Monday, June 24, 2013


Remember the song by Elvis, "Kentucky Rain?  Well Elvis must be singing up a storm 'cause we have it (rain) and lots of it.  It's a good thing my little house sits up high because there is a lot of flash flooding going on and all around.

There were so many things going on during the past couple of months that I forgot to pay my house insurance and it was canceled.  I called on Friday and they told me it could be  reinstated.  It didn't work out that way.  I had to get a whole new policy.  However, the new policy is better and cheaper, so I guess that is what was meant to be.

I thought I was finished with my eye surgeries, but it  turns out that the right eye is "clouding" over and the vision is fuzzy.  I will have laser surgery to correct this in Sept.  Then I hope I will be done with this, and all the trips to the Dr. are over. It is also causing a deep hole in my pocketbook.  Don't think for a minute that Obamacare is what we were lead to believe.

There really isn't much to mention and not a whole lot going on.  That is the way I like it; my life quiet and peaceful and without major events.

Proverbs 17: 22
I believe I used this same quote/passage before, but that's OK as I have been told that there is nothing new under the sun.  A little spiritual medicine is good for whatever ails us and I have observed that happy or merry people live longer and recover from the adversities of life faster.  I try to stay positive and sing the song "A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR MAKES THE MEDICINE GO DOWN" and it does.  A person's general outlook, esp. if it is positive, is a good remedy for just about anything...yes?...yes.  Anyone have a cupful of sugar to lend?  If not, I will be a good neighbor and lend you some of mine.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


A sharp tongue is a weapon. It is a barbed instrument of verbal torture.  The lying tongue is a sinister mode of destruction.  The poison tongue is the most lethal weapon  of all.  Combine any of the three and you have a powerful weapon of destruction, if not your very own path of self deception, than to the detriment of someone or others.

Your voice is a tool:  a God given gift of and for communication.  Use it wisely for the praise and glory of His name.  Evangelize if possible.  Let your voice be an instrument of peace, joy and love.  Use your voice for the greater good, not for harm or self deprivation, or to bring someone or others down. 

I hate perpetual pity parties.  They drive people away.  Rather than complain, moan and groan, try to lift some one's spirits or station in life.  I have never been a "well" person.  Who cares?  No one cares, but me and I can not change my health status, become better looking, or more appealing to anyone I may encounter.  But I can change my persona, attitude, social and religious aspects.  I know that there is always someone "worse off" than me or the reader of this page.  If I say "get over yourself" I don't mean it in a harsh way, but really...get over yourself.

As I write this I consider all the negative people I have met and associated with in my life time.  A negative person is an unhappy individual who really needs friends and support, but often drives others away.  We need one another, but I often find myself not wishing to be with or around certain personalities.  It is hard to overcome my attitude toward such people, but I try and it is a trial.  It is my own personal failing and not theirs.  I hope and pray that I can be more supportive to those that see only the sad-bad-hopelessness side of life.  I want to remember that a coin has two sides and they are different, but seldom looked at.  Look at the quarter in your pocket and you will see perhaps a face on one side and an emblem on the other.  What holds the two sides together is the rim, the circle that goes round and round, without end.  That is how I pray to be, like the circle edge that has no beginning or end.

We are the creation of God who has no beginning or end. Thus we or me, should strive for a continuous circle of love, joy, peace, good counsel, and worship of the One who made us.  We need to be co-creators and become better, more imbued with the Holy Spirit.  If not for Him at least for our companions that make this journey with us.

By now any readers of this blog have noticed that I am not posting as frequently.  By not posting each night I have more time to "think" rather than try to grind something out.  We all need to have time to reflect and consider.  I think I will probably just submit something on a Monday eves.  I hope that meets with your approval and acceptance.  PAX

Monday, June 10, 2013


When we lose our friends, one by one, we are saddened and we cry.  When we lose our parents we cry a lot for we have lost our true "best friends."  As we lose our brothers or sisters we see increasing empty spots in the puzzle of life. Some of the pieces are missing and we can't complete the picture and have it look as it once did, not so long ago.  At some point we step back and look at the puzzle with a more scrutinizing eye.  It is then that the we realize that the picture puzzle has fooled us.  All the blanks are filled and there are no missing pieces to the puzzle...except for one blank spot.  It is mine.  It is the piece that I will fill due time.  The puzzle will be complete and finished as God wills it to be, for it was and by His hand that the puzzle was painted.  Not by my hand or yours, but by the greatest of artist with the deftest of strokes.  It is alright to cry for the loves and people that are not with us any longer.  After all, that's why God invented tear ducts isn't we could flood all the empty spaces in the puzzle until all the blanks places are filled and running over?  "My cup runneth over" but not a drop has spilled.

OK.  What's new.  Not much.  I went to the garage to make an appointment to have the van worked on.  As I mentioned the fuel line is leaking and I can smell it.  The van has 40.000 miles on it and I have already had to have a fair amount of work done on it.  My first van was a jewel, but this one, while not a lemon, isn't a yummy milk dud either.

