Monday, June 3, 2013


I am at a loss for what to write about tonight.  I could write about the loss of a family member or about grief or about an empty spot in my life.  Nothing that I could post or try to express would do the subject justice.  As for grief...we all feel sorrow or grief in different ways and with different intensity.  One tear does not fit all as we are all different in our reactions to death of a family member or friend.  All I can say is that I feel like an orphan.

"Time" is of the essence so be good to those you love and cherish.  They may not be here tomorrow...or you may become  the memory to someone that you know or care about.  If you become a memory let it be a good one, as my sister is to me.  Don't become just a name on a hunk of rock in the middle of a thousand other cold stones that can not speak or smile at you.  The physical self is gone and all the science and cloning in the world will not bring the loved one or yourself back.

So lay up your treasures in heaven where real wealth and love abide.  If you need to make changes in your life in how you treat your friends, family...or even strangers, now is good time re-evaluate what is most important in this life or the next.  Christ did tell us that the most important commandment was "love."

Love one another now... while you can...and make any amends that need attention.  Today is gone and tomorrow is only a figment of time: it may never come.


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