Saturday, July 5, 2014


I haven't done much posting lately...mostly because I couldn't.  My right shoulder fracture is healing, yet painful.  The joint "pops." The muscles are painful and have done a little atrophying, but I am getting there.  By standing in front of the computer I can type a bit better.
Speaking of computers...someone or someones have hacked into my computer twice in the past 3 months and gotten into my bank account.  They didn't get much because I  don't have much; just enough to pay my bills while I am not able to send my bills out.  I hope they needed that fifty dollars more than I did.
It is a misconception that someone with a computer also has money or big bucks.  My computer is old and often gives me fits.  However it is a way to do things and stay in touch with family and friends that are far away. 
The past few weeks have been a test for me.  I lost weight as I have not been able to cook very well.  A friend has brought me lots of small frozen pizzas, but after a while you lose your desire to eat...lots of little frozen pizzas.  I console myself with the fact that I needed to lose a few pounds anyway.
Yesterday I did try to drive.  I did manage, but it was hard to get up into the van.  I may not be quite ready for excursions yet.  I miss not being able to drive myself to Mass.  The Lord understands; while I have the intention...I don't have the needed strength in my arm...but it will come.
This a short post.  I will try to do better in the future.


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