I am seriously considering making some changes in my life.  I will...or maybe not...let you know later.

Ephesians 4: 32
Oh, it sounds good when you read it in the Old Testament and on paper, but it is often easier said than carried forth in a practical, real life manner.  If it were there would be peace and not wars, plenty and not famine, joy rather than wounds to the souls of men.  If only we could put into action the words of the Christ wants us to would be a far different world.  He shed His blood and gave His life for the New Covenant that we speak of, but fail to live so often.  So true of me, also, as I have the biggest mouth in the south and often my tongue drags and I trip over it.  Yes, I do..sigh.
caution: don't let your tongue drag!! 



Thursday, June 6, 2013


Just in case you don't know this already I think it a good reminder that not everything in life is as it should be.

Keep in mind that everything you say, write or post on the Internet can be seen, read or hacked by virtually anyone; if not your "friends," then by your enemies, bullies, voyeurs, hackers, spies of all types and your own government.  Our own government may the worst peek-a-boo player of all.  All "social networks are open to all of the risks.

Never ever put up an inappropriate picture or photo, financial information, personal information, your address or where you will be at any given time, such as funerals, vacations or necessary trips.  There are those that would love to know when you are home, where you will be and for how long.

Don't be a bully yourself.  I have seen this so many times on face book.  As my mother used to say...and probably yours too..."if you can't say something good about someone, don't say it."  This applies for negative comments and posting as well.  There are people who feed of the negative thoughts, reactions and misery of others and do their very best to makes to perpetuate sadness and distress.  Don't be a "heart bully" and makes some one's sufferings worse.  We all have our personal hurts and wounds in this life and if you haven't yet...don't worry your time is just around the corner.  No one is immune to pain or comes to all sometime.

There are some things...many life that should not be shared.  Most personal problems should remain just that; personal.  Strangers can do very little to alleviate you woes, but for the most part are glad they are your problems and not theirs.  And you can do very little to ease the bumps and bruises of others other than praying for and with them.  By all means pray for all in need and let them know that they are in and part of your prayers.

We are all at risk on a daily basis to some degree.  Just be aware of the little pitfalls that could become giant sinkholes and walk around them and do your best to avoid tripping up and falling in.  Me too.  I try to be careful of what  I say and do, but we all have our Waterloos.

Back to my war on mice.  I have sent two mice to the Mouse God.  I don't enjoy killing God's creatures, but it is either them or me.  I don't care to share my house with critters.  I there a difference between a field mouse and a house mouse?
I haven't been out much this past week, but I need to get some things from the store.  I don't need much, but just some things for whatever ails me and tissues for my nose.

Psalm 32:8

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I have declared war on mice. This a battle that I fight every spring and fall.  I didn't invite them in and they are not welcome guest.  I don't want them, but they love to come visit and stay past beyond all tolerance.  They are like bedbugs and roaches(which I don't have);once they get comfortable...they are hard to get rid of.

Most poisons and old fashioned traps do not work, but I found one that really does a good job.  It is a black plastic gizmo that is easy to bait and easy to set and you get to keep all your fingers.  I think I paid around $4 dollars for it, but it has worked well and is well made.  It is made by PIT Corporation, but I am not sure that is the correct name for it.

I use gloves when I dispose of dead mice.  Mice, like any rodent, carries fleas, bacteria and germs.  If you remember your history it was rats that set off the Black Plague in Europe that decimated the population.  I often wonder how my own ancestors  survived that epidemic...just tough, I guess.

When I first started this blog it was primarily for my family so that they could keep up with all my transgression.  Now that several of them are gone I feel like giving it up.  I may just post at will or a lot less.  I may keep it going just for the readers that have found this blog and tagged along.  They were welcomed to share the ride.  Now I need to unwind from trying to post something every day.  You do understand, don't you?  I hope so.


Monday, June 3, 2013


I am at a loss for what to write about tonight.  I could write about the loss of a family member or about grief or about an empty spot in my life.  Nothing that I could post or try to express would do the subject justice.  As for grief...we all feel sorrow or grief in different ways and with different intensity.  One tear does not fit all as we are all different in our reactions to death of a family member or friend.  All I can say is that I feel like an orphan.

"Time" is of the essence so be good to those you love and cherish.  They may not be here tomorrow...or you may become  the memory to someone that you know or care about.  If you become a memory let it be a good one, as my sister is to me.  Don't become just a name on a hunk of rock in the middle of a thousand other cold stones that can not speak or smile at you.  The physical self is gone and all the science and cloning in the world will not bring the loved one or yourself back.

So lay up your treasures in heaven where real wealth and love abide.  If you need to make changes in your life in how you treat your friends, family...or even strangers, now is good time re-evaluate what is most important in this life or the next.  Christ did tell us that the most important commandment was "love."

Love one another now... while you can...and make any amends that need attention.  Today is gone and tomorrow is only a figment of time: it may never come.