Keep in mind that everything you say, write or post on the Internet can be seen, read or hacked by virtually anyone; if not your "friends," then by your enemies, bullies, voyeurs, hackers, spies of all types and your own government. Our own government may the worst peek-a-boo player of all. All "social networks are open to all of the risks.
Never ever put up an inappropriate picture or photo, financial information, personal information, your address or where you will be at any given time, such as funerals, vacations or necessary trips. There are those that would love to know when you are home, where you will be and for how long.
Don't be a bully yourself. I have seen this so many times on face book. As my mother used to say...and probably yours too..."if you can't say something good about someone, don't say it." This applies for negative comments and posting as well. There are people who feed of the negative thoughts, reactions and misery of others and do their very best to makes to perpetuate sadness and distress. Don't be a "heart bully" and makes some one's sufferings worse. We all have our personal hurts and wounds in this life and if you haven't yet...don't worry your time is just around the corner. No one is immune to pain or comes to all sometime.
There are some things...many life that should not be shared. Most personal problems should remain just that; personal. Strangers can do very little to alleviate you woes, but for the most part are glad they are your problems and not theirs. And you can do very little to ease the bumps and bruises of others other than praying for and with them. By all means pray for all in need and let them know that they are in and part of your prayers.
We are all at risk on a daily basis to some degree. Just be aware of the little pitfalls that could become giant sinkholes and walk around them and do your best to avoid tripping up and falling in. Me too. I try to be careful of what I say and do, but we all have our Waterloos.
Back to my war on mice. I have sent two mice to the Mouse God. I don't enjoy killing God's creatures, but it is either them or me. I don't care to share my house with critters. I there a difference between a field mouse and a house mouse?
I haven't been out much this past week, but I need to get some things from the store. I don't need much, but just some things for whatever ails me and tissues for my nose.
Psalm 32:8
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