God could have easily created all the other life forms of the earth, content to eat, sleep and live in the Garden of Eden, (well, some are!)  That was not the intent of our Lord and Maker.  He already has enough rocks and creatures.  Instead He made us in His image.  Perhaps not in the literal sense, but with a general construction plan with room for evolution or many rooms in His mansion.   He wanted us to grow in Him, to love us and for us to return His love.  Of course, with having free will we have made a general mess of it, haven't we.

I  want...need to think of myself and humankind as more than a pet rock or a random collection of DNA or chemicals that just happened to combine just right, and become what we are...people of be loved and cherished... and to return the same in kind.   We will never be perfect in our quest to truly love the Lord.  God meant us to  search and seek.  We are made in His image, but with a few dents and scratches  We are not clones nor do we wish to be.  Then we would be pet rocks zipping about in the cosmos.  No. We want to be of the spirit of our maker and embrace the treasures/blessings of love.

Now then: My arm continues to heal.  It is not pain free yet, but as Saint Theresa has said..."This too shall pass.

I have not written this well.  I am still having a few problems with typing.  Also, my best ideas, thoughts or inspirations seem to come at night at the edge of sleep.  The only problem with that is I can't remember them the next day!  So...maybe not so great ideas after all!


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